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fronn said:
Just kind of started playing the KZ2 Multiplayer recently...

This is easily the most fun I've had with any online fps on any system in a long long time - haven't had this much fun since the early days of CS and Tribes. It's incredible and it's worth the price of admission alone. In 3 hours of playing last night I only heard one derogatory statement over voice chat, which makes it a bit more pleasant right off the bat.

That is the one good thing about the PS3 not being a market friendly price.

Tempy said:
Upping the damage done by sentry droids is being looked at.

I think upping the damage of the sentry droids is a bad idea. Even when they don't kill you they are annoying as hell. The only reason people are bitching and moaning about them is because of having to kill 5 people when they clearly weren't meant for that. I think you should just drop the kill count to 1 or 2 to get a ribbon.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Firewire said:
I think GG should auto position spawn grenades somehow. I'm so sick of facing a wall when spawning.

That's because your shitty teammates don't know how to throw a spawn grenade. It's so disorienting!


BruceLeeRoy said:
That is the one good thing about the PS3 not being a market friendly price.


Plus the demographic, on average, is a few years older on PSN than XBL...at some point in life you realize yelling racial slurs to strangers over VoIP is pretty lame...or you have a wife and/or kids in the house and realize that yelling slurs over VoIP while they can hear you is really lame.

Edit ...how do yo get on the pipe at Tharsis Depot? down by the ISA spawn side, there is a big pipe to the right side of the map, saw a sniper up there, hated him..but I want to be him...


commish said:
That's because your shitty teammates don't know how to throw a spawn grenade. It's so disorienting!

That's why I like playing in Gaf servers, people know how to use them. In random servers it can be totally frustrating, but I get more points in those servers.

The Chef

BruceLeeRoy said:
That is the one good thing about the PS3 not being a market friendly price.

Seriously. I was amazed after I killed a guy he actually laughed and complimented me on a good shot while he was lying there. And also people always thanking you when you revive them.

PS3, where good sportsmanship happens.


Just arrived to the train level on Elite, so far it's been rather difficult but not impossible (if you keep sprinting like mad everywhere :lol ). I had huge problems with the tank part of this level on Veteran, and I guess Elite will be a complete bitch; anyone have any tips? If I remember correctly, there's an infinite spawn there, or was it disproven?


BeeDog said:
Just arrived to the train level on Elite, so far it's been rather difficult but not impossible (if you keep sprinting like mad everywhere :lol ). I had huge problems with the tank part of this level on Veteran, and I guess Elite will be a complete bitch; anyone have any tips? If I remember correctly, there's an infinite spawn there, or was it disproven?

I don't think it's infinite, just really fucking long unless you destroy the tank. Some tips:

1) Don't hang around the weapon rack. The missiles will hit the wall behind you(killing you) and you'll be surrounded easily. Instead, go further back, behind the corner.

2)I think there's a small pause between the first wave and the second... Use this to destroy the tank. It might not be long enough though, can't really remember.

3) When the first wave of Helghast is storming towards you, throw a grenade :p

Oh and I found meleeing dudes with the rocket launcher pretty effective and fun.


BeeDog said:
Just arrived to the train level on Elite, so far it's been rather difficult but not impossible (if you keep sprinting like mad everywhere :lol ). I had huge problems with the tank part of this level on Veteran, and I guess Elite will be a complete bitch; anyone have any tips? If I remember correctly, there's an infinite spawn there, or was it disproven?


If you want to do it the safe/slow way, just run back to the turret everytime you see more helghasts run towards you, easy pickings


Is the 1% ribbon hard to get? I was thinking of shooting for 10,000 points, but there are too many games where I just get turned off. Mainly because everyone at the General level are so good at the game. I still manage positive K/D ratio, but I have to work real hard for a good amount of points.

So what's a good point value to get 1%?
Farnack said:
Is the 1% ribbon hard to get? I was thinking of shooting for 10,000 points, but there are too many games where I just get turned off. Mainly because everyone at the General level are so good at the game. I still manage positive K/D ratio, but I have to work real hard for a good amount of points.

So what's a good point value to get 1%?

