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Doc Evils

alr1ghtstart said:
everyone catch this little gem?





Well this game last night was a welcome surprise. So used to playing scrubs that don't know their mouth from their other holes. But damn, Aj your just too good with that damn rifle. You got that pin point accuracy and then Lyufl (pls excuse my spelling, I'm probably massacring your name) and his tactician prowess certainly made playing certain game types hell.


Fun games with you guys last night. Looking forward to playing again tonight. I think Saboteur is my new favorite class. :D
cakefoo said:
It looks like a full-sized man, but then you see it's a baby- but then the gif restarts and it's right back to convincing me it's a full-sized man again :lol

:lol Cake your awesome man.

I played a game this morning of 8vs8 and I swear at least 90% of the other team were Sabs. I came close to screaming some serious profanity at 5am.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Cake your awesome man.

I played a game this morning of 8vs8 and I swear at least 90% of the other team were Sabs. I came close to screaming some serious profanity at 5am.

I'm a sab player myself and *i* get annoyed by other sabs. Unless they are using the rifle and not the smg. Then it's just a free kill. :p


commish said:
Is there a freaking map in this game where snipers are consistently useful and impact the result of the game? Most of the time, they just seem useless... collecting random single kills here and there. In PR you can guard the plant sites from a distance pretty well, but in a game mode like S&D or when you gotta hold an area, picking another class would be so much more useful for the team. Snipers annoy me in most FPSs though. Oh, and stop blocking doorways, snipers!! Argh.

good snipers are very versatile, they can be invisible for s&d missions, hiding out in a place and popping some magnum rounds to the defuser when everyone thinks there's no one left, or find a good vantage point to pop him with sniper rifle from distance. He can go invisible and hide near their base in assassination and sneak over to kill the target. He can go invisible in the capture mode and hold down an area well.

Basically his cloaking allows him to do a lot that other classes won't be able to do, you just need to have someone good with a magnum.
icechai said:
good snipers are very versatile, they can be invisible for s&d missions, hiding out in a place and popping some magnum rounds to the defuser when everyone thinks there's no one left, or find a good vantage point to pop him with sniper rifle from distance. He can go invisible and hide near their base in assassination and sneak over to kill the target. He can go invisible in the capture mode and hold down an area well.

Basically his cloaking allows him to do a lot that other classes won't be able to do, you just need to have someone good with a magnum.

Or just kill someone who has a shotgun or AR and then you are at least as good as every other nonAssault class but also benefit from being cloaked and having what ever secondary you want (C4 for close range traps, or boost for getting out of sticky situations).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
icechai said:
good snipers are very versatile, they can be invisible for s&d missions, hiding out in a place and popping some magnum rounds to the defuser when everyone thinks there's no one left, or find a good vantage point to pop him with sniper rifle from distance. He can go invisible and hide near their base in assassination and sneak over to kill the target. He can go invisible in the capture mode and hold down an area well.

Basically his cloaking allows him to do a lot that other classes won't be able to do, you just need to have someone good with a magnum.

I would be all for this style of play IF that's how snipers actually played. While I still think another assaulter would be more useful overall, I respect the fact that people play how they want and that it's just for fun. That doesn't change the fact that I think they are mostly useless because this isn't a round based game. Sometimes that fact is lost on people and they don't realize that killing me just stops me for a handful seconds. In round based FPSs, then snipers have MUCH more value - when I die, then I'm out and it's easier for my enemies to complete the objectives and win the round. Stopping me for a handful of seconds usually won't matter much, and at the same time, the sniper isn't helping his team get the objectives.

Sniper value is also minimized by the mobile spawn points and the small sizes (relatively speaking) of most maps. If the respawn timer was, say, 15 or 30 seconds, then that'd matter as well. I dunno, maybe I just haven't come across a good sniper yet. The snipers I've come across tend to finish with something like 10 kills, 2 deaths and near the bottom in points. Oh, and they block doorways!
SSJChar said:
anyone know how much damage a single C4 does? and if you put 2 right next/over each other, does that double the damage?

2 C4 kills a normal class, 1 takes half damage, but you need 4 to take down the assault class, 3 won't do it.


the_prime_mover said:
Or just kill someone who has a shotgun or AR and then you are at least as good as every other nonAssault class but also benefit from being cloaked and having what ever secondary you want (C4 for close range traps, or boost for getting out of sticky situations).

You have the greatest luck in the world. Last night I downed you right before you delivered the propaganda speaker and it said you delivered it such bullshit.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SSJChar said:
anyone know how much damage a single C4 does? and if you put 2 right next/over each other, does that double the damage?
yup, they "stack". 1 doesn't kill most people, but when i throw all 3 down (often right on top of each other), that always works. Sometimes 2 will do it, if they are at half health. I'm sure someone knows the exact damage it does. I get so many c4 kills that I just can't ever choose another secondary, even though I think health packs would be useful (hate running around with half health).


Rapping Granny said:
2 C4 kills a normal person, 1 takes half damage, but you need 4 to take down the assault class, 3 won't do it.

ok good. i thought maybe i was really bad at placing C4 as they kept on NOT killing people.

EDIT: had second part of question answered by the poster right above. thanks.

I also like the idea of putting all 3 right over each other too. That way, if 1 goes off, they all go off and you can replace them instead of only being able to place 1 and probably not getting kills off of it.
Also, is there a C4 limit per team, or is it per person? seems like per person to me.

