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Holy shit got top 3% how did dat happen.


sex vacation in Guam
Justin Dailey said:
Top 1% :D

I'm so burned out now I don't know if I can get the remaining badges (turret kills, search and retrieve returns, and sentry bot kills in particular)
Makes me feel sad for some reason... :( ...


Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I was under the impression for a while that the Saboteur had to kill someone first before getting its first disguise. :p


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
BruceLeeRoy said:
So if I am 23150 I presume that's a no go for me anytime soon.

One thing I will say that is truly bad about this game is the melee. Good god that is some embarrassing shit.

For the week, I believe. So, in theory, you could be top 1% for the week but still be ranked 25,000. I could be wrong, though.


commish said:
For the week, I believe. So, in theory, you could be top 1% for the week but still be ranked 25,000. I could be wrong, though.
Yep, it is for the week :) For example, if the weekly rankings have 100,000 usernames in it, then you have to be within the 1,000th place on this weekly ranking list to be within the top 1%.


BruceLeeRoy said:
So if I am 23150 I presume that's a no go for me anytime soon.

One thing I will say that is truly bad about this game is the melee. Good god that is some embarrassing shit.

Yeah, it is really hard to melee someone unless you sneak up on them from behind and hit them.. But I've tried to do that so many times and then they'll turn around right when I get to them and move so then I whiff and they take me out with a shotty or something. So lately I've just been going up behind them and headshotting them.

Fersis, good games yesterday. I felt so bad when I saw you coming on the radar around a corner and I just waited for you and shotty'd you immediately. I said, "Sorry Fersis!" :lol

And to icechai, holy crap man, you're good. I got you a couple of times, but I thought me and Kittonwy and one other guy were doing well and I look at you on the other team and you had twice our score. Either you were really, really good or there were some bottom feeders on our team that you were slaughtering the whole game.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Hey guys how can I tell if I am going to be in any of the top % brackets? Is that based on your overall rank or what? Stupid question I know.

You had to check your weekly ranking but that's been reset as it's showing N/A for me. Basically you just need to select the weekly time period and compare the overall number of players for that week with your rank. I think you had to have a weekly rank of 3300 in order to get the 1%.
GodofWine said:
That my friend is the work of a bad tactician. A good tactician will enter the area, and turn and then place the spawn....at first I was like WTF did they make it like that for, but it does force the tact. to expose themselves, making it harder to place a spawn g. properly.

Tacticians are, IMO, the most important class to winning matches, yet no one seems to want to be one, or they suck at it (backwards spawns).

(of course, the instructions once again did a crap job at explaining this though..KZ should have come with a strat. guide.)

It may be but it also happen to me on the first respawnd point at the base,it will respawn me facing a wall rather than the stairs.

I was playing with bots and it was a joke, friendly AI sucked so hard it wasn't even funny,i was playing search and destroy and i put a repawn granade in our target to defend it,from the 7 AI bots in my team only 2 were close to me or respawned on the target which we had to protec,i may add that at the same time you could see that nearly all if not all of the enemy bots where trying to kill you and place the charges.

I loose the round because even that i could respawn there every single time i did so,i got kill because all the enemy's where there,while only me and 2 other bots where defending,so what the hell were doing the other bots? who knows but they where not fighting the enemy since they were bussing killing me and the other 2 bots...:lol

There are some things that need a fix on the game pronto..


PistolGrip said:
Makes me feel sad for some reason... :( ...
Some of the badges just seem unattainable. I'm about 36 hours into multiplayer and I still haven't gotten any search and retrieve ribbons...nor have I gotten any sentry bot ribbons. I'll play a little more for fun here and there...but I'm not going to platinum this game.
user friendly said:
You had to check your weekly ranking but that's been reset as it's showing N/A for me. Basically you just need to select the weekly time period and compare the overall number of players for that week with your rank. I think you had to have a weekly rank of 3300 in order to get the 1%.

Ah that makes sense thanks man.

Rolf NB

F#A#Oo said:
Stats so far for online.

627,765 players have logged into KZ2's Warzone (online mode) since release. Not played but connected online. The actual player numbers are lower ofcourse.

180,385 have logged in this week.

