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alr1ghtstart said:
So what determines the amount of points one gets? I'm noticing I'm getting +1 and sometimes +3 on kills (no headshot).
Inside green area during various missions gives more missionpoints.

They should remove the spawnshield when you spawn on your squadleader. Very annoying shooting at someone and all of a sudden an invincible dude pops up behind him and kills you... <_<


commish said:
anyone up for some air support badges now?

At work.
FFObsessed said:
Ok the invincible fucking spawning is fucking ruining this game. It wouldn't be so bad if that red shimmer actually accurately depicted that the time they were invincible, but when it disappears they're still fucking invincible for a brief period. Let me know when I can hurt them so I don't waste a shotgun blast to their face for no damage, just to have them kill me instantly.
Why are you trying to spawn-camp an area where you know the enemy has a big advantage? Use C4, get distance and snipe, get above the area for overwatch, set up turrets and sentry bots, work into the spawn blindside...there are plenty of viable strategies against spawns. Why on earth would you try "perfect timing", the approach least likely to work?

The game isn't broken just because it has situations you're approaching badly. I say this with all due respect, as I'm sure you're a more skilled player than I am. My point is that greater shooting skill isn't the only road to victory; if you out-think the enemy, spawn invincibility doesn't matter. I play almost exclusively with random strangers, and teamwork and tactical thinking win out over gun skills quite often.


Liabe Brave said:
Why are you trying to spawn-camp an area where you know the enemy has a big advantage? Use C4, get distance and snipe, get above the area for overwatch, set up turrets and sentry bots, work into the spawn blindside...there are plenty of viable strategies against spawns. Why on earth would you try "perfect timing", the approach least likely to work?

The game isn't broken just because it has situations you're approaching badly. I say this with all due respect, as I'm sure you're a more skilled player than I am. My point is that greater shooting skill isn't the only road to victory; if you out-think the enemy, spawn invincibility doesn't matter. I play almost exclusively with random strangers, and teamwork and tactical thinking win out over gun skills quite often.

Don't disagree in general, but if you can see an enemy, and that enemy can shoot me, I should damn well be able to shoot him. You can't always just 'stay back', when a spawn grenade is sitting right next to an objective you have to get in there.

And, standing near a 'smoke' near an objective is not camping, if anything being able to place a smoke on top of an objective to defend it is some sorta cheap reverse camping.
Liabe Brave said:
Why are you trying to spawn-camp an area where you know the enemy has a big advantage? Use C4, get distance and snipe, get above the area for overwatch, set up turrets and sentry bots, work into the spawn blindside...there are plenty of viable strategies against spawns. Why on earth would you try "perfect timing", the approach least likely to work?

The game isn't broken just because it has situations you're approaching badly. I say this with all due respect, as I'm sure you're a more skilled player than I am. My point is that greater shooting skill isn't the only road to victory; if you out-think the enemy, spawn invincibility doesn't matter. I play almost exclusively with random strangers, and teamwork and tactical thinking win out over gun skills quite often.

Hmm . . . think about the plant locations in Helghan Industries, HGH side of Tharsis, Visari Hammer, even Blood Gracht and to a lesser extent Corinth. If the defending team throws down a spawn point next to the objective it demands that the attackers put down a spawn point in the same location otherwise they will be unable to get a foothold in the objective space. This just results in chaos with no indication of who is mortal and who is invincible. Now consider that the attacker puts a spawn point, in the same area, before the defender. Turrets in the room can be targeted and taken out by invincible people (plus turrets suck against groups), C4 will be triggered by invincible people, and there may be no viable sniper spot (plus not everyone can play as a sniper). In this situation the defender needs people in the room and thus, next to the spawn points. This situation of course also demands that the defender place a spawn point in the room as well.

The second situation is spawn invincibility on a squad mate. I have posted about this in the past. A squad mate will always spawn behind the squad leader unless the squad leader is moving backwards (such as is likely to happen in a one-on-one firefight). This means that if I am in a confrontation and then someone spawns on the person I am fighting, I am suddenly shooting someone who is invincible and both other players can shoot me.

