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Rolf NB

raYne said:
Agreed on a lot of points. The Sab's only really deadly if you don't get a chance to look at him that much. From the color to the lighting to the player model to the lack of a map icon to player positioning (though if he's any good, he knows how to work around that), they're far too easy to spot if you're the least bit alert.

Which is why when I use Sab, I use it with Boost. Mmmm... :D

As I said earlier, medium games and less are the sweet spot. Less clusterfuck, more and easier communication, individual people and their chosen classes become more important etc.

The air support, I still don't agree with though. Even in smaller games, there's just too much working against them. They're even less of a threat that the turrets since:
-The damage dealt is lower.
-The damage they can take is lower. Less than a clip of AR fire. Less then a clip of M4 fire etc. So even it's there just for distraction purposes, it takes very little time to dispatch one.
-When they "try" to dodge you it leaves them open completely.
-Because they're floating in mid-air, they're open to fire from damn near anywhere. making them easier to destroy.
-Because of the above, you can destroy them without even going into their targeting range.
-For some reason, their aim is shit.

They need to bump up the damage or make them more accurate/prone to land headshots (which would make sense), 'cause geeze..

Which is more than GAF East. :lol
Air support alone, if you can focus on it, drone vs guy so to speak, can get pretty dangerous. Air support seems wimpy when the drone sees many enemies at once and starts spreading its fire around, but these things actually kill you pretty quickly if you're alone and exposed. And as with turrets, if the "owner" sticks around and guards it, you're in big trouble.

I've actually gotten three legitimate didn't-even-try air support ribbons in 10vs10 matches on Phyrrus and one on Tharsis Depot. Drones can kill just fine. I've been killed by drones a lot too (and by a quickly ascending balcony once, as an aside).

If you can snipe a drone from outside its range, I'd say it's not placed well. Then again, if you take your time to kill a drone while hanging back, it may have already accomplished its goal of keeping you away from an area for a little while. Say Corinth Crossing, a drone at the very top at the center of the map, in the time you take to snipe the drone from the lower level, you did not run up the ramp and started sniping people on the other side. If you're one of just three or four people in your entire team, keeping you in one spot for five to ten seconds can mean another S&R point safely brought home, or another charge successfully placed in S&D.

Short form: a drone killed me once now I hate drones they cheap don't make them more powerful plz.


methane47 said:
I think people are downplaying the Sab's disguise alot..

The reason why the disguise works.. is because it gives you a couple seconds jump on someone from the opposite team.. Because no matter what you say.. its harder to process "Hey...he's not pointing in the right direction = enemy" than it is to see.. OH red and black.. ENEMY!!! or Grey and blue !!! ENEMEY!!!

when you play sab.. you have an almost guaranteed jump on a player because of the processing time it takes to recognize a sab... Even if its as small as a second... we all know here that with the headshot happy smg a second is too much time already.
Yeah, but you're going under the assumption that the Sab's constantly going after you. Unless he hates you personally :)lol), more ofter than not he'll be going after other people or doing something else. While you can still spot him using all the common methods.

Plus there's the disguise being lost and having to be recharged as soon as they fire. Or people using the "shoot to check" method. Which, if done past certain a range, gives them ample time to go on the offensive and more often than not, they'll have the weapon advantage.

Yes, you can dominate using a Sab, but that's a product of playing people that don't know better (and the users ability) than it is about the advantage the disguise brings.

Unless of course, the entire other team is full of Sabs. :lol

bcn-ron said:
tl;dr: a drone killed me once now I hate drones they cheap don't make them more powerful plz.

I suppose, but I'd still like a power bump.


It is pretty easy to spot a Sab to be honest, especially if his movement is random. Most Sab's are usually running TOWARDS you, and not with from you. I think that is a pretty big clue.

They also don't appear on the radar!


-viper- said:
It is pretty easy to spot a Sab to be honest, especially if his movement is random. Most Sab's are usually running TOWARDS you, and not with from you. I think that is a pretty big clue.

They also don't appear on the radar!
But you don't have time to check the radar, 'casue he's gonna jump all over your face and down your throat like a Face Hugger from Aliens. :/

the_prime_mover said:
I have been having a really bad experience over the last week or so. It seems that there are always about 2 or 3 people (sometimes many more) in a game that I can not kill. These people can die, but no matter how much damage I deal to them I am never the one that can kill them and they always kill me. Other times I will have my reticule trained on them but no matter how much I shoot no shots will land on them (if we are both standing still . . .).