So you are right the online players are very low and dropping every week. Last week there was 363,615 player who logged. The previous week it was circa 450,000. Looks like this week will be even lower.
And now that the week actually ended, the records show 327610 ranked players. Boosh.


bcn-ron said:
And now that the week actually ended, the records show 327610 ranked players. Boosh.

thats LOW. we shouldn't be having weeks lower than last already

They need to fix the annoying as fuck list:
- spawn invincibility
- LAG (probably unfixable)
- Nuke the assault class
- implement a 'loss penalty' so that idiots don't play warzone like a TDM
- FF On, always, no option
- Party System....PARTY SYSTEM..why do I see clans split on opposite teams!?
- Ranked and Unranked servers - no points or ribbons in unranked - Ranked = all classes, FF On, basically, the lobby and 'friends' should work JUST LIKE Warhawk, with match info etc...


ok only need two more of these "achieve 10 kills while defending a zone" ribbons to Platinum this bad boy... I will be joining/quitting games until I find a big match... also I don't want to enter games with lame assaults boosting kids all over the maps with rockets or grenade launchers... FIX THIS SHIT GUERRILLA!!
jett said:

I don't get where people are going. I agree the game has a lot of things that need to be fixed but even so when its working(which it does often enough for me) its the best mp game I have played on a console.

Cant be RE5..hmm probably SF4


GodofWine said:
thats LOW. we shouldn't be having weeks lower than last already

They need to fix the annoying as fuck list:
- spawn invincibility
- LAG (probably unfixable)
- Nuke the assault class
- implement a 'loss penalty' so that idiots don't play warzone like a TDM
- FF On, always, no option
- Party System....PARTY SYSTEM..why do I see clans split on opposite teams!?
- Ranked and Unranked servers - no points or ribbons in unranked - Ranked = all classes, FF On, basically, the lobby and 'friends' should work JUST LIKE Warhawk, with match info etc...


but assault class doesn't need to be nuked... only rocket and grenade launchers (make them only available in unranked games), and tweak boosting so it doesn't fully replenish your health and armor... basically they should limit the class (for ranked games) so you can have only one assault player per team (starting with pistol) with a very clear role: to plant/defuse explosives in S&D and retrieve propaganda speakers in S&R.

I concur party system will be a godsend for this game.

random anecdotal evidence: some people of my friends list have come back to Call of Duty... I sent some PSN messages, one replied "controls and lag" and the other "I hate rocket launchers". Fair enough, but sad nonetheless.


GodofWine said:
thats LOW. we shouldn't be having weeks lower than last already
Low compared to what? Isnt this what happend with most of the games, that many people are trying out the multiplayer part, and then they dont think it is cool enough to play, so they stop playing after a while. And in the end, the hardcore group will be the ones that contunies to play the game.

GodofWine said:
- FF On, always, no option
FF in Killzone 2 ruins the game more than it does good things, at least in my opinion. I know that FF might be a good thing since then you might not have as many grenade and rocket spammers, but i find it to be annoying if a team mate runs infront of you by accident while you are shooting, which might result in that you kill your team mate.

I wish that there was an option in the server filter where you could choose which servers that had FF on or off. I think that would be a good thing :)

GodofWine said:
- Party System....PARTY SYSTEM..why do I see clans split on opposite teams!?
Ye, i wish there was a way to be sure that your clan members joined the same team :)


Lince said:
random anecdotal evidence: some people of my friends list have come back to Call of Duty... I sent some PSN messages, one replied "controls and lag" and the other "I hate rocket launchers". Fair enough, but sad nonetheless.
:( Damn, that franchise is just a beast. Anyway, the controls in K2 feel a lot better post patch. Though does anyone feel that the controls will be changed up a bit for the inevitable K3? I have a feeling they'll feel different from the get-go...


I'd like to see some new weapon options for assault. Really I'd like them to have every weapon available to them. If not that, I'd like the SMG to be available. If the shotgun were available that'd probably too powerful still. I felt bad yesterday playing assault because the only thing I had available to me is the grenade launcher and rocket launchers (which are too easy). And then in some maps those are disabled so all I have is a pistol. I just like using boost because if I'm the squad leader I can boost across the map and get in a position on the other teams side to flank them quickly and my squad can spawn in with me.


I just started encountering games with rocket launchers. It causes a lot of grief in every map except for Pyrrhus Rise.

