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icechai said:
as no other classes were limited, its a good practice for snipers to deal with other classes :p and in terms of not having skill, my scores as a non assault in the following games seemed fine to me (Helghan industries was pretty close and fun :p)

Yeah, Ice diffinatly has plenty of skill. Most of the games we play together, we finish 1 and 2.


icechai said:
played some nice games with the euro gaffers. Damn FFObsessed you are sooooo efficient with that SMG. Taking down people left and right o_O

Thanx man! :)

Your rockets kinda got in the way of our epic sniper duel but no worries :p


icechai said:
posted yesterday (old?):

"Hi All,

I am back, if briefly, www.killzone.com is up and seems stable right now, so that is good news. Also I advise you check out the Billinghurst article on the site toda, here. I like it a lot. Also check out the second part of the Killzone Chronicals, where take a look back at the early development time. part 1 is here. There is more content in those links than you can shake a dirty stick at.

Anyway, down to business. Pending any unforseen problems, early next week patch 1.21 will be released. I’ll confirm the timings on Monday. The patch includes the following:

-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it ‘unranked’.
-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
-Fix to list of games displayed on search.
-Stability fix relating to disconnect.
-Fix to ‘Clan’ button functionality in custom game creation settings.

We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:

-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.
-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.
-Improving game and network stability.
-Collision exploits on maps.
-Improvements to help play with friends.
-More game creation options.
-More game options for clans.
-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.
-Other minor fixes.

Now the above does not include the DLC updates that we are working on and they wont all come straight away, but I wanted to give you an idea of the areas we are exploring. If anything else pops up we will of course add that too More on future updates soon.

All the best and will be in touch Monday. have a nice weekend.

I didn't realize there were issues with Y-sensitivity and HGH Snipers. And oooooh, they're looking into more control options? Maybe toggle crouch in single-player? :D Sounds like a nice update, 1.21. Have to give GG credit for their support of the game. Seems they're listening closely to feedback and trying to take care of any problems as quickly as possible. +1 in my book.


Played some games with the kitton, ice, dirtbag, and ffo, ggs. I had a lot of fun playing with you guys and hope to play some more with you all.


test_account said:
I have a question about a PS3 headset, is this the same Sony PS3 headset with the HQ mode that are bundled with SOCOM?


This question is Killzone 2 related as well, since i probably will be using the headset while playing Killzone 2 :) (i know that HQ mode cant be used in Killzone 2, but i would like to have a headset with the HQ mode for other games that supports it).

Yup, same one.
I'll tell you something, just bought it a couple of days ago, and honestly I don't really hear a big difference with my old one (the warhawk one, Jabra BT 125. That said, I didn't know KZ2 doesn't support HQ mode, I thought it did. Anyway)). The Jabra is also lighter and smaller, and overall more comfortable IMHO. It should also be way cheaper now. Except that you probably won't be able to put the earplug in your ear, except if you have gigantic ears or something.
You obviously don't have the onscreen notices but there's no real point IMO.

My 2 cents :p


Cruzader said:
was playing with FFObsses ealier today and mr.rocket douch(a GAFer no less) came in to ruin the fun. Thanx rocket douch!!

:lol I am guessing that might have been me, if the assault class is enabled I see no reason to not play as it, that being said as soon as I kill someone I ditch the rocket launcher for another weapon, less then 1/4 of my kills were from rockets. I left after one round though, having more then 16 players in a game makes it incredibly awful, let alone playing BC only, might as well be playing UT.
Cagen said:
:lol I am guessing that might have been me, if the assault class is enabled I see no reason to not play as it, that being said as soon as I kill someone I ditch the rocket launcher for another weapon, less then 1/4 of my kills were from rockets. I left after one round though, having more then 16 players in a game makes it incredibly awful, let alone playing BC only, might as well be playing UT.

I ditch the rocket/grenade launcher fairly quickly too. The assault class with a rifle is brutally unfair.


I'd actually like to add that last night when I was in a game with ffobsessed, ice, dirtbag and probably a few others the map was tharsis depot. I know on my team I had ice and ffo, the other side had dirtbag, other gaffers were probably there but i didnt pay attention. Some random people in the game as well.

