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Lince said:
90th? :lol stop playing for your sanity's sake.... (the 1% trophy is already yours)
Idk, 7300 points don't seem that much...

Returners said:
Question, do the trophy for honor ranks stack? Will getting top 1% also net you the 3% and the 6%?
Yes, yes, indeed.
Hmph.... I've been playing R2 lately and have basically sworn it off in favor of KZ2. After playing that even witrh the BS rocket launchers and shotguns, I had a fucking blast. Mostly because it doesn't take a full clip to take someone out. I fucking hate arcade/twitch shooters now. Fuck it up the ass.


A party system was the most requested feature during the Beta, seriously it was overwhelming, so I always thought and mentioned before that I'd be surprise if one wasn't added during the first major update. Not these minor patches but first proper update. Not too sure now, maybe they ignored all the requests, we'll have to see. A lot of the times the Join Friend system is better tho, you don't have to leave the game you're in to join some lobby and then wait for everyone else to join before you can play a game. Or you don't have to create an party then send invites to everyone and wait for them to quit their games and join you in the lobby. You just send people a message saying "Join me" and go find yourself a game and jump straight in. No waiting in a lobby for everyone to finish their game and see they've got a party invite. And if you get disconnected, you have to send the party host a message for another invite, then sit and wait for them to finish their game so they can send you one and join their lobby. With Join Friend you just jump right in. BUT if you've organised a time for you and your friends to get together and play a few games and want to be on the same team then you need a party system otherwise it can just be frustrating. Party System wont solve getting into a game and finding that everyone is a dick and it's just a clusterfuck, but at least you can voice chat with each other in a private lobby and entertain yourselves while you search for an appropriate game. You can't really voice chat in the game lobby before a game starts it's just a mess because there's too many people and you only get to talk to 3 others when in a squad.

Guerrilla have been great so far in listening to feedback. It's just for some problems during the Beta like spawn camping at spawn grenades they overcompensated and their "fixes" made things worse imo. Spawning at a random area around the grenade rather than in the smoke is enough now. No need for the invulnerability, that just makes things cheap. At the very least, reduce the time they are invulnerable for. Or instead of them being completely invulnerable just make it so they take less damage during that time. Right now, I hate it. The game overall tho is still awesome, it's just this minor issue with the spawning which is irritating.


Dubbedinenglish said:
That is the job of the tactician, to make sure his spawn point is in a safe place (but still close to the objective) and to secure to spawn point. In the beta the clusterfuck would happen but only for a moment as one team would overrun the other spawn making one side loose ground. Right now a spawn can't fail so the clusterfuck continues indefinetly and creates that chaotic mess.
That is true, but are there any so to say 100% safe places (not counting your team's base, but even the team bases arent 100% safe) in any of the maps? If you know where a spawn point is, then it should be possible just to get some of your team mates to gather at that spawn point and start shooting everyone who spawns at that spawn point.

And when you spawn, it takes about maybe 1 second before you can start shooting. Even if you see the enemy right infront of you when you spawn, you must then wait about 1 second before you can start to shoot, and by this time you are probably already been killed by the enemy if you arent invinsible for a short period of time after you spawn.

As you mention, it was like this in the beta, and the reason why they changed it was because people complained about it, or so i would assume at least. So if they change it back to non-invinsible spawn points, then you will have people complain about this as well, since there are advatanges and disadvanges of both things.

One of the negative things is that the non-invinsible might make the spawn points pretty much useless if the enemy is standing around it, which might result in that you must spawn in your base to be safe and then you must run longer distances in the game to get to your objectives. Some of the positive things are that it wont be possible to deploy spawnpoints like 1 meter away from the objective, and there might be less clusterfucks as you mention.

A good solution might be to have this as a server option though, so you could choose between having non-invinsible spawn points or not. This way people could choose which spawn points they would prefer :)
I really hate the 1% trophy idea.
Well, I had the game prior to launch, played the shit out of it for a week and change before I had to go on vacation...
...Well, that week I was on vacation, if I logged on, I would've gotten the 1% trophy, easy.