Turrets are annoying, but not as much as rocket launchers and grenade spam.

I honestly wish that GG would chop the max number of players down to 24 for large maps as well.
andycapps said:
I'd like to see some new weapon options for assault. Really I'd like them to have every weapon available to them. If not that, I'd like the SMG to be available. If the shotgun were available that'd probably too powerful still. I felt bad yesterday playing assault because the only thing I had available to me is the grenade launcher and rocket launchers (which are too easy). And then in some maps those are disabled so all I have is a pistol. I just like using boost because if I'm the squad leader I can boost across the map and get in a position on the other teams side to flank them quickly and my squad can spawn in with me.

just get the boost badge then, i like to use boost with medic.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Boost with sab is just evil.

Yep, it's awesome. BUT it does give you away. A Sab will take the form of a rifleman and the rifleman class can't use abilities. So if you see one running really fast then you know he's a Saboteur. Shoot him!
FFObsessed said:
Yep, it's awesome. BUT it does give you away. A Sab will take the form of a rifleman and the rifleman class can't use abilities. So if you see one running really fast then you know he's a Saboteur. Shoot him!

So true. Its funny how you start to develop a 6th sense for Sabs once you get owned by them enough. You start actively noticing odd behavior in your teammates. It basically turns into John Carpenters 'Thing'. Its especially funny when you unload on someone who is just playing strange.
I still dont liek the fact that there is no glow with sabs. I think they should be fully disguised like in team fortress 2 spy. I spot sabs so easily and i seem to get spotted all the time too.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I still dont liek the fact that there is no glow with sabs. I think they should be fully disguised like in team fortress 2 spy. I spot sabs so easily and i seem to get spotted all the time too.

What do you mean they don't 'glow'?
This game is wrong on so many levels. It's just broken. How many ways can you die in 1 hit? Let's see- headshot with any weapon (even though it takes 1/2 clip to kill someone in the body), C4, exploding turret, rocket, grenade, etc. The result is people turtling, or placing spawn points close together (which turns into a cluster ****). Any objective based game fails. Is this galga or a FPS? Only a few things should kill instantly- headshot sniper or shotty (at very close range). Why not fix the headshot/bodyshot damage ratio so that you can't shoot a guy full of bullets only to die instantly from headshot. Check out the kills during a round and see how many are headshots. Its a headshot fest. Take out the rest of the instant kills, except the for sniper and shotty, and the game will improve. People will actually get objectives done instead of turtling. Fix the spawn insanity. Use a grenade indicator. Take out C4. Take out exploding turrets and turret headshots. FIX THIS GAME GUERILLA.


palpabl_purpura said:
This game is wrong on so many levels. It's just broken. How many ways can you die in 1 hit? Let's see- headshot with any weapon (even though it takes 1/2 clip to kill someone in the body), C4, exploding turret, rocket, grenade, etc. The result is people turtling, or placing spawn points close together (which turns into a cluster ****). Any objective based game fails. Is this galga or a FPS? Only a few things should kill instantly- headshot sniper or shotty (at very close range). Why not fix the headshot/bodyshot damage ratio so that you can't shoot a guy full of bullets only to die instantly from headshot. Check out the kills during a round and see how many are headshots. Its a headshot fest. Take out the rest of the instant kills, except the for sniper and shotty, and the game will improve. People will actually get objectives done instead of turtling. Fix the spawn insanity. Use a grenade indicator. Take out C4. Take out exploding turrets and turret headshots. FIX THIS GAME GUERILLA.

Yeah take out everything. Basically, we want castle wolfenstein with the KZ2 engine.
Thanks in advance

Best regards,


Lurn 2 play


BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Are you serious!! I never knew that.

And vice versa, no blue lights on a disguised helghast sab. There are many way to spot sabs, once you get it they're not really annoying anymore.
Raist said:
Yeah take out everything. Basically, we want castle wolfenstein with the KZ2 engine.
Thanks in advance

Best regards,


Lurn 2 play

It'd be better than Galga with Helghast. Oh, wait, that's KZ2.

Lurn 2 play


No_Style said:
I just started encountering games with rocket launchers. It causes a lot of grief in every map except for Pyrrhus Rise.

