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Hmm that is interesting that the modem is forwarded but I doubt it will affect your router.

When you go to portforward.com after you click on your router it should take you to a page that says something like:

To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address. Take a look at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address. When you are finished setting up a static ip address, please come back to this page and enter the ip address you setup in the Static IP Address box below.

Click on the static ip address link and it will walk you through it.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Hmm that is interesting that the modem is forwarded but I doubt it will affect your router.

When you go to portforward.com after you click on your router it should take you to a page that says something like:

Click on the static ip address link and it will walk you through it.
Thanks a lot Bruce! I appreciate it.

Ya it sucks that this modem needs to be forwarded too, the model is on the link you sent too. I have a feeling im going to be a little complicated, I hope I dont have to setup static IPs on this modem as well.


I don't know what the deal is/was

but portforward.com has stopped 100% of the disconnects.

Don't know what happened and don't fucking care.


A squad of 3 humans versus 15 bots at trooper level AI (2nd setting).
Its was pretty frantic but we made it.

That was awesome trying to survive against a horde during assassination.


Had some awful games yesterday, they were just frustrating as hell. I've come to realise you kind of need the rocket launcher if the other team manages to set up like 3-4 turrets around an objective, backed up by a bunch of air drones, especially when you have a few non-gaffers on you team who die twice as many times as they kill. smh


FFObsessed said:
Had some awful games yesterday, they were just frustrating as hell. I've come to realise you kind of need the rocket launcher if the other team manages to set up like 3-4 turrets around an objective, backed up by a bunch of air drones, especially when you have a few non-gaffers on you team who die twice as many times as they kill. smh

It does come in handy, it's just annoying on the public servers where rocket launchers are enabled and FF is off.


I'm extremely close to breaking my KZ2 disc. The last fight on Elite is the most infuriating thing I've ever played 'til now. Whoever decided to have 5-6 shock troopers swarm on you from all fucking sides, without any checkpoints right before that rush, should be shot.



I can't change difficulty level in the same save?

I just want to pass Radec's fight. I don't care if it would be on the easiest level.
Sorry for this off-topic question but I need one more answer regarding routers (Bruce ftw)

So I am going to do everything you said Bruce, but when it comes to port-forwarding with the PS3, do I need to setup a Static IP for the playstation as well? How would I do that? Or do I just Portforward the exact same way I did for steam (for example) on my pc.

Man im confused lol.

Edit: Fuck last one. Do I setup a Static IP address on the PC before or after I connect the router?


womfalcs3 said:
I can't change difficulty level in the same save?

I just want to pass Radec's fight. I don't care if it would be on the easiest level.
From the main menu, instead of continuing, choose your level and chapter. It'll ask you which difficulty to play it on.

Rolf NB

BeeDog said:
I'm extremely close to breaking my KZ2 disc. The last fight on Elite is the most infuriating thing I've ever played 'til now. Whoever decided to have 5-6 shock troopers swarm on you from all fucking sides, without any checkpoints right before that rush, should be shot.

Pro tip (because I've passed that exact problem only today myself):
Watch how many normal troopers remain. Next wave comes when only one is left, so if you see only two remain swap the assault rifle out for the grenade launcher, advance on the left side, hide behind the furniture there and stay close to the wall. Pick off another with the magnum (Rico should give you a great flanking opportunity, he gets kind of useful against very few enemies). As soon as you hear the door opening, peek out towards the stairs and start throwing grenades (frags, electric and grenade launcher) towards anything that moves. You should be able to clear most of the SMG dudes before they even reach either stair. When engaged, stop doing whatever you're doing and bust out the knife, it's the only thing that works against them at close range.

You have to survive another small group of rocket launcher dudes. Again, I recommend a carpet of grenades in their approximate direction while you hide behind the furniture on the left. When you see the intruder crashing through the window, the worst part is behind you. Checkpoint! Do note that the path around the right is now open, and you should knife any remaining RL dudes -- much easier than shooting them from across the room. There are also grenade restocks are at the back of the room on the balcony.

Good luck.

It's hard as balls, but definitely doable. I must have tried that one checkpoint thirty or fourty times.


bcn-ron said:
Pro tip (because I've passed that exact problem only today myself):
Watch how many normal troopers remain. Next wave comes when only one is left, so if you see only two remain swap the assault rifle out for the grenade launcher, advance on the left side, hide behind the furniture there and stay close to the wall. Pick off another with the magnum (Rico should give you a great flanking opportunity, he gets kind of useful against very few enemies). As soon as you hear the door opening, peek out towards the stairs and start throwing grenades (frags, electric and grenade launcher) towards anything that moves. You should be able to clear most of the SMG dudes before they even reach either stair. When engaged, stop doing whatever you're doing and bust out the knife, it's the only thing that works against them at close range.

