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Wait they've lessened the weight again...? I haven't played online with the 1.21 patch yet (finishing up elite).

Oh boy :|


icechai said:
doesn't feel any diff... :p

Im must be on drugs then :p ...because the controls have got messed up after the latest patch. Play an eng only now. cant get kills whit ISA rifle and m4 revolver any more. Its way to hard. The controlse are way to loose. Had more control before the patch. The fix list for the latest patch said it have been updated the controls and I dont like it.


don't ask me for codes
xiked said:
Im must be on drugs then :p ...because the controls have got messed up after the latest patch. Play an eng only now. cant get kills whit ISA rifle and m4 revolver any more. Its way to hard. The controlse are way to loose. Had more control before the patch. The fix list for the latest patch said it have been updated the controls and I dont like it.

Zen said:
Wait they've lessened the weight again...? I haven't played online with the 1.21 patch yet (finishing up elite).

Oh boy :|

I think its just him. :lol

If they really did mess with them, we would have heard a lot more about it.


Tempy said:

The latest patch changed the controls a bit, it is more lose and don't have the same feel to it. Its even in the release notes of the latest patch. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Zen said:
Wait they've lessened the weight again...? I haven't played online with the 1.21 patch yet (finishing up elite).

Oh boy :|
They didn't touch anything controlwise. All the, "my aim sucks since the update", people are crazy.

xiked said:
The latest patch changed the controls a bit, it is more lose and don't have the same feel to it. Its even in the release notes of the latest patch. Correct me if I'm wrong.
You are.

The next update is the one with control changes and those are just supposed to be more options.


found the list now of the 1.21 patch notes, and I was wrong. It says: Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.

So I read wrong., sorry about that, but it is weird that I have had to set down the the sensitivity after the patch to get better feel to it. weird...
xiked said:
found the list now of the 1.21 patch notes, and I was wrong. It says: Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.

So I read wrong., sorry about that, but it is weird that I have had to set down the the sensitivity after the patch to get better feel to it. weird...

Tis the suger pills.


Zen said:
Wait they've lessened the weight again...? I haven't played online with the 1.21 patch yet (finishing up elite).

Oh boy :|
That is what I've noticed too. But apparently they haven't messed with the weight at all (since the last patch).


I just got it a while ago so I'm happy to be able to play it finally on my vacation time. Single player then multi later tonight yay.
Wow! Good games guys! FFObsessed almost made me snap my controller in half when I was assassination target on Corinth :lol I swear I shot you first man!

And the C4 still isn''t fixed, on Tharsis Depot I planted C4 by the search and retrieve point and an enemy ran right over it and delivered the speaker.

Anyway, was a fun game nonetheless. You guys sounded like you were having fun with all the laughter lol.


CrushDance said:
Wow! Good games guys! FFObsessed almost made me snap my controller in half when I was assassination target on Corinth :lol I swear I shot you first man!

And the C4 still isn''t fixed, on Tharsis Depot I planted C4 by the search and retrieve point and an enemy ran right over it and delivered the speaker.

Anyway, was a fun game nonetheless. You guys sounded like you were having fun with all the laughter lol.

Cagen + rocket launcher = instant comedy


CrushDance said:
Anyway, was a fun game nonetheless. You guys sounded like you were having fun with all the laughter lol.

By the end of it we had regressed to a school child state of mind and ended up team killing and rocket spamming. All in good fun though and it was hilarious. It all started because I T-bagged Raist, now I don't normally condone this behaviour and think it is incredibly childish but he bloody well deserved it and I knew I would get a rise out of him for it :lol.

Before the meltdown that started with Tharsis Depot we actually had several very good games.


Cagen said:
By the end of it we had regressed to a school child state of mind and ended up team killing and rocket spamming. All in good fun though and it was hilarious. It all started because I T-bagged Raist, now I don't normally condone this behaviour and think it is incredibly childish but he bloody well deserved it and I knew I would get a rise out of him for it :lol.

Before the meltdown that started with Tharsis Depot we actually had several very good games.

You were mad because I just ran through your entire team and your camping ass to deliver the speaker. AMIRITE

You deserved that TK payback on TD. Then I dunno what happened as we all spent the next 5 minutes TKing each other. The dudes playing with us must have thought we were crazy I guess :lol

I love how you kept dancing on TD. "Hellooo" *headshot* "oh for fuck's sake you did it"


Dirtbag said:

Faction balancing means I get stuck with stupid motherfucking non-gaffers. Do not want.


woooo spent the night playing LBP with the lady, yayy for new avatar :) Love the Helghast eyes in dark levels.