Since I wasn't able to do so, I'm completely assed out and have to do it again.


test_account said:
A good solution might be to have this as a server option though, so you could choose between having non-invinsible spawn points or not. This way people could choose which spawn points they would prefer :)

Heh, don't know why I didn't think of that. That'd solve it actually, give people a choice. But Guerrilla still need to give us better search options so we can search for games like this. So we can search for games with FF on or Auto-Balance on and whether spawn invincibility is off or not.
FFObsessed said:
Heh, don't know why I didn't think of that. That'd solve it actually, give people a choice. But Guerrilla still need to give us better search options so we can search for games like this. So we can search for games with FF on or Auto-Balance on and whether spawn invincibility is off or not.

That would work, but I think that the majority of servers get set up to the default specs anyway. I really wish that GG would set up dedicated ranked servers like in Warhawk that have certain set characteristics. The colour of the server could differentiate between certain feature sets.


GodofWine said:
Regarding the question of how many people are playing other games, before I traded it in, COD WaW was always showing about 70-80K online at all times basically (24-7), I reckon it had 500,000 weekly members. COD4 probably still had more.

If anyone knows these numbers for certain, Id be interested in COD WaW / 4 , and R2.
Ok, thanks for the info! :) I guess the numbers for the 4th or 5th week after these games launched arent avalible so it can be better compared to Killzone 2's current numbers? As JudgeN said, probably many more people own COD WaW compared to how many people who own Killzone 2. Maybe such a decline in players after 4-5 weeks is normal for other games as well, but i dont know. I think it should be interesting to see how many players that will contunie to play Killzone 2 in the upcomming weeks and months :)

I dont think that Resistance 2 has any weekly stats. I can only see the total amount of people who are registered on the leaderboards. The Cooperative Mode leaderboards have 89,807 pages and the Competetive Mode leaderboards have 86,635 pages. There are 10 people on each page.

Maybe there are some weeky stats over at myresistance.net though, unfortunately i dont know :\

FFObsessed said:
Heh, don't know why I didn't think of that. That'd solve it actually, give people a choice. But Guerrilla still need to give us better search options so we can search for games like this. So we can search for games with FF on or Auto-Balance on and whether spawn invincibility is off or not.
Ye, i also wish there was better search options when it comes to finding servers in Killzone 2. Hopefully Guerrilla will add more server search options as soon as possible :)


test_account said:
One of the negative things is that the non-invinsible might make the spawn points pretty much useless if the enemy is standing around it, which might result in that you must spawn in your base to be safe and then you must run longer distances in the game to get to your objectives. Some of the positive things are that it wont be possible to deploy spawnpoints like 1 meter away from the objective, and there might be less clusterfucks as you mention.
Spawn invincibility would be a non issue if they had 'no spawn' zones in objective areas and around enemy spawn points.

GodofWine said:
From Seb at KZ forums:
A bit disappointed with this update.. Doesn't address any of the major complaints. I know he says they're looking at some stuff for future updates, but how long do you expect people to put up with some of these issues?


Id go out on a limb here and say that most of the people leaving this game are the people that wanna play this game "right". I tried playing the other night and there were no gaf servers so I played some random games and they were just shit.

No one was setting up spawn points, Turrets were in dumb places, no squads. It just turned into a death match that only MY side was playing. The other side were completing objectives and doing everything right.. or right'ER' anyway. We lost like 5-1 or something like that.

