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the_prime_mover said:
That is my point exactly. Air support as it stands is useless against people and worthless against turrets. Turrets can be set up in groups to be effective against people, but air support has to work alone. So why do turrets also get to be super powerful against air support? Take the rockets away from the turrets and give them to the air support. Air support should also bomb repaired mounted guns and ammo dispensers. In this way Air support would rule in the outside open areas and turrets would rule inside closed areas.
Air support seems to be mostly made for scouting out the enemy and to distract them (at least that is what one of the loading screens says), and not to be used primarily as thing to kill people in the game.

I do agree that the turrets really dont need those rockets to take down the air support bots though, since the air support bots hardly kills people anyway and it is relatively easy to shot down a air support bot with a rifle or similar.

Surfheart said:
Is it possible to play co-op against bots again yet?
I dont think so.


it would be nice if the air sentry's would create an instant radar zone for the area it patrols, essentially tagging any enemy that walked within the zone on the radar whether they shot or not. Or maybe they could cause the sniper camo or saboteur camo's to act erratically as an area effect. And I also agree that the turrets shouldn't have rockets to take them down so easily, but instead the other way around. The sentry's should nuke the turrets.


People who are motherfucking retards should NOT be playing tacticians. JFC.


Kittonwy said:
People who are motherfucking retards should NOT be playing tacticians. JFC.
one bad tactician can essentially lose the game for a team. I am surprised you aren't seeing more asshole's playing as tacticians and sabotaging a team's chances.


It is okay to lose a game after a good fight, but a lousy Tactician can drain all the fun out of a game regardless of win or loss. That's worse (or worst).
Please GG make a comment regarding a party system...pllllleeeeasse.
The game is already like meth for me but as it stands its like the meth you buy from the homeless guy down the street not the stuff you get behind a 7-11 from a guy named Vike that tells you its the color of a Darth Vader slurpee.

I want KZ2 to be my Darth Vader slurpee come on GG!


BruceLeeRoy said:
Please GG make a comment regarding a party system...

They did...basically they said its not happening due to complications with the ' back end ' , but did say they were working on 'some things' which should help.

So far 200,000 people have played this week...the 'enrollment' is getting concerning...


Dirtbag said:
one bad tactician can essentially lose the game for a team. I am surprised you aren't seeing more asshole's playing as tacticians and sabotaging a team's chances.

I swear to fucking god I would take a sledge hammer to whoever's putting the fucking spawn points in the game I'm playing right now, that schmuck's IQ is less than zero.


Hmm...I played online once and didn't really like it. Not sure what it is but I just can't get into this games online play. I actually have yet to beat it too...I'm on the last part where you're in the big room fighting all the guards of that general dude...I can't remember his name now. I keep dying so I just give up and go do something else.

Oh christ...I've become a casual gamer


BruceLeeRoy said:
Please GG make a comment regarding a party system...pllllleeeeasse.
The game is already like meth for me but as it stands its like the meth you buy from the homeless guy down the street not the stuff you get behind a 7-11 from a guy named Vike that tells you its the color of a Darth Vader slurpee.

I want KZ2 to be my Darth Vader slurpee come on GG!

I'm just so tired of playing unbalanced teams, constantly.
I don't like how you can play games of like say 24 players max, but the teams often fill out at like 9 higs - 15 ISA, and the match launches automatically. Then more idiots join the server and choose a faction at random without seeing the team counts, and further off-balance the winning team. It makes me want to get up off my couch and turn the ps3 off on the spot.
GodofWine said:
They did...basically they said its not happening due to complications with the ' back end ' , but did say they were working on 'some things' which should help.

So far 200,000 people have played this week...the 'enrollment' is getting concerning...

Hmm I wonder what there Idea for 'some things' is. Why the fu@#$ would that not be one of the big things on their white board at the beginning of production.


GodofWine said:
They did...basically they said its not happening due to complications with the ' back end ' , but did say they were working on 'some things' which should help.

So far 200,000 people have played this week...the 'enrollment' is getting concerning...

I blame saboteurs.


