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jett said:
whut about fixing/eliminating the final section of the campaign?

LOL 4 hours on vet....just for that :lol

Kittonwy said:
Clan game at 7pm, shape up marinez.

i'll be there with grenades on


Also GAF America let me know if you want to play on sat against eurogaf, I might be working past 4pm on saturday so I'm not sure if I can make it back home in time for the match, if yall want to play I'll accept the challenge.


Kittonwy said:
Also GAF America let me know if you want to play on sat against eurogaf, I might be working past 4pm on saturday so I'm not sure if I can make it back home in time for the match, if yall want to play I'll accept the challenge.

Accept it! :(


Andronicus said:
LOL 4 hours on vet....just for that :lol

they really should fix that shit, because right now the game is giving me no incentive to continue the SP campaign on elite...and I'm kind of burnt out on the MP...


jett said:
they really should fix that shit, because right now the game is giving me no incentive to continue the SP campaign on elite...and I'm kind of burnt out on the MP...
That was quick. Weren't you just talking about how people were nitpicking the game a few days ago?
Raist said:
Can't people give GG a break?

Raist you know I love this game to death. I have RE5, Demon Souls, and SF4 all still in there packaging because I cant give this thing up. I think it has the best console MP I have played in a long time I just want it to be even better.

raYne said:
Done and done.

>obvious "game's broken" joke<

Good man raYne.
Im playing the bridge part again on Elite.
F me this game is so gorgeous the amount of stuff going on in that part still absolutely floors me.

fps fanatic said:
I like playing as a Sabateur. :D That is all...

You sneaky little bastard.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Raist you know I love this game to death. I have RE5, Demon Souls, and SF4 all still in there packaging because I cant give this thing up. I think it has the best console MP I have played in a long time I just want it to be even better.

Good man raYne.

Yeah I know, wasn't talking about you specifically buddy.

But man, they've gone through so much shit and pressure and stupid stabs at their hard work for 3 years; I wish people would give 'em a bit of time to improve what can be improved, and not act like the game was super broken and had been so for months.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Im playing the bridge part again on Elite.
F me this game is so gorgeous the amount of stuff going on in that part still absolutely floors me.

You sneaky little bastard.
:D Oh, and that bridge part on Elite was murder, my god! That's actually one of my favorite levels. You finally get to use the Sniper rifle. I got past the Atac on Elite last night. I'm now at the
level. You know, the game is difficult, but at the same time it's satisfying playing it on Elite. Let's see if I feel the same when I get to the end though. :lol
fps fanatic said:
:D Oh, and that bridge part on Elite was murder, my god! That's actually one of my favorite levels. You finally get to use the Sniper rifle. I got past the Atac on Elite last night. I'm now at the
level. You know, the game is difficult, but at the same time it's satisfying playing it on Elite. Let's see if I feel the same when I get to the end though. :lol

The game is so satisfying. It reminds me of having to play double agent or whatever it was called in Goldeneye. That ish was ridiculously hard but it felt so good. Somehow I am actually having more fun going through on elite than I did the first time.
fps fanatic said:
:D Oh, and that bridge part on Elite was murder, my god! That's actually one of my favorite levels. You finally get to use the Sniper rifle. I got past the Atac on Elite last night. I'm now at the
level. You know, the game is difficult, but at the same time it's satisfying playing it on Elite. Let's see if I feel the same when I get to the end though. :lol

The spoilered level is my favorite one in the game. And the
Refinery kicked so much ass. Lightning Gun <3


Boombloxer said:
The spoilered level is my favorite one in the game. And the
Refinery kicked so much ass. Lightning Gun <3
Yeah man, I could just imagine that
lightning gun
in multiplayer! People hate Assault class with those rocket launchers, imagine people with that weapon?
fps fanatic said:
Yeah man, I could just imagine that
lightning gun
in multiplayer! People hate Assault class with those rocket launchers, imagine people with that weapon?


Chaos. Once I picked that up, the rest of the level was sheer overkill. :D
Some of the situations you're placed into become a game of chance on Elite. No matter how high your skill level, there are enough shots that get through from one direction or another (usually both) that you have no time to react. You're already dead :lol

Still, I must endure! Sorry to everyone whom wants more GAFers to play. There has been a lot of real-life issues to killzown first. If any of you would like to play, this weekend and next week you'll see me on PSN a LOT :D


this post rates 1/10
user friendly said:
I expect some awesome pictures once you get it home. Congrats are due.

It was just an affidavit that I had to get notarized and send back to Sony, but I'll post some pics when it arrives.
I hope they make group DLC mission pack like this:

8 Helghast board an ISA spaceship. (Any non human players are support bots)
Your mission is to takeover the spaceship fighting your way to the command center.

One by one you get killed off. One of you must make it to the command center to win the game for everyone.


Kittonwy said:
To my GAF AMERICA brethren, GAF2 did not show up, we won! Rejoice!!!111!!!
GAF2 must be french :lol

UntoldDreams said:
I hope they make group DLC mission pack like this:

8 Helghast board an ISA spaceship. (Any non human players are support bots)
Your mission is to takeover the spaceship fighting your way to the command center.

One by one you get killed off. One of you must make it to the command center to win the game for everyone.
You know, every FPS that gets released.. a level like this is described by fans of the genre... such a weird phenomenon. FPS gamers love the idea of boarding. :lol


Kittonwy said:
To my GAF AMERICA brethren, GAF2 did not show up, we won! Rejoice!!!111!!!
Yeah I tried to join the game but it wasn't showing up on my events tab. Probably because I accepted the clan invite after the match was set up.