Anyways, it was basically 1 team had like 3-4 assault guys the whole game. Dirt didnt use assault at all but his team did, and I mean a lot. We still won 4-3 in that game with 3-4 ppl using assault + rockets. Was it hard? Yea, fun? yup, and it did suck to play against rockets but it was fun enough to me.

Musashi Wins!

People make hilarious complaints about the "purity" of the game when you ban the Assault class, then bitch when people use the broken balancing of the game. You GAF clanners can't win!


Thrakier said:
I made it to the 2nd wave. Now I get killed when all those guys are going up to the balcony from boh sides...no chance. What do I have to do?

stay close to the debris near the stairs and pray :p

Boss Man

Played with a couple of gaffers today. Whoever dwin45 and the other guy was, had fun. I was Malpractice.

Isn't this game coming out in Japan soon? How do you think it'll take over there? They'll be playing with us online, right?
Musashi Wins! said:
People make hilarious complaints about the "purity" of the game when you ban the Assault class, then bitch when people use the broken balancing of the game. You GAF clanners can't win!

Yeah, I kept jumping into servers today that turned off the assault class. While I don't necessarily miss the primary class, the boost restriction is stupid. If you can't handle the RLs and GL then just turn on FF and vote kick people that team kill a lot. So many of the game modes require boost (if you don't have a very organized team). Class limitations in general seem a bit strange as many of the seeming imbalances can be countered without having to resort to restricting abilities.

With that said, I did find a server yesterday with FFon and all classes restricted. It was interesting playing a Rifleman only Warzone on Radec. A clan match to that effect would be kind of neat, I think. It would have to be Radec though as the map is built in such a way that the lack of spawn points wouldn't be too restrictive.


just checked, 70k less active players than same time less week :/

oh well, yeah GAF games are always fun, FFObsessed owned me like 30 times with the SMG and sniped my head several times in the next map, unstoppable !!


StateofMind said:
Played with a couple of gaffers today. Whoever dwin45 and the other guy was, had fun. I was Malpractice.

Isn't this game coming out in Japan soon? How do you think it'll take over there? They'll be playing with us online, right?
Yeah if I remember right we owned like 6-1. You're not in a GAF clan right?
Good games last night fellas. I enjoyed the matches we were playing against that one clan, tons of trash talked.

I will be on tonight for more.



the_prime_mover said:
Yeah, I kept jumping into servers today that turned off the assault class. While I don't necessarily miss the primary class, the boost restriction is stupid. If you can't handle the RLs and GL then just turn on FF and vote kick people that team kill a lot. So many of the game modes require boost (if you don't have a very organized team). Class limitations in general seem a bit strange as many of the seeming imbalances can be countered without having to resort to restricting abilities.
Au contraire, disabling boost is the very point of assault free games. The boost badge is just pure evil, it takes the fun out of any match. If the assault class didn't also have boost it wouldn't be too much of a nuisance.


Kittonwy are you going to accept the clan challenge? Not available to play? Have you appointed any officers who can accept? Let us know so we can re-schedule if needed.



Can some explain to me about the ribbons? Do you get trophys for them? Do you have to play everyday to get one? I'm really new to this whole online shooting game :eek:

also for the win 50 trophys does your faction have to win 50 times if so damn that sucks haha also the good guys are much easier to down then the Helgasts

Also does GAF have it's little clan or whatever this is really the first time i'm playing a game like this online ...so please it's my first time be gentle ;p


Gold Member
Thrakier said:
Any tips on Radec/Elite?

First Section: Hopefully, you brought in the LMG from the previous battle and stocked up on nades.

Crouch and stay still (so you get the smallest reticule) in the rightmost doorway of where you entered, and pick off all incoming Helghast. Use the pillar nearby to recover and occasionally do the same from the leftmost doorway.

Pretty easy until Radec sends the SMG troopers from the far end of the room. Get them while they're as far away as possible.

When Radec calls them in to 'attack from all sides', the SMG troopers will drop from the corners on your side of the room. Start using electricity grenades to take care of them and other troopers nearby. Feel free to explode the flame torches nearby if there's too many.

