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Rolf NB

alr1ghtstart said:
About what score should I be going for in order to get the 1% trophy? I'm at 3500 for the week right now which is about .55%
No idea about the score, but you should try to be ranked 2300ish or better at the end of the week (12pm GMT on monday). Will know more precisely on Sunday.


I don't find the Air support ribbons that hard to get. I was playing last week, and I got 10 or 11 in one regular Warzone game. The problem I have is when there are a gazillion engineers killing my bots, or when I have to share bots with a team-mate. Other than that, it's pretty simple.

I always rack up tons on Corinth Crossing pretty easily. Just 3 more badges to go.


JardeL said:
By the way , if you care about 'score & your K/D ratio' dont even think about to be a tactician ... You can guess why ...

... There should be no invincibility & a penalty for the tactician if a teammate dies in 1-2 secs after respawning ...
Wouldn't that be.. more gimping?


JardeL said:
By the way , if you care about 'score & your K/D ratio' dont even think about to be a tactician ... You can guess why ...

I'm always tactician, specially in public games :/
someone please in GAF games take my spot and let me free to enjoy the other classes, every time I go wild and go sab, eng or sniper our team ends up without spawn points :'(


Lince said:
I'm always tactician, specially in public games :/
someone please in GAF games take my spot and let me free to enjoy the other classes, every time I go wild and go sab, eng or sniper our team ends up without spawn points :'(
I'd happily trade my eng for the tac.


Lince said:
I'm always tactician, specially in public games :/
someone please in GAF games take my spot and let me free to enjoy the other classes, every time I go wild and go sab, eng or sniper our team ends up without spawn points :'(

I would, but the problem is you never know who's going to be tactician in the team and it's always annoying to have no spawn grenades at hand when you need them.


I think an element in the map at the respawn/class/squad menu when you respawn should highlight all the active Tacticians alive so you can make a decision before respawning.
Facism said:
I think an element in the map at the respawn/class/squad menu when you respawn should highlight all the active Tacticians alive so you can make a decision before respawning.

Yeah definitely. I would also like to see the added abiliity to see the composition of all other squads on my team.


the_prime_mover said:
Yeah definitely. I would also like to see the added abiliity to see the composition of all other squads on my team.

This and the ability to see how much time there is left for the spawn points. It's so annoying to take a guess when one is going disappear.


If the news tonight is regarding Home I'm going to be so disappointed. Home has been out for months and I haven't even bothered going into it yet. That's how much I don't care.


Anyone know what the big news about KZ2 is today? I'm hoping free multiplayer maps. I don't want them splintering the community.


Today i reached a total of 20,000 mission points :)

raYne said:
I suppose you could.. Just use the S&D strategy of throwing a spawn point (or two) in the base and having people spawn as Assaults and clusterfuck away until you manage to get it out.

That's if the class/weapon is enabled. Heh.
Indeed :) But i think for it to work there must be quite a few people who are playing. Because if there are a few people who are playing, and only 1-2 people are spawning at the same time, and there are maybe 3-4 enemies that are camping + turrets, then it probably will be very hard to "take over" (or what i shall say) the enemy base. So it might be very hard to do so as you mentioned, i dont deny that :)


Kuroyume said:
If the news tonight is regarding Home I'm going to be so disappointed. Home has been out for months and I haven't even bothered going into it yet. That's how much I don't care.


If its anything other than free maps, then 'meh'


Kuroyume said:
If the news tonight is regarding Home I'm going to be so disappointed. Home has been out for months and I haven't even bothered going into it yet. That's how much I don't care.

same man :(

I just want co op and to be able to drive the buggy.
Iain Howe said:
It's a very good idea, actually. Invincibility isn't a huge PITA for so long as you aren't exploiting it. The moment you exploit it, you should be open to spawncamping, grenade spamming and all manner of fuckery.
Letting the spawning player be invincible until they fire still gives them an advantage, as they can line up headshots, etc. while untouchable. I agree that invincibility isn't automatically bad, but the "only until you fire" solution isn't problem-free.

But the point about explosives camping spawns is valid. That's why, though I think the current system needs changing, I don't advocate removing the invincibility in any fashion. I'd rather see spawn grenades be forbidden in objective zones. The game already has set areas around capture & hold points obviously, but it also has them around search & destroy (so it can award extra points for kills there, if you have the badge). Adding them to the objectives and spawn area in search & retrieve would be a piece of cake, I'm sure.

I prefer this solution because I don't trust ones based on player choice. Removing invincibility would cause good Tacticians--such as GAF ones--to alter their placement to provide protection. But I guarantee many players would ignore it, and end up getting their team slaughtered through bad placement (especially considering the facing issue). Forcing them to drop outside the hot zones is a more robust method of ensuring smoother play than relying on the good sense of the users.


-viper- said:
I've got a good idea which can elimate spawn camping and help stop the spawn invincibility problems - removing the invincibility AS SOON as you fire.

Completely removing spawn invincibility is unfair. You could get some assault cunts waiting for you to show up on the spawn grenade, to blow you to bits the second you're on the map.
Decent idea but needs more planning out.
2-3 seconds invincibility max.
As soon as you start cooking your grenade you should be vulnerable as well, would be stupid to cook nades and release them taking ppl out while your invincible still.

Other than that, good idea.


Liabe Brave said:
Letting the spawning player be invincible until they fire still gives them an advantage, as they can line up headshots, etc. while untouchable. I agree that invincibility isn't automatically bad, but the "only until you fire" solution isn't problem-free.