I can understand the lagged deaths or jerky movement caused by lag, but this does not seem to be the same. In most casses I will empty almost an entire clip into someone and I still won't experience a delayed death. I have been playing for about 70hrs now and feel very confident in my knowledge about how much damage the various classes can take, yet I am running into this phenomenon more and more frequently. Usually I will be good for one match, but on the second match on the same server I will not be able to kill, or sometimes even hit, people on the map. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I know that the red x that appears is not always accurate - sometimes it will shoot 3 or 4 xs on a person's head and yet they won't die of a headshot, but this seems to be a major extension on this.

Just now I was playing a game where I was able to kill the speaker carrier no problem. I reload and another person picks up the speaker and comes running in a straight line towards me. I empty about 80% of my SMG clip into him with red xs appearing the entire time, yet he doesn't die. He takes me out quickly though and because of that he gets the delivery. He died a bit after this, but by someone elses hand.

Unfortunately this is making the game a bit unplayable. I assume it is some kind of lag, but I don't know how to correct for it, and without any type of ping indicator ingame I can't tell if I am connecting to bad hosts or not.
Had something similar happen once where a single player seemed to pretty much take 2-3 times as much effort to kill as anyone else. At one point, I emptied a clip or AR fire into his back from 5 feet away (while he was fighting someone else) and still had to run up to him and knock him over the head a few times to take him out.

It's definitely lag, but not necessarily just on your end. His connection to the server contributes just as much as yours when it tries to figure out if/when a hit landed.

I'll give the same lag advice I gave before.. if it becomes a real issue, try to stick to local games.

Rolf NB

Jack Scofield said:
How do you unlock Boost? I remember it being broken after the game was released, but I never took notice of the new requirements.
The assault class has boost as the primary skill.
You need to rank up to unlock assault, that's it. No ribbons or badges required.

Locking out classes is an option to people opening games. If you can't play as assault, that's the reason.
bcn-ron said:
The assault class has boost as the primary skill.
You need to rank up to unlock assault, that's it. No ribbons or badges required.

Locking out classes is an option to people opening games. If you can't play as assault, that's the reason.

I worded my question incorrectly. I meant to ask, "how can I unlock the boost ability with other classes." However, in the interim between my two posts, I remembered the answer. To unlock Boost for a Sab, for example, I would have to earn all the C4 ribbons, correct?

I always get the unlocking thing backwards, hence my initial confusion.

EDIT: Err, wait, I think I'm confused again. What the fuck, I'll just look for a guide. :lol


Kuroyume said:
Someone create a new KZ2 NA clan thread. Just have all of NA in one group. The leader should be interested enough to not leave a week and a half later.
If someone else wants to be leader of GAF east I can just give them the powa.

I thought the multi would grab me more than it did. Sadly it didn't, far too few game modes and the mindless chaos killed it for me. It sure does look go though.

Maybe if they have an amazing update in a few months I'll jump back in, until then I'm killing my backlog.


gregor7777 said:
No hurt feelings, I didn't make either game. :lol

I just meant to laugh at you a bit. It's like 'My First FPS' around here sometimes. The games are so completely different. And I just happen to have played both in the last few hours. :D

Carry on.
I've also been spending time with another fps, Battlefield: Bad Company. I got it pretty cheap ($19.00 + s+h) off of Amazon cause I missed it the first time around. It's pretty good! :D I really like Killzone 2, but I also love the fps genre and I play others as well. But saying that in this thread feels like I'm cheating. :D Anyway, I'm trying to unlock the ability to use C4 with another class so that I can use that with the scout. I find a nice, quiet corner. Surround myself with mines, and you might as well call me "Campmore" ;)


Jack Scofield said:
I worded my question incorrectly. I meant to ask, "how can I unlock the boost ability with other classes." However, in the interim between my two posts, I remembered the answer. To unlock Boost for a Sab, for example, I would have to earn all the C4 ribbons, correct?

I always get the unlocking thing backwards, hence my initial confusion.

EDIT: Err, wait, I think I'm confused again. What the fuck, I'll just look for a guide. :lol

To use another secondary ability with the class you're currently using, you need to unlock the ability you want to use and also the secondary ability of the class you're currently in.