You have to survive another small group of rocket launcher dudes. Again, I recommend a carpet of grenades in their approximate direction while you hide behind the furniture on the left. When you see the intruder crashing through the window, the worst part is behind you. Checkpoint! Do note that the path around the right is now open, and you should knife any remaining RL dudes -- much easier than shooting them from across the room. There are also grenade restocks are at the back of the room on the balcony.

Good luck.

It's hard as balls, but definitely doable. I must have tried that one checkpoint thirty or fourty times.

Thanks a lot for replying. I figured out what spawns the enemies there, but my problem was this (I'll also recount my approach); after the balcony doors are opening, I knife my way up to the balcony and start killing the regular grunts on the ground floor (that never climb the stairs). After most of them are killed, another group of grunts arrive and once again it's not a big problem. As soon as I hear the doors opening, I run back, grab the flamethrower and run back to the furniture near the stairs and wait. More often than not I'm out of grenades at this point, so I'm forced to wait the shock troopers out by the stairs. Now my biggest problem is, Rico is fucking unpredictable and he might either stay close to me or be on the other side of the room.

Once or twice I was lucky and got 4 of the shock troopers bunched up near the entrance to the stairs, and I fried them with the flamethrower. But 1) there's always some random fucker flanking me from the other stairs, or 2) I run straight into one of Radec's grenades.

Anyways, this time around I'll try to save up on the grenades and use them at that part instead.


so last night i just wanted to test out sniper with C4 now that they tweaked it, and OMG it's DAMN useful. I was #1 on a losing team (bad tactician), but nothing quite like hiding around the corner from some stairs or entry way and planting c4s. People would run in, get killed, run past, i'd lay some more, pistol some that remained, run about, cloak again, repeat. It was ridiculous!!!! And fun in a Metal Gear sneaky sort of way >:p Think we won all the search & defend games in no small part because of me cloaking about and popping the planter with my magnum when they thought everyone else died, and his backup running into c4 a lot. My K/D was pretty awesome. Thanks for the fun games in Blood Gracht guys, too bad auto balance always put me on the opposite team of the other GAFAs >_<


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
Had some awful games yesterday, they were just frustrating as hell. I've come to realise you kind of need the rocket launcher if the other team manages to set up like 3-4 turrets around an objective, backed up by a bunch of air drones, especially when you have a few non-gaffers on you team who die twice as many times as they kill. smh

I did okay in the gaf games I played in (tigerheli), but was getting super annoyed at the randoms in later games who refused to drop a spawn point EVER. Ever. And I still get annoyed at the spawn clusterfuck that is s&d.
BeeDog said:
Thanks a lot for replying. I figured out what spawns the enemies there, but my problem was this (I'll also recount my approach); after the balcony doors are opening, I knife my way up to the balcony and start killing the regular grunts on the ground floor (that never climb the stairs). After most of them are killed, another group of grunts arrive and once again it's not a big problem. As soon as I hear the doors opening, I run back, grab the flamethrower and run back to the furniture near the stairs and wait. More often than not I'm out of grenades at this point, so I'm forced to wait the shock troopers out by the stairs. Now my biggest problem is, Rico is fucking unpredictable and he might either stay close to me or be on the other side of the room.

Once or twice I was lucky and got 4 of the shock troopers bunched up near the entrance to the stairs, and I fried them with the flamethrower. But 1) there's always some random fucker flanking me from the other stairs, or 2) I run straight into one of Radec's grenades.

Anyways, this time around I'll try to save up on the grenades and use them at that part instead.

