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wow last night saw a friend playing TF2 and i just got so used to KZ2's movement that TF2 felt like some non human gliding around the map :p GG really did well with the feeling of immersion.


bish gets all the credit :)
Thrakier said:
Uhm...there is already a map with this setting.


Suljeva Village

unless it's Pyrhus Rise. I haven't play SP since it came out.


careful said:
Apparently (from the KZ.com boards), there's a 200mb patch 1.22 that went up for Asia, though no further details were provided..

was it an official post by motherH? if so he must have said what its about? if not then its pretty suspicious.

Isn't someone here from asia to verify this?


Could be BS as well. It's uncharacteristic of GG/Seb not to post a changelog summary before a patch goes up. And didn't both previous patch go up in Europe first? Anyone here from Asia that can confirm?

Rapping Granny said:

If only


I see no such post on the Killzone.com forums.

Nevermind, I found it. It is just some random person saying he couldn't connect to warzone, redownloaded the patch and claims it was 200mb.

The post is here.
JB1981 said:
Damn 200mb. New maps maybe?

Maybe, releasing this Thursday after the GTTV episode /wishful thinking.

It only makes sense, the PSstore updates on thursdays and the GTTV were always on Fridays except for this week's, why is that?


careful said:
Could be BS as well. It's uncharacteristic of GG/Seb not to post a changelog summary before a patch goes up. And didn't both previous patch go up in Europe first? Anyone here from Asia that can confirm?
bigswords should be able to answer that, but he hasn't posted in this thread in like a month. I suppose you could PM him..


got disconnected from some (unbalanced, yes, shocking, unbalanced) GAFe game tonight, next thing I know my game save is corrupt, nice... thanks heavens I'd already got Platinum... I'm starting to hate KZ2.


Lince said:
got disconnected from some (unbalanced, yes, shocking, unbalanced) GAFe game tonight, next thing I know my game save is corrupt, nice... thanks heavens I'd already got Platinum... I'm starting to hate KZ2.

yeah auto balance on seems to be the way to go still, i remember a few nights ago where it was 3 on 10, a GAF game nonetheless


FFObsessed said:
They should release a separate co-op mode. Like in R2 or Horde rather than trying to cram it into sp.
Seriously though, co-op really wouldn't have to be "crammed" into the current single player campaign. You're practically moving around with a buddy through the entire game.

That said, I would love something with more of an arcade aesthetic, like in Horde in Gears 2 or the R2 co-op!


VNZ said:
Seriously though, co-op really wouldn't have to be "crammed" into the current single player campaign. You're practically moving around with a buddy through the entire game.

That said, I would love something with more of an arcade aesthetic, like in Horde in Gears 2 or the R2 co-op!

Key word being "practically"

What about the boss fight with the ATAC? Having a second person would break the fight. What are they gonna do, have two ATACS? How about have the second player holding off Helghast outside while you fight it? That'll mean they have to create, from scratch, another gameplay scenario and balance it.

What about the turret on the Cruiser? Create two turrets? Have the second guy standing around doing nothing or create a separate scenario?

What about the mech part at Maelstra? The other guy is gonna control the jeep's turret?

What about having to balance the whole rest of the single player for difficulty so you can't break the A.I etc.

It would take a lot more work to add co-op to the single player than people think. It's not as easy as "oh, he's with someone most of the time, just add co-op"

It'd be nice if they did add it, there were rumours a while back, but I'd prefer something more unique. I only care about co-op through campaign when it's splitscreen and they've said they wont be adding any splitscreen support.


To the GAFA members who played today in the clan game my bad on the last spawn point someone tagged me when I was using boost to get the place I wanted to drop a spawn point. BTW GAFA lost the match today.


TheFatOne said:
To the GAFA members who played today in the clan game my bad on the last spawn point someone tagged me when I was using boost to get the place I wanted to drop a spawn point. BTW GAFA lost the match today.

Against OA-P? (Lemm's clan) What was the score?

I played against them today, got completely rammed. We were outnumbered on the first game by 5 to 3 and the second game I had a god awful team apart from a few good players (OG-Shady) and such. They were very organised. Everyone seemed to know exactly what to do on every objective, spawn points and all. There was a lot of lag for me as well.

I want GAFe to play them so I can play them with a decent team. Hopefully it wont be laggy.


FFObsessed said:
Against OA-P? (Lemm's clan) What was the score?

I played against them today, got completely rammed. We were outnumbered on the first game by 5 to 3 and the second game I had a god awful team apart from a few good players (OG-Shady) and such. They were very organised. Everyone seemed to know exactly what to do on every objective, spawn points and all. There was a lot of lag for me as well.