To put it simply, I think they overestimated their audience which is sad. I LOVE this game but only for what it intends to be. Not for what it usually ends up being:

A death match where some guy in the background is shouting out orders that most of the team half ignores.


don't ask me for codes
test_account said:
Ye, i also wish there was better search options when it comes to finding servers in Killzone 2. Hopefully Guerrilla will add more server search options as soon as possible :)

From the official forums
motherh666 said:
Anyway, down to business. Pending any unforseen problems, early next week patch 1.21 will be released. I’ll confirm the timings on Monday. The patch includes the following:

-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it ‘unranked’.
-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
-Fix to list of games displayed on search.
-Stability fix relating to disconnect.
-Fix to ‘Clan’ button functionality in custom game creation settings.

We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:

-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.
-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.
-Improving game and network stability.
-Collision exploits on maps.
-Improvements to help play with friends.
-More game creation options.
-More game options for clans.
-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.
-Other minor fixes.

Now the above does not include the DLC updates that we are working on and they wont all come straight away, but I wanted to give you an idea of the areas we are exploring. If anything else pops up we will of course add that too More on future updates soon.

No word on class balancing (tactician spawns, assaults), though I did send some suggestions from GAF as well as my own suggestions. Don't hold your breath though.

Other stuff coming in the form of DLCs which people would like, but dunno if I can talk about them.

EDIT: Crap, late by a page.
At least they are getting the bots back in which is important for the COOP VERSUS BOTS crowd.

I know my brother has been waiting around to play this game coop which I told him we would play together a month ago. It was kinda goofy we had to wait.
(He doesn't like online.)


UntoldDreams said:
At least they are getting the bots back in which is important for the COOP VERSUS BOTS crowd.

I know my brother has been waiting around to play this game coop which I told him we would play together a month ago. It was kinda goofy we had to wait.
(He doesn't like online.)

There isn't coop in the game.
JudgeN said:
There isn't coop in the game.

I meant that people want to play together versus bots. Not coop through the single player campaign. Like my brother and I since he hates multiplayer (versus potty mouth 10 year olds).


JudgeN said:
There isn't coop in the game.
I assume he means 2 humans vs an AI team.

-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it ‘unranked’.
-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
-Fix to list of games displayed on search.
-Stability fix relating to disconnect.

-Fix to ‘Clan’ button functionality in custom game creation settings.

We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:

-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.
-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.
-Improving game and network stability.
-Collision exploits on maps.
-Improvements to help play with friends.
-More game creation options.

-More game options for clans.
-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.
-Other minor fixes.
Good news. Particularly the bolded.. which is most of it. :lol Hopefully the "other fixes" addresses spawns, class balancing and Air Support tweaks.

I guess they did have C4 duds afterall. :lol


Tempy said:
From the official forums

No word on class balancing (tactician spawns, assaults), though I did send some suggestions from GAF as well as my own suggestions. Don't hold your breath though.

Other stuff coming in the form of DLCs which people would like, but dunno if I can talk about them.

EDIT: Crap, late by a page.

whut about fixing/eliminating the final section of the campaign?
test_account said:
That is true, but are there any so to say 100% safe places (not counting your team's base, but even the team bases arent 100% safe) in any of the maps? If you know where a spawn point is, then it should be possible just to get some of your team mates to gather at that spawn point and start shooting everyone who spawns at that spawn point.
One of the negative things is that the non-invinsible might make the spawn points pretty much useless if the enemy is standing around it, which might result in that you must spawn in your base to be safe and then you must run longer distances in the game to get to your objectives. Some of the positive things are that it wont be possible to deploy spawnpoints like 1 meter away from the objective, and there might be less clusterfucks as you mention.

A good solution might be to have this as a server option though, so you could choose between having non-invinsible spawn points or not. This way people could choose which spawn points they would prefer :)

There is no 100% safe spawn besides the main base, this is what balances out the Tactician. With every class you can fail (Sab getting caught, sniper being spotted, medic using up his abilities) but right now the Tactician cannot fail. The spawns survive whereever they are placed, even with the enemy overruning a position. Without invincibility (as it should be) the player takes the risk of spawning into a "hot" spawn, they can see from camera or look at map location to determine that. Honestly the only safe spawn should be the base, and it is the tactician's job to determine the safe zones and proper orientation of the player near the frontlines for a spawn point, not to mention this is the purpose of the sentry bot as well to take watch over a spawn.