If Radec is able to toss grenades at you (during the second section) then you are too close to the front and will be utterly destroyed when the RL guys come out. Best to clean out the two flamethrowers then use the HGH AR or GL to clean out the goons below. Once the SMG guys start flanking you on the balcony, light one halway on fire to take care of one side, pick up an SMG or HGH AR and then head over to the other side to run and gun anyone that comes up from there. Alternatively you can use the sniper rifle and M4. Once the RL guys come out pick up the GL and lob grenades into the back area to cause some chaos. Then pick up the Sniper and clear them out. After you kill 3 of the RL guys you should get a checkpoint. Then you should have full access to the balcony and things get easier.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
icechai said:
so last night i just wanted to test out sniper with C4 now that they tweaked it, and OMG it's DAMN useful. I was #1 on a losing team (bad tactician), but nothing quite like hiding around the corner from some stairs or entry way and planting c4s. People would run in, get killed, run past, i'd lay some more, pistol some that remained, run about, cloak again, repeat. It was ridiculous!!!! And fun in a Metal Gear sneaky sort of way >:p Think we won all the search & defend games in no small part because of me cloaking about and popping the planter with my magnum when they thought everyone else died, and his backup running into c4 a lot. My K/D was pretty awesome. Thanks for the fun games in Blood Gracht guys, too bad auto balance always put me on the opposite team of the other GAFAs >_<

I can't even unlock the extra zoom with the sniper bc I get bored. Maybe I'll try this out RIGHT NOW. Morning class skipped...


As a co-leader of [HSB]- Helghast Serious Buisness - IGN clan

I would like to challenge Gaf on Killzone2 clan match.

We have defeated all three IGN clans. Including nibe's clan :D

8v8 game or more . Which one of you gafers clan are up to it?

any clan ?


beast786 said:
As a co-leader of [HSB]- Helghast Serious Buisness - IGN clan

I would like to challenge Gaf on Killzone2 clan match.

We have defeated all three IGN clans. Including nibe's clan :D

8v8 game or more . Which one of you gafers clan are up to it?

any clan ?

GAFe will give you a match, no more then 8v8 though or it just becomes a giant cluster fuck of low frame rates and bullshit.

As Raist already said,
Keep in mind that we are from Europe so there's quite a bit of time difference with you (assuming you guys are from NA)

Check our official thread http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=355517 and post in there if you want to set up a challenge with us :)

so making the game on a weekend will be best, it will end up being after noon for you guys and evening for us.
Lion Heart said:
Sorry for this off-topic question but I need one more answer regarding routers (Bruce ftw)

So I am going to do everything you said Bruce, but when it comes to port-forwarding with the PS3, do I need to setup a Static IP for the playstation as well? How would I do that? Or do I just Portforward the exact same way I did for steam (for example) on my pc.

Man im confused lol.

Edit: Fuck last one. Do I setup a Static IP address on the PC before or after I connect the router?

Set up the Static IP on your computer before you start forwarding ports on your router.

Dont worry man I was just as confused as you were at one point.
You don't have to give your PS3 a IP Adresess it should be able to pick one up automatically easy enough. You just have to forward all the ports it tells you for the PSN and make sure you put the static ip of your computer for each port. It should walk you through setting that up.

CitizenCope said:

Good recommendation Citizen I was just telling Lion Hart the same thing. Even if your connection for now seems fine everyone should be forwarding ports it just makes your life so much easier.

Quick question about setting up a Clan match.
When it says max players is it referring to the maximum amount of players total in a map or the maximum allowed on each clan.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Set up the Static IP on your computer before you start forwarding ports on your router.

Sorry, just to clarify, do I need to setup a static IP address before I connect my router? I know to setup the ip before forwarding ports, but do go into network connections, and do all that jazz while my modem is the only thing connected, or setup the router via PPPoE THAN do it, you know?

I went here (your link) and tried to setup a Static IP address (router currently setup) but it didnt work.

Edit: hmm, Can I not just reserve the bloody thing and be done with it :D
Lion Heart said:
Sorry, just to clarify, do I need to setup a static IP address before I connect my router? I know to setup the ip before forwarding ports, but do go into network connections, and do all that jazz while my modem is the only thing connected, or setup the router via PPPoE THAN do it, you know?

I went here (your link) and tried to setup a Static IP address (router currently setup) but it didnt work.

Edit: hmm, Can I not just reserve the bloody thing and be done with it :D

It doesn't matter if the modem is connected since the IP Address your giving to your computer doesn't rely on a outside connection.

Those instructions didn't work? Which part setting up the IP Address for the computer or forwarding the ports?
BruceLeeRoy said:
It doesn't matter if the modem is connected since the IP Address your giving to your computer doesn't rely on a outside connection.

Those instructions didn't work? Which part setting up the IP Address for the computer or forwarding the ports?

Setting up the Static IP didnt work. I am going to go ahead and reserve the IP like the pic shows and try and foward the ports after that. If it doesnt work i'll PM you if thats ok. Sorry, I dont mean to derail the official thread.

