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Dirtbag said:
Killing the tactician class :lol
Don't be so obtuse.

If anything else, it would be abandoned by the guys that constantly throw backwards grenades right on top of the objective. I wish the spawn point had the player's name on it, so you know who fucked up and could flame the morons throwing bad points.

I'm not joking, but I wish I was the only player on my team allowed to throw spawn grenades. It's an art.

Im pissed that I never get credit for my spawn points.


Dirtbag said:
but who cares about camping spawn points? the maps are large enough that it's usually your own fault if your team get's into that situation - if nothing else, it promotes teamwork. And there are auto-spawning sentry turrets to protect your home spawn as well.... how many other games have that? It's enough.

EDIT: They should have had a second of flying cam that circles your spawn point for a second before moving down to your first person view to give you a lay of the land before you spawn
The bolded could be applied to almost everyone's complaint.

Lag in 32p games because there are 4 spawn nades in the same room w/ assaault+rockets, your fault, leave the game and find something else. Some people might enjoy it, some people might play through it, but the people who bitch about it arent forced to stay there.

I still havent ran into a game where there are 4 spawn points in 1 area like that. Not 1 game. Usually when there are 2 spawns near objective and if we are not making any forward push, I literally switch classes and set up for the next objective.

Like on Radec, the search and destroy games can be fucken rough. I try to get things done, if I cant and we have like 2 mins left only, I simply switch to engineer and start planting turrets on the 2nd floor for the next obj.

another thing people are bitching about is the invulnerability from spawn nades. We all know it sucks, only recommendation to give is have the people spawning not only invincible for 2-3 secs but also do not allow them to be able to do any damage within the same time frame.

That way if someone spawns and there is someone there you cant kill him cuz you cant shoot, the other person cant kill you and you both have enough time to reconize the situation. Plain and simple. thats the best solution.

The class unbalance stuff is getting out of hand with complaints. I join random games and a lot of times assault is already disabled. If its not, I still play i nthe game to see what kind of people I am dealing with. If they are shitheads than I leave, if they are good than I stay, again no ones fault but yourselves, not gg, not the rocket nub, yours. You always have the choice to leave and either make a game like these people take time to do and name it FF ON/No Assault and people would isntantly join if its a popular mode.

Sure the class can be annoying as fuck, but its also not difficult to counter, most times people/teams get overwhelmed by them because the team your on simply isnt good enough to beat it. When I play in random games I join my friends in and we run into a bunch of shotgunners, my friends stay as tact/sabo I turn into a engineer and cheap kill the team back to clear them off an objective while my friends get set up.

If I dont have friends and I run into a tea mof assault people, I pres start and quit out. This isnt quick match or matchmaking, there arent any penalties gtfo and go to a new game. Thats the beauty of all this complaining, there are no penalties for leaving one server to go to another. If this was happening in matchmaking(kz dont have) than you can really bitch cuz quiting out would probably penalize(realistic penalties not a loss).


Raist said:
I'm sorry but even placing ONE turret near a spawn point would be a genocide if you drop invicibility. And judging by the general behaviour in random matches, you can be sure it'd be camped like hell "lulz easy kills"
I can't see how this would work. Please enlighten me.

It's pretty simple really, if the point is overrun you don't use it. You get two of them, and you can spawn on your squad.
If you keep spawning through the same point and die, it's your own fucking fault. Consider it a badly placed grenade.
Eventually it will be understood that placing a grenade right on top of the objective is no longer the winning strategy. Instead you place them a little further back from theirs so you have a fighting chance.

You can overrun their points just as easily as your own, so I don't really understand why you think its always one team that this will effect.


raYne said:
Did you read either of mine? 'Cause I didn't say they should remove it..
:lol You didnt read it over again did you?

I said I DONT think removing invincibility would be a good idea and there are other ways to fix the issue like this:


Those post wasnt directed at you I was just using your post in my response to Dirtbag.


Adding places where you cant drop spawn nades isnt going to fix anything. You have what you call stat padders. People who like having a great k/d these people will find the spawn points and camp them ignoring the obj.

Fixing the spawn point is as simple as not letting the person who spawns do any damage to anyone and not receive any damage from anyone for a alotted amount of time.
GodofWine said:
From Seb at KZ forums:

Is it harder to 1) fix the spawn grenades 2) edit assaults weapon layout 3) move search and destroy targets to different spots in game (people sprint to them before the game mode is announced since they never move)

Unfortunately nothing thats being fixed in1.21 I see as a glaring issue.

What a absolutely awesome list!
Those are almost all my complaints YES!