Now that Im a top ranked player and have access to some of the second badges, I don't find the assault class overwhelming, but I can really see new players playing in open rooms getting really pissed off at some of these games / classes etc.

By time you invest enough time into the game to learn how to not get smoked by certain classes and actually take them out, you may have said F it and given up..which is a shame.

I think we here all know to place spawn grenades facing backwards / to check on that weird teammate who is walking the wrong way to see if he is a sab / to not stand in the open or walk a straight line (sniper) / not hang in a crowded room (rockets) / etc etc. But damn, it was a frustrating experience getting to this point.

I don't think the number of people playing this will drop weekly like it has been, I actually think it will grow nicely, but there is something very hard to access about this game, and at times it wasn't much fun (now it is). Its very warhawk-esque in this manner, and WowHawk is a total love / hate for people.

I also think with people trying to get ribbons and stuff, it totally kills the flow of the game. I.e., some dude is just using up turrets in bad places trying to get kills vs. using them to win the match...etc etc....boosting 10 times CMON, thats so easy and so stupid.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
palpabl_purpura said:
This game is wrong on so many levels. It's just broken. How many ways can you die in 1 hit? Let's see- headshot with any weapon (even though it takes 1/2 clip to kill someone in the body), C4, exploding turret, rocket, grenade, etc. The result is people turtling, or placing spawn points close together (which turns into a cluster ****). Any objective based game fails. Is this galga or a FPS? Only a few things should kill instantly- headshot sniper or shotty (at very close range). Why not fix the headshot/bodyshot damage ratio so that you can't shoot a guy full of bullets only to die instantly from headshot. Check out the kills during a round and see how many are headshots. Its a headshot fest. Take out the rest of the instant kills, except the for sniper and shotty, and the game will improve. People will actually get objectives done instead of turtling. Fix the spawn insanity. Use a grenade indicator. Take out C4. Take out exploding turrets and turret headshots. FIX THIS GAME GUERILLA.
I doubt that GG is gonna change so many things, its better for you to look for another FPS.
I really like Resistance 2, its not tactical tough, its more run and gun.
Fersis said:
I doubt that GG is gonna change so many things, its better for you to look for another FPS.
I really like Resistance 2, its not tactical tough, its more run and gun.

Already have. Thank you insomniac for getting it right.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
palpabl_purpura said:
Already have. Thank you insomniac for getting it right.
DLC info comming this week from GDC


bcn-ron said:
And now that the week actually ended, the records show 327610 ranked players. Boosh.

:lol Are you serious? That is a decline of over 50k.

The week previous it was over 370k...

:lol :lol :lol :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
F#A#Oo said:
:lol Are you serious? That is a decline of over 50k.

The week previous it was over 370k...

:lol :lol :lol :lol
Why the :lol ?
Rockets should only be available to the standard soldier class and give the Assault the LMG instead. That would really keep the rocket spamming to a minimum since most people don't want to play as a regular soldier.


F#A#Oo said:
:lol Are you serious? That is a decline of over 50k.

The week previous it was over 370k...

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I'm ask you a question, why does it matter how many people are playing each week as long as everyone who is playing can find a game? What purpose do you serve by posting useless numbers and stupid smiley faces?


A lot of nonsense here, but I left the thing that has merit...

palpabl_purpura said:
This game is wrong on so many levels. It's just broken. How many ways can you die in 1 hit? Let's see- headshot with any weapon (even though it takes 1/2 clip to kill someone in the body), C4, exploding turret, rocket, grenade, etc. The result is people turtling, or placing spawn points close together (which turns into a cluster ****). Any objective based game fails. Is this galga or a FPS? Only a few things should kill instantly- headshot sniper or shotty (at very close range). Why not fix the headshot/bodyshot damage ratio so that you can't shoot a guy full of bullets only to die instantly from headshot. Check out the kills during a round and see how many are headshots. Its a headshot fest. Take out the rest of the instant kills, except the for sniper and shotty, and the game will improve. People will actually get objectives done instead of turtling.
Fix the spawn insanity.
Use a grenade indicator. Take out C4. Take out exploding turrets and turret headshots. FIX THIS GAME GUERILLA.

The easy fix for the spawn point issue: Distance restrictions from objectives... so that spawns cannot be put on top of objectives.
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