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Just finished the single player. I thought it was pretty good, but not exceptional. Actually I was kind of disappointed that it lacked the few things the first game did right -- mainly the variety. KZ1 had you traveling around to completely different environments (city, jungle, desert, military base, space) and playing as completely different characters (stealth girl, average soldier, heavy soldier, tech-guy)... KZ2 seemed pretty neutral in those respects, which is a shame because its graphics alone would have made different areas worthwhile just to see.)

What I did like was how well the pace picked up in the last half of the game. Everything from the Wastelands onward was pretty fun to watch/play. Once you get used to the floatier-than-COD4 controls, you're golden. Graphically it was nice as well, although games like MGS4, Uncharted, Gears 2, and a whole slew of PC games (Crysis being the most obvious) kind of took a lot of wind out of the KZ2 sail.

Decent game; I'll probably play through the single player again.


teepo said:
i want in

i call dibs on one slot!

Is your PSN TEEPO?


An error occurred. Please try again.
Are you sure you wish to resign from GAF EAST 3?
This operation cannot be undone. You can only rejoin a clan again if you get invited by the clan leader.

curse you kz.com


Just felt like making some suggestions to GG that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

General gameplay bugs

- When incapacitated, there's a countdown, and at the end of the countdown the message, "Press X to Respawn" appears. The annoyance is, I have to wait until "Press X" has been on the screen for approximately one full second before I can actually press it. It's a small annoyance, but since it happens every single time I'm incapped (can be dozens of times per game), I do get tired of it.

Tactician spawn grenade

- Well, good news. It appears the multiplayer is constantly attracting fresh, new players. I came to this conclusiion because nearly every time I use someone's spawn point, I'm facing a stupid corner and become disoriented. Maybe for the circle-shaped graphic on the spawn map, there could be an arrow in the direction you'll be spawning.

Engineer turrets

- When placing a turret, far too often a teammate will walk into my spot and interrupt the construction. It's not their fault. If only there were a small turret icon on their hud, they could politely avoid the spot.

- Is there a turret destruction indicator to let us know when one of my own turrets is destroyed? If that's what that beep is I sometimes hear, maybe you could make it a slightly different beep than the enemy turret beep so we can differentiate the two.

- I can not place a turret when my back or side is up against certain things. Just using this room in Radec Academy as an example, I can't place a turret when I'm up against the cabinet, lockers, or pillar.



- Player name labels and death message are too large, and become an obstruction at times. Say there's a mosh of people 15 meters in front of you, and 30 meters past that is an enemy rifleman. With the hud on, the player labels can make it literally impossible to see that enemy on the other side; with the hud off, it's very easy to see through these moshes, though going hud-less has its own disadvantages. A possible solution would be to decrease the font sizes, make the labels more transparent, and/or allow us to customize different types of hud items individually. But I personally like to know who I'm looking at if I'm playing with mates, so I would personally prefer the ability to adjust size and transparency.

Battle Replays

- Individual player stats would be nice. What would be even nicer, is if those stats were tallied in realtime as the replay progresses.

This is all I could think of at the moment. These are all little fixes separately, but combined they can go a long way to improving our experience with the game.


Kittonwy said:
GAFNA is born

Clan Tag is GAFA, A is for AMERICA.

I've sent some invites out.

I posted this in the Killzone clan thread but just in case I would like to be in this clan and my PSN ID is Lyulf.


-Rogue5- said:
Graphically it was nice as well, although games like MGS4, Uncharted, Gears 2 kind of took a lot of wind out of the KZ2 sail..

Wa wa wat? How can someone...? I guess that happens when people don't notice what exceptional lighting adds to a game. Only Uncharted comes close to this but still looks worse.
the_prime_mover said:
I have been having a really bad experience over the last week or so. It seems that there are always about 2 or 3 people (sometimes many more) in a game that I can not kill. These people can die, but no matter how much damage I deal to them I am never the one that can kill them and they always kill me. Other times I will have my reticule trained on them but no matter how much I shoot no shots will land on them (if we are both standing still . . .).

