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No_Style said:
He can only fight his opponents once.

I have a few friends who aren't online yet because they're still playing the SP or they're playing RE5. Not everyone is quick to join up.

Also boo @ GG for not letting me filter games by FF, team balance etc..

Yup, my friend Mike, who doesnt really have the time to play since he is a full time student/worker. He mostly plays SP(he loved RS2 SP) and recently got KZ2 due to word of mouth, weel more like saw it at a friend's house. Anyway ppls like him dont jump in online that quick or at all so I woudnt take the Online numbers as sold or something.
I agree about the clans. I mean if your just playing by yourself then theres not much incentive in the game at all after unlocking all classes and badges. Which I havent done but i know once I do do it what is left?
If your in a clan theres always betting valor points to keep things going I guess. I just really wish there were more "perks" to playing alot.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
gantz85 said:
It's funny because the game's online portion has supposedly been tested for more than 2 years.. :lol I guess GG is still some ways off from being great.

That's right - it was clearly finished and balanced two years ago, because there's no possible way that you can test something that's unfinished.

Also, the 'supposedly' is bullshit - I was there and it WAS being played for that long.

Seriously dude, you have much to learn about the process of designing, balancing and testing an online game.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Seriously I had no idea that's some handy stuff though. I also didn't know that spot and mark tags all the enemy's on your teams radar so everyone can see them. That's quite nifty. If you had a team that was coordinating really well that could be a huge tactical advantage.
Ye, it can come in handy indeed :) So far i have just payed attention to if my cursor change color if i aim over a saboteur that is disguised on the other team, and to see if there is some "strange" behaviour, like if one person is trying to melee one on my team. Then there might be a big chance that this guy who tries to melee is a saboteur in disguise :)

Ye, the spot and mark abilityis one thing that i havnt thought much about either, i had almost forgot that your team mates also see the enemies that are marked on their radar as well. As you say, using the spot and mark ability can give your team a huge tactical advantage. I will see if i will start to use this ability more from now on. Thanks for the info! :)


BruceLeeRoy said:
I assume most of the people that are really having a hard time are randomly jumping into games and dont belong to any clan. If your part of a clan with people you know the game is incredible which I think goes to show how much it would benefit from a party system.

:lol Plenty bro just because you own all 3 doesn't mean you don't have a affinity for one brand.

I tried to get into the GAF East clan by PMing the leader, but they never got back to me. Am I supposed to do something else?


dwin45 said:
What's with the glitching going on in MP? People are disappearing all over the place.
Can it be due to lag? I have also noticed that sometimes when people are getting "head shotted" (or what i shall say), that their body disapears almost at once.


Orlics said:
I tried to get into the GAF East clan by PMing the leader, but they never got back to me. Am I supposed to do something else?
Join another one. GAF East is pretty much tumblewheed central.

Or go that route. NM.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
F#A#Oo said:
You missed the point. Why would someone care about sales-age if they own all the consoles?

Some people just enjoy pissing in other people's cornflakes. Some of those people eat cornflakes themselves.

The secret to understanding this phenomenon is that it's not about the cornflakes - it's all about the pissing.


F#A#Oo said:
Because "bcn-ron" clearly thought the numbers are up on the previous week or good solid number for the players playing MP. It isn't. The numbers are shameful.
When you say that the Killzone 2 online numbers are shameful, which games are you comparing these numbers to?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
F#A#Oo said:
So please tell me which brand I have this affinity for?
I think that you dont like the game, so pretty much this thread isnt for you.
Its ok,and absolutely normal to dislike things, BUT if you post like 15 times in a thread about a game you dont like stuff like :'This game is horrible, it doesnt sell, no one plays it,etc etc' its understandable that someone calls you troll
Just my two cents.


Fersis said:
I think that you dont like the game, so pretty much this thread isnt for you.
Its ok,and absolutely normal to dislike thing, BUT if you post like 15 times in a thread about a game you dont like stuff like :'This game is horrible, it doesnt sell, no one plays it,etc etc' its understandable that you are gonna be called troll or things like that.
Just my two cents.



this is your cue leave this thread, no one wants to hear your empty complaints your trying to ruin a completely happy thread.

so run along before you get banned.
raYne said:
Join another one. GAF East is pretty much tumblewheed central.
How are the other clans doing activity wise? I know im not the most active guy since i dont have lots of time to play but yeah, it's weird not to see that many ppl active at a time, especially when the clan is full. Maybe we're gonna have to merge clans in a couple weeks?

