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polyh3dron said:
I wish I could link to their forum so you guys could see the shit talking they did in there and the subsequent about face. Too bad it's banned, just like many of their prominent posters.

One of their guys was Private Hoffman too.. I forget which one it was.

Man they were giving you shit :lol At least I redeemed you with my awesome assassination. I can't believe how well we moved as a unit. It was crazy.

EDIT: It's crazy. I want to play that team again, but I want to play the same 8 guys who smoked us earlier. I want my VENGEANCE! dammit
Do any of you guys ever have it where your 1% badge doesn't show up in the online games?
Is that something that goes away I used to have the blood red badge but now its back to black.

Oh my sweet where did you go?
BruceLeeRoy said:
Do any of you guys ever have it where your 1% badge doesn't show up in the online games?
Is that something that goes away I used to have the blood red badge but now its back to black.

Oh my sweet where did you go?
It only lasts for a week.


BTW, I went official sony headset instead of the Jabra one... and I have no regrets.
I like being able to mute the microphone, without sending all the chatter through my speakers.

Official Headset > Warhawk headset.


Dirtbag said:
BTW, I went official sony headset instead of the Jabra one... and I have no regrets.
I like being able to mute the microphone, without sending all the chatter through my speakers.

Official Headset > Warhawk headset.

Hmmm I have been debating with myself on whether or not I should get it. The next time I have money I think I might pick this up.


TheFatOne said:
Hmmm I have been debating with myself on whether or not I should get it. The next time I have money I think I might pick this up.

My last roommate had the Warhawk one, and it was totally inconsistent.
Sometimes it was really low, and extremely hard to hear anyone talking on.. while other times it seemed to be perfectly audible. It also had that super sensitive mic problem with it, where it was just constantly picking up nothing and broadcasting it.

For me, it's not even a contest between the two sets.
Did Guerrilla change anything lately? I just played Killzone 2 Skirmish right now (first time I've played multiplayer in weeks), and there were four Tactitian spawn points on the map at the same time, all from the same faction. Is this something new, or did I somehow manage to miscount? I swear I was able to select four spawning areas.

And I'd love to play with you guys again. I've been lagging it lately, but I'm feeling the itch returning. Does gaf regularly play games?
After quite a bit of multiplayer (I am terrible btw) going back to single player makes me appreciate its visuals all over again.

Also, after working in teams with people you know going back to public servers is quite shocking. Even the most basic coordination is lacking. The only thing which seems to rally them is getting a spawn point in a particular spot. That's about it though.

Its like going from Spartans in the movie 300 to a mongol horde with clubs.


1.21 was a 200mb+ patch over there as well unlike here were it was small.
Probably missing something on the disc or just accidentally bloated it somehow.


Jack Scofield said:
Did Guerrilla change anything lately? I just played Killzone 2 Skirmish right now (first time I've played multiplayer in weeks), and there were four Tactitian spawn points on the map at the same time, all from the same faction. Is this something new, or did I somehow manage to miscount? I swear I was able to select four spawning areas.

Was it during a Capture and Hold game? You get an extra spawn for each area currently held by your team during this mode.
tiddles said:
Was it during a Capture and Hold game? You get an extra spawn for each area currently held by your team during this mode.

Ah, that must have been it. Is this a new feature? I don't remember it being in the game a few weeks ago.
Just beat my record: 374 points, accomplished using a tasty mix of assault, scout, and tactician classes.

Went from 2 people on higs against an ISA team of 6, to 3 higs, then me alone for a bit. Fortunately, when I was the sole member of my team, we were just beginning bodycount, so I held my own until a few more folks jumped in and evened things out. Finished with a 4-3 win ending with a very intense search and retrieve.

I really think that the single shot rifle should be an option for the tactician and medic. Soooo much fun to use.

here's the battle replay:



Raist said:
Some people on the KZ forum say it's up in Asia only, and that it broke the game or something.