I can understand the lagged deaths or jerky movement caused by lag, but this does not seem to be the same. In most casses I will empty almost an entire clip into someone and I still won't experience a delayed death. I have been playing for about 70hrs now and feel very confident in my knowledge about how much damage the various classes can take, yet I am running into this phenomenon more and more frequently. Usually I will be good for one match, but on the second match on the same server I will not be able to kill, or sometimes even hit, people on the map. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I know that the red x that appears is not always accurate - sometimes it will shoot 3 or 4 xs on a person's head and yet they won't die of a headshot, but this seems to be a major extension on this.

Just now I was playing a game where I was able to kill the speaker carrier no problem. I reload and another person picks up the speaker and comes running in a straight line towards me. I empty about 80% of my SMG clip into him with red xs appearing the entire time, yet he doesn't die. He takes me out quickly though and because of that he gets the delivery. He died a bit after this, but by someone elses hand.

Unfortunately this is making the game a bit unplayable. I assume it is some kind of lag, but I don't know how to correct for it, and without any type of ping indicator ingame I can't tell if I am connecting to bad hosts or not.
I have noticed this for the last day or two too, im pretty confident on my judgement about how much it takes to kill someone and yet i will empty a clip into them for them to be killed a few seconds later by someone else (watching as my poor guy is lying there dying :D).

Its a shame that it seems people are not coming back to the MP as i think its one of the most enjoyable onlline games around and even though at times it can look like a big clusterfuck (bigger games) there are still a lot of tactics involved if you and the people you are playing with know what they are doing.

At the moment im just trying to unlock the abilities and i can understand what the big fuss about getting the turret ribbons is, it can be tricky but all you need to do is place them well and try to go for pistol only games and you should be fine. Just doing the spawn points one at the moment and tha its on to air support!
I've only played online very briefly but I unlocked the shotgun and smg. Are either worth using or is it better to stick with the assault rifle? I only play 16 player rounds.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I've only played online very briefly but I unlocked the shotgun and smg. Are either worth using or is it better to stick with the assault rifle? I only play 16 player rounds.
it's fun to use for a while (shotgun). untill you unlock other stuff


Thrakier said:
Gratz! How did you get the harder badges? Any tipps?

search for Capture & Hold only games in Blood Gracht (the usually last for 20-30 minutes) and focus on the zone in the middle of the map, keep switching classes engineer / tactician / saboteur, even sniper.

enjoy the turret, C4, air support, C&H 10 kills and sniper ribbons at the end of each round.


Cakefoo's suggestions are sound. I really like the graphical overlay suggestions for spawn points. I think they should do it for turrets as well -- TF2 got it right.


Kittonwy said:
Invite sent.

Got your invite, can't resign from GAF East at work as I get an error. I'll have to do it from within the game. So I'll do it tonight when I get home from work and should be on at some point. GG's last night. I feel bad even using Assault when FF is not on as it's not even fun, but I'm trying to get my boost ribbons. Just run around launching grenades everywhere or rockets (I used grenade launcher as I think it's slightly more challenging).

For GAF servers, I'd like to request that we always have FF on and put that in the title of the room. This game is meant to be played that way.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I've only played online very briefly but I unlocked the shotgun and smg. Are either worth using or is it better to stick with the assault rifle? I only play 16 player rounds.

all guns are good based on situation. Shotgun is great for close range, smg is great for rushing, lmg is amazing for holding a position (must crouch), and the assault rifle is your "Ryu" of KZ2. Well, aside the fact that the Helghast AR is not as good as ISA, ISA LMG is not as good as Helghast, and ISA Rocket Launcher is useless compared to the Helghast one (this was brought up in Beta and apparently they didn't really do anything to balance it).

suggestions for the currently useless guns:
Helghast AR needs to have slightly stronger bullets and faster firing rate (slightly weaker than ISA is fine but right now its too weak). Just think CS's CS AR vs Terrorist AR.
ISA LMG should have faster firing rate to compensate for its weaker bullets (does it already? maybe i'm tripping).
ISA Rocket Launcher needs to be stronger to compensate for its slower + delayed rockets.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Ok, today i dont work so im probably playing some SF IV,R2 (DLC this week) and KZ2.
So if you wanna get some badges on some weird private game just tell me :lol


I've been kind of bummed out after playing my first series of online mayhem two weeks ago. I really liked the way the game was hyped up for me, but when I realized just how slowly the character rank development proceeds, I am reluctant to go back.