Jack Scofield said:
To unlock Boost for a Sab, for example, I would have to earn all the C4 ribbons, correct?


Full Recovery: play proper matches. Random matches are either clusterfucks or boring as hell
Jack Scofield said:
I worded my question incorrectly. I meant to ask, "how can I unlock the boost ability with other classes." However, in the interim between my two posts, I remembered the answer. To unlock Boost for a Sab, for example, I would have to earn all the C4 ribbons, correct?

I always get the unlocking thing backwards, hence my initial confusion.

EDIT: Err, wait, I think I'm confused again. What the fuck, I'll just look for a guide. :lol
You're not confused! Generally speaking, to use a class's secondary ability you have to get that class's primary ability badge first. After that, getting the secondary ability badge lets you use other classes' secondary abilities.

Exceptions: Rifleman has no secondary ability and can use none. Assault does not have a badge for its primary ability (extra armor), so you can use the secondary ability--Boost--immediately. There is also a glitch where you do not need the Boost badge in order to use Boost with at least some other classes. This works with Medic, for example: as soon as you have Healing, you also have Boost. I don't know if it works for Saboteurs or not.

The requirements for the Boost badge are to Boost 10 times in a match. That didn't change with the patch; it was just nearly impossible to get before because it was erroneously requiring 10 times in a phase rather than a whole match.


Raist said:

Full Recovery: play proper matches. Random matches are either clusterfucks or boring as hell
Newflash: Proper matches are either clusterfucks or boring as hell. Even with gaffers.

I would say 80% of the time I finished in first place. and 100% of the time I finished in the top 3.

I've put over 80 hours into the game and I was ranked in the top 60 world wide. (mind you I haven't played it in the past 2 weeks). I've played default matches, custom timed matches, matches with classes taken out, small matches (8vs8, 10vs10, 12vs12) etc. It just doesn't work for me.

In call of duty I can do 15 kill streaks on a daily basis. In killzone 2 that's impossible unless you have an amazing team, hide and snipe and don't work towards the objectives.

Die, respawn, die, respawn gets to me very quickly. The same thing put me off from Resistance.

It's just not my cup of tea.


I bought this game a few weeks ago and played about half way through the first singleplayer mission until i decided it controlled like absolute shit and the level was generic as fuck. I decided to give the multiplayer a go and found it to be pretty awesomely addictive and the controls grew on me. Is it worth going back through the missions or is it the same old stuff?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
im watching RAW... couple of Killzone 2 ads and Madworld


BruceLeeRoy said:
One thing I will say that is truly bad about this game is the melee. Good god that is some embarrassing shit.

Like all things with the game, once you figure it out it will click and you will start wanting to melee anytime you get close. The trick is to remember the melee attack is an extension and will hit people in front of you, you can't just go running into someone expecting a melee kill. Its like punching, you have to know your distance and not over step yourself.

omg at the complainers lol. Some of the comments were really laughable, did you ppl really expect a lot of comments about the headshots and not being bullet sponges??? :p


relies on auto-aim
Finally hopped on KZ2 online since a friend urged me.

Pretty good, I kind of like the lower level play more. (This is just turrets and LMG's, not even assault yet)
2 Grenades is almost too much not to mention the other classes.

Played 3.5 hours, got the medic badge, extra nade, extra ammo

Not sure when I'll hop on again.
aight, so who is taking over as leader of GAF east? I wouldn't mind being an officer. Click is on all of the time too. Hell, is Kittonwy doesn't want it, I wouldn't mind being the leader.


Grenades shouldn't replenish upon a respawn. They should be replenished via visiting ammo crates.

Do that, along with not refresh cooldown abilities on respawn but instead only when a medic revives you and suddenly it becomes something you do want to happen to you rather than something you don't want happening to you.


COD4 has aged quickly? wtf you guys are insane..
As much as I love KZ2, I'm not gonna dismiss a two year old game that's still in 2009 fighting for FPS king of the hill on consoles.


I'm one of those whiners who is not completely satisfied with the controls, but I've adapted fairly well now (still looking forward to further tweaks though). A funny thing though: today I played COD4 for the first time since I got KZ2, and man did I aim better than ever before! Kinda strange and very satisfying. :D


WinFonda said:
Grenades shouldn't replenish upon a respawn. They should be replenished via visiting ammo crates.