5000-6000 should be enough.

I got it with around 5600 I think.


I can't even describe the level of frustration I'm at by now with the disconnects.

It wouldn't even be so bad if GG acknowledged them and gave us an idea about which error meant what.

If I see "Error 5021" or "Error 4512" one more time, I'm going to DDT my PS3. :mad:


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Farnack said:
Is the 1% ribbon hard to get? I was thinking of shooting for 10,000 points, but there are too many games where I just get turned off. Mainly because everyone at the General level are so good at the game. I still manage positive K/D ratio, but I have to work real hard for a good amount of points.

So what's a good point value to get 1%?

10,000 is WAY too many. I got it with a bit over 5000, I think, and I made it with room to spare. Bodycount with 16 players is ideal for getting points.


BeeDog said:
Just arrived to the train level on Elite, so far it's been rather difficult but not impossible (if you keep sprinting like mad everywhere :lol ). I had huge problems with the tank part of this level on Veteran, and I guess Elite will be a complete bitch; anyone have any tips? If I remember correctly, there's an infinite spawn there, or was it disproven?
Its not inifite, only lots and lots of SMG maniacs. On Elite I used an extremely defensive tactics where I alerted the higs and ran back and mounted the tank and killed them, then alerted the next wave and ran back to the tank... until there where no one left. :)


I guess some people here found all the Helghast symbols throughout the game? I've found maybe four of 'em. And I happen to find them by chance. Playing through the game again on Elite, I'm looking around a lot more often, since I'm in cover way more now. :D

I got to the train section, where I take control of a tank turret and, damn if that part ain't kicking my ass. I got past it, but moving ahead two shock troopers appear to the left. They caught me off guard and I was backing away from them shooting when I suddenly stopped moving. I had walked back into those lower sections you can take cover behind. :(

The AI at this difficulty amazes me sometimes. They'll shoot at you from places you wouldn't expect. From under floor gratings, from between different nooks, all over the place. Really keeps you on your toes...


Dever said:
Just beat it on Elite. :D Wasn't that hard imo, I'm having far more problems with Uncharted on Crushing..
The only possible explanation for such a fact is that you are awesome at FPSs and suck at shooting guns in the third person perspective.

I don't know how anyone could say such a thing. Yes, I am frustrated with Killzone 2. But I did platinum Uncharted, along with everyone else on neoGAF. :D


Pojo said:
The only possible explanation for such a fact is that you are awesome at FPSs and suck at shooting guns in the third person perspective.

I don't know how anyone could say such a thing. Yes, I am frustrated with Killzone 2. But I did platinum Uncharted, along with everyone else on neoGAF. :D
Naw, Uncharted crushing is much harder. You die way faster than you do in Killzone 2.

KZ2 elite was difficult for me, but the fact that you have a semi-useful buddy to draw fire makes it much easier. Like at the end part, I'd revive my buddy so Helghast would shoot at him. I also fought the entire Radec encounter mainly with a knife.


Pojo said:
The only possible explanation for such a fact is that you are awesome at FPSs and suck at shooting guns in the third person perspective.

I don't know how anyone could say such a thing. Yes, I am frustrated with Killzone 2. But I did platinum Uncharted, along with everyone else on neoGAF. :D

This may sound funny, but I can't even beat Uncharted on Hard Difficulty but I beat Killzone 2 on Elite. It was pretty frustrating at times, but it didn't take more than a day or two.

Uncharted, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to beat it eventually, but so far...it feels a lot cheaper to me. The flanking keeps you on your toes, but there's no indication of when the enemies stop.

I had cleared out that water stage (that highly blue-ish tinted level with the pillars) after like 10 times being killed, then on my way to jump up on the platform to advance, 2 enemies came from behind me (they were NEVER there before) and shot me with a shotgun. It's like...idk...Killzone was cheap at times too where cover just didn't work properly, but Uncharted makes me feel like "EFF THIS GAME". I want to get platinum eventually, but I cringe at thinking of some of those stages on Hard, not to mention Crushing :lol

And this is coming from someone who before COD4 hated hated HATED fps games. Wouldn't even touch them (other than Rainbow Six, and that was only due to purty graffix)


The Chef said:
Seriously. I was amazed after I killed a guy he actually laughed and complimented me on a good shot while he was lying there. And also people always thanking you when you revive them.

