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raYne said:
It's not mainly just S&D. Some maps are better for one side than the other when it comes to anything defensive. Which includes Capture & Hold and Assassination. And when it comes to Bodycount, you can pretty much dominate once you take certain key spots on a map. Which, more often than not, is placement biased towards one team.

Looking back, it's weird hearing all the pre-release MP reports about how the "maps are well laid out" or "great map blalance" etc, when it's totally not the case.

I think on the surface, things seemed pretty decent. But time + FPS, has proven over and over again... problems well be discovered and eventually exploited. Perhaps if all classes/weapons were unlocked upfront, more things would have presented themselves sooner. Also, a beta is usually adopted by the most hardcore bunch of them all, so how the game will ultimately play out when joe-gamer gets on might not be immediately obvious.


commish said:
Ohhh, Lyulf. I never know anyone's name when their gaf name and their PSN names are different. I'm tigerheli. I have half a mind to just run around and use the sniper gun as a shotgun... like when there's two spawn nades side by side, surely I can spawn and run up to someone and shoot them in the chest, right?! ;)

Ohh so you are tigerheli. I tried to make my name TheFatOne on PSN but it was taken already so I thought of lion + wolf= Lyulf :lol .Yea I did that with the sniper, but its much harder to get point blank shots with it. You can do it though try Radec with the sniper. You can stand back in the hallway and try getting kills like that.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheFatOne said:
Ohh so you are tigerheli. I tried to make my name TheFatOne on PSN but it was taken already so I thought of lion + wolf= Lyulf :lol .Yea I did that with the sniper, but its much harder to get point blank shots with it. You can do it though try Radec with the sniper. You can stand back in the hallway and try getting kills like that.

Yeah, I always kill a few snipers a match who stand there. There, and there's a catwalk area on the other side that people like to snipe from. I'm gonna try for my sniper badges later today. I think my 1% streak is gonna come to an end this week, as it's now "get all the random badges" week. How the hell can I get that air bot badge???


commish said:
Yeah, I always kill a few snipers a match who stand there. There, and there's a catwalk area on the other side that people like to snipe from. I'm gonna try for my sniper badges later today. I think my 1% streak is gonna come to an end this week, as it's now "get all the random badges" week. How the hell can I get that air bot badge???

Cheating FTW


Not pure anymore!
Dirtbag said:
Blood Gratch - S&D and Assasination. Advantage ISA.
Phyrus ride - S&D. Advantage ISA. (Their base is a much better sniper perch as well).
V. Hammer - S&D. Advantage to whichever team defends the towers in the big courtyard area. Much harder to stop advances to the back towers. Can't remember which faction gets those.
Tharis Depot - S&D HUGE Advantage ISA. Covering outside vs. indoors is much easier.
Radec Academy - S&D Advantage ISA. Helghast plant is more exposed from like 270degrees.
Assassination / Capture and Hold, advantage Helghast (the library has more cover then the opposite film room).
I Disagree with the bolded part.


commish said:
Yeah, I agree with you. There will always be enough for some games. All I really need is 15 other people to play against, not 800,000. You know what I mean :)
Ye, that is true, i know what you mean :)

By the way, i didnt say that you were worrying about that the Killzone 2 online community would dissapear just to point that out, i was talking in general to everyone :) I just quoted you since you mentioned why people can be worried about the drop in weekly players in Killzone 2, and i just wanted to say that i dont think people dont really need to worry about it, at least not yet :)


Lince said:
servers down

Oh noez.


Raist said:
Party is over, they pulled the servers off, not enough players. Time to wait for MAG!


I'm not too sad, with only 250k players this week it was impossible to find enough players to play with. At least MAG looks awesome...


TheFatOne said:
All you need is a tact + boost and an assault + repair. Then its game set match one usually.
Ye, doing this strategy can give the team a big advantage, i didnt mean to say anything against that. I just wanted to say that it could be possible to get up there and kill the enemies and do some sort of counter attack or defending :)
Dirtbag said:
Blood Gratch - S&D and Assasination. Advantage ISA.
Phyrus ride - S&D. Advantage ISA. (Their base is a much better sniper perch as well).
V. Hammer - S&D. Advantage to whichever team defends the towers in the big courtyard area. Much harder to stop advances to the back towers. Can't remember which faction gets those.
Tharis Depot - S&D HUGE Advantage ISA. Covering outside vs. indoors is much easier.
Radec Academy - S&D Advantage ISA. Helghast plant is more exposed from like 270degrees.
Assassination / Capture and Hold, advantage Helghast (the library has more cover then the opposite film room).

Wow. I disagree almost completely.

For Blood Gratch there are a lot of good assassination points on both sides of the map, and the middle. Assassination is always about zone control and escape routes. For S&D the helghast just have to hold the stairs in the second room to keep all action contained in that room. The few ISA that might make it into the other area can be dealt with by turrets and snipers.

PR - The Higgs can get to the plant area on their side faster than the ISA can on theirs. Holding the back near the Higg C&H spot gives you an insane sniper vantage and the mounted gun. Setting up a small camp there means that the Helghast can influence more then 75% of the map, and will have eyes on all approach vectors.

V.Hammer - This one depends on the proficiency of the tacticians. For a successful plant the destroyers need spawn points in both towers whereas the defenders only need a spawn in one. Both sets of towers can be sniped and bombed with ease (from within the other tower). But if your tactician sucks then it is a longer journey (for both teams) to the back set of towers. The (dis)advantages come from the actual location of the plant point in the towers and the access into the towers. You favour the front towers, but the plant point can be sniped from most of the map, whereas the back towers are more protected from snipers, but it is almost a straight shot up the stais to the plant point meaning the planter can easily be attacked from outside the towers (and a grenade will usually land near the back as well).

