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Junior Butler
JudgeN said:
I'm ask you a question, why does it matter how many people are playing each week as long as everyone who is playing can find a game? What purpose do you serve by posting useless numbers and stupid smiley faces?

NPD people, Peta cultists bastard children.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
GodofWine said:
thats LOW. we shouldn't be having weeks lower than last already

They need to fix the annoying as fuck list:
- spawn invincibility
- LAG (probably unfixable)
- Nuke the assault class
- implement a 'loss penalty' so that idiots don't play warzone like a TDM
- FF On, always, no option
- Party System....PARTY SYSTEM..why do I see clans split on opposite teams!?
- Ranked and Unranked servers - no points or ribbons in unranked - Ranked = all classes, FF On, basically, the lobby and 'friends' should work JUST LIKE Warhawk, with match info etc...

Spawn invincibility is both good and bad. If they didnt have it, people would be slaughtered as they spawned for 30 minutes straight. It would kinda defeat the purpose of portable spawns. They'd be raped continually. Just keep laying down mines and they won't be able to move 3 feet.

FF always on is a bad idea, because too many people are stupid.

Party system is a must.

I have no problem with assault class. The best players seem to be sab, not assault.

Definitely no loss penalty. Yeah, it sucks when ppl treat every mode like TDM, but then you can just play with friends/clanmates. I don't want to have to lose points simply because my team sucks.


Fersis said:
Why the :lol ?

Because "bcn-ron" clearly thought the numbers are up on the previous week or good solid number for the players playing MP. It isn't. The numbers are shameful.

JudgeN said:
I'm ask you a question, why does it matter how many people are playing each week as long as everyone who is playing can find a game? What purpose do you serve by posting useless numbers and stupid smiley faces?

They are numbers in-game. GG shows them. They have a signifcance to the valor ranks. It does matter.

belvedere said:
NPD people, Peta cultists bastard children.

I couldn't care about system wars as I own all the console's. :lol


commish said:
Spawn invincibility is both good and bad.
FF always on is a bad idea, because too many people are stupid.

Party system is a must.

I have no problem with assault class. The best players seem to be sab, not assault.

Definitely no loss penalty. Yeah, it sucks when ppl treat every mode like TDM, but then you can just play with friends/clanmates. I don't want to have to lose points simply because my team sucks.

I don't disagree with what you disagreed with me on, but my points were probably more geared towards taking a sledgehammer to the stupid players to make them smart. :D

I do appreciate that KZ is trying to change how console FPS's (aka Call of Duty) are played, since the VAST majority of those people just play TDM, so perhaps it will click with those players thats there is more to life than throwing grenades in a spawn to get those precious kills even though the other team just blew up there base.

And I'd like to play with friends, and I do try, but that lack of a party system even makes that frustrating.
Two things have killed my enjoyment of killzone2

1. The leveling up stops once you get scout. They should have just let it keep going and you get a badge at a certain level, just like a prestige on cod4. Its minor, but i like seein that progress bar go up.

2. The damn 1 percent badge. Because im being a total trophy whore with this game, I want to get it so bad, and I've just been grinding in bodycount servers. I have a ton more fun playing with GAF as at team, but I never come close to getting as many points as when I play bodycount. This of course is not killzone 2 but more of my OCD.
tfur said:
A lot of nonsense here, but I left the thing that has merit...

The easy fix for the spawn point issue: Distance restrictions from objectives... so that spawns cannot be put on top of objectives.

It all has merit. The game has turned into a turle/spawn fest because GG chose to kill players instantly outright in so many situations. To compensate for quick death, player compensate by increasing numbers through spawning (getting more players at a given time to a specific objective point). The result is stalemate, because the other side is doing it too. The second option is to stay out of the line of fire- i.e turtle behind a corner. Either way, it no objectives get accomplished. Headshots are okay if only a select few weapons can do them, or if the body shot damage isn't ridiculously low (which it is). Take out the rest of the ridiculous instant deaths. The numbers are declining for a reason- even if it's not this, something is wrong with the game.


F#A#Oo said:
They are numbers in-game. GG shows them. They have a signifcance to the valor ranks. It does matter.

Except you aren't post numbers to show significances in valor rank your posting them to try to support your insane gloom and doom of KZ2 online multiplayer theory. You been really vocal that you think this game is going to fail, if you don't like it then leave but stop trying to bring everyone down your magical shit hole of insane theories.

TrAcEr_x90 said:
Two things have killed my enjoyment of killzone2

1. The leveling up stops once you get scout. They should have just let it keep going and you get a badge at a certain level, just like a prestige on cod4. Its minor, but i like seein that progress bar go up.

