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Fafalada said:
Thanks for telling me that NOW - It took me 2 hours to take him down, and a change of X-sensitivity to maximum,
so I was finally able to track his mad teleporting. Although even in the winning fight there were at least 5 instances where I was running like a screaming schoolgirl after I failed to find him in time but heard the ominous "hand to hand is my favourite" indicating he was right behind me somewhere

I actually had the most trouble with the part Before you get to the balcony. Once I got up, I used grenade launcher until rockets start flying, and then my first instinct was to run to the far left where you can pick-out launcher guys easily from. But yea, getting to the balcony took a while - especially because I stupidly tried to shoot Radec half of the time instead of taking on other soldiers.

If you have a surround sound system, it's pretty damn easy.


GG, we kicked their asses last game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
There is a signed petition going out for a Party System here.

Pointless. It's never going to happen. You think we beta testers didn't ask? We did, and reply was along the lines of "not possible, sadly. should have been implemented much earlier in game development".
I really wish that they had implemented all "super powers" as part of ranking up instead of badges/medals/ribbons.

Everyone ends up realizing that the badge "power ups" aren’t an optional thing. They are game breaking important to have.
(Boosting in Search and Retrieve is flat out unfair if one team has it and the other does not and combining them between classes is doubly important)

Because of this... A lot of people spend their time "farming" instead of "playing". If ranking up alone would eventually give you the "power ups" then everyone would simply spend time playing.

Badges/medals/ribbons should have been trophies or something instead of buffs (power ups).


Fafracer forever
Core407 said:
If you have a surround sound system, it's pretty damn easy.
Yea, didn't play with surround. Anyway, on the flip side, I got to learn that high-sensitivity doesn't hurt my aiming, so I'll stick with it.
Might actually be useful when I eventually play online.


wow, Captain Mhead and Click, those were some damn fun large games. Auto Balance & no rocket launcher, full teams and ppl actually working together. That Salamun Market game just exemplified how fun large multiplayer kz2 games are :)
TTP said:
Pointless. It's never going to happen. You think we beta testers didn't ask? We did, and reply was along the lines of "not possible, sadly. should have been implemented much earlier in game development".

Thats unfortunate. Couldn't it be done from the XMB if it cant be done using the network they have currently set up?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
Thats unfortunate. Couldn't it be done from the XMB if it cant be done using the network they have currently set up?

You mean like Warhawk via Home? I have no idea. I don't think it might work via XMB since there is no cross game invite system (which is what the 360 party system uses to keep a party together).
TTP said:
You mean like Warhawk via Home? I have no idea. I don't think it might work via XMB since there is no cross game invite system (which is what the 360 party system uses to keep a party together).

Hmm again unfortunate. I wonder what options they are looking into since based on their announcement for the next patch it at least seems like they want to figure out some type of solution.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
Hmm again unfortunate. I wonder what options they are looking into since based on their announcement for the next patch it at least seems like they want to figure out some type of solution.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's something as "simple" as being able to send in-game invites to people already online with KZ2. Of course you should be able to read/accept invites from within the game u are currently playing. No point if you have to exit to Communications to check messages.

Not sure if they can pull this off tho.

EDIT: Actually, they could go an even simpler route: friends slots assignment in game creation. I'd bet this is what they are working on.


Party system would be nice, but I think it's an unrealistic demand. The servers are not setup for that type of system. It would take quite a bit of work to switch everything to a party system setup.

I can see Friend Invites coming though, that should have been there from the start party system or not.

They need to take some options away from ranked, and have settings setup for different type of play styles.

I believe we should still be able to start our own ranked game, but I also believe that there should be certain settings set in stone in order for that particular game to be ranked.

And different versions, small maps 4vs4, medium maps 8vs8, large maps 12vs12.

If you alter certain settings like player count/limit badges/limit classes it should not be ranked.

GG expected the community to take care of that and sadly 95% of the time the community fails at setting these matches up.

They also need to limit respawns, or add a timer. Especially in search and destroy.


ergo said:

Pretty bad, no. I've seen far less glitchers than in RFoM for instance.
But still, someone weird stuff happen. Problem is, you're not always sure if you have to blame it on lag. That said, when people are not warping all over the place but survive a headshot with the shotgun at point blank, I'd say something is fishy. C4 is a different story, there's a collision detection bug.


Just finished it on elite. died 5 times on the last section. I'm fucking hardcore and one of the greatest gamers the world has ever seen. Fact.
Sorry I bailed out on people last night but my connection has been horrible the last week or so. I get so frustrated when on my screen I see myself pumping 4 shotgun blasts into someone's chest at 5-10 ft and have them just shrug it off. I am hopeful that this is either a problem on my end that I can resolve, or that the new patch will fix things up.

