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rexor0717 said:
That dude had a beastly score at the end. 300 points...dear lord...

If you can get in a good rhythm on a server with a huge time for everything, I'm talking 30 min body count, 25 min search and destroy, you can rack up some huge points. I had a something like a 200+ game the other night, twas wonderful.


Twas a goodnight for Killzone 2 MP.


commish said:
Hey gaf guys, tigerheli here ... I know it's fun to win and all, but let's try to keep the teams balanced. Fighting 17 on 7 SEEMS fun, but it sucks. No need for everyone to all go to same team over and over.

it balanced out after a bit when we decided to always be on the opposite team of [-V-] clan. Had 2 intense even games on Pyrrus and Salamun Market. The other ones weren't that lopsided (usually by 1 or 2 extra ppl) after that.

GG tonight all, even though I prefer medic over tactician (our team always had NO tacticians >_<).


icechai said:
it balanced out after a bit when we decided to always be on the opposite team of [-V-] clan. Had 2 intense even games on Pyrrus and Salamun Market. The other ones weren't that lopsided (usually by 1 or 2 extra ppl) after that.

GG tonight all, even though I prefer medic over tactician (our team always had NO tacticians >_<).

I wanna play tactician but I wanted to unlock C4 first, still on my 3rd ribbon for some reason, I've unlocked both assassination and assassination defend medals but still no C4 unlocked.


Kittonwy said:
I wanna play tactician but I wanted to unlock C4 first, still on my 3rd ribbon for some reason, I've unlocked both assassination and assassination defend medals but still no C4 unlocked.

start sneaking in and putting it on areas close to where they spawn >:) I got mine mostly on Radec Academy and Blood Gracht.


user friendly said:
4:14, so awesome.
That was awesome heh. I wish I had more time to play KZ 2 multiplayer. Every time I watch a video it makes me want to play. I think it's that damn chirp. I think it must be affecting me by pavlovian conditioning.

Here's the GIF. Sorry it kind of sucks.. they slowed it down in the video which messes with things.

I was playing as a medic two weeks ago and my rifle ran out of bullets so I pulled out the pistol and proceeded to get a five run kill streak as people flowed out of a broken building... It was insane, I was backing away trying to get to another gun and my last kill before I went down was a pistol scoped head shot.

One of the most amazing moments I've ever had in a multi-player game.


Tylahedras said:
I was playing as a medic two weeks ago and my rifle ran out of bullets so I pulled out the pistol and proceeded to get a five run kill streak as people flowed out of a broken building... It was insane, I was backing away trying to get to another gun and my last kill before I went down was a pistol scoped head shot.

One of the most amazing moments I've ever had in a multi-player game.

M4 kills are great, I wuv teh M4.
I have a question. This may sound really stupid but..

I've been playing online with the standard weapon and loving it. I've unlocked Medic, and have now unlocked the one after that too which says "Able to choose light machine guns".

I have been to the Character select option, but in the weapons bit there are just two assault rifles. No machine guns in sight.

So.. where are my weapons! Do I need to unlock them as a badge or something? And I only have two characters too, the standard one and the medic, is that right?



KennyLinder said:
I have a question. This may sound really stupid but..

I've been playing online with the standard weapon and loving it. I've unlocked Medic, and have now unlocked the one after that too which says "Able to choose light machine guns".

I have been to the Character select option, but in the weapons bit there are just two assault rifles. No machine guns in sight.

So.. where are my weapons! Do I need to unlock them as a badge or something? And I only have two characters too, the standard one and the medic, is that right?


If you have the medic selected, you can't choose any guns besides the standard ones. The generic soldier class can use the light machines guns, though.


Put some more time into KZ2 MP today. Damn it was fun. 32 player games are way too hectic though. Need bigger maps for those. Unlocked the medic class today. Not enough people have mics or no one uses them.
People fucken add me on PSN: KGKK
-Winnie- said:
If you have the medic selected, you can't choose any guns besides the standard ones. The generic soldier class can use the light machines guns, though.