Spawn invincibility does disrupt the balance of the game and creates chaos. This does not necessarily break the game as placing a spawn will not guarantee victory, but it does significantly alter the type of game you are able to play.


commish said:
anyone up for some air support badges now?

Just curious, but would it be considered cheating by getting the air support badge by just having someone in the room and purposely dying 5 times?

I really don't blame anyone for getting it this way since it's stupid hard to get 5 kills from that thing, but if your account can get locked for it, then for me personally, I don't think it's worth it.


Kittonwy said:
What happened?

It was Guerrilla's official Clan Warfare Tournament, 16 vs 16... on Corinth Crossing with Assault and Rocket launchers enabled. Thank god FF was on tho otherwise it would have been unbearable.

S&D was just them spawning and firing as many rockets as possible, it was a complete mess. But I tell you what, it was funny as hell and I actually had a good laugh. We all did.

We won 6-1 I think. I didn't do too bad, finished 3rd I think, got 1 TK at the beginning when I forgot FF was on. Cagen was first and Illprazzo 2nd I think. Dave got -30 points for TKing and Raist finished with a gentleman's 6 :lol I got team killed more times than I can remember in the chaos.

One of the other clan killed like 5 teammates with a Rocket at the end, couldn't stop laughing.
I've started an Elite campaign. So far so good, made it up to Vasari Square. The worst thing about Elite is when you have full health, and hiding but somehow you die in like one shot. You dont even know who could have possibly shot you. This happend to me 3 times already.


Good post prime_move, you're replied to that obnoxious rubbish more eloquently than I, and with a lot less swears.

I don't think spawn invincibility by itself breaks the game but when you take into account the default settings of Assault/Rocket Launcher on, FF off AND spawn invincibility then the game can become completely broken, especially on S&D and as these are the setting most ppl play on it will greatly effect the enjoyment and long term success of the game.

On other modes you can avoid spawn points sure but not on S&D. And I used to LOVE S&D in the Beta. But why should I have to turn and run every time I see one anyway? What if I run around a corner and someone spawns right there from a spawn grenade I didn't know was there? Why should the spawner get such a HUGE advantage over me in a 1 on 1 situation? Why should he be able to shoot me before he even appears? It's just cheap.

Spawn grenades should give you a geographical advantage, by being able to approach a situation from a different location, from being able to reduce the time it takes you to get to the objective, not give the spawner a physical advantage of invincibility so he can get cheap and easy kills as soon as he spawns from it. That is bullshit.


Raist said:
The other clan had like 4 I think. One, maybe 2 on our side

At one point during the second S&D there was at least 5 that I counted out of 9. Just a constant stream of rockets and grenade launcher rounds. I'm surprised I had so much fun in that game. :p


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I've started replaying the game on a more difficult mode and it's very annoying that most of the AI controlled allies in the game are so bad at doing what they should be doing.

Right now I'm playing the part where you're defending a square and they can't seem to keep the helghast away at all, effectively making me have to run all over -- and often shot from far in the process -- to heal the guys and make sure they don't just let them parade on through.

It's not that uncommon that I'm holding a whole bunch of enemies away in a certain direction, just to be beaten down from behind when my allies simply ignores a helghast running right next to them from some other direction.


Going to be funny when they take away spawn invincibility and then people come in this thread upset over spawn camping during S&D. There really isn't a win - win situation for this issue, someone is going to find an exploit somewhere.


FFObsessed said:
It was Guerrilla's official Clan Warfare Tournament, 16 vs 16... on Corinth Crossing with Assault and Rocket launchers enabled. Thank god FF was on tho otherwise it would have been unbearable.

S&D was just them spawning and firing as many rockets as possible, it was a complete mess. But I tell you what, it was funny as hell and I actually had a good laugh. We all did.

We won 6-1 I think. I didn't do too bad, finished 3rd I think, got 1 TK at the beginning when I forgot FF was on. Cagen was first and Illprazzo 2nd I think. Dave got -30 points for TKing and Raist finished with a gentleman's 6 :lol I got team killed more times than I can remember in the chaos.

