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commish said:
Ummmmm I could get into that. I like c&h games. Really, I only like C&H, ctf, and Bodycount. S&D objectives need to be spaced further apart, assassination is too hard for random people to cooperate for.
C&H is actually working with 20-32P since there are 3 smaller battles going on and it's not one big single objective cluster fuck.


aka andydumi
ChryZ said:
I'm going after the last few ribbons and played some C&H only games. Someone created a game with settings that made the round last like 30min. It was epic and surprisingly fun. I got my C&H medal, but I think I'm going back for more.

I kept trying to get into that game, and I was in for a while before you left. I got a couple of those ribbons too. It is a very good setup, surprisingly so.

I later played S&D only game too, and those also work very well.

Any tips on using C4? I cant for the life of me get more than 1-2 kills per round.
Going back to single player is much easier after training in Multiplayer clusterfucks.

You no longer get rattled when an ugly situation presents itself. You immediately think about extrication, cover, and if possible chucking a grenade.


AndyD said:
Any tips on using C4? I cant for the life of me get more than 1-2 kills per round.
C4 gets usually defused by random grenades when placed in "high traffic" areas. Pick places and routes that are only of interest to the other team.


Hot damn that new chat thingy is awesome.. its cross game and everything. I was using it while playing KZ2 and I had custom music playing in the background. Almost felt like I was on xbox live lol.

Rolf NB

AndyD said:
I kept trying to get into that game, and I was in for a while before you left. I got a couple of those ribbons too. It is a very good setup, surprisingly so.

I later played S&D only game too, and those also work very well.

Any tips on using C4? I cant for the life of me get more than 1-2 kills per round.
Cluster two or three together in one spot. Avoid places that get showered with grenades (or rockets) frequently, any nearby explosion will set off the C4 and it'll be wasted. Use back-alleys, routes you yourself would use to sneak up and flank unnoticed. If you have to place them in the line to an objective, try placing them behind the corner, not in front (e.g. in Radec S&R, place them inside the room with the propaganda receptacle, and not in the room people race through to get there).

Also try placing them not on the floor, but roughly head high on walls or in door frames.

Favourite spots for C4 are the corners on the upper-level balcony on Radec Academy, the narrow, long back-alleys on Salamun Market, and the side of the column in the central room on Tharsis Depot.

You can also just lob them into a cluster of enemies. It can be abused to work similar to a grenade, but it'll take longer to detonate, so you'll most likely be down first.

Also note that you can actually throw them from ground level up onto the first floor. E.g. if you play ISA S&D defence on Radec Academy, you can lob C4 from the ground level near the spawn point up and through the breach in the wall near the objectives.


°°ToMmY°° said:
nope. you loose your SP progresses, but online remains the same. all datas are tied to your account server-side.

Oh thank god. I'm one air support ribbon to having everything mostly unlocked outside of the tougher game-mode specific ones.


Good thing I only lost about 300 points when the entire network DC'd on me. I'm about to burst a blood vessel!

Worst of all is that we were on the very last round.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
AndyD said:
Any tips on using C4? I cant for the life of me get more than 1-2 kills per round.

Learn the maps and how people run through them. Each map has some hot spots that will generate a high number of kills. Like, check out corinth crossing...


Where I placed the two yellow dots - C4 there, leading up to your opponents spawn, is always good for easy c4 kills, as people just run through there without looking and it kinda blends in with the metal ground. That's an easy/obvious one, but each map has such hot spots.


aka andydumi
Wow, thank everyone for the tips. A second follow up question, is it one C4 is a kill? or two?

I have been planting them in the same traffic areas I would hide in as a sabo to pick enemies off as they run by, which include some of the spots mentioned.

Also, for clustering, one set off then sets off the rest correct?

I have been placing them as a gauntlet in a corridor, walk into the first, get hit, then walk into the second... and it seems to work. But it seems to take 2 or all 3 to get a kill.

Rolf NB

AndyD said:
Wow, thank everyone for the tips. A second follow up question, is it one C4 is a kill? or two?

I have been planting them in the same traffic areas I would hide in as a sabo to pick enemies off as they run by, which include some of the spots mentioned.

Also, for clustering, one set off then sets off the rest correct?

I have been placing them as a gauntlet in a corridor, walk into the first, get hit, then walk into the second... and it seems to work. But it seems to take 2 or all 3 to get a kill.
Yeah, takes two to kill (unless the target is already down on health) and a freshly hatched assault can withstand three and still live.

Maybe you put them too far out of the way. You have to balance your placement in such a way that people will actually trigger them. If your C4 packs just sit in the most awesome hiding spot on the map for an entire match, you gain nothing.


Dirtbag said:
a better tip would be to forget about C4... C4 is for bitches.
Pretty much. I think theyre stupid. I actually dont like the sab class as a whole and its the one class I just never use. I always feel like an asshole when I use it.

Though I guess thats kinda the point :lol


Not pure anymore!
Raist said:
Yeah, I can confirm this... >:[

I never use Sab class though, always either Eng/Tact/Medic/Scout (mostly eng or scout) with C4s.