PS3, where good sportsmanship happens.
I'll admit there's been less douche bags in KZ2 so far than other shooters, but let's not give too much credit to the 'online FPS' crowd (even on PS3). I've still come across plenty of top tier assholes.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
careful said:
I'll admit there's been less douche bags in KZ2 so far than other shooters, but let's not give too much credit to the 'online FPS' crowd (even on PS3). I've still come across plenty of top tier assholes.

Yeah, some guy kept screaming "don't run! don't run!" as I ran away from him. Unfortunately for him, I was running him into my C4, and once he died, he stopped yelling.


Fuck, got past that tank part on my 4th try. The difficulty's insane, and the spawn triggers and shit made me try and break the controller by twisting it. As stressed out as I am in RL, this game isn't making it easier, so there's a high probability that I might put away this fucking game forever soon enough. :p


BeeDog said:
Fuck, got past that tank part on my 4th try. The difficulty's insane, and the spawn triggers and shit made me try and break the controller by twisting it. As stressed out as I am in RL, this game isn't making it easier, so there's a high probability that I might put away this fucking game forever soon enough. :p

4th try?

Lucky mofo.

It took me well over 50 tries.


icechai said:

If you want to do it the safe/slow way, just run back to the turret everytime you see more helghasts run towards you, easy pickings

That's how I did it. They stopped coming, I wuz disappointed cuz I enjoyed killing dem.


I wish they'd make the base turrets stronger. Theres those few games where some asshole will put a mobile spawn point in your base and go to town on you and your teammates over and over again and just annoy the hell out of everyone. Either make the turrets stronger, or make the mobile spawn points only spawnable in certain areas. either that or allow you to turn off mobile spawn points, kinda like dissarming bombs.


is now taking requests
The Chef said:
Seriously. I was amazed after I killed a guy he actually laughed and complimented me on a good shot while he was lying there. And also people always thanking you when you revive them.

PS3, where good sportsmanship happens.

I tend to do just that when i'm about to snipe a sniper and he snipes me instead. Although i'm not sure sniping is good sportmanship to begin with :p


BeeDog said:
Just arrived to the train level on Elite, so far it's been rather difficult but not impossible (if you keep sprinting like mad everywhere :lol ). I had huge problems with the tank part of this level on Veteran, and I guess Elite will be a complete bitch; anyone have any tips? If I remember correctly, there's an infinite spawn there, or was it disproven?
I found that part difficult at veteran to, but on elite i passed in a few trys.

My tactic was to run to the rocket launcher, than take your first shot on the group of helghast coming. Than go stand a little bit on the left of the weapon-rack. Than fast shoot with your rocket at the tank (i think 3 times) so it explodes. Than grab your gun that you dropped for exchaning the rocket. Than kill the few remaining helghast, than sprint forward so they dont respawn or anything. GL.
____ said:
This may sound funny, but I can't even beat Uncharted on Hard Difficulty but I beat Killzone 2 on Elite. It was pretty frustrating at times, but it didn't take more than a day or two.

Uncharted, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to beat it eventually, but so far...it feels a lot cheaper to me. The flanking keeps you on your toes, but there's no indication of when the enemies stop.

I had cleared out that water stage (that highly blue-ish tinted level with the pillars) after like 10 times being killed, then on my way to jump up on the platform to advance, 2 enemies came from behind me (they were NEVER there before) and shot me with a shotgun. It's like...idk...Killzone was cheap at times too where cover just didn't work properly, but Uncharted makes me feel like "EFF THIS GAME". I want to get platinum eventually, but I cringe at thinking of some of those stages on Hard, not to mention Crushing :lol

And this is coming from someone who before COD4 hated hated HATED fps games. Wouldn't even touch them (other than Rainbow Six, and that was only due to purty graffix)

yeah theres a trick to that part in uncharted. I believe instead of jumpin down into the water, run all the way back into the courtyard, that somehow triggers the pirates, so you can then go back, but shoot them all without dropping down the water. It still died a few times doing that, crushing is haaaaaaaaard.
icechai said:

If you want to do it the safe/slow way, just run back to the turret everytime you see more helghasts run towards you, easy pickings
Disproven? who cares, they still spawn extra guys if you stay there. If you don't move up, you'll fight 4+ waves (I only made it to 4 waves of them on veteran). Even on elite, After I killed the last of the first group, I just ran up to the next cart and only 2 more guys showed up at all. I suppose that I just don't like them spawning in extra guys that really aren't there. You can avoid fighting 20 extra troops. There are a few parts of the game like this. You have to move up or fight 'extra' guys. Of course I never survived if I didn't move up so I still consider them infinte.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
yeah theres a trick to that part in uncharted. I believe instead of jumpin down into the water, run all the way back into the courtyard, that somehow triggers the pirates, so you can then go back, but shoot them all without dropping down the water. It still died a few times doing that, crushing is haaaaaaaaard.

Wow seriously? I'm gonna go try it :lol


Not pure anymore!
SSJChar said:
I wish they'd make the base turrets stronger. Theres those few games where some asshole will put a mobile spawn point in your base and go to town on you and your teammates over and over again and just annoy the hell out of everyone. Either make the turrets stronger, or make the mobile spawn points only spawnable in certain areas. either that or allow you to turn off mobile spawn points, kinda like dissarming bombs.

Escuse me but spawn campers make me extremely mad!


TrAcEr_x90 said:
yeah theres a trick to that part in uncharted. I believe instead of jumpin down into the water, run all the way back into the courtyard, that somehow triggers the pirates, so you can then go back, but shoot them all without dropping down the water. It still died a few times doing that, crushing is haaaaaaaaard.

Waaooooowwwww thank you. Worked like a CHARM. :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
anyone have any idea how someone can use rockets on servers where the assault class is disabled? Some guys were doing it earlier...
BobTheFork said:
Disproven? who cares, they still spawn extra guys if you stay there. If you don't move up, you'll fight 4+ waves (I only made it to 4 waves of them on veteran). . . .You have to move up or fight 'extra' guys. Of course I never survived if I didn't move up so I still consider them infinte.
There are exactly four waves if you don't advance. Then, when you do advance, there are two more, smaller waves. Finally, there's an RPG wielder. Yes, you can reduce the number by being aggressive, but it is not impossible without doing that. I guarantee I am a weaker FPS player than you are, and I was able (after many tries) to clear this bit on Veteran. (I also cleared it on Elite, but I did that the lame way, running back to the MG.) Just because the game is unforgiving doesn't make the spawn infinite.

Cruzader said:
I think they should fix the buggy shotty kills first. Amazing how you can get head headshoted from 10+ feet away yet you unload a full ass clip to the person's body and they dont die. WTF
There is no MP enemy--not even a full-health Assault with Boost on--who can survive taking a full clip of any weapon to the body (with the possible exception of the default Helghast pistol). But just pulling the trigger until your gun is empty pretty much guarantees that you'll miss with the majority of your bullets, even at close range. You're actually far more deadly in this game if you tap-tap-tap the trigger very rapidly.

The shotgun can kill from further away than in most any other game I've played, but so can all the other weapons (the M82 has a range and accuracy like many games' sniper rifle). It's just the way the game is, in its pursuit of realism. As an experiment, try standing 15 feet from somebody in real life and see if they can headshot you with an actual shotgun. . .but write a will first.

commish said:
anyone have any idea how someone can use rockets on servers where the assault class is disabled? Some guys were doing it earlier...
The basic Rifleman can also start with them. If the game creator disabled Assault but didn't also specifically disable rocket launchers, this could happen.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Liabe Brave said:
The basic Rifleman can also start with them. If the game creator disabled Assault but didn't also specifically disable rocket launchers, this could happen.

Ohhh, makes sense. Didn't even consider that! thanks. Some guy was FLIPPING out how we were all hacking because of that.