One of the other clan killed like 5 teammates with a Rocket at the end, couldn't stop laughing.

LMAO gentleman's 6 LMAO.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I've started replaying the game on a more difficult mode and it's very annoying that most of the AI controlled allies in the game are so bad at doing what they should be doing.

Right now I'm playing the part where you're defending a square and they can't seem to keep the helghast away at all, effectively making me have to run all over -- and often shot from far in the process -- to heal the guys and make sure they don't just let them parade on through.

It's not that uncommon that I'm holding a whole bunch of enemies away in a certain direction, just to be beaten down from behind when my allies simply ignores a helghast running right next to them from some other direction.

I've just elite in the square and I found that if I hid back and just kept the friendly AI alive that they would sort most of the enemy. If I let them die then the base would get overrun.

I ended up just finishing the last few off and job done.
JudgeN said:
Going to be funny when they take away spawn invincibility and then people come in this thread upset over spawn camping during S&D. There really isn't a win - win situation for this issue, someone is going to find an exploit somewhere.

in the beta there was no invincibility,but a few whiners complained about it so they added it. which i agree there should be spawn invincibility, but only when spawning at base and no where else period.

the tacticians in the beta learned not to throw their spawns in the middle of the room because it would get their whole team killed and IMO thats what should happen when u throw a spawn in the open.


I've got a good idea which can elimate spawn camping and help stop the spawn invincibility problems - removing the invincibility AS SOON as you fire.

Completely removing spawn invincibility is unfair. You could get some assault cunts waiting for you to show up on the spawn grenade, to blow you to bits the second you're on the map.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I've started replaying the game on a more difficult mode and it's very annoying that most of the AI controlled allies in the game are so bad at doing what they should be doing.

Right now I'm playing the part where you're defending a square and they can't seem to keep the helghast away at all, effectively making me have to run all over -- and often shot from far in the process -- to heal the guys and make sure they don't just let them parade on through.

It's not that uncommon that I'm holding a whole bunch of enemies away in a certain direction, just to be beaten down from behind when my allies simply ignores a helghast running right next to them from some other direction.

believe it or not I beat that part on the 1st try, I actually thought I would be stuck there for a while, but I'm stuck on the radec fight on elite. It's so fucking stupidly hard that at this point it's beyond skill to beat it, it's 110% luck.


JudgeN said:
Going to be funny when they take away spawn invincibility and then people come in this thread upset over spawn camping during S&D. There really isn't a win - win situation for this issue, someone is going to find an exploit somewhere.
Eh, we've already discussed that at length. Keep the invincibility and make sure the red highlight is accurate to show when they're vulnerable. Then don't allow them to fire (via forced reload) until the spawn invincibility wears off.

Possible spawn camping eliminated. Invulnerable spawn shooters eliminated. Problem solved.

-viper- said:
I've got a good idea which can elimate spawn camping and help stop the spawn invincibility problems - removing the invincibility AS SOON as you fire.

Completely removing spawn invincibility is unfair. You could get some assault cunts waiting for you to show up on the spawn grenade, to blow you to bits the second you're on the map.
That's a good idea as well, but they'll always get in the first shot. So the spam rules would still apply.


-viper- said:
I've got a good idea which can elimate spawn camping and help stop the spawn invincibility problems - removing the invincibility AS SOON as you fire.

Completely removing spawn invincibility is unfair. You could get some assault cunts waiting for you to show up on the spawn grenade, to blow you to bits the second you're on the map.

nah, needs to go extreme. Otherwise i might as well be invincible and run up to someone's head with a shotgun, fire, they're dead, i'm not invincible, oh well. I loved the beta, just make base spawns invincible and grenades not.


I'm finding the Sniper ribbons to be impossible, I must just be doing it wrong. I also feel a little guilty as I don't feel like I am contributing to a game as much.


bish gets all the credit :)
XTERC said:
I'm finding the Sniper ribbons to be impossible, I must just be doing it wrong. I also feel a little guilty as I don't feel like I am contributing to a game as much.