I *think* I tried that, but perhaps not. Will see later, thanks! :)
Schrade said:
That was awesome heh. I wish I had more time to play KZ 2 multiplayer. Every time I watch a video it makes me want to play. I think it's that damn chirp. I think it must be affecting me by pavlovian conditioning.

Here's the GIF. Sorry it kind of sucks.. they slowed it down in the video which messes with things.


Headless love <3. Maybe a GTFO gif:lol


Top 1% :D

I'm so burned out now I don't know if I can get the remaining badges (turret kills, search and retrieve returns, and sentry bot kills in particular)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Kittonwy said:
Twas a goodnight for Killzone 2 MP.
You killed me when i was the assasination target! :(
And you were my first kill. :lol
I was playing with the engineer (The guy with the turrets) to unlock his secondary badge,Its really hard to kill 5 players with turrets (8 times)


Great games last night, all. So much more fun playing with GAF. I'm actually able to get near the top of the stats now, I think I was in 3rd on our team for a while when I was on there. Not bad for me.

I was just trying to get us some decent spawn points most of the night.


Fersis said:
You killed me when i was the assasination target! :(
And you were my first kill. :lol
I was playing with the engineer (The guy with the turrets) to unlock his secondary badge,Its really hard to kill 5 players with turrets (8 times)

The trick is to place them in areas where enemies won't immediately destroy them (most likely because they are already in a firefight with other players) but with good lines of fire. You'll also get more kills this way because your turret's targets are likely to be already weakened.
MickeyKnox said:
This game is definitely going to become my go to console MP game, however there's a few things I'd like to see.

-Auto team balancing.
-Uncap EXP rank level and more progressive unlocks (they don't have to be game altering, just something to look forward to like skins etc)
-Make Sandbags repairable and a little tougher.
-Add a new support class that uses the 2 LMGs and have it's first ability be a bipod deploy that would work on any platform/surface you can shoot over, somewhat like the way you take cover in SP.
-add smoke grenades as an ability unlock. (Smoke grenades should also have a distortion property against the scout scan ability while the marked person is inside/diametrically to the sniper.
-new pistol, silenced and low power, that doesn't get rid of your disguise as the Sab (like the way grenades and C4 don't)

and of course:


They have to fix the repawn,almost always i repawn it puts me facing away from the action,many times by the time i turn around i am kill,i hate to respawn and to do so facing a dead end rather than the actual action it happen almost always,in spots where the firefight is intense is a pain in the ass.
Got my top 6% trophy today, wasnt really going for it so it was a nice surprise :D

Just trying to get certain ribbons at the moment such as pistol, melee and turret which can be quite tricky. Dont know if i will get any higher this week as im sure im going to be busy with unlocking abilities for the different classes.


Tormentoso said:
They have to fix the repawn,almost always i repawn it puts me facing away from the action,many times by the time i turn around i am kill,i hate to respawn and to do so facing a dead end rather than the actual action it happen almost always,in spots where the firefight is intense is a pain in the ass.

That my friend is the work of a bad tactician. A good tactician will enter the area, and turn and then place the spawn....at first I was like WTF did they make it like that for, but it does force the tact. to expose themselves, making it harder to place a spawn g. properly.

Tacticians are, IMO, the most important class to winning matches, yet no one seems to want to be one, or they suck at it (backwards spawns).

(of course, the instructions once again did a crap job at explaining this though..KZ should have come with a strat. guide.)


Gold Member
palpabl_purpura said:
Going back to Resistance 2. This game is just not fun anymore. It's a clusterfucking lagfest.

I've played this game a ton online and I have never experienced any lag at all.... Have you tried at different times during the day/night?


palpabl_purpura said:
Going back to Resistance 2. This game is just not fun anymore. It's a clusterfucking lagfest.