You can't play multiplayer cause its fun? You have to get something unlocked? I really don't like this mentality, people don't like grinding in RPG's but in FPS its AWESOME. I'm sure your not the only one who feels this way, I just don't understand it.


F#A#Oo said:
Truth hurts...I understand. :D
You seem to desperately want to see the "downfall" of this game. There's never a problem finding games for me. You don't seem to dig the game. If you do, I can't tell with your constant "OMG, 20,00 less players this week. lolololol!" This is the exact reason I stay out of "sales-age" threads. That type of bullshit doesn't interest me. All I care about are the games. If you're enjoying the game, that's fine. That's all that matters. The "weekly stats" are getting tired....


BruceLeeRoy said:
I don't get where people are going. I agree the game has a lot of things that need to be fixed but even so when its working(which it does often enough for me) its the best mp game I have played on a console.

Cant be RE5..hmm probably SF4
Probably COD/Resistance.
I know a few of my friends went back to COD WaW. :(


palpabl_purpura said:
It all has merit. The game has turned into a turle/spawn fest because GG chose to kill players instantly outright in so many situations. To compensate for quick death, player compensate by increasing numbers through spawning (getting more players at a given time to a specific objective point). The result is stalemate, because the other side is doing it too. The second option is to stay out of the line of fire- i.e turtle behind a corner. Either way, it no objectives get accomplished. Headshots are okay if only a select few weapons can do them, or if the body shot damage isn't ridiculously low (which it is). Take out the rest of the ridiculous instant deaths. The numbers are declining for a reason- even if it's not this, something is wrong with the game.

It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :lol I guess GG is still some ways off from being great.


gantz85 said:
It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :

It really doesn't have the feel of a game that was tested for years to be honest. And it even went through a beta with a lot of Gaffers, but I think they said they gave a lot of the same feedback that we are, plus other issues that were fixed....oh well...I'll be on later eating rockets and then killing the bastard as soon as I spawn cause he can't kill me :D


gantz85 said:
It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :lol I guess GG is still some ways off from being great.

He's complains are insane, only sniper rifle and shotgun can get head shots WTF? He's say the turrets are overpowered cause they can get a head shot (which rarely happened). Guess all the people who are bitching about getting 8/8 turret ribbons must be full of shit. C4 being a 1 hit kill makes sense, if you step on a land mind do you really think your going to survive?

Shit I can keep going but I'm sure people get the drift, but the supreme bullshit complain is 1/2 a clip to kill someone in the body. Ive been killed on engineer (while STILL trying to get my turret ribbons) in about 7 shots from M82.


palpabl_purpura said:
It all has merit. The game has turned into a turle/spawn fest because GG chose to kill players instantly outright in so many situations. To compensate for quick death, player compensate by increasing numbers through spawning (getting more players at a given time to a specific objective point). The result is stalemate, because the other side is doing it too. The second option is to stay out of the line of fire- i.e turtle behind a corner. Either way, it no objectives get accomplished. Headshots are okay if only a select few weapons can do them, or if the body shot damage isn't ridiculously low (which it is). Take out the rest of the ridiculous instant deaths. The numbers are declining for a reason- even if it's not this, something is wrong with the game.

So... too much head shot damage, and not enough body damage? really? Where do we put aiming in this mix? A head shot should kill you, and body shots should take longer depending on the weapon.

Yes, you should stay out of the line of fire as much as possible. That seems obvious.

I don't seem to have the problems you are having...

Again, just restrict spawn/objective proximity and everything will be much better.


gantz85 said:
It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :lol I guess GG is still some ways off from being great.
This is what confuses me. This game went through extended testing + beta. All those testers really must've been playing in a completely different way than the rest of us not to notice a lot of the obvious annoyances people are complaining about.
careful said:
Probably COD/Resistance.
I know a few of my friends went back to COD WaW. :(

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone," is quite an accurate statement. Fortunately, in this case you can go back. I'll still play KZ2 for a changeup, but I'll spend most of my time with R2.




palpabl_purpura said:
This game is wrong on so many levels. It's just broken. How many ways can you die in 1 hit? Let's see- headshot with any weapon (even though it takes 1/2 clip to kill someone in the body), C4, exploding turret, rocket, grenade, etc. The result is people turtling, or placing spawn points close together (which turns into a cluster ****). Any objective based game fails. Is this galga or a FPS? Only a few things should kill instantly- headshot sniper or shotty (at very close range). Why not fix the headshot/bodyshot damage ratio so that you can't shoot a guy full of bullets only to die instantly from headshot. Check out the kills during a round and see how many are headshots. Its a headshot fest. Take out the rest of the instant kills, except the for sniper and shotty, and the game will improve. People will actually get objectives done instead of turtling. Fix the spawn insanity. Use a grenade indicator. Take out C4. Take out exploding turrets and turret headshots. FIX THIS GAME GUERILLA.