Dirtbag said:
It's pretty simple really, if the point is overrun you don't use it. You get two of them, and you can spawn on your squad.
If you keep spawning through the same point and die, it's your own fucking fault. Consider it a badly placed grenade.
Eventually it will be understood that placing a grenade right on top of the objective is no longer the winning strategy. Instead you place them a little further back from theirs so you have a fighting chance.

You can overrun their points just as easily as your own, so I don't really understand why you think its always one team that this will effect.
That would just break the game even further because "well placed spawn points" wouldnt exist anymore. The game would turn into 'run to the green/red smoke for easy kills' fest.

Even if you place them a little further back the enemy would just run a little further forward and prevent you from ever touching the objective. Only sensible ideas Ive seen were the forced reload animation and capping the use of the spawn point at about 10.


Dirtbag said:
It's pretty simple really, if the point is overrun you don't use it. You get two of them, and you can spawn on your squad.
If you keep spawning through the same point and die, it's your own fucking fault. Consider it a badly placed grenade.
Eventually it will be understood that placing a grenade right on top of the objective is no longer the winning strategy. Instead you place them a little further back from theirs so you have a fighting chance.

You can overrun their points just as easily as your own, so I don't really understand why you think its always one team that this will effect.

I guarantee you, spawn points would be camped. It's pretty obvious. And you don't need 6 players to camp a spawn to murder everyone on sight. So yeah, you would still have your squad spawn. Great. Now explain me what would be the use of spawn nades?

And sure, it would be "fair game" for both teams, I never said or implied it would only hurt one. But that would make the tactician class terribly crappy.

The only problem with spawn grenades is the clusterfuck caused by their placing on top of objectives. If you can't do that anymore, I don't see how a 2 secondes invicibility would hurt anymore.


Tempy said:
From the official forums

No word on class balancing (tactician spawns, assaults), though I did send some suggestions from GAF as well as my own suggestions. Don't hold your breath though.

Other stuff coming in the form of DLCs which people would like, but dunno if I can talk about them.

EDIT: Crap, late by a page.

Glad to see bots are back. Can't wait to see what they have for future DLC.

Is inclusion of bots the only difference between ranked vs unranked games? I hope they open up every thing in unranked games so every one can play on an even field.

Tempy any info on this?


.GqueB. said:
:lol You didnt read it over again did you?

I said I DONT think removing invincibility would be a good idea and there are other ways to fix the issue like this:


Those post wasnt directed at you I was just using your post in my response to Dirtbag.
Yeah, the way it's set up, it looks like you were replying to me instead of using it as an example. *shrugs*


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Another patch.. wow that was fast, looks like GG doent sleep or rest.:lol


.GqueB. said:
That would just break the game even further because "well placed spawn points" wouldnt exist anymore. The game would turn into 'run to the green/red smoke for easy kills' fest.
Instead of 'whatever you want to call the broken spawning' now?
Half the players are invincible, blocking shots at viable targets, rockets with no suicide penalty, and invincible through half the bomb arming timer.

Even if you place them a little further back the enemy would just run a little further forward and prevent you from ever touching the objective.
If you can't beat them back, then you deserve to lose the game. The invincibility is the only x-factor that removes the skill level of the game.

Only sensible ideas Ive seen were the forced reload animation and capping the use of the spawn point at about 10.
It would at least improve the current system, but then you still have body sponges that block shots to other viable targets, and waste bullets on.

Perhaps the spawn grenade just needs a broader respawn zone when placed. So it's not so obvious as to the exact spot an opponent will spawn from.


Even if we can't all agree, I think there's some good discussions happening here about game balance. I hope the right people at GG are reading this. Thanks for the efforts to fwd our ideas Tempy.

The Chef

God I want that red badge.

Rolf NB

Random suggestion time:

Let me reload my weapon while I'm down "mortally wounded", so that if/when I'm revived by a medic, I can go about my business without penalty.


BruceLeeRoy said:
What a absolutely awesome list!
Those are almost all my complaints YES!


You think the sniper y-axis and occasional dud C4 is more pressing than rocket whoring and spawn clusters dragging the game into chaos? If so, you are entitled to your opinion.


bcn-ron said:
Random suggestion time:

Let me reload my weapon while I'm down "mortally wounded", so that if/when I'm revived by a medic, I can go about my business without penalty.

Or give me a die option so that I can choose not to be revived if I so choose.
test_account said:
I think that i know what you mean with "hot" spawn, but what i described earlier with the spawn points would still be an issue i think, even in the spawn zones that arent hot. It shouldnt really be that big of a problem to find the enemy's spawn point, and especially not if it is closer to an objective like when you are trying to defend in the Search & Destroy mode. Then it would just be for the enemy team to stand around the spawn point and shoot everyone who is comming out of the spawn point without any big problems.