Resistance 2 has less lag and 100x better framerate with more players on screen than Killzone 2, KZ2 should be played in 4vs4 - 7vs7 depending on the map, everything is designed around that amount of players, anything higher and you get a slideshow of clusterfuck gaming.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
I've played this game a ton online and I have never experienced any lag at all.... Have you tried at different times during the day/night?
Big games (I think that the max players are 32) are laggy for me, but if i play with 16 players or less its fine. (Tough the 'kill' delay its a little annoying)

Lince said:
Resistance 2 has less lag and 100x better framerate with more players on screen than Killzone 2, KZ2 should be played in 4vs4 - 7vs7 depending on the map, everything is designed around that amount of players, anything higher and you get a slideshow of clusterfuck gaming.
Exactly, KZ2 has been done to play on small-medium size matches. :3


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
I've played this game a ton online and I have never experienced any lag at all.... Have you tried at different times during the day/night?

I got some lag in 2 games I went into yesterday and it was so bad I exited out and got in another one each time. Finally got in one that was rock solid and I was fine for the rest of my time yesterday. I think with the first 2 either there were some weird network issues going on at the time, or the lag was due to the servers I was on. Another reason it'd be nice to see a ping indicator for server results. (hint hint, GG). :D


Tormentoso said:
They have to fix the repawn,almost always i repawn it puts me facing away from the action,many times by the time i turn around i am kill,i hate to respawn and to do so facing a dead end rather than the actual action it happen almost always,in spots where the firefight is intense is a pain in the ass.
That's all the fault of the idiot Tactician on your team. People seemingly still haven't figured out that not only do they determine where the team spawn, but which direction the team is looking when they spawn as well.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Wasn't saying it was different just that I really like how its implemented in KZ2. I would also argue that the differences between the classes and the abilities they have are nothing like COD.
I only used CoD as it's the only other MP FPS I've played anytime recently. For something more to do with having specific abilities to the classes, one could've substituted TF2 or whatever else they wanted

Point being, I don't see how it's really anything unique. Which seemed to be Kittonwy's original implication.

Lince said:
Resistance 2 has less lag and 100x better framerate with more players on screen than Killzone 2, KZ2 should be played in 4vs4 - 7vs7 depending on the map, everything is designed around that amount of players, anything higher and you get a slideshow of clusterfuck gaming.
I said wow.

I learned long ago that mp games with a lot of players are always nonsense. And I have yet to be proven wrong (On that note, can't wait to see how "great" MAG turns out to be..). As far as KZ goes, if I can help it, I stick to medium (16 players) or less games. As that seems to be the sweet spot. You should probably do the same.

sloppyjoe_gamer said:
I've played this game a ton online and I have never experienced any lag at all.... Have you tried at different times during the day/night?
Actually, what they should do is limit their searches/gaming to local games rather than worldwide. If they still get lag then, well.. I dunno what to say.

Hari Seldon

Is there a way to show pings of people/servers?

I am loving this game, I hope more people buy it so it can go strong for a while. This is the first MP shooter I have played on a console since Halo 2. It is kind of making me itch for CoD though, I played those on PC but now I wonder how I would fair on a console haha.


raYne said:
I learned long ago that mp games with a lot of players are always nonsense. And I have yet to be proven wrong (On that note, can't wait to see how "great" MAG turns out to be..).

Go play Warhawk. It'll teach you.


Hari Seldon said:
Is there a way to show pings of people/servers?

Nope, that's what I and many others have been asking for as well.

raYne said:
I learned long ago that mp games with a lot of players are always nonsense. And I have yet to be proven wrong (On that note, can't wait to see how "great" MAG turns out to be..). As far as KZ goes, if I can help it, I stick to medium (16 players) or less games. As that seems to be the sweet spot. You should probably do the same.