How are people finding multiplayer after the latest patch? It could be my imagination, but removing the zoom assist seems to have made games much more enjoyable - I played a bunch of really entertaining (random) matches this evening, with virtually no "instant kill" frustration moments... Seemed to require a lot more skill all round. I guess that will only last as long as it takes people to learn to shoot properly now :D

It's just the way the game is, in its pursuit of realism.

It's a bit of a myth that Killzone 2 is about realism, really - intensity and immersion, perhaps, but definitely not realism!


Firewire said:
That's why I like playing in Gaf servers, people know how to use them. In random servers it can be totally frustrating, but I get more points in those servers.

That's becuz Im teh tactician.


tiddles said:
How are people finding multiplayer after the latest patch? It could be my imagination, but removing the zoom assist seems to have made games much more enjoyable - I played a bunch of really entertaining (random) matches this evening, with virtually no "instant kill" frustration moments... Seemed to require a lot more skill all round. I guess that will only last as long as it takes people to learn to shoot properly now :D
Can't say I ever really noticed it much. From watching that youtube video, it looked like too much trouble to pull off so I don't think that many people were abusing it. Still glad the exploit is patched though.
You can ask me that question again after you guys patch some of the class balance complaints and it might elicit a more enthusiastic response. ;)


The aim exploit patch has made zero difference to the way I play. I just hip fire at medium range but use sights for ranged attacks.
tiddles said:
It's a bit of a myth that Killzone 2 is about realism, really - intensity and immersion, perhaps, but definitely not realism!
It's pretty silly to argue with a creator, but I'll try to explain. I didn't mean the game as a whole, but I do think there's a definite trend toward realism in the "gun feel". The awesome clatter of the SMG action, the enhanced effective ranges, the higher damage per bullet, the slow swing speeds...these things may have been pursued for intensity's sake, but in at least this small area I think that equates to a greater level of realism in depicting the solidity and effectiveness of modern projectile weaponry.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
How on earth are people managing to get the Air Support ribbons let alone the medal?

Its freaking impossible on nearly every map. A single turret can take down your bot in 2 shots and it takes an age to kill someone unless they are on really really low health.


Liabe Brave said:
the enhanced effective ranges, the higher damage per bullet, the slow swing speeds...
I'd counter argue that in these three points, KZ is actually less realistic than other shooters.
- Range: In KZ, it's often times more effective to hip fire than to use the sights (eg. I can hip fire someone across the courtyard in Radec).
- Damage: Bullet damage is actually on average a bit lower in KZ vs. say COD4 (eg. M82 rifle has 25 damage, so 4 bullets to down someone. In COD, the weakest AR, the M4 does 30 to 20 damage)
- Swing speed: In real life, even if the weapon is heavy, the weight is on the body of the gun, not at the muzzle. So swing speed is still pretty damn fast.

I can totally understand the intensity and immersion argument, but definitely not realism.
careful said:
I'd counter argue that in these three points, KZ is actually less realistic than other shooters.
- Range: In KZ, it's often times more effective to hip fire than to use the sights (eg. I can hip fire someone across the courtyard in Radec).
- Damage: Bullet damage is actually on average a bit lower in KZ vs. say COD4 (eg. M82 rifle has 25 damage, so 4 bullets to down someone. In COD, the weakest AR, the M4 does 30 to 20 damage)
- Swing speed: In real life, even if the weapon is heavy, the weight is on the body of the gun, not at the muzzle. So swing speed is still pretty damn fast.

I can totally understand the intensity and immersion argument, but definitely not realism.

Why is COD4 always brought up? It's obvious that GG was going for something different than Infinity Ward was. They are different games.


careful said:
Can't say I ever really noticed it much. From watching that youtube video, it looked like too much trouble to pull off so I don't think that many people were abusing it. Still glad the exploit is patched though.
You can ask me that question again after you guys patch some of the class balance complaints and it might elicit a more enthusiastic response. ;)

It's not just the exploit that was patched - zoom assist was taken out altogether in MP (that's the feature whereby your reticule is guided towards a target when you go into zoomed aim, assuming you are aiming roughly at the target in the first place). That would have affected people's aiming even if they weren't using the exploit...
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