Rolf NB

Sab disguise is basically just to spook newbies. It rarely protects me from being killed (particularly not from various sources of splash damage) and it doesn't protect enemy sabs from me either. It's so easy to spot. You don't run back from the enemy base toward your base. You don't take cover on the enemy's side of the map and point your gun toward your own base. You're a sab in disguise, and it's clear as day.

Most of the "balance issues" in the multiplayer are directly caused by too many people in one game and having too much of a clusterfuck. Whenever I see a random 32 player game switch to Blood Gracht now I just quit out. It's not worth playing that way. Find smaller matches, 20 people tops, less for the smaller maps (Blood Gracht, Tharsis Depot in particular), and it gets much more tactical.

Air support is very powerful in smaller games. I played quite a shameful 2vs2 match on Corinth Crossing last night and the enemy air support just dominated all the important points. Its power lies in how it diverts your attention away from the enemy and makes you much easier to kill. Not so much in big games. Air support goes down after one clip of pistol ammo or two seconds of SMG burst fire. When you have five guns potentially pointing at the drone at any given time, its distraction potential isn't even worth the time it takes to throw the beacon anymore.

Turrets kill air support but are fairly easy to take down, and dangerous to have near yourself, and dangerous to build while under fire. The enemy will just lob a grenade and the added splash damage from the (just built) turret's own explosion will more often than not kill you where you stand. Not so important in bigger maps. Grenades are constantly flying anyway so it's hard to notice any difference.

C4 is awesome. C4 is like three extra (albeit slightly harder to use) grenades, it can be a great source of surprise, a great tool to reveal an enemy, and a great last line of defense in C&R. It's not super-lethal either. Takes three packs in one spot to reliably kill. Thing is, it goes boom when a grenade explodes nearby. See turrets for what that means in larger games.


I like the game. It's balanced well.

Smaller games, FF on avoids most problems.

I'd take exception for assault. The combination of the armor and fast health regen and rocket weapons is a bit too much goodness in one package for one class. Then again I can't hit shit with a rocket launcher, the firing rate of that thing is absolutely terrible, plus you move slower when you hold it I think, so maybe I should try playing assault a bit more before I complain about how "cheap" they are.


CHRP718 said:
answer: SONY

It's my favourite actually...anyone on my friends list can tell you I am on my PS3 daily. Currently playing both SF4 and Motorstorm 2.

Most of my multiplatform games are PS3 games. It is my main console. My 360 is exclusively for Gears and L4D and the odd JRPG.

Fersis said:
I think that you dont like the game, so pretty much this thread isnt for you.
Its ok,and absolutely normal to dislike things, BUT if you post like 15 times in a thread about a game you dont like stuff like :'This game is horrible, it doesnt sell, no one plays it,etc etc' its understandable that someone calls you troll
Just my two cents.

I was responding to a post directed to me. :)

smik said:


this is your cue leave this thread, no one wants to hear your empty complaints your trying to ruin a completely happy thread.

so run along before you get banned.

Not likely. I am not trolling. If someone decides to reply to a post I made, I have every right to respond. Thanks for your concern though.


Can anyone tell me how much Halo 3's online grew week to week when it launched? All I remember is, during the beta, the population did nothing but shrink.


devilchicken said:
How are the other clans doing activity wise? I know im not the most active guy since i dont have lots of time to play but yeah, it's weird not to see that many ppl active at a time, especially when the clan is full. Maybe we're gonna have to merge clans in a couple weeks?
Euro GAF is far more active than any of the others. Followed by GAF West. Everything else? Meh.

As for the bolded, it should've happened a few weeks ago.


raYne said:
Euro GAF is far more active than any of the others. Followed by GAF West. Everything else? Meh.

As for the bolded, it should've happened a few weeks ago.
Is GAF West active? It seems like there's only about 8 active players in GAF west.
raYne said:
Euro GAF is far more active than any of the others. Followed by GAF West. Everything else? Meh.

As for the bolded, it should've happened a few weeks ago.
Yeah, sounds like the smart thing to do at this point.


I just tried to play the CoD 5 Demo on 360. It was a horrible experience. It looked like shit and the controls felt totally unimmersive (although more precise, obviously). I thought, oh wait, COD4 was much better. So I fired up my PS3 Version of COD4 and thought...wtf!? It looks like shit. Shitty textures, aliasing, shitty lighting, sub-HD. What happended? I once loved that game, and now I can't play it anymore. The weapons feel like toys.