I'd be in the dick
Nightz said:
Yeah I tried to join the game but it wasn't showing up on my events tab. Probably because I accepted the clan invite after the match was set up.
Nothing ever shows up in the GAF2 events.


Facism said:
Our boss Raist is French. The only running he'll do tomorrow is all over GAFNA.

Just hope he doesn't surrender first!

I was actually talking about how the french are never on time, ever. They move at their own speed.


belvedere said:
And fix the party system. It was great while it worked but for whatever reason after the second patch, no one I knew could ever properly keep a party going longer than one game without getting the "game session no longer exists" error.
That was fixed following PS3's own FW update that followed a while later.


there is apparently a "big" announcement from Sony coming this tuesday. Could it be that price drop we've been hoping for? I'd sure love to see that so I can finally get my hands on this game.


Dubbedinenglish said:
That is how they should work, and it is what creates the dynamic gained and lost ground. Spawns are easy to spot, but remember there are all the other abilities to defend the spawn (C4, turrets, sentries) also the spawn will be used so plenty of bodies will flow through making it even more difficult for someone to reach the enemy spawn.
Ye, this would work pretty well if your team is well organized and if they work well together. But playing on random servers, it is unfortunately very hard to work together as a team this organized (at least after my experience) since you are playing against unknown people, so it is not just to take the command and give them orders etc. Maybe some will listen, but probably not all. Because of this, i would assume that people would complain about if there were non-invinsibilty spawn points.

I think it is better to not allow spawn points in the defend zones as someone mention earlier, at least if this should be the only opion in the game. Otherwise it could be a server option to allow non-invinsibilty spawn points or not :)

About the bodies that you mention, do the bodies have any affect on the gameplay? I havnt noticed this at least.


Kittonwy said:
To my GAF AMERICA brethren, GAF2 did not show up, we won! Rejoice!!!111!!!

I can't play much this weekend because I have been working like crazy, but next week I am free. I can't wait to play some games with you guys.
ergo said:
there is apparently a "big" announcement from Sony coming this tuesday. Could it be that price drop we've been hoping for? I'd sure love to see that so I can finally get my hands on this game.

where did this info come from?
So I guess I have to do what I presume everyone else did (based on posts many pages back and chatter in my headset) and set up a game with a bud to have the air support sentry kill them five times for eight games...?

Man... the most I got is 3. It's BS. I love the game, but this ribbon crap is retarded. This is only great for everyone who starts off at the same time and plays as frequently as each other. Not so good for people who play here and there or newcomers coming in playing with people 5X their skill level.

I say give everyone the ability to be everything with every perk and the rewards for performing certain deeds would be new skins and gear to show that you've got skill. How does it make sense to give someone with great skill even more tools to dominate? I'm not saying everything's unbalanced and such. I'm saying this hypothetically. Besides... it doesn't even take skill to watch a bot kill someone lol.


ilanna said:
Don't agree with it! Keep the invincibility but take away player's ability to shoot.

i thought the beta was better without the invincibility. Much better use of spawn grenades and it made for some exciting search and destroy matches that took skill.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
So I guess I have to do what I presume everyone else did (based on posts many pages back and chatter in my headset) and set up a game with a bud to have the air support sentry kill them five times for eight games...?

Man... the most I got is 3. It's BS. I love the game, but this ribbon crap is retarded. This is only great for everyone who starts off at the same time and plays as frequently as each other. Not so good for people who play here and there or newcomers coming in playing with people 5X their skill level.

I say give everyone the ability to be everything with every perk and the rewards for performing certain deeds would be new skins and gear to show that you've got skill. How does it make sense to give someone with great skill even more tools to dominate? I'm not saying everything's unbalanced and such. I'm saying this hypothetically. Besides... it doesn't even take skill to watch a bot kill someone lol.

There is rudimentary matchmaking to counter this. The game does change though when you run into the assault class (IMO for the worse).
jett said:
Eh...took out Radec seemingly easy on Veteran. Wut's going on o_o


you stay on the left side of the balcony after 3rd wave when it opens up, its A LOT easier to watch the stairs and pick off the guys on the other side before they kill rico and swarm you, + you got protection from the rocket dudes till you clear everyone else out.

when fighting radec keep your back in the corner of a wall and he cant appear behind you, takes less than 3 smg clips to kill him.....i learned that after a WHILE...4 hours:lol
ergo said:
there is apparently a "big" announcement from Sony coming this tuesday. Could it be that price drop we've been hoping for? I'd sure love to see that so I can finally get my hands on this game.

Ergo I am hoping it is for you bro.


Fafracer forever
Andronicus said:
when fighting radec keep your back in the corner of a wall and he cant appear behind you, takes less than 3 smg clips to kill him.....i learned that after a WHILE...4 hours:lol
Thanks for telling me that NOW - It took me 2 hours to take him down, and a change of X-sensitivity to maximum,
so I was finally able to track his mad teleporting. Although even in the winning fight there were at least 5 instances where I was running like a screaming schoolgirl after I failed to find him in time but heard the ominous "hand to hand is my favourite" indicating he was right behind me somewhere

you stay on the left side of the balcony after 3rd wave when it opens up, its A LOT easier to watch the stairs and pick off the guys on the other side before they kill rico and swarm you, + you got protection from the rocket dudes till you clear everyone else out.
I actually had the most trouble with the part Before you get to the balcony. Once I got up, I used grenade launcher until rockets start flying, and then my first instinct was to run to the far left where you can pick-out launcher guys easily from. But yea, getting to the balcony took a while - especially because I stupidly tried to shoot Radec half of the time instead of taking on other soldiers.
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