In the beta the main issue was the spawn at base, not the others (where invincibility should be off).
Since they are clearly worried about tweaking or breaking their gameplay/design I had this suggestion for them on Killzone.com

============= MY SUGGESTION
Consider making some easily chosen default map settings which do not include stuff which annoys the general public. You don’t have to tweak anything just make the defaults different it ends up being the same thing. People are lazy.

You can even sex up the name call them "Official Challenge Map #1" where you have picked settings which promote Joe Gamer:

*) Custom Map
*) Challenge Map #1: Search Games with no spawn or boost
*) Challenge Map #2: Warzone with no rockets
*) Challenge Map #3: etc etc etc


JudgeN said:
You expected a full interface change complete with party system/matchmaking, assault class nerf, and a spawn grenade nerf in a 2 weeks? The full list of things people want are going to take MONTHS to figure out/test, you might as well trade in your game now if you aren't happy and this goes for everyone else that is upset with there purchase.

I wanted at least a mention of some class re-balances. That was essentially two updates, the long-term and short-terms... and with no mention of tweaks to the classes, skills. I'm really at a total loss about the clusterfuck nature of the game. I just find it hard to believe that GG can make a game with such quality/precision in so many areas yet throw it all away given the respawn system in place.


Dubbedinenglish said:
There is no 100% safe spawn besides the main base, this is what balances out the Tactician. With every class you can fail (Sab getting caught, sniper being spotted, medic using up his abilities) but right now the Tactician cannot fail. The spawns survive whereever they are placed, even with the enemy overruning a position. Without invincibility (as it should be) the player takes the risk of spawning into a "hot" spawn, they can see from camera or look at map location to determine that. Honestly the only safe spawn should be the base, and it is the tactician's job to determine the safe zones and proper orientation of the player near the frontlines for a spawn point, not to mention this is the purpose of the sentry bot as well to take watch over a spawn.

In the beta the main issue was the spawn at base, not the others (where invincibility should be off).
I think this is wrong. Tacticians fail everytime they fail to be a 'tactician'. By putting down a spawn backwards, putting down a spawn in some dumb spot. Its REALLY hard to overrun a well placed spawn.

This is why I never understand the spawn point complaints. Every single complaint Ive heard about spawn points have been the fault of the user not the system. This is coming from a person who used to hate the spawn point system until I became a tactician. Could you imagine having destroyable spawn points? How would you EVER win search and destroy on big maps?

Only thing they COULD do is create a cap on the spawn points. Like they can only be used 10 times. And each time they are used the green circle gets smaller and smaller. But making them destroyable would be a terrible idea.

And maybe the invincibility should be toned down a bit but not turned off. Thatd be silly as well. The other team can just camp the spawn which would also make winning games like capture and hold and search and destroy very frustrating. Spawning in those spots are a gamble sometimes as is because you tend to spawn a little confused as to where you are for a split second. You need SOME time to collect yourself. The spawn system is fine imo as is for the most part. People just suck at being tacticians.


Always-honest said:
no noticable lag what so ever here... sorry.

you guys are so full of shit.
it's totally playable, but when there are 4 spawn grenades in a single room around an objective and everyone is shooting rocket launchers from their Assault classes the game takes a noticeable hit.


The Amiga Brotherhood
the_prime_mover said:
Either that or just allow you to take him out yourself and nix the revive option.

Haha, I'm playing the game on Elite now and I often think I would be better killing my squad-mate(s) in certain sections of the game.


.GqueB. said:
I think this is wrong. Tacticians fail everytime they fail to be a 'tactician'. By putting down a spawn backwards, putting down a spawn in some dumb spot. Its REALLY hard to overrun a well placed spawn.