The only thing that kills you in one hit is a sniper shot, direct rocket or direct grenade hit. It takes 2 C4 to kill.
JudgeN said:
He's complains are insane, only sniper rifle and shotgun can get head shots WTF? He's say the turrets are overpowered cause they can get a head shot (which rarely happened). Guess all the people who are bitching about getting 8/8 turret ribbons must be full of shit. C4 being a 1 hit kill makes sense, if you step on a land mind do you really think your going to survive?

Shit I can keep going but I'm sure people get the drift, but the supreme bullshit complain is 1/2 a clip to kill someone in the body. Ive been killed on engineer (while STILL trying to get my turret ribbons) in about 7 shots from M82.

COD and R2 play closer to what I've described. If you still think that's insane, then there are millions who would disagree with you.


palpabl_purpura said:
COD and R2 play closer to what I've described. If you still think that's insane, then there are millions who would disagree with you.

That's wonderful but this is KZ2, its a different game. There are problems with KZ2 just like every other game but throwing what they created and mimic another game isn't the correct solution to the problem.

I'm all for making spawn grenades destroyable to stop the camping, and taking away the rocket launcher, a view server options button, and a party system. But don't change the actual gameplay.

They need to add bigger maps though, 32 players does work on phyruss rise so just add about 5 more maps like that


palpabl_purpura said:
COD and R2 play closer to what I've described. If you still think that's insane, then there are millions who would disagree with you.

Go play COD or R2 then. KZ2 is a whole different game. If you don't like the way it plays and there are other FPS's you enjoy out there, whatever rocks your boat


dwin45 said:
Is there any way to detect C4 or do I just have to run around looking at the ground?
Well, it flashes. Though I've never looked at it from the enemy's perpective, so I don't know if that carries over to the other team. Other than that, nope. Use your eyeballs. ;)

Would've been great if a Scout could mark them with the Spot 'n Mark.

careful said:
This is what confuses me. This game went through extended testing + beta. All those testers really must've been playing in a completely different way than the rest of us not to notice a lot of the obvious annoyances people are complaining about.
Not everyone in the industry knows how to make games. News at 11.


This has to be some kind of a record for most invalid complaints about a game due to lack of skill, experience and/or knowledge. Complain first, ask questions later.


cakefoo said:
This has to be some kind of a record for most invalid complaints about a game due to lack of skill, experience and/or knowledge. Complain first, ask questions later.

You're new to gaming, aren't you?
gantz85 said:
It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :lol I guess GG is still some ways off from being great.

Oh god gantz dont agree with the crazy people it makes you look bad.

cakefoo said:
This has to be some kind of a record for most invalid complaints about a game due to lack of skill, experience and/or knowledge. Complain first, ask questions later.

Yup. Though this is far from rare.

raYne said:
Not everyone in the industry knows how to make games. News at 11.

I haven't seen you say otherwise but I take it you pretty much hate this game right raYne?


cakefoo said:
This has to be some kind of a record for most invalid complaints about a game due to lack of skill, experience and/or knowledge. Complain first, ask questions later.

Kz2 is probably the most overanalyzed and nitpicked game in years.


fps fanatic said:
You seem to desperately want to see the "downfall" of this game. There's never a problem finding games for me. You don't seem to dig the game. If you do, I can't tell with your constant "OMG, 20,00 less players this week. lolololol!" This is the exact reason I stay out of "sales-age" threads. That type of bullshit doesn't interest me. All I care about are the games. If you're enjoying the game, that's fine. That's all that matters. The "weekly stats" are getting tired....


to F#A#Oo: stfu & stop being a troll, its desperately noticeable you are starving for negative attention.

Im enjoying the hell out of KZ2 for its uniqueness it brings to the table, this game has brought alota of joy for me and it completely has nothing to do with its graphics. i have both consoles and KZ2 is one of the games that really surpased the hype and not many games have done that for me besides MGS4,Mass Effect & Gears 1

i know that the Multiplayer for KZ2 will stand the test of time of being a top online shooter for the Ps3 and will definitely have longevity success.

on another note any news on a download able map pack yet? i would love for some more big maps


smik said:
on another note any news on a download able map pack yet? i would love for some more big maps
Nothing confirmed, just rumors mostly. Totally new maps, retro maps from KZ1.. etc. Though even without the rumors, it's quite obvious that the game would get new maps via DLC at some point.

the_prime_mover said:
Ultimately my complaints could be fixed by adding more depth to the search results. It sucks having to wait until I am in the game's lobby to see what the features of the server are . . .
Indeed. The game needs this more than any other fix/addition.
I think what I would like to see are some dedicated ranked servers like the blue servers in Warhawk. Faction balancing is a must and it is stupid that this is not forced in ranked games. It is pointless to provide people with game breaking alternatives in the pursuit of options. If this is to support clan/party play then just create a party system, ffs. If I jump onto a random pub. I now expect to see it turn out to be a 1.5 to 1 or 2 to 1 game. Hell, I was looking at the score screen and saw a guy join the game as ISA when the ISA already had 5 guys more then the HGH (in a 16 player match no less), then in the next match the guy didn't ready up until the game was in play - at which point he switched teams to create an imbalance.