Radec will then call in flamethrower troopers from the corners. You'll likely be out of LMG ammo or close to at this point, switch to a Helghast rifle in the slight downtime from a nearby rack. Grenade the surrounding area aiming in the direction of the flaming troopers and finish anything off with the rifle.

The moment Radec yells to let loose the chandeliers is just a matter of time till the next checkpoint, and typically when there's only 1 guy left.

Second Section: Easier than it appears to be with some patience. From the checkpoint, grab an AR if you don't have one and break out the knife.

If there's a soldier from the previous part, just run and knife him and then run toward the rightmost entrance to the balcony. Don't go past the middle of the first set of steps, and slash the guy coming down. Make sure you're far enough up the first set of steps to trigger Rico to run up the opposite side. If you don't do that he could be stuck on the main floor and cripple your chance of surviving.

Double back and go toward the leftside stairs (circling around the central statue from your side and not Radecs) and knife the soldier who should already be on the main floor. From here run in a reverse C shaped fashion toward the left corner on Radec's side to kill another trooper dropping down. Running in an arc makes it difficult for Radec to hit you. Then make a beeline toward the right side and slash the trooper who does the same just to the right of Radecs position.

A new wave of soldiers will pop out. Run up the rightside staircase where I told you to slash the trooper coming down and crouch wait in the upper corner of the second floor (the part not blocked). I should note it's technically feasible to knife the entire next wave too, but it'll only screw you over with the SMG guys and takes a fair bit of luck to do. From here you'll be picking off Helghast with the assault rifle as they pass your line of vision and retreating to the closest corner when you're wounded. Your aim is to clear the Radec side of the statue of enemies and then probe toward the main floor whilst hugging the right wall near the bottom of the stairs to block Radecs fire. From that angle you can thin the enemies to your left that are hopefully targeting Rico.

Things to note when recovering:
- Do not leave yourself open to the line of sight of those on the main floor when you're recovering in the 2nd floor corner of the stairs. It's easy to think you're safe when they actually can shoot at an angle through the grills near the staircase.
- If Radec tosses a nade, you can run toward the wallside rubble (hugging the wall) to avoid it. If the grenade lands there instead, there's no problem. Just keep your ears open for grenades.
- If Rico dies, recover him. For the first time, remember to knife the flamethrowers because for some reason, Rico may not kill them.

When there are 2-3 soldiers remaining, go and grab a grenade launcher (fill it to 12 ammo) and your first batch of nades.

Switch to the handgun and go toward the left corner of the balcony, near where you knifed the flamethrower guy. There's an explosive torch nearby so obviously don't stand close to it. By hugging the wall and moving toward Radec or right toward Rico, you will have an angle from which to kill the remaining Helghast with the handgun.

As soon as you hear the doors open for the SMG wave, run up the left side toward the staircase (going around the stairs as opposed to exposing yourself to Radec).

From here you unleash hell. A cooked grenade can land on the SMG guys before they drop down. Then launch a few launcher rounds on the floor where they drop down. Cook a second grenade and toss it at or near the same place as the first to delay or kill another wave before they drop down, shoot some more rounds closer toward the statue and yourself. If you need to recover (and you likely will), stand back to the wall and launch a final nade at the main floor wall next to where an exploding canister is (the one that borders the right side stairs).

Now, you'll have to edge your way down the stairs to attract the SMG guys on the floor toward you and not up the rightside stairs. Use the grenade launcher to mop up the remaining SMG guys while trying for direct hits with the grenade launcher. You essentially are trying to lure them to cluster around the entrance.

Note: If Rico dies, then be aware that there may be guys running toward you from the other side. If your grenade use is effective, there should be almost nobody running around from the other stairs, but just keep an eye out if Rico is dead while trying to secure the left staircase.

When the rocket guys show up, beeline to recharge ammo/grenades, and go back to the same corner. From here the goal is to launch grenade rounds at the right corner on Radecs side. Usually, 3 at a time in a general area will kill them (they hang around under the paintings and between the second floor torches near Radec, while one may be directly in front of the doors to Visari's chamber or near the stairs in front of it. Use cooked nades to take out rocket launchers just behind the barricade that protects you. If you've dealt with the rocketeers from the right corner, you can even hop onto a chair that comprises a part of the barricade to give you a glimpse of where they are.

