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hmm who's hosting the GAF game? i'm getting a lot of 8013s :( including that last round where i could have gotten my capture and hold medal ;_;


icechai said:
hmm who's hosting the GAF game? i'm getting a lot of 8013s :( including that last round where i could have gotten my capture and hold medal ;_;

Ohh man in the last game I heard you just yell Lyulf behind you like 5 times I was so slow :lol guy got us both. I should have payed more attention.
StateofMind said:
They should do online co-op with players playing as ISA, and with the HGH being played by other online co-op players. They could compete to complete objectives. There could be classes too.

Seriously though, co-op would be really cool. It all seems pretty much in place already too. I bet it'll happen. Don't want to get my hopes up yet though.

There really is no excuse for lack of co-op in this game. One things for sure, GG can't pull that "we didn't have time" BS. I mean Halo is a dinosaur, and even they got it right.
gaf was really dominating teams tonight :lol :lol it was a real team effort too, everyone was doing their job. cjtiger seemed to be helping the most doing all the objectives,i still need to practice more though as i was barely getting 2.0kdr.


ugh that pyrrus rise round was an example of having a very bad tactician on your team, he would advance couple of feet, throw a spawn point facing the wrong way. WTF and I got to the s&D area 3x but each time i'm about to throw a spawn point down the slot is missing cuz he threw one down back on that bridge L@K#J%LK@#J%LK@J#%KL@J#%.

Although it was fun being demolition sniper in the earlier matches, but tacticians just seem to forget to put spawn points around >_<

teepo you're pretty lethal with that shotgun :p
palpabl_purpura said:
There really is no excuse for lack of co-op in this game. One things for sure, GG can't pull that "we didn't have time" BS. I mean Halo is a dinosaur, and even they got it right.
Pretty much.


The professional team killer on our team didn't help at all either on phyruss Rise. errh oops the guy's name was riggy, how unfortunate Ridley you posted right above my post. Got my recollection of names confused cause of that.


icechai said:
ugh that pyrrus rise round was an example of having a very bad tactician on your team, he would advance couple of feet, throw a spawn point facing the wrong way. WTF and I got to the s&D area 3x but each time i'm about to throw a spawn point down the slot is missing cuz he threw one down back on that bridge L@K#J%LK@#J%LK@J#%KL@J#%.

Although it was fun being demolition sniper in the earlier matches, but tacticians just seem to forget to put spawn points around >_<

teepo you're pretty lethal with that shotgun :p

It's hard to find a good tactician. I probably won't go back to tactician until I've gotten my other medals.


Kittonwy said:
It's hard to find a good tactician. I probably won't go back to tactician until I've gotten my other medals.

When you play a good tactician it can completely change the outcome of a game. I was playing earlier today, switched over when NO ONE was playing tac, and blam, got a come back from 0-3 just by setting the spawn points correctly, funny stuff.
CrushDance said:
Haha, good match guys! I really went all out on Kittonwy though, great sniper duel! Even better when I took you out for assassination :D
ur always sniping on every map by yourself and im the only one who ever sneaks up and kills you, its like im the only one who notices you:lol


Ok, I tried the GAF room and I think I team killed cjtiger...sorry dude, and some dude kept complaining about how there were no proper tacticians and I left.

I didn't really leave for any particular reason than that I don't like short matches. I like playing games that are maxed out on the timers.

One thing I noticed tonight while playing as a medic tonight ( meaning I was tailing a lot of people ). Some players are WAY too concerned with their KDR. Why is that? I was on a team down 0-3 and these guys were creeping around like it was real life... We needed people to Rush the S&D points and people just kept lumbering around corners.

I guess I would like to ask GAF is are you more concerned with your personal stats? or winning the match? Maybe my priorities are in the wrong place?

Oh.. Welcome back Wollan :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dante said:
I guess I would like to ask GAF is are you more concerned with your personal stats? or winning the match? Maybe my priorities are in the wrong place?

I don't care one bit about stats.

All that matters are trophiez


Dante said:
Some players are WAY too concerned with their KDR. Why is that?
Because thats how people are programmed really. Pretty much every game out there focus's on KDR. Even Killzone.com is guilty of it. Your KDR is like the biggest number on the page.

I try not to care but its hard not to when youre the only asshole on the team with a -10.