They said they couldnt play on US or EU servers after the patch, if the patch includes DLC it could make sense possibly that they could'nt connect to games without the same 'DLC' patched in until other regions get it as well?!


before my save got magically corrupted (no system freeze, no accidental power off, just network error yesterday) I had 100% completion in campaign mode and data was uploaded to killzone.com, now it's all back to 0%... could it be possible to "sync" my local save data with my previously uploaded statistics in killzone.com so I have 100% again? and why can't you back up your save ffs? lock it to an specific account but let us back up our games ffs!!!! GUERRILLA !!!!


Lince said:
before my save got magically corrupted (no system freeze, no accidental power off, just network error yesterday) I had 100% completion in campaign mode and data was uploaded to killzone.com, now it's all back to 0%... could it be possible to "sync" my local save data with my previously uploaded statistics in killzone.com so I have 100% again? and why can't you back up your save ffs? lock it to an specific account but let us back up our games ffs!!!! GUERRILLA !!!!
WTF. Are your classes still unlocked or are those gone too?


ChryZ said:
WTF. Are your classes still unlocked or are those gone too?

multiplayer data is server-side so it's all good, this is the first time in years I got a corrupted game save... I knew it was coming though, I read about similar problems in the official forums, network error -> corrupted save, awesome for a game being developed and polished for such a long time.


please be DLC! please!

I would do anything for DLC!. Fuck Multi player. more devs should be supporting the SP by adding more content and new levels. I'm sick of hearing about mp mp mp mp..GAH!.

Sorry GAF......." whoosa "

edit: Co op would make this the greatest fps ever. I shit you not. Guerrila do whatever it takes to make co op work!. Even if you bring the graphics down to R2 levels ( I sitll Love you insomniac) I would still play it.


gotta love this trend in mp, as soon as you take the lead in BC or S&R go base camping, win! can't believe Guerrilla didn't think of this... there should be a time limit or something so you can't plant your ass in base like that, the game is getting crazier each day, what a letdown. Lag is unbearable also, needs dedicated servers, need party system, needs balancing of some sorts, needs lots of tweaks... TTP got it right, GG is naive and need help from actual gamers... I'd like to meet the players who play-tested this madness.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
UntoldDreams said:
Its like going from Spartans in the movie 300 to a mongol horde with clubs.

Mongols favored the bow and arrow, and they were the most effective conquerors to walk the planet. They beat the shit out of everyone they came across for a while.
Lince said:
gotta love this trend in mp, as soon as you take the lead in BC or S&R go base camping, win! can't believe Guerrilla didn't think of this... there should be a time limit or something so you can't plant your ass in base like that, the game is getting crazier each day, what a letdown. Lag is unbearable also, needs dedicated servers, need party system, needs balancing of some sorts, needs lots of tweaks... TTP got it right, GG is naive and need help from actual gamers... I'd like to meet the players who play-tested this madness.

I haven't run into the S&R base camping yet, but can understand how that is a potential issue. GG should just make it so that if the speaker goes out of bounds it auto respawns.

GG also needs to fix the main exit on Vasari Hammer. The location of the turrets are completely ineffective and people from the opposite team can basically camp 2 exits with only one person, a turret or C4. In certain game modes this is very annoying as it means you have to take the long way around. There should be turrets on the upper level to stop people from camping there.

GG should also add an additional spawn area in Blood Gracht on the HGH side. The ISA get to spawn on the opposite side of the bridge away from the canal giving them immediate access to the center area and the upper level. All HGH have to spawn in the small little area and are then required to use the two stairs (that can be camped) to get out of their base. If the ISA jump from their bridge to the lower level they take no damage, while the HGH take almost half damage if they jump over the edge. Also on the ISA side there is a lattice work of piping (and the side of the canal) that you can walk on top of to get half way down the canal. This is immediately accessible to the ISA, but not the HGH. GG needs to add a spawn point into either the room at the bottom of the right most walk way (above the C&H spot) or in the little area next to the canal beneath the walkway (at the point where the left walkway drops you off at ground level).


the_prime_mover said:
I haven't run into the S&R base camping yet, but can understand how that is a potential issue. GG should just make it so that if the speaker goes out of bounds it auto respawns.