If your aim is true, you've been alert enough to avoid Radec's nades and made sure nobody is sneaking up from the right side stairwell, you'll get the next checkpoint.

Third Section: Second easiest.

Started with no grenades and 1 round of launcher ammo. Ran all the way to the right staircase while picking up an AR and reviving Rico. Went down the stairs and knifed all 3 troopers before they came up the stairs (due to inherent unpredictability, they may be already rushing Rico but the strategy is no different), and then rushed the launcher guys near Radec with the AR. Once you take out the right corner ones, rush the left corner ones. If Radec shows up, launch a few shots at him to make him teleport. Never go from corner to corner if Radec is in between.

Pick up the rocket launcher and start raining them onto any clusters of remaining soldiers on the floor. If Radec is harassing you, launch one at him. He'll eventually disappear to give you breathing room to handle the rest. If for some reason you still haven't killed them, use the AR and finish them off while taking refuge in corners.

Fourth Section: Radec is the easiest section. Just stay the hell away from Radec because his gun damage is based on range.

Switch to the handgun, jump over the railings to the main floor and start running toward the doors you entered from. Then turn 180 and fire your rounds into a Radec who should be trying to gut you.

When he goes away, go back to the double doors and pick up an AR and then go back out into the open. Staying far away from Radec; use the handgun or AR to pick him off at range while using the central statue to avoid his line of fire. If you should happen to have been on Radec's side while he appears on the side you entered from, exchange the helghast AR with the ISA one from the crashed ISA Intruder.

If Rico dies, revive him so long as Radec is in his shooting mode and not nearby. Try not to get Radec into stabbing mode (ie. shooting him) if Rico is dead.

When Radec is in his stabbing mode, allow him time to spawn behind you (roughly 2 seconds from the sound), 180 turn and burst your AR into him while backpeddling. When Radec is near death, his teleports will be extremely fast so a second lag is sufficient before attempting to turn around. If the teleporting light is as if its next to you, just run away before turning and blasting.

When Radec respawns infront of the double doors where he started from, stand at range close to the doors you entered from and pick him off with an assault rifle while using the central statue to avoid his fire when recovering.

From here it's onto the next room.

Boss Man

dwin45 said:
Yeah if I remember right we owned like 6-1. You're not in a GAF clan right?
Nah I'm in Proskills. Currently ranked 19th among clans, but we haven't quite gotten our act together on KZ2 yet.
Who else is NA GAF? I "was" in GAFw2 but I guess those fell apart? As stated previously I've not played much but you can ask alba, cjtiger, etc. about my abilities. Usually near the top of whichever team (at least for kills, lol).

Now that a lot of the issues plaguing my life have been dealt with, there is much time to be spent on Killzone 2 online. Anyone who is NA GAF or just wants to play online, please hit me up on PSN (xenorevlis).

Boss Man

I don't get why you guys have like 9 different clans. Couldn't you just have 2-3 big clans based on who's actually active during that time of the day instead of a clan for each region of the globe?

Like today, for instance. I was playing with a couple of clanmates and we had a guy from GA.F(?) and a guy from GAFw(?) on our team. Shouldn't those guys be in the same clan?
xenorevlis said:
Who else is NA GAF? I "was" in GAFw2 but I guess those fell apart? As stated previously I've not played much but you can ask alba, cjtiger, etc. about my abilities. Usually near the top of whichever team (at least for kills, lol).

Now that a lot of the issues plaguing my life have been dealt with, there is much time to be spent on Killzone 2 online. Anyone who is NA GAF or just wants to play online, please hit me up on PSN (xenorevlis).

Im still in Gafw but i dont see to many playing. This week ive put in alot of hours but im lame, im grinding for that damn 1 percent ribbon. I still dont think im goign to get it this week. Im ranked at like 19,000 still.


Lince said:
just checked, 70k less active players than same time less week :/

oh well, yeah GAF games are always fun, FFObsessed owned me like 30 times with the SMG and sniped my head several times in the next map, unstoppable !!