For all the COD-fans now trying to hurt me. ;) I was very harsh with KZ2 in the beginning too, just read that thread. Especially with the controls. And I STILL think there is room for improvement, there has to be, for example it shouldnt be that hard to go up a stairway and around tight corners. BUT in terms of graphics and gameplay KZ2 imo is one generation ahead of all the other shooters out there. I still like R2 though (coop and MP, SP wasn't too great), maybe because it doesn't try to be realistic.


Someone create a new KZ2 NA clan thread. Just have all of NA in one group. The leader should be interested enough to not leave a week and a half later.


Thrakier said:
I just tried to play the CoD 5 Demo on 360. It was a horrible experience. It looked like shit and the controls felt totally unimmersive (although more precise, obviously). I thought, oh wait, COD4 was much better. So I fired up my PS3 Version of COD4 and thought...wtf!? It looks like shit. Shitty textures, aliasing, shitty lighting, sub-HD. What happended? I once loved that game, and now I can't play it anymore. The weapons feel like toys.

For all the COD-fans now trying to hurt me. ;) I was very harsh with KZ2 in the beginning too, just read that thread. Especially with the controls. And I STILL think there is room for improvement, there has to be, for example it shouldnt be that hard to go up a stairway and around tight corners. BUT in terms of graphics and gameplay KZ2 imo is one generation ahead of all the other shooters out there. I still like R2 though (coop and MP, SP wasn't too great), maybe because it doesn't try to be realistic.

No joke man. There is a rough initiation with KZ2, but once you ease in... it's hard to go elsewhere. I'm playing Far Cry 2 right now and the graphics, immersion, and story are all really nice and interesting... but the way the guns shoot and the way the feel... not so good...


bcn-ron said:
Sab disguise is basically just to spook newbies. It rarely protects me from being killed (particularly not from various sources of splash damage) and it doesn't protect enemy sabs from me either. It's so easy to spot. You don't run back from the enemy base toward your base. You don't take cover on the enemy's side of the map and point your gun toward your own base. You're a sab in disguise, and it's clear as day.
Agreed on a lot of points. The Sab's only really deadly if you don't get a chance to look at him that much. From the color to the lighting to the player model to the lack of a map icon to player positioning (though if he's any good, he knows how to work around that), they're far too easy to spot if you're the least bit alert.

Which is why when I use Sab, I use it with Boost. Mmmm... :D

As I said earlier, medium games and less are the sweet spot. Less clusterfuck, more and easier communication, individual people and their chosen classes become more important etc.

The air support, I still don't agree with though. Even in smaller games, there's just too much working against them. They're even less of a threat that the turrets since:
-The damage dealt is lower.
-The damage they can take is lower. Less than a clip of AR fire. Less then a clip of M4 fire etc. So even it's there just for distraction purposes, it takes very little time to dispatch one.
-When they "try" to dodge you it leaves them open completely.
-Because they're floating in mid-air, they're open to fire from damn near anywhere. making them easier to destroy.
-Because of the above, you can destroy them without even going into their targeting range.
-For some reason, their aim is shit.

They need to bump up the damage or make them more accurate/prone to land headshots (which would make sense), 'cause geeze..

dwin45 said:
Is GAF West active? It seems like there's only about 8 active players in GAF west.
Which is more than GAF East. :lol


I think people are downplaying the Sab's disguise alot..

The reason why the disguise works.. is because it gives you a couple seconds jump on someone from the opposite team.. Because no matter what you say.. its harder to process "Hey...he's not pointing in the right direction = enemy" than it is to see.. OH red and black.. ENEMY!!! or Grey and blue !!! ENEMEY!!!

when you play sab.. you have an almost guaranteed jump on a player because of the processing time it takes to recognize a sab... Even if its as small as a second... we all know here that with the headshot happy smg a second is too much time already.
Thrakier said:
I just tried to play the CoD 5 Demo on 360. It was a horrible experience. It looked like shit and the controls felt totally unimmersive (although more precise, obviously). I thought, oh wait, COD4 was much better. So I fired up my PS3 Version of COD4 and thought...wtf!? It looks like shit. Shitty textures, aliasing, shitty lighting, sub-HD. What happended? I once loved that game, and now I can't play it anymore. The weapons feel like toys.