Dirtbag said:
it would be nice if the air sentry's would create an instant radar zone for the area it patrols, essentially tagging any enemy that walked within the zone on the radar whether they shot or not. Or maybe they could cause the sniper camo or saboteur camo's to act erratically as an area effect. And I also agree that the turrets shouldn't have rockets to take them down so easily, but instead the other way around. The sentry's should nuke the turrets.
That sounds like som pretty cool ideas! :)

test_account said:
Air support seems to be mostly made for scouting out the enemy and to distract them (at least that is what one of the loading screens says), and not to be used primarily as thing to kill people in the game.
I am quting myself here since i forgot to add something. I know that you get a ribbon for getting 5 kills with the air support bots in one round, so the air support bots are made for killing people as well. But since it is very hard (at least in my opinion) to get 5 kills with the air support bots in one round, and that one of the loading screens says that the air support bots are best used for scout out enemies and to distract them, so i just wondered if maybe the air support bots are mostly made for scouting out enemies and to distract them instead of killing them.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Hmm I wonder what there Idea for 'some things' is. Why the fu@#$ would that not be one of the big things on their white board at the beginning of production.

Do what we did with the LBP fiasco. spam the shit out of them demanding a party system on their forums .

btw whoever came up with the idea of overpowering the Assault class, i hope an elephant molests you and takes a big shit on your loved ones.
GodofWine said:
They did...basically they said its not happening due to complications with the ' back end ' , but did say they were working on 'some things' which should help.

So far 200,000 people have played this week...the 'enrollment' is getting concerning...

Where are you getting this number?
Rapping Granny said:
Do what we did with the LBP fiasco. spam the shit out of them demanding a party system on their forums .

btw whoever came up with the idea of overpowering the Assault class, i hope an elephant molests you and takes a big shit on your loved ones.

I think thats a brilliant idea. I am posting a thread probably one of a hundred.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I think thats a brilliant idea. I am posting a thread probably one of a hundred.

I'll help you after a couple more matches.

everyone should do this, if enough people bitch about it, they will reconsider it, just like Fat Princess and voice chat.
Rapping Granny said:
I'll help you after a couple more matches.

everyone should do this, if enough people bitch about it, they will reconsider it, just like Fat Princess and voice chat.

Aight guys I added probably the hundredth thread about the party system to the KZ2 forums feel free to aid me in venting until we get a proper answer from GG.


Rapping Granny said:
I'll help you after a couple more matches.

everyone should do this, if enough people bitch about it, they will reconsider it, just like Fat Princess and voice chat.

Really they added Voice Chat! Oh man that means their is hope!


GodofWine said:
They did...basically they said its not happening due to complications with the ' back end ' , but did say they were working on 'some things' which should help.

So far 200,000 people have played this week...the 'enrollment' is getting concerning...

Honestly, I haven't bothered to play this week. Their game just isn't all that with their intented abilities and class balances. There's only so much tweaking you can do on the player end.

They dropped the ball on multiplayer, and a lack of a party system is just mind bogglingly dumb.


Zen said:
Honestly, I haven't bothered to play this week. Their game just isn't all that with their intented abilities and class balances. There's only so much tweaking you can do on the player end.

They dropped the ball on multiplayer, and a lack of a party system is just mind bogglingly dumb.

Jesus, I wouldn't say they dropped the ball. Obviously things can be improved upon but saying they dropped the ball? Come on now.

Also, a complaint. Who thought it would be a good idea to have your squad mates spawn in front of you? Can't count how many times I was in an exchange and one of my mates spawns right in my line of fire.


To each their own, I think they had a unique opportunity with Killzone 2 to make something (in terms of amount of players, balance and overall fun) that could be mentioned to be popular online in the same way that CoD is on the Playstation, and they dropped the ball on the multiplayer. Even if they get in a party system tommorow, it's too late for that, but they can at least stabilize thir diminishing player abse somewhat.