Did I mention how much I dislike the shotgun? never really liked em in MGO either. And I'm still getting used to aiming in FPS. Wish Tact/Eng could use LMG :(


ilanna said:

I never use Sab class though, always either Eng/Tact/Medic/Scout (mostly eng or scout) with C4s.

Did I mention how much I dislike the shotgun? never really liked em in MGO either. And I'm still getting used to aiming in FPS. Wish Tact/Eng could use LMG :(
You're not the only one. :(


Can anyone help me out. I just unlocked the sab class (with spawn nades). Every time I throw a spawn 'nade it just disappears instead of throwing up the smoke. Help plz? :D


FabCam said:
Can anyone help me out. I just unlocked the sab class (with spawn nades). Every time I throw a spawn 'nade it just disappears instead of throwing up the smoke. Help plz? :D

You mean tactician?

And huh, dunno what happens if you'rfe really talking about the tactician spawn nades


FabCam said:
Can anyone help me out. I just unlocked the sab class (with spawn nades). Every time I throw a spawn 'nade it just disappears instead of throwing up the smoke. Help plz? :D

Those are C4s you're throwing.



.GqueB. said:
Pretty much. I think theyre stupid. I actually dont like the sab class as a whole and its the one class I just never use. I always feel like an asshole when I use it.

Though I guess thats kinda the point :lol

I love the one shot riflez.


Raist said:
You mean tactician?

And huh, dunno what happens if you'rfe really talking about the tactician spawn nades

Oops, yeah I think so. It's the class after the engineer. The 'nades just disappear :/


Kittonwy said:
I love the one shot riflez.
Yea I actually picked one of those up one day and theyre VERY accurate and pretty easy to use. I was impressed...

but not impressed enough to use those dirty sabs.
I'm going after the last few ribbons and played some C&H only games. Someone created a game with settings that made the round last like 30min. It was epic and surprisingly fun. I got my C&H medal, but I think I'm going back for more.

I played a EUR server like this last night. It was pretty epic but also extremely exhausting ...especially when I kept falling asleep as it was like 4am. :D
Still got Capt. out if though!


I think the engineer/rifleman should be allowed to use that one-shot rifle personally.
Might help cut down on Saboteur cheese, and help to quiet the shotgun complainers maybe just a tiny bit.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Dirtbag said:
I think the engineer/rifleman should be allowed to use that one-shot rifle personally.
Might help cut down on Saboteur cheese, and help to quiet the shotgun complainers maybe just a tiny bit.

Hmm, did I miss what the saboteur cheese is?


xiked said:
Is it me or have the latest patch for KZ2 messed up the feeling to the game. Before it felt heavy now it feels like cod but not the accuracy. Think GG have done a bad thing changing the controls to much. I have an hard time finding an sensitivity I'm fine whit.The update before the latest one should have been it regarding the controls.... I have almost turn down the sensitivity to max but it does not work well against ppl whit fast movements.
What do you guys feel?
ISA rifle now I cant stand it whit the latest patch, shotgun only for me. The revolver has gotten also harder to hit whit. Thought GG had guts to stand by there belief agout the heavy feel that separates KZ2 against other fps.

Do you play with the Alternate 2 controls? The ONLY thing controls-wise that has changed with the last patch (1.21) is that the game no longer helps you aim when you zoom in (L1 in the Alt 2 config) - previously, if your crosshair was near enough to an enemy, pressing L1 would nudge it over your target, but now, you have to do it yourself (still works in Campaign mode, however). NOTHING else has changed with the controls in the last patch!


Rapping Granny said:
finally unlocked the M4, it's just stupid how powerful that gun is.

:lol That gun is powerful. I got shot from a pretty good distance by somebody, and when I looked on the lower left to see what kind of gun took me out, it was an M4. One shot... I was dead...dead...dead.
This is a pretty sad question but I haven't been home to really check out the new update.
I am assuming this new voice chat system works from the xmb. If thats the case are you telling me we can finally keep talking to our team throughout the menus without having to wait till we get in the game?

If thats true holy fu#$ all we need is a xmb party system and I will be one happy man.


after the latest patch the m4 revolver is way harder to get hits whit. Before the patch I could easily get kills whit it, now I barely use it because how useless it is. I want back the old patch...were the controls worked fine and had good weight to it...


xiked said:
after the latest patch the m4 revolver is way harder to get hits whit. Before the patch I could easily get kills whit it, now I barely use it because how useless it is. I want back the old patch...were the controls worked fine and had good weight to it...

doesn't feel any diff... :p


xiked said:
after the latest patch the m4 revolver is way harder to get hits whit. Before the patch I could easily get kills whit it, now I barely use it because how useless it is. I want back the old patch...were the controls worked fine and had good weight to it...

I noticed no difference what so ever and I had a 2 week break from when I last played the game and when I played post patch. It is still 2 shots to kill and that is all you need.
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