GG dedicated servers should have faction balancing and FF on at say 25% of normal. This way you will do damage to your team, but not so much that idiots will destroy everything. Player count should be about 20-24 people. My annoyances atm are people purposefully unbalancing teams and FF-off resulting in crazy assault and engineer spamming. This makes maps like Visari, Tharsis, Industries and Blood Gracht near unplayable in certain modes.

Ultimately my complaints could be fixed by adding more depth to the search results. It sucks having to wait until I am in the game's lobby to see what the features of the server are . . .


F#A#Oo said:
Truth hurts...I understand. :D
Troll harder :lol


Cruzader said:
@F#A#Oo: guy as long as you can find games to play online...whats the deal here? And KZ2 has plenty.

He can only fight his opponents once.

I have a few friends who aren't online yet because they're still playing the SP or they're playing RE5. Not everyone is quick to join up.

Also boo @ GG for not letting me filter games by FF, team balance etc..


fps fanatic said:
You seem to desperately want to see the "downfall" of this game. There's never a problem finding games for me. You don't seem to dig the game. If you do, I can't tell with your constant "OMG, 20,00 less players this week. lolololol!" This is the exact reason I stay out of "sales-age" threads. That type of bullshit doesn't interest me. All I care about are the games. If you're enjoying the game, that's fine. That's all that matters. The "weekly stats" are getting tired....

Sales-age has nothing to do with it. I own all the console's.

Now I was minding my own business, I actually stopped posting in this thread since the 18th but "bcn-ron" decided to it would be a good idea to quote one of my posts from last week talking about numbers. :)

JudgeN said:
Except you aren't post numbers to show significances in valor rank your posting them to try to support your insane gloom and doom of KZ2 online multiplayer theory. You been really vocal that you think this game is going to fail, if you don't like it then leave but stop trying to bring everyone down your magical shit hole of insane theories.

Theories? The stats are fact. The source GG. The number of players? Dwindling.

Raist said:
Well you're part of the problem dude. I've never seen you connected in the clan members section :p

That is true...I admit I didn't participate as much as I wanted to but at the time I was fully concentrated on 1% as I got screwed during the first week (grrr) which left me with a strong desire to achieve 1%.

Tom Penny

Don't know why people are surprised the numbers are going down in MP. It's too unbalanced to have people coming back for more after opening all the classes.


Tom Penny said:
Don't know why people are surprised the numbers are going down in MP. It's too unbalanced to have people coming back for more after opening all the classes.

I have to admit that I'm part of the problem... when I have two games in a row where I die 5 times before managing to kill anyone it's really a downer, you know?

Tom Penny

Orlics said:
I have to admit that I'm part of the problem... when I have two games in a row where I die 5 times before managing to kill anyone it's really a downer, you know?

It's not just that. I won't even play unless they implement a filter so you can see the server options. Round time, FF on/off , what weapons are on/off, ping etc. Rocketfests get a bit boring..and waiting to load another game takes too long for me to care to keep searching for a decent server.
I assume most of the people that are really having a hard time are randomly jumping into games and dont belong to any clan. If your part of a clan with people you know the game is incredible which I think goes to show how much it would benefit from a party system.

F#A#Oo said:
You missed the point. Why would someone care about sales-age if they own all the consoles?

:lol Plenty bro just because you own all 3 doesn't mean you don't have a affinity for one brand.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
if your disguised as helghast your eyes dont glow, so its easy to tell your a sab.
I had no idea about this, thanks for the info! :)

raYne said:
Are you sure you've been playing the game? ;)
I have been playing Killzone 2 online for about 88 hours and i didnt know about that you didnt glow when you were disguised with saboteur :) I dont know why i didnt know this, i guess i havnt payed attention to it or tought about it at all. But it is nice to know it now at least :)
test_account said:
I had no idea about this, thanks for the info! :)

I have been playing Killzone 2 online for about 88 hours and i didnt know about that you didnt glow when you were disguised with saboteur :) I dont know why i didnt know this, i guess i havnt payed attention to it or tought about it at all.

Seriously I had no idea that's some handy stuff though. I also didn't know that spot and mark tags all the enemy's on your teams radar so everyone can see them. That's quite nifty. If you had a team that was coordinating really well that could be a huge tactical advantage.
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