This is why I never understand the spawn point complaints. Every single complaint Ive heard about spawn points have been the fault of the user not the system. This is coming from a person who used to hate the spawn point system until I became a tactician. Could you imagine having destroyable spawn points? How would you EVER win search and destroy on big maps?

Only thing they COULD do is create a cap on the spawn points. Like they can only be used 10 times. And each time they are used the green circle gets smaller and smaller. But making them destroyable would be a terrible idea.

And maybe the invincibility should be toned down a bit but not turned off. Thatd be silly as well. The other team can just camp the spawn which would also make winning games like capture and hold and search and destroy very frustrating. Spawning in those spots are a gamble sometimes as is because you tend to spawn a little confused as to where you are for a split second. You need SOME time to collect yourself. The spawn system is fine imo as is for the most part. People just suck at being tacticians.

I'm sorry but the invincibility needs to be totally removed. It's the cause of the problem. Removing it would force tacticians to be smarter with their grenade placement, without totally ruining gamemodes like search and destroy.

I'm also talking about removing the spawn invincibilty everywhere, spawn at base, and spawn on leader as well. It's against the more tactical nature of this game.

I also think a charge up time on placing the grenade would have been worth looking into.


.GqueB. said:
And maybe the invincibility should be toned down a bit but not turned off. Thatd be silly as well. The other team can just camp the spawn which would also make winning games like capture and hold and search and destroy very frustrating. Spawning in those spots are a gamble sometimes as is because you tend to spawn a little confused as to where you are for a split second. You need SOME time to collect yourself. The spawn system is fine imo as is for the most part. People just suck at being tacticians.
The main issue with the spawn invisibility is that while you can't do anything to them, they're still free to do anything they want to you. ie Once a spawn's placed in the S&D room, Assaults will spawn over and over and fire random rockets/grenades as soon as they spawn with no downside to doing so. Even if they aren't assault, any other class can just spawn and chuck random grenades as soon as they're able to.

People possibly camping the spawn points is understandable, so they should keep the invincibility and make it so that they can't do anything offensive until the invincibility period is over. Perhaps a forced reload animation.. something.

That way the spawners still have time to collect themselves and aren't at an automatic advantage.


raYne said:
The main issue with the spawn invisibility is that while you can't do anything to them, they're still free to do anything they want to you. ie Once a spawn's placed in the S&D room, Assaults will spawn over and over and fire random rockets/grenades as soon as they spawn with no downside to doing so. Even if they aren't assault, any other class can just spawn and chuck random grenades as soon as they're able to.

but who cares about camping spawn points? the maps are large enough that it's usually your own fault if your team get's into that situation - if nothing else, it promotes teamwork. And there are auto-spawning sentry turrets to protect your home spawn as well.... how many other games have that? It's enough.

EDIT: They should have had a second of flying cam that circles your spawn point for a second before moving down to your first person view to give you a lay of the land before you spawn


Dirtbag said:
but who cares about camping spawn points? the maps are large enough that it's usually your own fault if your team get's into that situation - if nothing else, it promotes teamwork. And there are auto-spawning sentry turrets to protect your home spawn as well.... how many other games have that? It's enough.
I'm not referring to the main spawn. I'm talking about the spawn grenades. With no invincibility, all the other team has to do is stand 5 feet away, and pop you in the head everytime you spawn.

Yeah, you can argue, "well it's the Tactician's job to.. yadda yadda", but once a spawn grenade is thrown, it's not exactly hard to find out it's there.


careful said:
Spawn invincibility would be a non issue if they had 'no spawn' zones in objective areas and around enemy spawn points.
Yep, that would probably be one option as well :)

Dubbedinenglish said:
There is no 100% safe spawn besides the main base, this is what balances out the Tactician. With every class you can fail (Sab getting caught, sniper being spotted, medic using up his abilities) but right now the Tactician cannot fail. The spawns survive whereever they are placed, even with the enemy overruning a position. Without invincibility (as it should be) the player takes the risk of spawning into a "hot" spawn, they can see from camera or look at map location to determine that. Honestly the only safe spawn should be the base, and it is the tactician's job to determine the safe zones and proper orientation of the player near the frontlines for a spawn point, not to mention this is the purpose of the sentry bot as well to take watch over a spawn.