Just finished the campaign on Elite now.

Fuck this game hard, fuck all of its orifices, fuck it until all holes have been plugged shut, fuck it until it's an empty shell of its former self, fuck it fuck it fuckitfuckitfuckitfuckit


Rolf NB

I don't care about my K/D ratio in Killzone 2, it was always way below 1 and is probably something really terrible like 0.25 by now. I do care somewhat about the ribbons, but not to the extent that I go for melee kills in clan matches or stupid, risky shit like that. I try to keep the ribbon business to games specifically designed for that (i.e. I want to play more pistols only matches to finally unlock the M4), and otherwise (attempt to) play the game properly, stir up shit for the team, spot and mark enemy C4 with my corpse, die off a balcony etc. I really don't enjoy grinding for ribbons or stats at all. Even when I do it, I regularly shuffle in a good, sane match or two. It's much more fun that way.

I'm now the proud owner of five entirely legitimate air-support ribbons. Earned another last night in the GAFe match on Salamun Market. Small matches <3
BeeDog said:
Just finished the campaign on Elite now.

Fuck this game hard, fuck all of its orifices, fuck it until all holes have been plugged shut, fuck it until it's an empty shell of its former self, fuck it fuck it fuckitfuckitfuckitfuckit

I know, right? You and me both.
Day one for Killzone 3

edit: so I just checked killzone.com, and my k/d ratio is 0.82. Color me surprised.


Dante said:
I guess I would like to ask GAF is are you more concerned with your personal stats? or winning the match? Maybe my priorities are in the wrong place?

If I was worried about my personal stats I don't think i'd be playing this game again.
As has been said on here by many, there's far too many matches where I have to switch to Tactician and then run half the feckin map to try and get a spawn point down to give my team half a chance because others just wanna stand there and pop peoples heads.Not only am I not getting points for laying the spawn, but also by not engaging anyone to try and stay alive long enough to get the spawn down. I'm sure awarding points for laying spawns would change this a bit but then you would have too many Tacticians per match, with most being fuckwits who drop them 5 yards from each other facing a fucking wall.
My stats are average/below average (esp by Gaf standards) and my skill is probably about the same but I know I can be an effective team player and am happy to do just that. I get enjoyment out of just playing, not from looking at my stats and thinking wow my stats are great, it really was worth treating each round as body count to get this great k/d number.


Lince said:
I'm really tired of Search & Destroy, really, what a fucking mess.

S&D is really nice with small teams who know what they're doing. Like 3vs3, maybe 4vs4 max. More than that and it's just mindless killing and bukkake, as Live would say.


Haven't played the MP in a while but I keep seeing people complain that tacticians spawn them "in front of a wall." From my experience with the game, the job of a good tactician is to place a spawn point a.) in a safe location, thus allowing you time to respawn and get your bearings and b.) place the spawn in a "strategic" area on the map where the team may have a chance of changing its fortunes. Sometimes this requires throwing spawn points "near" a wall or in a hallway or something. If you throw a spawn point in the middle of the fucking battlefield (which I guess is what many tacticians do and is TERRIBLE multiplayer design), THAT is not a "smart" spawn. That is a death trap. I usually throw spawn points in hard-to-see places, so our players can spawn safely and also restart in a position on the map that is close to the objective. What is wrong with this approach?


Raist said:
S&D is really nice with small teams who know what they're doing. Like 3vs3, maybe 4vs4 max. More than that and it's just mindless killing and bukkake, as Live would say.

limit of players (per map) to really enjoy the game

PR - 16 players
SM - 14 p
CR - 12 p
VH - 12 p
BG - 12 p
HI - 12 p
TD - 10 p
RA - 8 p

- the occurrence of "I kill you, you kill me" situations is over the top already
- boosting should be banned, it could work over a LAN setup though...
- hits not registering in laggy games
- shotgun range is just hilarious
- magnet-aim, specially with the shotgun, almost Resistance 2 level... wtf is this shit?
- m4 revolver... lol, upper body hit = kill, and its range is as fucked as the shotgun's.
- no one using the Helghast AR, no wonder since you can't pick ammo from the ISA AR.