Tried joining KZ2 game way earlier but you guys were full for a while booo


32 players is seriously not fun.
And who ever decided to try and 'help' by playing as a tactician last round on the Hammer... you have been demoted. Leave spawn grenade duty up to me.
You have failed.

We still won that round handily, but only when your grenades would expire and I could place proper ones.

EDIT: There is no reason to purposely place spawn grenades side by side, except on Radac Academy during search and retrieve. And when on defense, never place the spawn grenades in the fucking towers on Vsari Hammer. JUST DON'T DO IT!


Dirtbag said:
32 players is seriously not fun.
And who ever decided to try and 'help' by playing as a tactician last round on the Hammer... you have been demoted. Leave spawn grenade duty up to me.
You have failed.

We still won that round handily, but only when your grenades would expire and I could place proper ones.
uh..no. You kept placing them on weird ass places. Maybe it was anothey guy cuz I wanted to put some on the spots we had to defend but rarely got the chance.


Cruzader said:
uh..no. You kept placing them on weird ass places. Maybe it was anothey guy cuz I wanted to put some on the spots we had to defend but rarely got the chance.

Not me, everytime I got control of both grenades, we'd win the round.

I've seriously got a system worked out for every level. It only gets fucked when I die alot.

EDIT:and actually the idea of defense is to put the spawn grenade between the objective and the enemy spawn to push the frontline. Only place a spawn at the objective out of desperation.


.GqueB. said:


I really wish there was a way to know who placed a spawn grenade in-game. It would help so much.

I need to get a new mic. If I spawned backwards in a stairwell one more time, I think I was going to lose it.


Nice. Thanks for the PDF link.

From page 4 of the PDF:


• Announced E3 2005
• Preproduction until end 2006
• Production until end 2008
• 18 months Full Production
• 140 Guerrilla Games Staff
• 50 Sony Staff
• 27 Programmers

Rolf NB

xiked said:
The latest patch changed the controls a bit, it is more lose and don't have the same feel to it. Its even in the release notes of the latest patch. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The patch toned down (removed?) the little bit of snap-on to the target you get when you enter iron sights. People apparently used that as an exploit, wiggling in and out of iron sights quickly to get some degree of auto-aim/aim magnetism. GG didn't want that to work anymore, they want a game where aiming skill rules, so they rooted that shit out.

Aiming and tracking feels the same to me. It's just that the game helps you even less now to get your reticule onto a target. Honestly, I think my past good results with the M82 were in part due to that snap-on. Not that I ever wanted to be a cheat, but there were kills I made that I probably couldn't have made (as fast) without that little push. I'll see how it goes when I get around to playing medic or tactician again.

Though I do face a dilemma of sorts here: very soon, the boost badge will be the only ability badge I'm still missing. It feels so lame playing assault though, I can never bring myself to do it ... outside of pistol-only matches anyway.


Dirtbag said:
32 players is seriously not fun.
And who ever decided to try and 'help' by playing as a tactician last round on the Hammer... you have been demoted. Leave spawn grenade duty up to me.
You have failed.

We still won that round handily, but only when your grenades would expire and I could place proper ones.

EDIT: There is no reason to purposely place spawn grenades side by side, except on Radac Academy during search and retrieve. And when on defense, never place the spawn grenades in the fucking towers on Vsari Hammer. JUST DON'T DO IT!

People just don't realize that Radec and Hammer aren't for 32 players... Obviously GG will put in more large maps, but I hope hosts begin to realize the error of their ways as well.

Edit: That presentation was awesome BTW. Thanks! :D


There's a GAFe vs GAFA 8 vs 8 clan match scheduled for 11pm GMT if you guys accept. No valo, just a "friendly" game. Everything is on including Friendly Fire of course. Hopefully if it ends up only 4 vs 4 or something we can trust each other not to just use Assault ok? :p


No_Style said:
People just don't realize that Radec and Hammer aren't for 32 players... Obviously GG will put in more large maps, but I hope hosts begin to realize the error of their ways as well.

Edit: That presentation was awesome BTW. Thanks! :D

This excuse might work if it weren't for spawn grenades, but pretty much any map can be rendered to a 32 player clusterfuck given their impact.

20-24 players is the sweet spot. Anything beyond that and the game just starts to break down.
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