Do that, along with not refresh cooldown abilities on respawn but instead only when a medic revives you and suddenly it becomes something you do want to happen to you rather than something you don't want happening to you.
Very good suggestions.


WinFonda said:
Grenades shouldn't replenish upon a respawn. They should be replenished via visiting ammo crates.

That's not a bad idea. I would like ammo crates at each original spawn point then. Does anyone know if ammo crates are infinite or not? If it is, then they should give it limited resources which recharge over time.

P.S - I hate Blood Gracht.


sex vacation in Guam
Iain Howe said:
Some people just enjoy pissing in other people's cornflakes. Some of those people eat cornflakes themselves.

The secret to understanding this phenomenon is that it's not about the cornflakes - it's all about the pissing.
I prefer pissing on a person's coffee pot since they cant tell you pissed on it. Stealthy ;)


Full Recovery said:
If someone else wants to be leader of GAF east I can just give them the powa.

I thought the multi would grab me more than it did. Sadly it didn't, far too few game modes and the mindless chaos killed it for me. It sure does look go though.

Maybe if they have an amazing update in a few months I'll jump back in, until then I'm killing my backlog.

I'll take it.


devilchicken said:
How are the other clans doing activity wise? I know im not the most active guy since i dont have lots of time to play but yeah, it's weird not to see that many ppl active at a time, especially when the clan is full. Maybe we're gonna have to merge clans in a couple weeks?

Just merge the NA clans into one. I hate to go online and find practically no one from the clan online.
Kittonwy said:
Just merge the NA clans into one. I hate to go online and find practically no one from the clan online.
Yeah I was about to reply to your other msg saying that might as well do the merge already, it's been like 4 of us in gaf east the last couple days, pretty sad actually. So go ahead and create a new gaf clan and we can all just jump ship there.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Full Recovery said:
small matches (8vs8, 10vs10, 12vs12) etc.

Those are not small matches. 8vs8 is the max amount of players the game can sustain (in large maps). For smaller maps it's 4vs4 or less.


Pikelet said:
I bought this game a few weeks ago and played about half way through the first singleplayer mission until i decided it controlled like absolute shit and the level was generic as fuck. I decided to give the multiplayer a go and found it to be pretty awesomely addictive and the controls grew on me. Is it worth going back through the missions or is it the same old stuff?
It gets better, levels 3 and 4 are done well. Intense firefights there.


I typically play mid size games (8 - 16 players), but decided to try the 24-32 player games for a change of pace and if you have a solid team this can be fun to play.
I have to admit certain modes become a cluster based on the map, but the games can be so fast paced and action packed.

I really hope they give us some larger maps to better support the larger player range and I think with the spawn points and larger maps they could even consider vehicles.

This game has so much potential with some simple tweaking and additional modes/maps...
The foundation for the visuals and gameplay is very sound so the tweaks would ensure longevity IMO.


NameIess said:
I typically play mid size games (8 - 16 players), but decided to try the 24-32 player games for a change of pace and if you have a solid team this can be fun to play.
I have to admit certain modes become a cluster based on the map, but the games can be so fast paced and action packed.

I really hope they give us some larger maps to better support the larger player range and I think with the spawn points and larger maps they could even consider vehicles.

This game has so much potential with some simple tweaking and additional modes/maps...
The foundation for the visuals and gameplay is very sound so the tweaks would ensure longevity IMO.

It totally depends on the quality of the people you play with when it comes to all of the maps playing with 32 people, it's not even a matter of just playing with someone who's good at getting kills, it's about playing with team players who are harder to find. Killzone 2 is so much more fun playing with good team players.


Kittonwy said:
It totally depends on the quality of the people you play with when it comes to all of the maps playing with 32 people, it's not even a matter of just playing with someone who's good at getting kills, it's about playing with team players who are harder to find. Killzone 2 is so much more fun playing with good team players.

This is absolutely correct...
I had some great 32 player games tonight, because we had great team work with the classes and communication.

I still have not played an official clan war, but I can see this is where the game truly shines. If you have a squad of different classes working together you can impact any game based on the skill of the squad.
Why am I not getting the quick draw ribbons? I get at least 20 kills with the pistol some matches and I'm stuck at 2 ribbons so far.

Just got one.
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