Rolf NB

icechai said:
Basically his cloaking allows him to do a lot that other classes won't be able to do, you just need to have someone good with a magnum.
I've actually had great fun shooting from the hip with the sniper rifle. Takes a lot of practice to get down I suppose (complete lack of crosshairs will do that), but it's lethal.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SSJChar said:
ok good. i thought maybe i was really bad at placing C4 as they kept on NOT killing people.

EDIT: had second part of question answered by the poster right above. thanks.

I also like the idea of putting all 3 right over each other too. That way, if 1 goes off, they all go off and you can replace them instead of only being able to place 1 and probably not getting kills off of it.
Also, is there a C4 limit per team, or is it per person? seems like per person to me.

Per person. I'm surprised that more people don't use C4. Once you get to know the maps, it's very effective at protecting your back or protecting an objective. No one ever looks out for it (myself included).


don't ask me for codes
SSJChar said:
anyone know how much damage a single C4 does? and if you put 2 right next/over each other, does that double the damage?

They can't kill someone with full health. Better to place them head-high (for the headshot) in doorways, rather than on the ground. Also, don't place them where grenades tend to go off.
raYne said:
It's actually 2 normal, 3 assault.

it never worked for me, I always put 3 at the doorway in Radec Academy and watch the assault class go right through them, always have to give a couple of shots to take him down.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Tempy said:
They can't kill someone with full health. Better to place them head-high (for the headshot) in doorways, rather than on the ground. Also, don't place them where grenades tend to go off.

Hmm... I've planted something like 1500 c4s down in this game, and I never considered placing them higher for a headshot. Good idear!


Rapping Granny said:
it never worked for me, I always put 3 at the doorway in Radec Academy and watch the assault class go right through them, always have to give a couple of shots to take him down.
Placement matters. Depending on how you group them, the last in the chain might've been set off by one of the previous ones going off instead of the person actually tripping it.

In which case, he wouldn't take the brunt (if any) of the damage from the 3rd.

That's if it even went off at all considering the now fixed C4 dud bug and that if you throw it, it'll sometimes clip through the environment and won't be able to be set off anyway.


Rapping Granny said:
it never worked for me, I always put 3 at the doorway in Radec Academy and watch the assault class go right through them, always have to give a couple of shots to take him down.

I usually put them all in a single spot, triple strength killz dem everytime.


Tempy said:
They can't kill someone with full health. Better to place them head-high (for the headshot) in doorways, rather than on the ground. Also, don't place them where grenades tend to go off.

hmm didn't think about that either, must start trying out C4 as secondary... :D
Yay! Made Lt. Last night! :D


It's like they made the aiming/shooting model specifically just for me as I've never gotten so many constitant kills in a console FPS


Rapping Granny said:
does everyone put them on the ground or attached to the walls?

when I got my medal i did it by putting them on walls in Radec Academy against ppl, but i didn't think about putting it head level :p
Rapping Granny said:
does everyone put them on the ground or attached to the walls?
I used to put them on the walls inside doorways, but I got most of them just laying them on the ground next to each other.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Me either that's brilliant I cant wait to try that later today.

i thought everyone did this with c4? ive always placed mine at the top of the door frame since day one, must be why it always works:lol
aj2good4you2 said:
i thought everyone did this with c4? ive always placed mine at the top of the door frame since day one, must be why it always works:lol

It would seem by all of our genuine surprise that your the only one with some common sense.


So what exactly is head level relative to the camera? Would placing it on the top of the door frame as aj suggested give a headshot explosion?


don't ask me for codes
Actually, I have no idea if putting C4 at head level works as a headshot. I don't recall ever seeing a headshot icon next to the C4 icon when i get a kill. I did get enough ribbons by playing a pistols only match on Radec.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I never felt like such a newb before, running around with my dorky defibrillator getting jacked up by dudes in ISA Halloween costumes. Frustrating as hell! :lol


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
Thanks for all the tips guys. I never felt like such a newb before, running around with my dorky defibrillator getting jacked up by dudes in ISA Halloween costumes. Frustrating as hell! :lol
lol I like to yell out "trick or treat?!" when I'm about to get a kill as sab.
But then again, you might also hear me with "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" with the grenade launcher. :lol
careful said:
So what exactly is head level relative to the camera? Would placing it on the top of the door frame as aj suggested give a headshot explosion?

it wont get you an actual headshot but it seems to do more damage than on the ground and its also very unlikely someone is gonna spot it since they expect it to be on the floor:D
Tempy said:
Actually, I have no idea if putting C4 at head level works as a headshot. I don't recall ever seeing a headshot icon next to the C4 icon when i get a kill. I did get enough ribbons by playing a pistols only match on Radec.

Ha Tempy you dick.


They need to announce some DLC man, I'm dying for some new content.

SP expansion.
More maps.
More classes.
Customizable appearances/Character skins.
Home game launching and Clan "space"

All by next week. Kthanx.


FFObsessed said:
They need to announce some DLC man, I'm dying for some new content.

SP expansion.
More maps.
More classes.
Customizable appearances/Character skins.
Home game launching and Clan "space"

All by next week. Kthanx.

More maps would do just fine :) and party mode!

btw. found randomly an gaf server today, you were in it. had fun shooting you :p

remember the name xiked, once you see it, it will be the last you see :p
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