I want GAFe to play them so I can play them with a decent team. Hopefully it wont be laggy.

We lost 5-2. It was 8 vs 8 everyone showed up. They were much more organized. It was closer than the score though. Give me a sec and I can give you the battle replay.

Here is the battle replay. No we had 8.

TheFatOne said:
To the GAFA members who played today in the clan game my bad on the last spawn point someone tagged me when I was using boost to get the place I wanted to drop a spawn point. BTW GAFA lost the match today.

we were so close to winning the assasination defend round! damn game even kicked me out the beginning of the last round. we definitely need to get more practice and decide whos gonna be what class beforehand as i think we only had one guy with boost during S&R and that hurt us alot. also i think we really needed kittonwy and cjtiger, they woulda helped alot.


TheFatOne said:
We lost 5-2. It was 8 vs 8 everyone showed up. They were much more organized. It was closer than the score though. Give me a sec and I can give you the battle replay.

yeah, c&H and assassin defend was down to the wire, also had both bombs planted twice on s&d, we were Helghasts on Blood Gracht. Nice job guys! think i will be a tactician also in the future so there's someone else who can drop spawns next time if one gets tagged.


I'd be in the dick
Geoff Keighly said:
In addition to Bioshock 2, on Thursday night we'll be revealing news about what's next for Killzone 2 and showing the first footage.
Looks like it is going to be DLC. Can't wait.


TheFatOne said:
We lost 5-2. It was 8 vs 8 everyone showed up. They were much more organized. It was closer than the score though. Give me a sec and I can give you the battle replay.

Here is the battle replay. No we had 8.

I tried getting into it at the last minute but it was already full, watched the entire match play out, actually got more out of it in terms of how we played together than had I been busy playing.

The first Search and Destroy we almost had it but kind of ran out of steam towards the end, with each of the bombs, we need to have a spawn right at each location and half of the team keeping the pressure, we were really close. In the second one we just didn't defend it well enough, it was basically just keeping pressure and offing anyone trying to plant the bomb.

In the Capture and Hold, there was no spawns at the middle spawn point, making it hard to keep the pressure on, the upper stairs was doing well but the overhang on the enemy side we didn't have a spawn point until really late in the game.

We just need to get better at setting the spawn points and keeping the pressure up, we were clearly better at bodycount, so everybody who played was definitely skilled.

Good effort guyz.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kittonwy said:
I tried getting into it at the last minute but it was already full, watched the entire match play out, actually got more out of it in terms of how we played together than had I been busy playing.

The first Search and Destroy we almost had it but kind of ran out of steam towards the end, with each of the bombs, we need to have a spawn right at each location and half of the team keeping the pressure. In the second one we just didn't defend it well enough, it was basically just keeping pressure and offing anyone trying to plant the bomb.

In the Capture and Hold, there was no spawns at the middle spawn point, making it hard to keep the pressure on, the upper stairs was doing well but the overhang on the enemy side we didn't have a spawn point until really late in the game.

It really comes down to having one dedicated tactician who knows what he's doing, spawn points are the most important things in a clan match, there is little margin for error.

Yeah, spawn points are key. I'm starting to use the class more and more in order to get better with placement (and the assault rifle). It's hard to be a good tactician on a public server cuz as soon as the spawn grenade goes away, someone puts a grenade down on a stairwell facing the wall. My last game I was the only one putting down spawn grenades and it was a lot of fun being able to completely dictate the strategy of my team. We won easily, 6-1 (sooooo hard to defend the assassination target).

As for GAFA, we just need to start have regular practices and/or some strategy for each map. Each player needs to have a dedicated role that they master. Our uber individual talent only takes us so far :p


we just had a rematch on salamun market and won 5-2 this time. 2 Tacticians definitely made a huge difference, and our individual play was overall good as bodycount clearly showed. The main thing GAFA needs to work on is not to be too lazy :p Capture & Hold was lethargic until midway through. Fun night as this is the first clan matches i participated in KZ2, nice one team!


Dirtbag said:

Did you notice what happened to all their shit talking. Blew up in their faces. I was talking smack to them during the game and they were telling me to calm down :lol BTW great job as the first/second tact. You made my life so much easier by letting me know where you placed spawn points so that I would know not to waste one.
TheFatOne said:
Did you notice what happened to all their shit talking. Blew up in their faces. I was talking smack to them during the game and they were telling me to calm down :lol BTW great job as the first/second tact. You made my life so much easier by letting me know where you placed spawn points so that I would know not to waste one.
I wish I could link to their forum so you guys could see the shit talking they did in there and the subsequent about face. Too bad it's banned, just like many of their prominent posters.

One of their guys was Private Hoffman too.. I forget which one it was, he was actually cool.
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