Boss Man

test_account said:
That sounds like som pretty cool ideas! :)
I am quting myself here since i forgot to add something. I know that you get a ribbon for getting 5 kills with the air support bots in one round, so the air support bots are made for killing people as well. But since it is very hard (at least in my opinion) to get 5 kills with the air support bots in one round, and that one of the loading screens says that the air support bots are best used for scout out enemies and to distract them, so i just wondered if maybe the air support bots are mostly made for scouting out enemies and to distract them instead of killing them.
Honestly I think they probably toned them down throughout development and eventually they became more reconnaissance machines than aggressive bots. The fact that they're so reluctant to cause any harm, and that turrets shoot rockets and just absolutely destroy them when they come near seems in line with early tweaks to what used to be overpowered air sentry bots. The air support badge, however, must have just gotten stuck the way it is. What else could they have done for an air support ribbon? Purely speculation, but it seems really plausible.
StateofMind said:
Honestly I think they probably toned them down throughout development and eventually they became more reconnaissance machines than aggressive bots. The fact that they're so reluctant to cause any harm, and that turrets shoot rockets and just absolutely destroy them when they come near seems in line with early tweaks to what used to be overpowered air sentry bots. The air support badge, however, must have just gotten stuck the way it is. What else could they have done for an air support ribbon? Purely speculation, but it seems really plausible.

I am ashamed to say that I have both the Air Support Badge and the Engineer turret badge but I got them through unscrupulous means :( I am so ashamed.

Boss Man

Well I'll be playing Killzone 2 MP for a very long time regardless of who else is. Luckily, it seems pretty self-sustained. Players make rooms, clans and even clan matches are handled by the game, bots should be added back eventually. It doesn't need a huge number of players. You'll never have to wait for a "matchmaking" option to find you a game, or have trouble setting up a GB.

Still though, it's disappointing that it didn't take like I think it should have. I feel like a lot of people are missing out, and mostly I chalk it up to:

1.) A learning curve. People aren't used to having to become accustomed to anything anymore. Killzone 2's controls are very unique, and once you get the hang of them they're a wonderful departure from every other game in the genre. It feels real, and it's rewarding. But if someone plays KZ2 for a week and they keep getting slaughtered because they can't turn or put their crosshairs on anything, they'll probably quit.

2.) Terrible advertising. When a big 360 exclusive is about to drop, everyone knows about it. Your grandma is probably intrigued by Master Chief by now. Killzone 2 is the most realistic, atmospheric, and intense game to ever hit a console...but I haven't seen a single frame of gameplay on TV. I looked for every bit of information that I know about KZ2. None of it was shown to me. That's a shame. How could they spend so much money developing this game and then just not let anyone know about it?
StateofMind said:
Well I'll be playing Killzone 2 MP for a very long time regardless of who else is. Luckily, it seems pretty self-sustained. Players make rooms, clans and even clan matches are handled by the game, bots should be added back eventually. It doesn't need a huge number of players. You'll never have to wait for a "matchmaking" option to find you a game, or have trouble setting up a GB.

Still though, it's disappointing that it didn't take like I think it should have. I feel like a lot of people are missing out, and mostly I chalk it up to:

1.) A learning curve. People aren't used to having to become accustomed to anything anymore. Killzone 2's controls are very unique, and once you get the hang of them they're a wonderful departure from every other game in the genre. It feels real, and it's rewarding. But if someone plays KZ2 for a week and they keep getting slaughtered because they can't turn or put their crosshairs on anything, they'll probably quit.

2.) Terrible advertising. When a big 360 exclusive is about to drop, everyone knows about it. Your grandma is probably intrigued by Master Chief by now. Killzone 2 is the most realistic, atmospheric, and intense game to ever hit a console...but I haven't seen a single frame of gameplay on TV. I looked for every bit of information that I know about KZ2. None of it was shown to me. That's a shame. How could they spend so much money developing this game and then just not let anyone know about it?

I am hoping Sony does some sort of pack in with it.

Really every PS3 should ship with some trailers already on it, folders tagged "Family Games" "Online Shooters" "Platformers". Easy and quick enough to delete but I'd guess most would take a peek at them.
MvmntInGrn said:
I am hoping Sony does some sort of pack in with it.