Tharsis - If the Helghast can control the upper area when defending they have the ability to just carpet bomb the entrances - and a person perched on top of the plant area can actually shot down (through the grill) at both planters. A sniper/RL can also hit the planter on the Helghast side from outside of the room). For the ISA side, if the Helghast hold the upper walkway and the back alley (where the snipers can shoot from one end to the other), then it is just a matter of getting the right most bomb placed and victory will follow.

Radec - Both sides are annoying for S&D. It is easy to set up camp in the hallways and the room itself. The difference is that the Higgs can set up camp in the room adjacent to the ISA defend area which provides them with a solid staging area, whereas the ISA can only try to hold the downstairs (which limits them to one access point) or the library which is better. For Assassination the library is deceptive as it allows people to get above you easily and bomb you. Radec is a difficult map for assassination and the best area is actually that area where the two underground tunnels intersect (but not down in the tunnels). As this gives you an escape back into your base if needed and the ability to move around on two floors. Turrets and the mounted gun will make a frontal assault difficult.

The different maps are very well balanced if you play to their strengths and with the appropriate number of players. But if you want to play a specific way then you will be struggling in certain maps.

I actually just finished a match on PR, as Helghast, where I feel like I schooled the other team. I decided to play as an Assault with Spot and Mark. I then proceeded to pick up a sniper rifle and go to town. Seeing as it would almost always take two shots to take me out, I was the perfect antisniper!


the_prime_mover said:
Tharsis - If the Helghast can control the upper area when defending they have the ability to just carpet bomb the entrances - and a person perched on top of the plant area can actually shot down (through the grill) at both planters.

I love placing a bot or two up there, its a automated headshot-o-rama.

I like just standing up there two, again, headshots galore (since you are looking right down at them)
GodofWine said:
I love placing a bot or two up there, its a automated headshot-o-rama.

I like just standing up there two, again, headshots galore (since you are looking right down at them)

Exactly. This really means that (if the HGH team is good) the ISA have to attempt to reclaim control of the upper area before an assault can be made which can give the Helghast the opportunity to set up a solid perimeter.

My problem with Tharsis is that it really is only good for a max of 12 people and it gives too much power to the shotgun user.


the_prime_mover said:
My problem with Tharsis is that it really is only good for a max of 12 people and it gives too much power to the shotgun user.

Speaking of tharsis, how do you get up on the big pipe that is overhead on the ISA side in the other corner from across from the spawn? Freaking crazy ninja sniper up there driving me nuts last week...also had a guy on the beams above the catwalk...never saw a guy up there either until recently.


the_prime_mover said:
Exactly. This really means that (if the HGH team is good) the ISA have to attempt to reclaim control of the upper area before an assault can be made which can give the Helghast the opportunity to set up a solid perimeter.

My problem with Tharsis is that it really is only good for a max of 12 people and it gives too much power to the shotgun user.

Except that most of the time you play with idiots which makes everything that much harder.
hmm....haven't played in awhile and the new 1.21 patch feels like they've tweeked the controls again.

Wish I could get online today too :(
If you played with / against me last couple days... how would you rate my performance? It was my first time in many weeks to get back on the goodness we call KZ2. Felt like such a noob, but kept finding myself at or near the top of the team here and there. That doesn't mean I was doing a good job IN the team, so this is why I ask those of you who were there :)


commish said:
Yeah, I always kill a few snipers a match who stand there. There, and there's a catwalk area on the other side that people like to snipe from. I'm gonna try for my sniper badges later today. I think my 1% streak is gonna come to an end this week, as it's now "get all the random badges" week. How the hell can I get that air bot badge???
Why don't you try me? Its VectorRaven. Look for me in Phyrus rise. I have all my sniper badges and ribbons by the way and good luck.


Raist said:
Party is over, they pulled the servers off, not enough players. Time to wait for MAG!

Sorry guys, we saw all the posts about how many players there were this week, thought to ourselves, what's the f*cking point, and just got out while the going was good. :D

ps. I have no idea why the servers are down, and wouldn't know how to fix it if I did. Sorry again.


Apparently (from the KZ.com boards), there's a 200mb patch 1.22 that went up for Asia, though no further details were provided..
tiddles said:
Sorry guys, we saw all the posts about how many players there were this week, thought to ourselves, what's the f*cking point, and just got out while the going was good. :D

ps. I have no idea why the servers are down, and wouldn't know how to fix it if I did. Sorry again.

Do you work at GG tiddles?

careful said:
Apparently (from the KZ.com boards), there's a 200mb patch 1.22 that went up for Asia, though no further details were provided..

Hmm wouldn't surprise me if it was some type of content edit.
wow....I just completed up to Salmun bridge or something on the SP... I just got to the end of RE5 and was thinking that game matched KZ2 fairly well graphically...its now clear thats not quite the case... stunning game this is. I can only imagine how much better some of the later levels will look too.


nelsonroyale said:
wow....I just completed up to Salmun bridge or something on the SP... I just got to the end of RE5 and was thinking that game matched KZ2 fairly well graphically...its now clear thats not quite the case... stunning game this is. I can only imagine how much better some of the later levels will look too.
You're in for a treat. ;)


careful said:
Apparently (from the KZ.com boards), there's a 200mb patch 1.22 that went up for Asia, though no further details were provided..

Interesting. Are we sure it's just a patch and not, (devil's advocate), DLC? : )

Thanks to all those who posted some advice yesterday. Knowing the maps is crucial. I think I'll stick to bots (Skirmish?) for a few days before going online MP to kick some ass.
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