lovin' the game though :p

Rolf NB

JB1981 said:
Haven't played the MP in a while but I keep seeing people complain that tacticians spawn them "in front of a wall." From my experience with the game, the job of a good tactician is to place a spawn point a.) in a safe location, thus allowing you time to respawn and get your bearings and b.) place the spawn in a "strategic" area on the map where the team may have a chance of changing its fortunes. Sometimes this requires throwing spawn points "near" a wall or in a hallway or something. If you throw a spawn point in the middle of the fucking battlefield (which I guess is what many tacticians do and is TERRIBLE multiplayer design), THAT is not a "smart" spawn. That is a death trap. I usually throw spawn points in hard-to-see places, so our players can spawn safely and also restart in a position on the map that is close to the objective. What is wrong with this approach?
The direction of the spawn is the problem most of the time, not the position. Spawned players face the opposite direction of the tactician at the time of the throw, basically. Many newbie tacticians don't get this and throw the spawn grenade while facing the direction they want people to spawn with (if they think that far to begin with), but that ends up being the exact opposite of what they must do. They need to turn around 180° from the desired facing, then throw the spawn.

When every spawned player has to start with turning around 180° because they come out literally up to a wall, that's just time lost. It has nothing to do with allowing players to get their bearings. It's just inefficient.


bcn-ron said:
The direction of the spawn is the problem most of the time, not the position. Spawned players face the opposite direction of the tactician at the time of the throw, basically. Many newbie tacticians don't get this and throw the spawn grenade while facing the direction they want people to spawn with (if they think that far to begin with), but that ends up being the exact opposite of what they must do. They need to turn around 180° from the desired facing, then throw the spawn.

When every spawned player has to start with turning around 180° because they come out literally up to a wall, that's just time lost. It has nothing to do with allowing players to get their bearings. It's just inefficient.

I just typed out almost the exact same thing and then saw this and didn't bother posting it. GAFe collective thinking FTW:D


Not pure anymore!
I hate the shotgun, but I like using engineer so I'm stuck with it. :(

Oh and I HATE being assassination target. HATE IT! And for some reason, I always end up being one. Always think about commiting suicide when I'm picked. :\

Rolf NB

ilanna said:
I hate the shotgun, but I like using engineer so I'm stuck with it. :(

Oh and I HATE being assassination target. HATE IT! And for some reason, I always end up being one. Always think about commiting suicide when I'm picked. :\
I often end up the target as well. I like to believe that to provide a good challenge for the whole team, the game selects the most extremely mediocre player possible, i.e. me :D

edit: wow, I suddenly remember why I don't use smilies much. That thing is hideous.
Dante said:
One thing I noticed tonight while playing as a medic tonight ( meaning I was tailing a lot of people ). Some players are WAY too concerned with their KDR. Why is that? I was on a team down 0-3 and these guys were creeping around like it was real life... We needed people to Rush the S&D points and people just kept lumbering around corners.

I personally am not concerned with my stats, though I do try to get at least one kill for every death. However in many cases taking things slow is a good idea. When you are trying to get into a S&D zone it is beneficial to have players control the area. Rushing in just causes chaos around the plant points while snipers and assaults can sit back and pick people off. In situations like that I will usually try to pick off the support players so that my teammates in the thick can clean up around the objective.

I know that some players do just play by themselves, but there is still enough of a tactical element to the game that playing thoughtfully will benefit your team.

ilanna said:
I hate the shotgun, but I like using engineer so I'm stuck with it. :(

Oh and I HATE being assassination target. HATE IT! And for some reason, I always end up being one. Always think about commiting suicide when I'm picked. :\

Played a game yesterday where the guy did just that. He actually ran right into the front lines and then just stood there. Fine, I suppose, but after dying the game picks a new target. The new target has no idea they are being picked, has only about 5 seconds to decide what to do, and is usually not in a very good position.


CrushDance said:
Haha, good match guys! I really went all out on Kittonwy though, great sniper duel! Even better when I took you out for assassination :D


GG tho, after I got my sniper ribbon I went back to playing sab with the one-shot rifle.


