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cjtiger300 said:
Why is COD4 always brought up? It's obvious that GG was going for something different than Infinity Ward was. They are different games.
I just used it as an example to support my argument. I didn't say anything else about KZ2 vs. COD4
alr1ghtstart said:
everyone catch this little gem?



:lol this is thread worthy, jesus who would do that? this has to be some viral shit.
careful said:
I'd counter argue that in these three points, KZ is actually less realistic than other shooters.
- Range: In KZ, it's often times more effective to hip fire than to use the sights (eg. I can hip fire someone across the courtyard in Radec).
You're not talking about range at all, but accuracy. You're correct that hip/shoulder fire is more accurate than many other games which basically require ironsights from any distance. In this, I'd argue that Killzone 2 is indeed more realistic.

But about range specifically, my point is that the assault rifles can kill people from distances that in, say, Resistance 2 would require a sniper rifle. (Technically, this is also linked to the tighter spreads rather than true effective ranges, but the functional distinction is there.)

careful said:
- Damage: Bullet damage is actually on average a bit lower in KZ vs. say COD4 (eg. M82 rifle has 25 damage, so 4 bullets to down someone. In COD, the weakest AR, the M4 does 30 to 20 damage)
I'll concede this point. I haven't made any measurements, it was just my sense of the game. It's quite possible that subjective feeling was caused by other elements.

careful said:
- Swing speed: In real life, even if the weapon is heavy, the weight is on the body of the gun, not at the muzzle. So swing speed is still pretty damn fast.
I should've been more specific, in that I was mostly referring to the acceleration, not the actual top speed (which through sensitivity settings can be made realistically fast). I would say the speed range in KZ 2 is more closely centered on realistic speeds than, say, Halo 3.

I don't want to push this argument too far: Killzone 2 is most definitely not an exercise in "Let's make super-realistic gunplay!" But in its search for intensity it makes the weapons feel more realistically powerful than many of its genre mates, at least to me.


Hey, does anybody know anything about "Port Forwarding" or opening ports or something in the router and would know if this would help my connection?

It's to the point now where I'm getting disconnected from 100% of the games I join.

I need some sort of help. ;_;

Musashi Wins!

Finally finished the single player. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but I was savoring it and you guys had me psyched out about the end.

Was it hard? Oh yea, but it was good, and not as bad as I feared.

The game as a whole though...wow, just wonderful. Best fps I've played this gen easily. So many good gunfights, such good art design, some nice high points and surprises. Hell I'd even say the story was better or equal to what's in a lot of other shooters even though it was slight (as it should be).

The scene with Sev sitting on the steps at the end as the typical commands repeat yet again was a wonderful understated scene for this sort of genre. The whole last scene was fantastic.

Great credits!

I feel so satisfied right now. Good job, Guerilla.
Musashi Wins! said:
Finally finished the single player. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but I was savoring it and you guys had me psyched out about the end.

Was it hard? Oh yea, but it was good, and not as bad as I feared.

The game as a whole though...wow, just wonderful. Best fps I've played this gen easily. So many good gunfights, such good art design, some nice high points and surprises. Hell I'd even say the story was better or equal to what's in a lot of other shooters even though it was slight (as it should be).

The scene with Sev sitting on the steps at the end as the typical commands repeat yet again was a wonderful understated scene for this sort of genre. The whole last scene was fantastic.

Great credits!

I feel so satisfied right now. Good job, Guerilla.

After that ending I cannot wait for killzone 3 :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheFatOne said:
Come on guys JOIN we need more people.

Hey I joined... then I realized I was the only one trying to complete the objectives... and then when I was defusing a bomb, a teammate ran up, TK'd me, then said "why'd you stop defusing?"

Sooo i left, hahaha.


commish said:
Hey I joined... then I realized I was the only one trying to complete the objectives... and then when I was defusing a bomb, a teammate ran up, TK'd me, then said "why'd you stop defusing?"

Sooo i left, hahaha.

aww too bad we had some awesome 5v5/4v4/3v3 from 11:30p-1a ish
Musashi Wins! said:
Finally finished the single player. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but I was savoring it and you guys had me psyched out about the end.

Was it hard? Oh yea, but it was good, and not as bad as I feared.

The game as a whole though...wow, just wonderful. Best fps I've played this gen easily. So many good gunfights, such good art design, some nice high points and surprises. Hell I'd even say the story was better or equal to what's in a lot of other shooters even though it was slight (as it should be).

The scene with Sev sitting on the steps at the end as the typical commands repeat yet again was a wonderful understated scene for this sort of genre. The whole last scene was fantastic.

Great credits!

I feel so satisfied right now. Good job, Guerilla.

Yup one of the greatest
endings I have seen for a game I completely share all your sentiments. Oh and your right those are the best credits ever


commish said:
Hey I joined... then I realized I was the only one trying to complete the objectives... and then when I was defusing a bomb, a teammate ran up, TK'd me, then said "why'd you stop defusing?"