I am wired but I have two wireless computers also connected to the internet. I am not running any heavy software while I game and I know my router is set up properly. However I am noticing more and more lag when playing KZ2 to the point that only 1 or 2 out of 5 games is actually playable. My issues are people warping around, my controls going all crazy (will suddenly get very loose, or move quickly or just jerk around sparodically), people taking 2 - 3x more damage, and my shots not even connecting at close range. If anyone else has had similar issues and found a solution then your feedback would be much appreciated. I love this game and want to play it all the time, but these issues are really holding me back.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Hmm again unfortunate. I wonder what options they are looking into since based on their announcement for the next patch it at least seems like they want to figure out some type of solution.
I'm sure they will figure something out. :)


Full Recovery said:
Party system would be nice, but I think it's an unrealistic demand. The servers are not setup for that type of system. It would take quite a bit of work to switch everything to a party system setup.

I can see Friend Invites coming though, that should have been there from the start party system or not.

They need to take some options away from ranked, and have settings setup for different type of play styles.

I believe we should still be able to start our own ranked game, but I also believe that there should be certain settings set in stone in order for that particular game to be ranked.

And different versions, small maps 4vs4, medium maps 8vs8, large maps 12vs12.

If you alter certain settings like player count/limit badges/limit classes it should not be ranked.

GG expected the community to take care of that and sadly 95% of the time the community fails at setting these matches up.

They also need to limit respawns, or add a timer. Especially in search and destroy.

Friends invite hopefully, that's all they really need since the room kind of serves as a lobby anyway, getting a room started and inviting people in should make it much more convenient for people to get together.


Fafalada said:
Thanks for telling me that NOW - It took me 2 hours to take him down, and a change of X-sensitivity to maximum,
so I was finally able to track his mad teleporting. Although even in the winning fight there were at least 5 instances where I was running like a screaming schoolgirl after I failed to find him in time but heard the ominous "hand to hand is my favourite" indicating he was right behind me somewhere

I actually had the most trouble with the part Before you get to the balcony. Once I got up, I used grenade launcher until rockets start flying, and then my first instinct was to run to the far left where you can pick-out launcher guys easily from. But yea, getting to the balcony took a while - especially because I stupidly tried to shoot Radec half of the time instead of taking on other soldiers.

Best strategy here imo opinion is once the third wave arrives, you run DIRECTLY at the rocket launcher guys using the right side balcony (which opens up after the second wave).


Dirtbag said:
Just hope he doesn't surrender first!

I was actually talking about how the french are never on time, ever. They move at their own speed.

:lol Ah well. Hopefully the game happens today. I'm only shit-talking to brew up some competition. I want a good, epic game to be played.


Dirtbag said:
Just hope he doesn't surrender first!

I was actually talking about how the french are never on time, ever. They move at their own speed.

Somewhat. Unfortunately I'll miss the party as I'm out for some pool tonight and Cagen picked a bad time to play. :p

Anyway, my boys will DESTROY you


Escalation said:
Is there a way to see the room settings like friendly fire, maps, badges enabled, etc. before joining?

Unfortunately, no.

I don't give a shit about party system (can be worked around anyway) but there are a couple of stuff missing. And I don't know why, should be so simple to implement. Such as the detailed settings of a game/tournament.

And the time on which each tournament round will happen. I don't know why we have to wait for the tourney to start to get these infos. We don't need the exact ladder but times are set up as soon as the tourney is created. It's a pain to suscribe to multiple tournaments atm because of this.
Also, I wish it wouldn't display tournaments that have already started or of which's subscriptions are closed. Who gives a shit about them, like we'd like to spectate random tourneys with random clans?



Wait wait, I've been somewhat out of the loop regarding gaming for the last few days, but is the KZ2 commercial supposed to be out any time soon now? Believe I saw it mentioned somewhere. Thanks.


commish said:
Yikes, what's up with so many shotgunners nowadays

Depends on map and number of people really. I don't see many shotgunners on P.R. or S.M., but I see plenty of them in Tharsis Depot and Blood Gracht.

I'm not much of a shotgun user, but even on the CQC maps, I've picked up a few to help clear out the room.

The aim assist helps could be a factor as well. :lol


Thrakier said:
:( How can I get in visaris palace on elite? ...I already have like 100 tries...
Is it the place right before you are going to enter visari's palace? If so, have you tried to run past all the enemies some places, so you will get to the next check point? This is actually possible, i used this technique on the
AA-gun part, under Salamun Bridge
. I just ran past the enemies and into the door, and there was the check point :)


commish said:
Yikes, what's up with so many shotgunners nowadays

I like playing as an engineer, not because of the shoty but the turrets, i've yet to get my turrets medal too :(

Once i get my medal i'll alternate between engineer and medic. I've yet to even try scout, not interested in the class at all as well as assault, Saboteur is not for me and tactician is fun but i have more fun as a medic or engineer.