You took me down plenty of times with the ISA rifle. :p

They were good games, even tho they were just body count.
Pistols only with no tactician is amazingly fun.

It has that deeper "must play smarter" feeling since everyone is gimped.
(Also, you have to know when to run away like a scared rabbit when mobbed)


ChryZ said:
Dude, join the 3vs3. We got a job to finish.

Just finished the game now. Was a great game. I shot two people out of the air with the M4

I'm in the lobby now. 3 vs 3!


don't ask me for codes
Was playing search & destroy with missile/grenade launchers turned off. Chose Assault anyway, boosted towards the bombing area, cooked two grenades, killed 5 Higs, planted 2 explosives, win.


Zen said:
So did anyone at GG ever raise the concern about the Assault being over powered... ever? :lol
I think people are a bit over that already. Theyre either not in games or people just deal. They arent THAT serious to be honest and I think people have realized that. I rarely have issues with them. I mostly get fucked by saboteurs and engineers with their shotties. But mostly sabs... bastards.

Fucking smgs...

dont even have to aim the goddamn thing.


...fuggin BULLcrap



Thrakier said:
No, the ATAC is easy, the rest is not. Especially the very end right before the door, the higs are constantly respawning.
Ah ok. Ye, that part is hard indeed :\ When i got closer to the door, then i just ran passed some of the higs, and i made it through the door without having to shoot every hig :) After i took down the ATAC there, then i took the route to the right. Or maybe that is the only route, or is it possible to go to the left as well? I dont really know of any other good tips to give, sorry :(

EDIT: I now see that Atrus has mentioned many good tips about how to get past these parts of the game :)

M_A_C said:
Great, thanks for the info! :)

Raist said:
Yup, same one.
I'll tell you something, just bought it a couple of days ago, and honestly I don't really hear a big difference with my old one (the warhawk one, Jabra BT 125. That said, I didn't know KZ2 doesn't support HQ mode, I thought it did. Anyway)). The Jabra is also lighter and smaller, and overall more comfortable IMHO. It should also be way cheaper now. Except that you probably won't be able to put the earplug in your ear, except if you have gigantic ears or something.
You obviously don't have the onscreen notices but there's no real point IMO.

My 2 cents :p
I am not 100% sure that Killzone 2 doesnt support HQ mode, but i mean i read in this thread that it didnt.

I dont have any headsets for my PS3, so i thought that i would buy one, and i have heard that this Sony PS3 headset is pretty good :) But thanks for the tip about the Jabra BT 125 headset too! :)


Man I'm pissed. I was in this amazing game, my team was winning, we're on the last round, I calculated I would have gotten about 2 ribbons and that game with 100+point taking into factor the 1.5x. What happens? Near the end it disconnects me from the game. All those points:(

Btw what are the Gaf games usually called and in which region are they in?

Boss Man

Just played my first game with gaf! The settings you guys use are really good. With FF on it really does become a lot more balanced. Assault actually belongs in the game. Had a lot of fun on Visari's Hammer, but was pretty irritated on Tharsis. I was trying to get my last turret specialist ribbon but shotguns just aren't my thing. Anyway, great games everyone- I hope to catch some more.



KGKK said:
Man I'm pissed. I was in this amazing game, my team was winning, we're on the last round, I calculated I would have gotten about 2 ribbons and that game with 100+point taking into factor the 1.5x. What happens? Near the end it disconnects me from the game. All those points:(

Btw what are the Gaf games usually called and in which region are they in?

usually has GAF in the name but most ppl just join a GAFer from their friend/clan list. Sometimes we just all join a random server someone is playing in, and next thing you know more and more members start coming in :p


Played some games with GAF for the first time. All you guys are a lot better than the randoms I've been playing with. Never played with friendly fire on before, but I think I like it that way now. Managed to get first in Salamun Market. :D
StateofMind said:
I don't get why you guys have like 9 different clans. Couldn't you just have 2-3 big clans based on who's actually active during that time of the day instead of a clan for each region of the globe?

Like today, for instance. I was playing with a couple of clanmates and we had a guy from GA.F(?) and a guy from GAFw(?) on our team. Shouldn't those guys be in the same clan?