Not pure anymore!
bcn-ron said:
I often end up the target as well. I like to believe that to provide a good challenge for the whole team, the game selects the most extremely mediocre player possible, i.e. me :D

edit: wow, I suddenly remember why I don't use smilies much. That thing is hideous.
I know someone who ends up being the target 80% of the time we play together and he's extremely good. So yeah, I don't think that's how it works, it doesn't differentiate's between a good player or a mediocre one. Yesterday, I was the target right after search and destroy match ended, we were all near enemy base and I was all alone, didn't have enough time to run and hide. :(

Prime, I said I think about it but never actually do it. But if I'm the only one near enemy base and have no-one to protect then maybe I should just so my team doesn't lose because of me.


Raist said:
S&D is really nice with small teams who know what they're doing. Like 3vs3, maybe 4vs4 max. More than that and it's just mindless killing and bukkake, as Live would say.

Damn straight.

Although i think S&D is a shitty, shitty, cakefart mode irregardless of player count.

The hatred i have for it massive. S&D rounds are tea or toilet breaks for me outside of playing with the legends at GAFe.


Facism said:
Damn straight.

Although i think S&D is a shitty, shitty, cakefart mode irregardless of player count.

The hatred i have for it massive. S&D rounds are tea or toilet breaks for me outside of playing with the legends at GAFe.

S&D is all about speed, overrun and suppression, it can end very quickly if your team is effective, or if your team is inexperienced and reckless, it can turn into a death trap. I like S&D because of the challenge in terms of team coordination, especially trying to hold off the other team from planting, it's the most tactically challenging and fun mode.


I think the M4 has too much auto aim. Just took out 3 guys across the map with it and it didn't seem like it should have hit.

Also the shotgun locks on far too much, it's ridiculous. A guy ran across my sight and it took me with him :lol

They need to tone down this stuff.
One of the two things need to happen before I lose my mind.

Don't let the assault class choose the M4 pistol
Take out the double health from the assult class.


M4 seriously kills you in one hit to the upper body?!? It doesn't have to be a headshot? No wonder that thing feels so powerful. :/

Yeah, remove Assault's extra health.


Wowbagger said:
M4 seriously kills you in one hit to the upper body?!? It doesn't have to be a headshot? No wonder that thing feels so powerful. :/

Yeah, remove Assault's extra health.

Two shots. But if you're injured slightly it's one shot.
aj2good4you2 said:
gaf was really dominating teams tonight :lol :lol it was a real team effort too, everyone was doing their job. cjtiger seemed to be helping the most doing all the objectives,i still need to practice more though as i was barely getting 2.0kdr.

Yeah, I am more concerned about objectives than K/D and it really shows in some games. Don't get me wrong I would love to have a positive K/D in every match, but I really want to win each objective.

If there is a choice between killing two people and scoring the prop speaker or planting C4, I will go for the objective every time. My K/D is still .95 which isn't bad at all, and I usually finish in the top two. I usually finish positive in K/D in every game but one. Usually that one is pretty bad, like -10 or so. Also I think win you take out a Ground or Air Turret, you get a kill during the game, but now on your ranking stats. There is no way I would be at .95 if it counted those.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Dante said:
One thing I noticed tonight while playing as a medic tonight ( meaning I was tailing a lot of people ). Some players are WAY too concerned with their KDR. Why is that? I was on a team down 0-3 and these guys were creeping around like it was real life... We needed people to Rush the S&D points and people just kept lumbering around corners.

I guess I would like to ask GAF is are you more concerned with your personal stats? or winning the match? Maybe my priorities are in the wrong place?

Oh.. Welcome back Wollan :)

I'm gonna have to disagree with you a bit, as I think people are a little too reckless with their lives sometimes and I wish players, in general, would "creep around" (aka be careful) instead of running into a room, throwing 2 grenades, firing a rocket, then dying. Repeat for a 18-18 score and your team down 1-6. Obviously there are many times when it's best to rush, but not always.

I care about winning a little TOO much, which is why I can't stand to do public non-bodycount games anymore. Too many people ignore the objectives, and it's too frustrating for me to be the only one trying sometimes. At least with bodycount, everyone is on the same page.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
cjtiger300 said:
Yeah, I am more concerned about objectives than K/D and it really shows in some games. Don't get me wrong I would love to have a positive K/D in every match, but I really want to win each objective.

If there is a choice between killing two people and scoring the prop speaker or planting C4, I will go for the objective every time. My K/D is still .95 which isn't bad at all, and I usually finish in the top two. I usually finish positive in K/D in every game but one. Usually that one is pretty bad, like -10 or so. Also I think win you take out a Ground or Air Turret, you get a kill during the game, but now on your ranking stats. There is no way I would be at .95 if it counted those.