Edit: google shows this "This option lets you reserve IP addresses, and assign the same IP address to the network device with the specified MAC address any time it requests an IP address. This is almost the same as when a device has a static IP address except that the device must still request an IP address from the access point. The access point will provide the device the same IP address every time. DHCP Reservations are helpful for server computers on the local network that are hosting applications such as Web and FTP. Servers on your network should either use a static IP address or use this option."

So I think im good (dance of joy.gif). I can probably reserve the PS3 as well and foward ports directly on that IP...anyway, you said its ok to have a new IP for the PS3 everytime so i'll leave it at that and forward the ports to the PC.
i'm having so much fun with the grenade launcher - last night on radec the assassination target was holed up across the map protected by pretty much his whole team. i boosted all the way across the map, past some enemies, up the stairs and just unloaded an entire magazine into the room. i killed four enemies, including the target, before they took me down. best grenade launcher ever.


icechai said:
so last night i just wanted to test out sniper with C4 now that they tweaked it, and OMG it's DAMN useful. I was #1 on a losing team (bad tactician), but nothing quite like hiding around the corner from some stairs or entry way and planting c4s. People would run in, get killed, run past, i'd lay some more, pistol some that remained, run about, cloak again, repeat. It was ridiculous!!!! And fun in a Metal Gear sneaky sort of way >:p Think we won all the search & defend games in no small part because of me cloaking about and popping the planter with my magnum when they thought everyone else died, and his backup running into c4 a lot. My K/D was pretty awesome. Thanks for the fun games in Blood Gracht guys, too bad auto balance always put me on the opposite team of the other GAFAs >_<

I was just hiding on a corner sniping. There was some dude wall-glitching though.


notjackbauer said:
i'm having so much fun with the grenade launcher - last night on radec the assassination target was holed up across the map protected by pretty much his whole team. i boosted all the way across the map, past some enemies, up the stairs and just unloaded an entire magazine into the room. i killed four enemies, including the target, before they took me down. best grenade launcher ever.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, I highlighted the reasons I need more search filters to find a decent game. If GG decided to add Unreal Tournament / Quake classes to broaden the mp appeal at least they should have made an option to filter them out from the game search screen...

Rolf NB

BeeDog said:
Thanks a lot for replying. I figured out what spawns the enemies there, but my problem was this (I'll also recount my approach); after the balcony doors are opening, I knife my way up to the balcony and start killing the regular grunts on the ground floor (that never climb the stairs). After most of them are killed, another group of grunts arrive and once again it's not a big problem. As soon as I hear the doors opening, I run back, grab the flamethrower and run back to the furniture near the stairs and wait. More often than not I'm out of grenades at this point, so I'm forced to wait the shock troopers out by the stairs. Now my biggest problem is, Rico is fucking unpredictable and he might either stay close to me or be on the other side of the room.

Once or twice I was lucky and got 4 of the shock troopers bunched up near the entrance to the stairs, and I fried them with the flamethrower. But 1) there's always some random fucker flanking me from the other stairs, or 2) I run straight into one of Radec's grenades.

Anyways, this time around I'll try to save up on the grenades and use them at that part instead.
I know it's been recommended, but I didn't have any success with the flamethrower. If there's one SMG guy approaching, and I'm aware of it far enough in advance, I can knife him down fine, but I always caught tough luck and got two of them together, or I was stuck reloading my gun, or Radec himself was just firing his LMG at me and it was all over.

I also tried to replicate the approach seen in the Youtube video, where the player shoots GL rounds all the way across the hall (from the central cover point on the balcony), but I could never pull that off fast enough. Some SMG dude would always make it through my carpet-bombing and bum-rush me right there before I was even half done.
Honestly, I think the way it is done in that vid involves a fair bit of luck.

The key to getting through this at all, again, was to not even let them come close, to not even wait for the spawn, but preempt the wave of enemies and stand ready even before they come out to shower them with explosives. I tossed all grenades I had (I think that's three frags and four electricity thingies) and twelve shots of the grenade launcher just in their general direction. It wasn't exactly the finessed approach, but then again it produced results. I think two SMG guys were left standing after that. Then a quick race around the back of the balcony, a few slashes with the knife here and there, and I finally made it through.
Lion Heart said:
Setting up the Static IP didnt work. I am going to go ahead and reserve the IP like the pic shows and try and foward the ports after that. If it doesnt work i'll PM you if thats ok. Sorry, I dont mean to derail the official thread.