I have a question about a PS3 headset, is this the same Sony PS3 headset with the HQ mode that are bundled with SOCOM?


This question is Killzone 2 related as well, since i probably will be using the headset while playing Killzone 2 :) (i know that HQ mode cant be used in Killzone 2, but i would like to have a headset with the HQ mode for other games that supports it).


test_account said:
Is it the place right before you are going to enter visari's palace? If so, have you tried to run past all the enemies some places, so you will get to the next check point? This is actually possible, i used this technique on the
AA-gun part, under Salamun Bridge
. I just ran past the enemies and into the door, and there was the check point :)

No, it's at the end, right before the Radec fight. The checkpoint before the ATAC.


Thrakier said:
No, it's at the end, right before the Radec fight. The checkpoint before the ATAC.
Ye, that is the place i was thinking about :) Maybe it isnt right before you enter the palace as i first asked, but it is relatively close to before you enter the palace at least :) I hope that i didnt spoil anything now by the way :\

Which part do you have the most difficult with from this checkpoint, to take down the ATAC? If so, from this checkpoint, i ran to the right and hide behind a wall there. And then just going abit backwards so i saw the ATAC and then i started shooting at it. This way i found it to be pretty easy to take out the ATAC.
Yea I really want to see the server details before joining. I hate when you join a server only to see that you hate the settings.

Can settings be changed prior to the match start by the host? It was weird last night I was playing and it was like friendly fire was turned on all the sudden. I prefer playing with friendly fire on, but when your on a server that had it off and it's changed it kinda throws you off. Would there be any other way I lost 6 points within a few seconds with friendly fire off?


Gold Member
Beat the game on Elite. Having started on Veteran, Elite isn't actually too difficult. Just slightly harder than CoD Veteran due to smarter and more flexible AI.

The only problem area is really the final stand in Visari Square. Everything else has a trick or two to get past to the next checkpoint. I've also just finished Normal and am on Recruit to finish up the SP trophies. Personally, it looks like Veteran is the sweet spot as far as difficulty goes.




posted yesterday (old?):

"Hi All,

I am back, if briefly, www.killzone.com is up and seems stable right now, so that is good news. Also I advise you check out the Billinghurst article on the site toda, here. I like it a lot. Also check out the second part of the Killzone Chronicals, where take a look back at the early development time. part 1 is here. There is more content in those links than you can shake a dirty stick at.

Anyway, down to business. Pending any unforseen problems, early next week patch 1.21 will be released. I’ll confirm the timings on Monday. The patch includes the following:

-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it ‘unranked’.
-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
-Fix to list of games displayed on search.
-Stability fix relating to disconnect.
-Fix to ‘Clan’ button functionality in custom game creation settings.

We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:

-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.
-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.
-Improving game and network stability.
-Collision exploits on maps.
-Improvements to help play with friends.
-More game creation options.
-More game options for clans.
-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.
-Other minor fixes.

Now the above does not include the DLC updates that we are working on and they wont all come straight away, but I wanted to give you an idea of the areas we are exploring. If anything else pops up we will of course add that too More on future updates soon.

All the best and will be in touch Monday. have a nice weekend.



played some nice games with the euro gaffers. Damn FFObsessed you are sooooo efficient with that SMG. Taking down people left and right o_O


Cruzader said:
was playing with FFObsses ealier today and mr.rocket douch(a GAFer no less) came in to ruin the fun. Thanx rocket douch!!

lol i played tactician most of the games. I only played assault cuz i was bored with seeing everyone as a sniper on Salamun Market. Also another assault player is Cagen, too bad you left before he joined in :p and personally i think 2 rocket launchers per team do not ruin fun, only when its 3+ does it get a bit lame


icechai said:
lol i played tactician most of the games. I only played assault cuz i was bored with seeing everyone as a sniper on Salamun Market. Also another assault player is Cagen, too bad you left before he joined in :p and personally i think 2 rocket launchers per team do not ruin fun, only when its 3+ does it get a bit lame
I've hated any sorts of explosives since Killzone 1 online. 1 assault guy in a game of 8 or less is just retarded. I for one hate the idiots who dont have any skill and blast away like a mad man. Not sure if you realized but it was primarily a sniper match.


Cruzader said:
I've hated any sorts of explosives since Killzone 1 online. 1 assault guy in a game of 8 or less is just retarded. I for one hate the idiots who dont have any skill and blast away like a mad man. Not sure if you realized but it was primarily a sniper match.

as no other classes were limited, its a good practice for snipers to deal with other classes :p and in terms of not having skill, my scores as a non assault in the following games seemed fine to me (Helghan industries was pretty close and fun :p)
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