In the beta the main issue was the spawn at base, not the others (where invincibility should be off).
I think that i know what you mean with "hot" spawn, but what i described earlier with the spawn points would still be an issue i think, even in the spawn zones that arent hot. It shouldnt really be that big of a problem to find the enemy's spawn point, and especially not if it is closer to an objective like when you are trying to defend in the Search & Destroy mode. Then it would just be for the enemy team to stand around the spawn point and shoot everyone who is comming out of the spawn point without any big problems.

This would result in that almost no one wants to use that spawn point and that it might not be a good idea to deploy a spawn point relatively close (maybe like 50 meters for example) to the objetive that you are suppose to do. Then you must deploy a spawn point further back in the map to be more safe that several of enemies arent standing around the spawn point.

In the smaller maps, the non-invinsibility probably would have worked better, but in bigger maps like Pyrrhus Rise and Salamun market, it is not that fun to have to run relatively far distances everytime you die, at least in my opinion.

This is just an hypotetical situation that i am describing by the way. I mean, it is not sure that the enemy will so to say always stand around a spawn point and wait to kill those who spawn there. Maybe non-invinsibility spawns would work great, but i can see that it can be an issue/"problem" as well. Therefor i am just discussing if it would be a good idea to make non-invisible spawn points as the only opinion in the game :)

I think that the best solution is to have the option to chose between invisibility and non-invisibility spawn points when creating a server, or make "no spawn zones" close to the different objective in the game like the user "careful" mentioned about here.


raYne said:
I'm not referring to the main spawn. I'm talking about the spawn grenades.

With no invincibility, all the other team has to do is stand 5 feet away, and pop you in the head everytime you spawn.

It should be about 1 second of time, where you cannot be shot, but you also cannot shoot, maybe start with an unloaded weapon and have to load it or something.


raYne said:
I'm not referring to the main spawn. I'm talking about the spawn grenades.

With no invincibility, all the other team has to do is stand 5 feet away, and pop you in the head everytime you spawn.

It works both ways, that's the disadvantage of placing the grenade out in the open, or in an easily controlled location. The invincibility has turned these gamemodes into something else. You shouldn't be able to shoot while invincibile at the very least.


GodofWine said:
It should be about 1 second of time, where you cannot be shot, but you also cannot shoot, maybe start with an unloaded weapon and have to load it or something.
Yep, that's exactly what I suggested in an edit. ;)

Dirtbag said:
It works both ways, that's the disadvantage of placing the grenade out in the open, or in an easily controlled location. The invincibility has turned these gamemodes into something else. You shouldn't be able to shoot while invincibile at the very least.
raYne said:
Yeah, you can argue, "well it's the Tactician's job to.. yadda yadda", but once a spawn grenade is thrown, it's not exactly hard to find out it's there.


Dirtbag said:
I'm sorry but the invincibility needs to be totally removed. It's the cause of the problem. Removing it would force tacticians to be smarter with their grenade placement, without totally ruining gamemodes like search and destroy.

I'm also talking about removing the spawn invincibilty everywhere, spawn at base, and spawn on leader as well. It's against the more tactical nature of this game.

I also think a charge up time on placing the grenade would have been worth looking into.

lol no it wouldnt. Like I said, I think we are all over estimating the audience a bit. I mean how often are you STILL spawning in front of a wall? But yea there are ways to fix it like this:

raYne said:
Perhaps a forced reload animation.. something.

That way the spawners still have time to collect themselves aren't at an automatic advantage.

but I dont think JUST removing invincibility would be a good solution. It would make spawning a chore, a gamble and it just shouldnt be that way. I dont wanna play a game where Im killed the second I spawn. That isnt tactical, its unfun.