Also, unlocking the new classes takes forever and I don't think I will be very thrilled once that happens. I played about 20 matches and I presume that only 2-3 had normal people playing, the rest was that usual mix of insane spanish retards playing while listening to horrible music on their headsets and 10-year-old british brats that grenade everything that moves and try to facehump anyone, for or friend.

I need to find better people to play this crap online.


glaurung said:
I've been kind of bummed out after playing my first series of online mayhem two weeks ago. I really liked the way the game was hyped up for me, but when I realized just how slowly the character rank development proceeds, I am reluctant to go back.

Also, unlocking the new classes takes forever and I don't think I will be very thrilled once that happens. I played about 20 matches and I presume that only 2-3 had normal people playing, the rest was that usual mix of insane spanish retards playing while listening to horrible music on their headsets and 10-year-old british brats that grenade everything that moves and try to facehump anyone, for or friend.

I need to find better people to play this crap online.

Why u play with those ppl?


glaurung said:
I've been kind of bummed out after playing my first series of online mayhem two weeks ago. I really liked the way the game was hyped up for me, but when I realized just how slowly the character rank development proceeds, I am reluctant to go back.

Also, unlocking the new classes takes forever and I don't think I will be very thrilled once that happens. I played about 20 matches and I presume that only 2-3 had normal people playing, the rest was that usual mix of insane spanish retards playing while listening to horrible music on their headsets and 10-year-old british brats that grenade everything that moves and try to facehump anyone, for or friend.

I need to find better people to play this crap online.
My experience is that you are matched with the worst games at rank levels between lieutenant and colonel. Since reaching general only like 50% of the public games I join are completely obnoxious, while before that it was close to 100%.

Also, 32 player games are basically out of the question.


Kittonwy said:
Why u play with those ppl?

Yurop sucks?

No, it's just that my rank is so low right now. I cannot say by memory what stripes I've got now, but I think I just unlocked the ability to create clans.

But most games are populated with retards, tru dat.


VNZ said:
My experience is that you are matched with the worst games at rank levels between lieutenant and colonel. Since reaching general only like 50% of the public games I join are completely obnoxious, while before that it was close to 100%.

Also, 32 player games are basically out of the question.

Agreed on both points. Once you have all classes available, people seem to mix them up. As you are leveling up, its like everyone just picks the highest available ranking class..so you go from all soldiers, to all engineers, to all assault, to all sabs, and then once you hit 3 stars things sorta settle in....thankfully.

and yes, 32 players is nuts, but its great for getting massive points (blood gratch defend, Im looking at you)


glaurung said:
I've been kind of bummed out after playing my first series of online mayhem two weeks ago. I really liked the way the game was hyped up for me, but when I realized just how slowly the character rank development proceeds, I am reluctant to go back.

Also, unlocking the new classes takes forever and I don't think I will be very thrilled once that happens. I played about 20 matches and I presume that only 2-3 had normal people playing, the rest was that usual mix of insane spanish retards playing while listening to horrible music on their headsets and 10-year-old british brats that grenade everything that moves and try to facehump anyone, for or friend.

I need to find better people to play this crap online.
I know you're frustrated but did you have to go there?


glaurung said:
I've been kind of bummed out after playing my first series of online mayhem two weeks ago. I really liked the way the game was hyped up for me, but when I realized just how slowly the character rank development proceeds, I am reluctant to go back.

Also, unlocking the new classes takes forever and I don't think I will be very thrilled once that happens. I played about 20 matches and I presume that only 2-3 had normal people playing, the rest was that usual mix of insane spanish retards playing while listening to horrible music on their headsets and 10-year-old british brats that grenade everything that moves and try to facehump anyone, for or friend.

I need to find better people to play this crap online.

You need to play with GAF people is what you need to do. But honestly, I haven't had that many matches like this, but I'm playing with servers that are only in the US.


GAFe will take on GAFa when it's at a convienient time to do so for all parties involved.

Fear our valour points, and fear



glaurung said:
But most games are populated with retards, tru dat.
Yeah, unfortunately, that's like 90% of the online FPS crowd no matter the game. Though I've come across a lot less of those guys in KZ2 for some reason.. ?
Still, it's best to stick with friends or GAF people.
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