Pyrrhus Rise is where it's easiest (Tharsis Depot has a nice spot for Helghast too). However, if the other players have 5x zoom and Spot & Mark you'll get destroyed.


XTERC said:
I'm finding the Sniper ribbons to be impossible, I must just be doing it wrong. I also feel a little guilty as I don't feel like I am contributing to a game as much.

Snipe during S&D on Pyrrhus and Saluman. Easy kills. 10 will be no problem and you contribute to the team.


FFObsessed said:
Snipe during S&D on Pyrrhus and Saluman. Easy kills. 10 will be no problem and you contribute to the team.

Good ideas. I got mine camping the East side of Tharsis. You have a clear view to opposing team's base and can pretty much gaurantee a kill per life.
the_prime_mover said:
Spawn invincibility does disrupt the balance of the game and creates chaos. This does not necessarily break the game as placing a spawn will not guarantee victory, but it does significantly alter the type of game you are able to play.
Totally agree. My point was that it's quite possible to completely suppress spawn points, even with the brief invincibility. You have to concentrate and play differently, which may not be to some's liking, but that doesn't make the game broken. I want to be clear, though: I'd also prefer if the spawn grenade system were revamped. It's not broken but it is distracting.

Squad leader spawning invincibility makes no sense, which is why I didn't mention it. It should go away yesterday.

Again, no disrespect to FFObsessed or others who dislike the invincibility. I too dislike it. I was only disagreeing with the claim that it breaks the game.


Played in some fun games with Crushdance tonight, I hope to get on tomorrow night. I need a constant K2 fix but work is making it hard.
Liabe Brave said:
Totally agree. My point was that it's quite possible to completely suppress spawn points, even with the brief invincibility. You have to concentrate and play differently, which may not be to some's liking, but that doesn't make the game broken. I want to be clear, though: I'd also prefer if the spawn grenade system were revamped. It's not broken but it is distracting.

Squad leader spawning invincibility makes no sense, which is why I didn't mention it. It should go away yesterday.

Again, no disrespect to FFObsessed or others who dislike the invincibility. I too dislike it. I was only disagreeing with the claim that it breaks the game.

you shouldn't be able to spawn on a squad leader when they are taking damage. i think that is the gripe most people have, you're killing a guy and then another guy spawns on him and kills you.


bish gets all the credit :)
About what score should I be going for in order to get the 1% trophy? I'm at 3500 for the week right now which is about .55%

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
-viper- said:
I've got a good idea which can elimate spawn camping and help stop the spawn invincibility problems - removing the invincibility AS SOON as you fire.

Completely removing spawn invincibility is unfair. You could get some assault cunts waiting for you to show up on the spawn grenade, to blow you to bits the second you're on the map.



It's a very good idea, actually. Invincibility isn't a huge PITA for so long as you aren't exploiting it. The moment you exploit it, you should be open to spawncamping, grenade spamming and all manner of fuckery.


Not pure anymore!
RJNavarrete said:
I'm tired of my fucking friend list reading "Call of Duty:_________"

Add me on PSN. I need more KZ2 players.

RJN is the ID.
None of my friends play COD4 these days, (ah there is one guy but that's it) most of the time it's either KZ2, LBP or RE5. :p LBP, because I added tons of friends when I used to play the game.


By the way , if you care about 'score & your K/D ratio' dont even think about to be a tactician ... You can guess why ...

About C4s , I dont know what was the problem and what is fixed with latest patch about C4s but there is still a problem ... I sometimes see people run/walk past the corridors where I placed C4s ... I place all of them at head level ...

About spawn invincibility , I dont think a Warhawklike solution would work... A player can aim for the head and shoot in 1 sec after respawning ... In both [ whlike & current ] situation spawning player has advantage ... There should be no invincibility & a penalty for the tactician if a teammate dies in 1-2 secs after respawning ...
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