In game, headshots and turret/air drone kills give you an extra "kill", but you are correct, in that these do not show up on your overall stats as kills (and thus do not affect your k/d ratio). Like you, my k/d ratio would be much higher if that were the case! Hell, if I stopped trying for s&d plants, my k/d ratio would be so much higher. When it becomes a clusterfuck, I just die repeatedly.


Dante said:
I guess I would like to ask GAF is are you more concerned with your personal stats? or winning the match? Maybe my priorities are in the wrong place?

doesn't seem like anyone in GAF cares about their K/D, they usually really try to accomplish objectives. the complaints of last night came from random public players that were on our team :p I rush in to places all the time to try to lay down spawn points or to kill that planter/defuser. I did see quite a few non gaffers last night hanging by stairs while someone was planting on pyrrus rise, really pissed me off as we had it clear until the last 40 seconds >_<


commish said:
In game, headshots and turret/air drone kills give you an extra "kill", but you are correct, in that these do not show up on your overall stats as kills (and thus do not affect your k/d ratio). Like you, my k/d ratio would be much higher if that were the case! Hell, if I stopped trying for s&d plants, my k/d ratio would be so much higher. When it becomes a clusterfuck, I just die repeatedly.
Same here.

Got a C4 question: Does hit detection still seem a bit sketchy for you guys? Yesterday, in Search and Retrieve on Visari Hammer, I planted three C4 directly on the enemy return point and I saw someone drop off the speaker without any explosion. I then went back to check on the spot and I saw my C4s still there. Just to be sure I shot it and it indeed exploded. So is it just me? Where do you guys put the C4 on S&R? Directly on the drop off point or around the point?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
careful said:
Same here.

Got a C4 question: Does hit detection still seem a bit sketchy for you guys? Yesterday, in Search and Retrieve on Visari Hammer, I planted three C4 directly on the enemy return point and I saw someone drop off the speaker without any explosion. I then went back to check on the spot and I saw my C4s still there. Just to be sure I shot it and it indeed exploded. So is it just me? Where do you guys put the C4 on S&R? Directly on the drop off point or around the point?

You are not alone, as I had a few problems yesterday. I use C4 *a lot* (leading one guy to yell, "tigerheli and his fu**ing C4 again), so I tend to notice when it doesn't go off as planned. I assume it just glitches now and again. Most of the time, it's fine...


careful said:
Same here.

Got a C4 question: Does hit detection still seem a bit sketchy for you guys? Yesterday, in Search and Retrieve on Visari Hammer, I planted three C4 directly on the enemy return point and I saw someone drop off the speaker without any explosion. I then went back to check on the spot and I saw my C4s still there. Just to be sure I shot it and it indeed exploded. So is it just me? Where do you guys put the C4 on S&R? Directly on the drop off point or around the point?

not sketchy at all anymore, but can be avoided if you run around them which i often do if i see c4 on the ground. Best place is entryway walls, or space them out a little, the explosion will set the other ones off.


I'm going after the last few ribbons and played some C&H only games. Someone created a game with settings that made the round last like 30min. It was epic and surprisingly fun. I got my C&H medal, but I think I'm going back for more.
Dirtbag said:
I need to get a new PS3... can I wait till the price drop?
I wonder if that means I have to unlock everything again :(

nope. you loose your SP progresses, but online remains the same. all datas are tied to your account server-side.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
ChryZ said:
I'm going after the last few ribbons and played some C&H only games. Someone created a game with settings that made the round last like 30min. It was epic and surprisingly fun. I got my C&H medal, but I think I'm going back for more.

Ummmmm I could get into that. I like c&h games. Really, I only like C&H, ctf, and Bodycount. S&D objectives need to be spaced further apart, assassination is too hard for random people to cooperate for.


commish said:
Ummmmm I could get into that. I like c&h games. Really, I only like C&H, ctf, and Bodycount. S&D objectives need to be spaced further apart, assassination is too hard for random people to cooperate for.

yeah, blood gracht, helghast industries and visari hammer seems to be the only s&d i really enjoy as its actually 2 rooms where the s&d are.
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