Trust me, if we knew at the time that half of the people that were going to play religously in these clans would either get burned out on KZ2 multiplayer or turn to playing other games, they WOULD have had only 2 or 3 clans.

If you remember correctly, the weeks before and the week of release, everyone and their sister was wanting into one of the Gaf Clans. So when one filled up, they made a new one.

There were so many different clans out of necessity, not cause everyone WANTED there to be a bunch of clans.
Atrus said:
First Section: Hopefully, you brought in the LMG from the previous battle and stocked up on nades.

Crouch and stay still (so you get the smallest reticule) in the rightmost doorway of where you entered, and pick off all incoming Helghast. Use the pillar nearby to recover and occasionally do the same from the leftmost doorway.

Pretty easy until Radec sends the SMG troopers from the far end of the room. Get them while they're as far away as possible.

When Radec calls them in to 'attack from all sides', the SMG troopers will drop from the corners on your side of the room. Start using electricity grenades to take care of them and other troopers nearby. Feel free to explode the flame torches nearby if there's too many.

Radec will then call in flamethrower troopers from the corners. You'll likely be out of LMG ammo or close to at this point, switch to a Helghast rifle in the slight downtime from a nearby rack. Grenade the surrounding area aiming in the direction of the flaming troopers and finish anything off with the rifle.

The moment Radec yells to let loose the chandeliers is just a matter of time till the next checkpoint, and typically when there's only 1 guy left.

Second Section: Easier than it appears to be with some patience. From the checkpoint, grab an AR if you don't have one and break out the knife.

If there's a soldier from the previous part, just run and knife him and then run toward the rightmost entrance to the balcony. Don't go past the middle of the first set of steps, and slash the guy coming down. Make sure you're far enough up the first set of steps to trigger Rico to run up the opposite side. If you don't do that he could be stuck on the main floor and cripple your chance of surviving.

Double back and go toward the leftside stairs (circling around the central statue from your side and not Radecs) and knife the soldier who should already be on the main floor. From here run in a reverse C shaped fashion toward the left corner on Radec's side to kill another trooper dropping down. Running in an arc makes it difficult for Radec to hit you. Then make a beeline toward the right side and slash the trooper who does the same just to the right of Radecs position.

A new wave of soldiers will pop out. Run up the rightside staircase where I told you to slash the trooper coming down and crouch wait in the upper corner of the second floor (the part not blocked). I should note it's technically feasible to knife the entire next wave too, but it'll only screw you over with the SMG guys and takes a fair bit of luck to do. From here you'll be picking off Helghast with the assault rifle as they pass your line of vision and retreating to the closest corner when you're wounded. Your aim is to clear the Radec side of the statue of enemies and then probe toward the main floor whilst hugging the right wall near the bottom of the stairs to block Radecs fire. From that angle you can thin the enemies to your left that are hopefully targeting Rico.

Things to note when recovering:
- Do not leave yourself open to the line of sight of those on the main floor when you're recovering in the 2nd floor corner of the stairs. It's easy to think you're safe when they actually can shoot at an angle through the grills near the staircase.
- If Radec tosses a nade, you can run toward the wallside rubble (hugging the wall) to avoid it. If the grenade lands there instead, there's no problem. Just keep your ears open for grenades.
- If Rico dies, recover him. For the first time, remember to knife the flamethrowers because for some reason, Rico may not kill them.

When there are 2-3 soldiers remaining, go and grab a grenade launcher (fill it to 12 ammo) and your first batch of nades.

Switch to the handgun and go toward the left corner of the balcony, near where you knifed the flamethrower guy. There's an explosive torch nearby so obviously don't stand close to it. By hugging the wall and moving toward Radec or right toward Rico, you will have an angle from which to kill the remaining Helghast with the handgun.

As soon as you hear the doors open for the SMG wave, run up the left side toward the staircase (going around the stairs as opposed to exposing yourself to Radec).

From here you unleash hell. A cooked grenade can land on the SMG guys before they drop down. Then launch a few launcher rounds on the floor where they drop down. Cook a second grenade and toss it at or near the same place as the first to delay or kill another wave before they drop down, shoot some more rounds closer toward the statue and yourself. If you need to recover (and you likely will), stand back to the wall and launch a final nade at the main floor wall next to where an exploding canister is (the one that borders the right side stairs).