Well they're going to have to set it up like Resistance 2 where certain players are grouped together and have particular objectives. Putting 100 vs. 100 and just doing team deathmatch would be ridiculous. I'm imagining it somehow being these massive levels with different "battles" going on in each section between different groups. And the levels will really have to be massive to accomodate that many people in the game. I'm really hesitant about "MAG," but I think it could turn out well if they can make it focused conflicts and not a huge deathmatch.


andycapps said:
Well they're going to have to set it up like Resistance 2 where certain players are grouped together and have particular objectives. Putting 100 vs. 100 and just doing team deathmatch would be ridiculous. I'm imagining it somehow being these massive levels with different "battles" going on in each section between different groups. And the levels will really have to be massive to accomodate that many people in the game. I'm really hesitant about "MAG," but I think it could turn out really well.
Yeah, I know the plan. But saying it and pulling it off are completely different things.


When you spawn as a Saboteur do you get a free disguise right away? I've noticed that if I hit the dpad as soon as I spawn it will show the slits over my eyes.

Btw, I would like for GG to add in a "mute all" option in an update. I don't know why that's not in there.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
I've played this game a ton online and I have never experienced any lag at all.... Have you tried at different times during the day/night?

me neither. and as much as i loved resistance 2 online.. i'm not going back. killzone 2 is fucking great. it's addictive as hell. i'm amazed about how good it runs with 32 players...
Warhawk is nothing like Battlefield 2, but on meth it is.

Damn Wowhawk is still awesome. 4 player splitscreen of greatness. Not the most advanced graphics but that just shows that games dont need Killzone 2 graphics to be awesome.

Oh well Killzone 2 it is. Uhm any word about when the clan forums will be up? So my clan can discuss tactics on a not so public forum.


Kuroyume said:
When you spawn as a Saboteur do you get a free disguise right away? I've noticed that if I hit the dpad as soon as I spawn it will show the slits over my eyes.

Btw, I would like for GG to add in a "mute all" option in an update. I don't know why that's not in there.
Same with any other ability. They're all recharged and instantly usable when you respawn.


Fersis said:
You killed me when i was the assasination target! :(
And you were my first kill. :lol
I was playing with the engineer (The guy with the turrets) to unlock his secondary badge,Its really hard to kill 5 players with turrets (8 times)

U and ur shotgun.

I wuz teh kitton assassin.

I'll probably be playing as an engineer soon, need to unlock repair, still trying to get my C4.
Fersis said:
You killed me when i was the assasination target! :(
And you were my first kill. :lol
I was playing with the engineer (The guy with the turrets) to unlock his secondary badge,Its really hard to kill 5 players with turrets (8 times)

It took a week and a half but I finally got the repair badge. My strategy for placing turrets were to try to place one elevated higher than your targets (top of stairs, overlooks, etc.) because they seem to be prone to headshots. Then, if possible, set another near it so that it will create confusion for the target as to which to shoot. Finally, I tried to stay with my turrets to help them weaken the enemy and to draw fire. It took a while but I finally got the 2ndary unlocked, though in the process, I became really proficient with the shotty, I think my accuracy is around ~90% with it :lol

Now, if anyone has any tips as to how to get kills with drones, I'm all ears...


Kuroyume said:
When you spawn as a Saboteur do you get a free disguise right away? I've noticed that if I hit the dpad as soon as I spawn it will show the slits over my eyes.

Btw, I would like for GG to add in a "mute all" option in an update. I don't know why that's not in there.

Yes you get to go undercover right when you spawn, it lasts until you shoot someone or are shot then the meter has to refill.
razgriz417 said:
It took a week and a half but I finally got the repair badge. My strategy for placing turrets were to try to place one elevated higher than your targets (top of stairs, overlooks, etc.) because they seem to be prone to headshots. Then, if possible, set another near it so that it will create confusion for the target as to which to shoot. Finally, I tried to stay with my turrets to help them weaken the enemy and to draw fire. It took a while but I finally got the 2ndary unlocked, though in the process, I became really proficient with the shotty, I think my accuracy is around ~90% with it :lol

Now, if anyone has any tips as to how to get kills with drones, I'm all ears...
I did it in just under an hour with friends taking turns getting killed by each others turrets and air sentry. Already had 3 ribbons before we did that though. Gonna do the same with air sentry myself, Ive only helped others getting them.

Yes I know its lame but beats grinding it for week and a half.
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