Edit: google shows this "This option lets you reserve IP addresses, and assign the same IP address to the network device with the specified MAC address any time it requests an IP address. This is almost the same as when a device has a static IP address except that the device must still request an IP address from the access point. The access point will provide the device the same IP address every time. DHCP Reservations are helpful for server computers on the local network that are hosting applications such as Web and FTP. Servers on your network should either use a static IP address or use this option."

So I think im good (dance of joy.gif). I can probably reserve the PS3 as well and foward ports directly on that IP...anyway, you said its ok to have a new IP for the PS3 everytime so i'll leave it at that and forward the ports to the PC.[/QUOTE

Yeah that should be it. Let me know if you need any more help.


Lince said:
I'm glad you're enjoying the game, I highlighted the reasons I need more search filters to find a decent game. If GG decided to add Unreal Tournament / Quake classes to broaden the mp appeal at least they should have made an option to filter them out from the game search screen...

I'm thinking that they thought everyone was going to play with FF on. But yeah, I don't like playing on maps with rockets or grenade launchers on without FF. Assault has it's uses, but I find it to be too noobish for me and I feel guilty using it.


Kittonwy said:
I was just hiding on a corner sniping. There was some dude wall-glitching though.

the only time i'm using sniper rifle now is to take out another sniper from far away, rest of the time is pistol or pick up another weapon :p
Kittonwy said:
I was just hiding on a corner sniping. There was some dude wall-glitching though.
I encountered a sniper outside the map on Blood Gracht last night. It was annoying as hell (my team was going to lose anyway--no teamwork--but Bodycount was a farce). At least I've seen less of that nonsense than with Resistance.


icechai said:
the only time i'm using sniper rifle now is to take out another sniper from far away, rest of the time is pistol or pick up another weapon :p

I use the pistol when I'm going from place to place as a scout, if I've found a good spot I usually stick to the rifle, I don't like abandoning my rifle yet as I'm still two ribbons from getting my sniper rifle medal and one ribbon from getting my cloaked medal.


Liabe Brave said:
I encountered a sniper outside the map on Blood Gracht last night. It was annoying as hell (my team was going to lose anyway--no teamwork--but Bodycount was a farce). At least I've seen less of that nonsense than with Resistance.

I haven't seen a sniper off the map yet but one guy was glitching inside the wall where the ISA would spawn on blood gracht. It's hard when there's no team work, it's so crucial for success, sometimes it's better to have really good/smart role players than just having a bunch of killing machines.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Here you go:

Even if you don't completely disconnect giving everything a specific port# and opening only those ports allows you to control your bandwidth so your torrents your psn everything works far more efficiently.

Instead of your network connections having to look around for a open port and then scanning them and then checking them through a firewall you just have these direct pipelines all already set up.

This really did wonders for me. I had so many just annoying issues with all my connections. The NAT's on all my torrents were bad my PSN would randomly disconnect, my speeds fluctuated like crazy but now everything is just solid.
I just bookmarked this page. I've never fully understood the whole port forwarding/NAT deal. I've always played games online with minimal problems, and checking with my PS3, I have NAT 3. But I'm guessing this will make things way better?

I'm always worried about screwing up something over her on my wireless network. On weekends here, I use my PC/PS3, my brother'll be on his laptop, and my nephew's playing his 360. I've always thought of port forwarding as like reserving access to the PS3 only, and when everybody else tried to connect, it wouldn't let them. But I'm going to look into this more closely. It seems like a good thing to do.
The teamwork gameplay in Killzone2 almost screams for a DLC COOP mission pack of humans versus objectives/bots. Like Resistance2 or Left4Dead.

*) With a 10 minute timer take out the Helghast headquarters with an 8 man ISA team
*) Mission: Try to keep each other alive and get from point A to point B
etc. etc.


UntoldDreams said:
The teamwork gameplay in Killzone2 almost screams for a DLC COOP mission pack of humans versus objectives/bots. Like Resistance2 or Left4Dead.

*) With a 10 minute timer take out the Helghast headquarters with an 8 man ISA team
*) Mission: Try to keep each other alive and get from point A to point B
etc. etc.

I find that having human vs human keeps the games alot more dynamic as real players are simply far more clever than bots can ever be and both teams can benefit from that dynamism.

Boss Man

They should do online co-op with players playing as ISA, and with the HGH being played by other online co-op players. They could compete to complete objectives. There could be classes too.

Seriously though, co-op would be really cool. It all seems pretty much in place already too. I bet it'll happen. Don't want to get my hopes up yet though.
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