GG also needs to fix the main exit on Vasari Hammer. The location of the turrets are completely ineffective and people from the opposite team can basically camp 2 exits with only one person, a turret or C4. In certain game modes this is very annoying as it means you have to take the long way around. There should be turrets on the upper level to stop people from camping there.

GG should also add an additional spawn area in Blood Gracht on the HGH side. The ISA get to spawn on the opposite side of the bridge away from the canal giving them immediate access to the center area and the upper level. All HGH have to spawn in the small little area and are then required to use the two stairs (that can be camped) to get out of their base. If the ISA jump from their bridge to the lower level they take no damage, while the HGH take almost half damage if they jump over the edge. Also on the ISA side there is a lattice work of piping (and the side of the canal) that you can walk on top of to get half way down the canal. This is immediately accessible to the ISA, but not the HGH. GG needs to add a spawn point into either the room at the bottom of the right most walk way (above the C&H spot) or in the little area next to the canal beneath the walkway (at the point where the left walkway drops you off at ground level).

Like anything, base camping can be countered with a couple of spawn points. The problem is all I see is people trying to force their way out. Once you have a spawn far enough outside the base, it effectively neutralizes the base camping on visari Hammer, I've seen it happen. The thing is you have to have a good tactician to effectively base camp, to neutralize this you need a good tactician on the other team.


For the Untouchable trophy, did you kill Radec on Easy?

I'm currently playing through the game on Normal and have got 0 deaths. But I don't think that will be the case once I enter Visari's Palace D:


Man...they need to reward tacticians somehow for doing the dirty work...last night, played in a Warzone 15 minute rounds match, we won easily, but I was the only tactician, and I was dropping some nicely placed spawns...we defended our target for 15m, blew up theirs etc etc, but I got my ass shot to pieces getting in there and turning around to place a good spawn...I was like 30K and 60D at the end...Tact's need some sorta point reward since they are the most important figure on the battle field in terms of W/L


commish said:
I haven't played single player for a single second yet...
Vic Mackey would ask what the hell is wrong with you?! Then he would kill you and plant some drugs and a gun to make it look like a justified killing.
GodofWine said:
Man...they need to reward tacticians somehow for doing the dirty work...last night, played in a Warzone 15 minute rounds match, we won easily, but I was the only tactician, and I was dropping some nicely placed spawns...we defended our target for 15m, blew up theirs etc etc, but I got my ass shot to pieces getting in there and turning around to place a good spawn...I was like 30K and 60D at the end...Tact's need some sorta point reward since they are the most important figure on the battle field in terms of W/L

I am the Tactician every game its the only way my team that seems to be comprised of people that watch the magic school bus right before nap time can win a match.

Not to really belabor the point but my god a party system would kick ass. If me and my brother are able to get on the same team it doesn't even matter if our whole group is full of invalids. By working together we can win almost every match.


GodofWine said:
Man...they need to reward tacticians somehow for doing the dirty work...last night, played in a Warzone 15 minute rounds match, we won easily, but I was the only tactician, and I was dropping some nicely placed spawns...we defended our target for 15m, blew up theirs etc etc, but I got my ass shot to pieces getting in there and turning around to place a good spawn...I was like 30K and 60D at the end...Tact's need some sorta point reward since they are the most important figure on the battle field in terms of W/L

I play tactician alot but man 30-60 is rough, I'll probably be using tactician more now that I'm back to trying to get my airbot medal.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
commish said:
I haven't played single player for a single second yet...

opposite for me, finished the campaign but haven't touched online, seems so overwhelming. I'll have to try it this week though.
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