For all the COD-fans now trying to hurt me. ;) I was very harsh with KZ2 in the beginning too, just read that thread. Especially with the controls. And I STILL think there is room for improvement, there has to be, for example it shouldnt be that hard to go up a stairway and around tight corners. BUT in terms of graphics and gameplay KZ2 imo is one generation ahead of all the other shooters out there. I still like R2 though (coop and MP, SP wasn't too great), maybe because it doesn't try to be realistic.

No joke man. Remember when people were trying to say COD4 looked better than KZ2 when it was unveiled man that was some funny shit. COD has aged quicker and far worse than a lot of games this gen.(On a technical level)

Kuroyume said:
Someone create a new KZ2 NA clan thread. Just have all of NA in one group. The leader should be interested enough to not leave a week and a half later.

Not a bad idea.
test_account said:
Can it be due to lag? I have also noticed that sometimes when people are getting "head shotted" (or what i shall say), that their body disapears almost at once.
That's not lag, that's load balancing by the game. It only happens to headshot victims because they don't have any chance of being revived, so whether their corpse is visible or not doesn't matter.

If there's not too many people around, dead bodies stay there forever. But when there's a lot of folks, dead bodies disappear gradually in order to reduce how much the game has to render. If there's chaos and lots of death, dead bodies disappear immediately.


Thrakier said:
I just tried to play the CoD 5 Demo on 360. It was a horrible experience. It looked like shit and the controls felt totally unimmersive (although more precise, obviously). I thought, oh wait, COD4 was much better. So I fired up my PS3 Version of COD4 and thought...wtf!? It looks like shit. Shitty textures, aliasing, shitty lighting, sub-HD. What happended? I once loved that game, and now I can't play it anymore. The weapons feel like toys.

For all the COD-fans now trying to hurt me. ;) I was very harsh with KZ2 in the beginning too, just read that thread. Especially with the controls. And I STILL think there is room for improvement, there has to be, for example it shouldnt be that hard to go up a stairway and around tight corners. BUT in terms of graphics and gameplay KZ2 imo is one generation ahead of all the other shooters out there. I still like R2 though (coop and MP, SP wasn't too great), maybe because it doesn't try to be realistic.

This. Honestly after playing KZ2, I have not enjoyed any other FPS as much. Recently I tried UT3 and OMG it looked crap (compared to KZ2) and played like umm.. cam on a stick! The feedback from bullet impact in KZ2 makes it so immersive and makes the weapons feel so tight & real. And also the 'weight' of your character and movement now feels so much more natural compared to others. All other FPS feel like shit to control to me after KZ2. What have you done to me KZ2!!!!!!!!!!
dammit... once this game kicks in, .. it KICKS IN....

it's the best shooter i've ever played so far.

thanx guerilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

almost a general
methane47 said:
when you play sab.. you have an almost guaranteed jump on a player because of the processing time it takes to recognize a sab... Even if its as small as a second... we all know here that with the headshot happy smg a second is too much time already.
Absolutely. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at spotting all the usual Saboteur giveaways: no lights, Rifleman, strange behavior, etc. But I still lose one-on-one closeup fights to them more often than to any other class, including Assault. The SMG's high rate of fire is mean in close quarters.

At midrange or longer, though, if I figure it out they're in trouble since my weapon has much higher accuracy. They seem pretty balanced to me.
I don't think we in GAF East 2 have had a match since...2 Saturday's ago maybe?

What's up? Or did I just miss some?

A.R.K said:
This. Honestly after playing KZ2, I have not enjoyed any other FPS as much. Recently I tried UT3 and OMG it looked crap (compared to KZ2) and played like umm.. cam on a stick! The feedback from bullet impact in KZ2 makes it so immersive and makes the weapons feel so tight & real. And also the 'weight' of your character and movement now feels so much more natural compared to others. All other FPS feel like shit to control to me after KZ2. What have you done to me KZ2!!!!!!!!!!

UT3 is fuck awesome in my book. KZ2 doesn't make that any less so.

You guys are crazy as hell. :lol

KZ2 is fuck awesome too, but I don't get the whole 'revolution' thing you guys have going on here.

Anyhow, back to playing them both. :D


Raist said:
Merging clans?

Haha, no way. You guys can make a NA clan if you wish tho. We'll take you anytime.
I'm pretty sure that's what people are talking about. It's not like people want to have to deal with a 6+ hour time zone difference when trying to schedule a game.

gregor7777 said:
UT3 is fuck awesome in my book. KZ2 doesn't make that any less so.