Sooo i left, hahaha.

It's all good but next time I'm not putting a password on. Man I sucked ass in most of the games, but it was still fun.

Edit: I will also start a game around the same time tomorrow night. I will try and stay on as late as I can so that the West Coast/Other people have a chance to play a GAF game.
Great games tonight. I was so up and down all night, it was really weird. Everything clicked the last game and I ended the night with my best game by far. 181 points and the win.

But forget about my stats, the games tonight were awesome. The guy earlier in the thread said no one was going for objectives is full of it, as all of the games were full of people who were playing the game the right way.

Awesome, Awesome matches indeed!


cjtiger300 said:
Great games tonight. I was so up and down all night, it was really weird. Everything clicked the last game and I ended the night with my best game by far. 181 points and the win.

But forget about my stats, the games tonight were awesome. The guy earlier in the thread said no one was going for objectives is full of it, as all of the games were full of people who were playing the game the right way.

Awesome, Awesome matches indeed!

Funny stuff I think it was unfair that they kept sticking us on the same team over and over again. We were killing it lol man did we have some shitty games :lol

aj2good4you2 said:
awesome games guys! my shotgun just couldnt be stopped tonight:lol

Lucky lucky next time I will stick to a sab instead of a tact. It was so simple what you kept doing and nobody would listen. I was like guys all he is doing is hiding waiting for you to come out then bang you shoot me as I'm saying that.


Rapping Granny said:
:O sentry bots count as kills, GAFw didn't show up for the clan match, all I did was kill the bots, ended up with 35 kills. so awesome.
O_O gwaaaaaaaaaat? I thought they only counted as a random +1 to your overall score. SWEEEET.

aj2good4you2 said:
awesome games guys! my shotgun just couldnt be stopped tonight:lol
Yea you killed me... like A LOT. I was avoiding you like the plague :lol .


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
GGs guys. Any tips on spotting Sabs? With ff on I was falling for it every time. :lol

Sabs are much darker than regular people. Once you focus looking for darker players its easy to spot one.


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
GGs guys. Any tips on spotting Sabs? With ff on I was falling for it every time. :lol
You have to remember that most people just arent good sabs. Its fairly easy to tell when someone is hostile because theyre just running at you. When I use sab (rare) I wait until Im behind enemy lines and I'll take a few shots on my advancing team. Not AT them but in their general direction. Then I'll turn around and shoot at the opposing team. Worked a lot of the time because if youre firing they usually wont stop and aim at you to check you out. But I suck with the smg so... yea.

Also, they dont light up blue or red. Thats a good hint. AND they disguise themselves as regular soldiers. So learn what they look like and fire on them whenever you see one because chances are, if youre at that level no one on your team is running around as a first level soldier.

Rolf NB

Holy fuck the balcony checkpoint (on elite) is still kicking my ass. Still haven't figured out what to do about the SMG dudes.


bcn-ron said:
Holy fuck the balcony checkpoint (on elite) is still kicking my ass. Still haven't figured out what to do about the SMG dudes.
Kill them with the grenade launcher and knife.
cjtiger300 said:
Why is COD4 always brought up? It's obvious that GG was going for something different than Infinity Ward was. They are different games.

I think that is the fact that it was a great game,and that some people acutally refuse to admit that Killzone 2 is superior to it in just about everything,i think that COD4 is a great game,in fact is one of my presonal favorites,but Killzone 2 did so much things right is impossible to not notice that it is superior.


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
GGs guys. Any tips on spotting Sabs? With ff on I was falling for it every time. :lol

- they usually come from awkwark directions
- they don't show up on the radar (unless they fire, then they show up as red). If you see a supposed ally and there's no green spot on the radar, it's a sb
- they don't reproduce the glowing stuff. A disguised ISA sab has no red eyes, a disguised HGH sab has no blue lights
- their name usually flicker. If you aim at a distant disguised sab, it will show a name from your team. Quickly aim elsewhere and aim back at him, the name often changes.
- if you're close enough your crosshair turns red.
Great games last night. The AR has started to click for me again. I can't believe I got those speaker deliveries on Helghan Industries. Each time I was only about one hit away from death. Just my lucky game, I guess. I definitely had to allow my KDR to take a hit in last match (S&D) in order to keep spawn points active as Lyulf decided to go assault and other players started bringing out the engineers.