.GqueB. said:
but I dont think JUST removing invincibility would be a good solution. It would make spawning a chore, a gamble and it just shouldnt be that way. I dont wanna play a game where Im killed the second I spawn. That isnt tactical, its unfun.
I didn't say removing invincibility was the only step. Or even a step..

raYne said:
People possibly camping the spawn points is understandable, so they should keep the invincibility and make it so that they can't do anything offensive until the invincibility period is over. Perhaps a forced reload animation.. something.

That way the spawners still have time to collect themselves and aren't at an automatic advantage.


Well the one thing we can all agree on is the current system is broken.
I think where you respawn is your own decision so if you keep getting killed the second you respawn at a hotzone, spawn back at base. It's not like anyone is forcing you to use that spawn grenade.

So if your grenade is overrun and camped, you abandon it and the tide of the battle is shifted (like it should).

No invincibility or bust.
Can't they make it so too many enemies near an ally spawn point deactivates it? Taking the option to continue clusterfucking out of the users hands?


Dirtbag said:
Well the one thing we can all agree on is the current system is broken.
I think where you respawn is your own decision so if you keep getting killed the second you respawn at a hotzone, spawn back at base. It's not like anyone is forcing you to use that spawn grenade.

So if your grenade is overrun and camped, you abandon it and the tide of the battle is shifted (like it should).

No invincibility or bust.

If they drop invicibility, you can be SURE spawn nades are going to be camped like there's no tomorrow. Thus being completely useless and killing the tactician class (and it's not the air drones that would save it)

Disable spawn nades in "green zones", problem solved.


Raist said:
If they drop invicibility, you can be SURE spawn nades are going to be camped like there's no tomorrow. Thus being completely useless and killing the tactician class (and it's not the air drones that would save it)

Disable spawn nades in "green zones", problem solved.
That's what we said from the beginning. Which was later met with, "we don't want to restrict players" and "this is already how we wanted them to work ideally" etc.
Tempy said:
From the official forums

No word on class balancing (tactician spawns, assaults), though I did send some suggestions from GAF as well as my own suggestions. Don't hold your breath though.

Other stuff coming in the form of DLCs which people would like, but dunno if I can talk about them.

EDIT: Crap, late by a page.

Don't forget toggle crouch, screen capture for single and multi player modes and a FREE co-op mode DLC.


Raist said:
If they drop invicibility, you can be SURE spawn nades are going to be camped like there's no tomorrow. Thus being completely useless and killing the tactician class (and it's not the air drones that would save it)

Disable spawn nades in "green zones", problem solved.

Killing the tactician class :lol
Don't be so obtuse.

If anything else, it would be abandoned by the guys that constantly throw backwards grenades right on top of the objective. I wish the spawn point had the player's name on it, so you know who fucked up and could flame the morons throwing bad points.

I'm not joking, but I wish I was the only player on my team allowed to throw spawn grenades. It's an art.


Dirtbag said:
Killing the tactician class :lol
Don't be so obtuse.

If anything else, it would be abandoned by the guys that constantly throw backwards grenades right on top of the objective. I wish the spawn point had the player's name on it, so you know who fucked up and could flame the morons throwing bad points.

I'm not joking, but I wish I was the only player on my team allowed to throw spawn grenades. It's an art.

I'm sorry but even placing ONE turret near a spawn point would be a genocide if you drop invicibility. And judging by the general behaviour in random matches, you can be sure it'd be camped like hell "lulz easy kills"
I can't see how this would work. Please enlighten me.
Dirtbag said:
you guys are so full of shit.
it's totally playable, but when there are 4 spawn grenades in a single room around an objective and everyone is shooting rocket launchers from their Assault classes the game takes a noticeable hit.

i must admit i was never i a situation where this was going on. and i never hope to be in one:lol
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