Now, you'll have to edge your way down the stairs to attract the SMG guys on the floor toward you and not up the rightside stairs. Use the grenade launcher to mop up the remaining SMG guys while trying for direct hits with the grenade launcher. You essentially are trying to lure them to cluster around the entrance.

Note: If Rico dies, then be aware that there may be guys running toward you from the other side. If your grenade use is effective, there should be almost nobody running around from the other stairs, but just keep an eye out if Rico is dead while trying to secure the left staircase.

When the rocket guys show up, beeline to recharge ammo/grenades, and go back to the same corner. From here the goal is to launch grenade rounds at the right corner on Radecs side. Usually, 3 at a time in a general area will kill them (they hang around under the paintings and between the second floor torches near Radec, while one may be directly in front of the doors to Visari's chamber or near the stairs in front of it. Use cooked nades to take out rocket launchers just behind the barricade that protects you. If you've dealt with the rocketeers from the right corner, you can even hop onto a chair that comprises a part of the barricade to give you a glimpse of where they are.

If your aim is true, you've been alert enough to avoid Radec's nades and made sure nobody is sneaking up from the right side stairwell, you'll get the next checkpoint.

Third Section: Second easiest.

Started with no grenades and 1 round of launcher ammo. Ran all the way to the right staircase while picking up an AR and reviving Rico. Went down the stairs and knifed all 3 troopers before they came up the stairs (due to inherent unpredictability, they may be already rushing Rico but the strategy is no different), and then rushed the launcher guys near Radec with the AR. Once you take out the right corner ones, rush the left corner ones. If Radec shows up, launch a few shots at him to make him teleport. Never go from corner to corner if Radec is in between.

Pick up the rocket launcher and start raining them onto any clusters of remaining soldiers on the floor. If Radec is harassing you, launch one at him. He'll eventually disappear to give you breathing room to handle the rest. If for some reason you still haven't killed them, use the AR and finish them off while taking refuge in corners.

Fourth Section: Radec is the easiest section. Just stay the hell away from Radec because his gun damage is based on range.

Switch to the handgun, jump over the railings to the main floor and start running toward the doors you entered from. Then turn 180 and fire your rounds into a Radec who should be trying to gut you.

When he goes away, go back to the double doors and pick up an AR and then go back out into the open. Staying far away from Radec; use the handgun or AR to pick him off at range while using the central statue to avoid his line of fire. If you should happen to have been on Radec's side while he appears on the side you entered from, exchange the helghast AR with the ISA one from the crashed ISA Intruder.

If Rico dies, revive him so long as Radec is in his shooting mode and not nearby. Try not to get Radec into stabbing mode (ie. shooting him) if Rico is dead.

When Radec is in his stabbing mode, allow him time to spawn behind you (roughly 2 seconds from the sound), 180 turn and burst your AR into him while backpeddling. When Radec is near death, his teleports will be extremely fast so a second lag is sufficient before attempting to turn around. If the teleporting light is as if its next to you, just run away before turning and blasting.

When Radec respawns infront of the double doors where he started from, stand at range close to the doors you entered from and pick him off with an assault rifle while using the central statue to avoid his fire when recovering.

From here it's onto the next room.

This seems good and detailed, I'm saving this as I'm halfway through the game on Elite...


What's up with the game changing the player's main weapon between missions? For a game so focused on immersion, this seems like an odd thing to do. I would accept being given standard ISA gear when regrouping, but when I'm in the middle of a battlezone and my ISA rifle is mysteriously changed to a submachinegun during a loading screen, it's a big WTF moment. Then I walk out into the next street, and the next skirmish, and can pick up an ISA rifle lying behind a pillar, so what was the point?

It's especially annoying when they take your main weapon away altogether as you board the train. You find the über-powerful bolt gun before the first enemy encounter, so what was the point? Forcing the player to use the bolt gun? Then at least show the player losing his previous rifle while jumping aboard the train. Have it make sense.

Oh, and I just got Platinum. Yay me! :) Any Euro-GAF clan with room for one more noob? :)
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