You guys are crazy as hell. :lol

KZ2 is fuck awesome too, but I don't get the whole 'revolution' thing you guys have going on here.

Anyhow, back to playing them both. :D
Indeed. The "omgz other games have been spoiled!" is hilarious.


gregor7777 said:
I don't think we in GAF East 2 have had a match since...2 Saturday's ago maybe?

What's up? Or did I just miss some?

UT3 is fuck awesome in my book. KZ2 doesn't make that any less so.

You guys are crazy as hell. :lol

KZ2 is fuck awesome too, but I don't get the whole 'revolution' thing you guys have going on here.

Anyhow, back to playing them both. :D

I knew I would hurt some feelings with my post and thats the main reason I did not post my impressions in the official UT3 thread :lol

May be I should have given more time to UT3 but the KZ2 craving kept me running back to it :D


BruceLeeRoy said:
COD has aged quicker and far worse than a lot of games this gen.

Very true. I mean the game rungs @60FPS and almost on par on both consoles. They did a good job on this. But after playing KZ2 I can't stand the visuals at all. And it's not only the bad textures and so on, the overall look is just...I don't know. The setting is more real than KZ2 but it looks like a comic in comparison. Also the weapon models which I thought were awesome back in the day...they look like shit. They have amazing artists and engine guys at GG, really amazing. Now they just need better level designers (they are good, just not amazing) and KZ3 is an instant classic.


raYne said:
Indeed. The "omgz other games have been spoiled!" is hilarious.

It's not hyperbole at all from my side, I really swear. That's how I feel. I tried the COD5 demo and it felt and looked like shit, imo it's nothing in comparison. And just read my earlier posts in this thread, I wasn't very happy with the game in beginning.
I have been having a really bad experience over the last week or so. It seems that there are always about 2 or 3 people (sometimes many more) in a game that I can not kill. These people can die, but no matter how much damage I deal to them I am never the one that can kill them and they always kill me. Other times I will have my reticule trained on them but no matter how much I shoot no shots will land on them (if we are both standing still . . .).

I can understand the lagged deaths or jerky movement caused by lag, but this does not seem to be the same. In most casses I will empty almost an entire clip into someone and I still won't experience a delayed death. I have been playing for about 70hrs now and feel very confident in my knowledge about how much damage the various classes can take, yet I am running into this phenomenon more and more frequently. Usually I will be good for one match, but on the second match on the same server I will not be able to kill, or sometimes even hit, people on the map. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I know that the red x that appears is not always accurate - sometimes it will shoot 3 or 4 xs on a person's head and yet they won't die of a headshot, but this seems to be a major extension on this.

Just now I was playing a game where I was able to kill the speaker carrier no problem. I reload and another person picks up the speaker and comes running in a straight line towards me. I empty about 80% of my SMG clip into him with red xs appearing the entire time, yet he doesn't die. He takes me out quickly though and because of that he gets the delivery. He died a bit after this, but by someone elses hand.

Unfortunately this is making the game a bit unplayable. I assume it is some kind of lag, but I don't know how to correct for it, and without any type of ping indicator ingame I can't tell if I am connecting to bad hosts or not.


Fersis said:
Why the :lol ?
To try and hide his trolling ? Am glad he stays the fuck off PC threads. I feel sorry for you guys. He is in almost every PS3 related

EDIT: Take a person like Gregor777, he used to be biased as hell but look at him now. The guy is probably one of the
most level headed guys around here. I know what am talking about because I have been reading GAF for a long time
before I decided to register an account. :D
A.R.K said:
I knew I would hurt some feelings with my post and thats the main reason I did not post my impressions in the official UT3 thread :lol

May be I should have given more time to UT3 but the KZ2 craving kept me running back to it :D

No hurt feelings, I didn't make either game. :lol

I just meant to laugh at you a bit. It's like 'My First FPS' around here sometimes. The games are so completely different. And I just happen to have played both in the last few hours. :D

Carry on.
Iain Howe said:
Some people just enjoy pissing in other people's cornflakes. Some of those people eat cornflakes themselves.

The secret to understanding this phenomenon is that it's not about the cornflakes - it's all about the pissing.
Truer words have never been spoken. Or typed.


Junior Member
Kuroyume said:
Someone create a new KZ2 NA clan thread. Just have all of NA in one group. The leader should be interested enough to not leave a week and a half later.

I'm all for this. I'm away from my PS3 this week but Saturday I will be back online :)
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