As for the Sab; I think that GG should have kept it like the Beta where a Sab would take on the actual character they are supposed to represent. This means that they could look like any class in the game at any time. It was much harder to spot them that way. I know that some people have difficulty with Sabs, but you only really have to focus on the fact that they have no lights (which makes them stand out in a crowd or from a distance) and they are always the rifleman class (which is infrequently used due to the abilities of other classes). So I think that GG should change the disguise back to the way it was . . . As it stands now, I only use the Sab for the SMG and the StA14 (which I just recently fell in love with again).


bcn-ron said:
Holy fuck the balcony checkpoint (on elite) is still kicking my ass. Still haven't figured out what to do about the SMG dudes.

don't know why more people haven't posted the easiest way to get through this:


tiddles said:
How are people finding multiplayer after the latest patch? It could be my imagination, but removing the zoom assist seems to have made games much more enjoyable - I played a bunch of really entertaining (random) matches this evening, with virtually no "instant kill" frustration moments... Seemed to require a lot more skill all round. I guess that will only last as long as it takes people to learn to shoot properly now :D

In the GAF games last night, I noticed the long distance AR kills were reduced dramatically, and it seemed like it took more bullets to kill with zoom from distance, but that would just be me missing more than before :p. Game dynamic definitely changed a little bit against people who boost/run in the distance. Although we play a lot smaller games and most people are going for objectives, so maybe i'll be able to see more of what its like tonight when TheFatOne makes a public server :p


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
aj2good4you2 said:
yea just follow this, i cant even remember the last time a sab fooled me.

All I need is that split second for you to look at my eyes for me to down you :) As a mostly sab player, I don't even try to fool people anymore. I use the class mostly for the SMG and mines and the split second advantage it gives me. However, most people hesitate before shooting at me (if they shoot), whether you are a top 5 ranked player or a scrub. Put on FF and things get worse. That's why the majority of my deaths seem to be from rockets or shotguns... people hesitate, I start firing, they get off a lucky shot and 1-shot me before dying. Happens so freaking much.

Side question: Is there a freaking map in this game where snipers are consistently useful and impact the result of the game? Most of the time, they just seem useless... collecting random single kills here and there. In PR you can guard the plant sites from a distance pretty well, but in a game mode like S&D or when you gotta hold an area, picking another class would be so much more useful for the team. Snipers annoy me in most FPSs though. Oh, and stop blocking doorways, snipers!! Argh.


commish said:
All I need is that split second for you to look at my eyes for me to down you :) As a mostly sab player, I don't even try to fool people anymore. I use the class mostly for the SMG and mines and the split second advantage it gives me. However, most people hesitate before shooting at me (if they shoot), whether you are a top 5 ranked player or a scrub. Put on FF and things get worse. That's why the majority of my deaths seem to be from rockets or shotguns... people hesitate, I start firing, they get off a lucky shot and 1-shot me before dying. Happens so freaking much.

Side question: Is there a freaking map in this game where snipers are consistently useful and impact the result of the game? Most of the time, they just seem useless... collecting random single kills here and there. In PR you can guard the plant sites from a distance pretty well, but in a game mode like S&D or when you gotta hold an area, picking another class would be so much more useful for the team. Snipers annoy me in most FPSs though. Oh, and stop blocking doorways, snipers!! Argh.

Me too. Played a public bodycount match last night with all classes, rockets on, and FF off. Ended up with them camping our base on Visari's Hammer. Hate that map by the way. So basically had a couple of assaults on each side, I went saboteur and would run out of our base and run up to one of their assaults and headshot them before they could figure out what was going on.

One time I charged one of their assaults and he missed with the rocket launcher (WTF?) and while he was reloading I was melee'ing him, but of course couldn't bring him down because he was assault. Then with FF off he blew me up with a rocket when I was literally touching him, with no damage to himself of course... God I HATE when FF is off in this game. I was still in first place on my team going up against mostly assaults, but it was aggravating knowing that with FF on we would have been winning.


Rapping Granny said:
:O sentry bots count as kills, GAFw didn't show up for the clan match, all I did was kill the bots, ended up with 35 kills. so awesome.

Does it show up on your ranking page? It might count as a kill in the game but not for your real stats.


icechai said:
In the GAF games last night, I noticed the long distance AR kills were reduced dramatically, and it seemed like it took more bullets to kill with zoom from distance, but that would just be me missing more than before :p. Game dynamic definitely changed a little bit against people who boost/run in the distance. Although we play a lot smaller games and most people are going for objectives, so maybe i'll be able to see more of what its like tonight when TheFatOne makes a public server :p

I find that I get a bit fewer pepper kills now when I lightly tap R1 pewpewpew before it was pewpewpew chirpchirpchirp.
____ said:
Hey, does anybody know anything about "Port Forwarding" or opening ports or something in the router and would know if this would help my connection?

It's to the point now where I'm getting disconnected from 100% of the games I join.

I need some sort of help. ;_;

I know portforward.com worked like a charm for my 360 and connection issues.

ELPRESADOR'S videos are top notch. :lol :lol


Raist said:
- they usually come from awkwark directions
- they don't show up on the radar (unless they fire, then they show up as red). If you see a supposed ally and there's no green spot on the radar, it's a sb
- they don't reproduce the glowing stuff. A disguised ISA sab has no red eyes, a disguised HGH sab has no blue lights
- their name usually flicker. If you aim at a distant disguised sab, it will show a name from your team. Quickly aim elsewhere and aim back at him, the name often changes.
- if you're close enough your crosshair turns red.

If someone doesn't glow I shoot.
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