This would result in that almost no one wants to use that spawn point and that it might not be a good idea to deploy a spawn point relatively close (maybe like 50 meters for

This is just an hypotetical situation that i am describing by the way. I mean, it is not sure that the enemy will so to say always stand around a spawn point and wait to kill those who spawn there.
I think that the best solution is to have the option to chose between invisibility and non-invisibility spawn points when creating a server, or make "no spawn zones" close to the different objective in the game like the user "careful" mentioned about here.

That is how they should work, and it is what creates the dynamic gained and lost ground. Spawns are easy to spot, but remember there are all the other abilities to defend the spawn (C4, turrets, sentries) also the spawn will be used so plenty of bodies will flow through making it even more difficult for someone to reach the enemy spawn.


bcn-ron said:
Random suggestion time:

Let me reload my weapon while I'm down "mortally wounded", so that if/when I'm revived by a medic, I can go about my business without penalty.
LMAO You think when people are laying on the ground bleeding to death they worry about reloading their weapon?

GodofWine said:

You think the sniper y-axis and occasional dud C4 is more pressing than rocket whoring and spawn clusters dragging the game into chaos? If so, you are entitled to your opinion.

I am actually the most excited about the fact that they are addressing the party system in some way.


don't ask me for codes
M_A_C said:
Tried playing some of these games tonight and they are annoying as hell! I want to try and get my ribbons, but everyone is melee and throwing grenades the whole time.

Pistol matches are the best place to get those melee ribbons as well. Suit up as an assault and go bash skulls in. God, almost feels like cheating.


GodofWine said:

You think the sniper y-axis and occasional dud C4 is more pressing than rocket whoring and spawn clusters dragging the game into chaos? If so, you are entitled to your opinion.
C4 duds yes, sniper problem never knew of it. I do believe that was more important than people complaining about rockets/spawn clusters. If you need an explanation than feel free to read my post a bit higher, I'd love someone's opinion on it.


Dirtbag said:
Or give me a die option so that I can choose not to be revived if I so choose.

or at least update the k/d appropriatly when reviving someone (-1 kill for the "killer" and -1 death for the "killed"). It would make bad revivals more forgiving.


brunoa76 said:
or at least update the k/d appropriatly (-1 kill for the "killer" and -1 death for the "killed"). It would make bad revivals more forgiving.
That does annoy me but meh. I hate being revived and still having a death lol


Not pure anymore!
Dirtbag said:
Well the one thing we can all agree on is the current system is broken.
I think where you respawn is your own decision so if you keep getting killed the second you respawn at a hotzone, spawn back at base. It's not like anyone is forcing you to use that spawn grenade.

So if your grenade is overrun and camped, you abandon it and the tide of the battle is shifted (like it should).

No invincibility or bust.
Don't agree with it! Keep the invincibility but take away player's ability to shoot.


SuperSonic1305 said:
Is it just me or do turrets explode by themselves after a certain amount of time?
It would have to be a long while, I've never notice them, but I randomly hear chirps even if I dont kill someone and I assume its my turrets being destroyed.


don't ask me for codes
oneHeero said:
It would have to be a long while, I've never notice them, but I randomly hear chirps even if I dont kill someone and I assume its my turrets being destroyed.

That's just the chirps in your head. I keep hearing them too. Chirp chirp chirp.


ilanna said:
Don't agree with it! Keep the invincibility but take away player's ability to shoot.
I guess part of the problem is that I think a dominate team should have the advantage in regards to map control. I have this argument with the halo guys all the time.
If you place a bad spawn point, and are overrun and camped.. it's your team's failing, and in my mind, fair. I don't think it would feel any cheaper then the near invisible c4, the assault class as a whole, or the collective intangibles of playing as saboteurs. Not being able to shoot would at least be a compromise that would definitely improve the game.

On that note, I wonder what kind of dominance I could achieve by playing as a saboteur. As I'm already better then most everyone I play against, using only the tactician (whom has no real clear advantage over other classes).
MW2 has a lot to certainly live up to.
If they are committed to hitting 60 fps again I don't think we can expect the visuals to be even close to KZ but I am sure the gameplay will be shined to perfection for the people that like it.


Junior Butler
BruceLeeRoy said:
MW2 has a lot to certainly live up to.
If they are committed to hitting 60 fps again I don't think we can expect the visuals to be even close to KZ but I am sure the gameplay will be shined to perfection for the people that like it.

And fix the party system. It was great while it worked but for whatever reason after the second patch, no one I knew could ever properly keep a party going longer than one game without getting the "game session no longer exists" error.
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