Really every PS3 should ship with some trailers already on it, folders tagged "Family Games" "Online Shooters" "Platformers". Easy and quick enough to delete but I'd guess most would take a peek at them.

360 ships with almost the whole television campaign for H3 ready for you to salivate over.
Not a bad idea.


StateofMind said:
Well I'll be playing Killzone 2 MP for a very long time regardless of who else is. Luckily, it seems pretty self-sustained. Players make rooms, clans and even clan matches are handled by the game, bots should be added back eventually. It doesn't need a huge number of players. You'll never have to wait for a "matchmaking" option to find you a game, or have trouble setting up a GB.

Still though, it's disappointing that it didn't take like I think it should have. I feel like a lot of people are missing out, and mostly I chalk it up to:

1.) A learning curve. People aren't used to having to become accustomed to anything anymore. Killzone 2's controls are very unique, and once you get the hang of them they're a wonderful departure from every other game in the genre. It feels real, and it's rewarding. But if someone plays KZ2 for a week and they keep getting slaughtered because they can't turn or put their crosshairs on anything, they'll probably quit.

2.) Terrible advertising. When a big 360 exclusive is about to drop, everyone knows about it. Your grandma is probably intrigued by Master Chief by now. Killzone 2 is the most realistic, atmospheric, and intense game to ever hit a console...but I haven't seen a single frame of gameplay on TV. I looked for every bit of information that I know about KZ2. None of it was shown to me. That's a shame. How could they spend so much money developing this game and then just not let anyone know about it?
3). Saboteurs + C4. No talent cheeze.


i haven't seen anyone use that one shot saboteur gun as well as Escalation, my god you rocked it out in one of the games on Helghast Industries.
Hazaro said:
Pistol only matches with low levels are nice.

This is the thing... I think I had more fun at the low levels before all the badges appeared.
That's not right.

Also, have we heard anything from the GG people who come to GAF? Anything?
I feel like the telephone went silent or something...


I like Warzone sessions with long body count and objective modes, it just feels more satisfying and you get awesome XP especially if you win.
UntoldDreams said:
This is the thing... I think I had more fun at the low levels before all the badges appeared.
That's not right.

Also, have we heard anything from the GG people who come to GAF? Anything?
I feel like the telephone went silent or something...

Haven't heard anything in a while I think its time we woke them up.

Rapping Granny said:

He kind of uses it like a sniper, he's so good with it.

He uses the SMG like a sniper? Are you telling me he can consistently kill people from a distance?
so much bitching and whinning in this thread all of the sudden. I love the MP. It is very addicting. It could use some tweaks, but overall, it is a great experience. Not sure what all of the bitching is about.


cjtiger300 said:
so much bitching and whinning in this thread all of the sudden. I love the MP. It is very addicting. It could use some tweaks, but overall, it is a great experience. Not sure what all of the bitching is about.
If you're not bitching, that means you don't love the game enough! :p
I've only played once this week, and though I'll still keep playing, I'm not as 'addicted' to it as I was earlier. All the major complaints (no party/matchmaking, team stacking, spawn points, assaults, etc) are starting to compound and make the frustrating moments appear more often than I can reasonably deal with. I'm basically one of the only guys pushing my group of friends to play this game, because otherwise they'll be playing COD, R2, SF4, RE5, etc. I have to organize KZ2 nights and send out invites and reminders to everyone.. Help me help you GG.
Patch that shit up! :p


Hazaro said:
Pistol only matches with low levels are nice.

Tried playing some of these games tonight and they are annoying as hell! I want to try and get my ribbons, but everyone is melee and throwing grenades the whole time.


Rapping Granny said:
Aren't we suppose to get a patch this week?
I don't remember the exact quote, but I think last week they said they needed more time for testing, but the patch would come soon. I'm losing hope a bit for this week, but it better come soon (next week).

I'm not sure how the numbers look for other PS3 online shooters, but looking at the stagnant player base after a month, they must be asking some questions and trying to figure out how to get more ppl to play or at least to keep the people playing.
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