But the point about explosives camping spawns is valid. That's why, though I think the current system needs changing, I don't advocate removing the invincibility in any fashion. I'd rather see spawn grenades be forbidden in objective zones. The game already has set areas around capture & hold points obviously, but it also has them around search & destroy (so it can award extra points for kills there, if you have the badge). Adding them to the objectives and spawn area in search & retrieve would be a piece of cake, I'm sure.

I prefer this solution because I don't trust ones based on player choice. Removing invincibility would cause good Tacticians--such as GAF ones--to alter their placement to provide protection. But I guarantee many players would ignore it, and end up getting their team slaughtered through bad placement (especially considering the facing issue). Forcing them to drop outside the hot zones is a more robust method of ensuring smoother play than relying on the good sense of the users.

Allow spawn grenades to be destroyed within the first 20-30 seconds, the point is if the parameter is secured and once the spawn is able to be established the team can take advantage of it, if you just throw it there to force spawn the other team can destroy it quickly, it prevents some bozo just running right into a crowd of the enemy team and throwing a spawn.


JardeL said:
By the way , if you care about 'score & your K/D ratio' dont even think about to be a tactician ... You can guess why ...

About C4s , I dont know what was the problem and what is fixed with latest patch about C4s but there is still a problem ... I sometimes see people run/walk past the corridors where I placed C4s ... I place all of them at head level ...
I never really noticed it pre-patch as I wasn't using a Sab that regularly, but post patch with a Sab, I notice it at least a few times a round. I'd block off an entrance to cover my back while I concentrated on another area, but have someone come up behind me and kill me.

So, I figure they blew up the C4 and I didn't notice, but all 3 are still there when I respawn and head back to the area.

I think FFObsessed mentioned it yesterday as well. Whatever they supposedly did, didn't fix it.

Liabe Brave said:
Letting the spawning player be invincible until they fire still gives them an advantage, as they can line up headshots, etc. while untouchable. I agree that invincibility isn't automatically bad, but the "only until you fire" solution isn't problem-free.

I mentioned the same thing. Having the invincibility end after they fire doesn't really solve everything. It sure as hell won't stop a assaults from spawning, lining up and firing a rocket at you. And by that time, it doesn't really matter if he's vulnerable for the half second you're still alive.

If he has any sense whatsoever, he'd just spawn head out a doorway (which he's safe to do with invincibility on), fire the rocket and duck around the corner. You won't kill him in time and he'd at least have another rocket ready to spam... x100 in S&D.
Kittonwy said:
Allow spawn grenades to be destroyed within the first 20-30 seconds, the point is if the parameter is secured and once the spawn is able to be established the team can take advantage of it, if you just throw it there to force spawn the other team can destroy it quickly, it prevents some bozo just running right into a crowd of the enemy team and throwing a spawn.

How about, the tactician has to stay alive for 10 or so seconds while the grenade arms?


Leviathon007 said:
How about, the tactician has to stay alive for 10 or so seconds while the grenade arms?

this is a better idea, force the tactician to "plant" the spawn grenade like we do in search & destroy


obaidr said:
i want to be in the euro clan :( PSN is = gaf name

Invite sent.

Lince said:
I'm always tactician, specially in public games :/
someone please in GAF games take my spot and let me free to enjoy the other classes, every time I go wild and go sab, eng or sniper our team ends up without spawn points :'(

In clan games I almost always have to go engineer because no one else wants to. It sucks because I am so much more efficient with the M82.

icechai said:
this is a better idea, force the tactician to "plant" the spawn grenade like we do in search & destroy

You could make it similar to how engineers place turrets, that way it wont be an obnoxiously long time to plant but solve the problem of people running in and dropping a spawn point while dying. Also if you kill a tactician with a spawn grenade in their hand it should NOT be placed and activated.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
JardeL said:
By the way , if you care about 'score & your K/D ratio' dont even think about to be a tactician ... You can guess why ...

This isn't true at all. There's no reason why your K/D ratio should be lower as a tactician. It's not like you start with a knife. Spawn grenades last a couple of minutes; why are you dying so much more between those grenades?


commish said:
This isn't true at all. There's no reason why your K/D ratio should be lower as a tactician. It's not like you start with a knife. Spawn grenades last a couple of minutes; why are you dying so much more between those grenades?

To be really great as a tact, placing the spawn grenades (properly) should be your number 1 priority instead of going for kills. This often requires suicide runs while facing backwards.
Has anyone else been kicked from a game?

My brother and I were "cheating" last night to get the air support ribbons and after a few minutes we were booted from the game. I still got my ribbon, but he only had 4 kills before getting kicked. We tried a second game and that one ended even sooner.

This happen to anyone else?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
FFObsessed said:
I don't mind being engineer.

People that hate being an engineer are those that don't know how to behave as an engineer.

What an engineers has to do:

1 - Place turrets where/when needed depending on mission. And repair stuff.
2 - Stay on defense all the fucking time. On BC, see point 3.
3 - Stay away from open areas. Stick with small rooms/corridors.


Dirtbag said:
To be really great as a tact, placing the spawn grenades (properly) should be your number 1 priority instead of going for kills. This often requires suicide runs while facing backwards.
Yes. This is needed for objectives like S&D where you'd expect many players waiting to kill.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Leviathon007 said:
Has anyone else been kicked from a game?

My brother and I were "cheating" last night to get the air support ribbons and after a few minutes we were booted from the game. I still got my ribbon, but he only had 4 kills before getting kicked. We tried a second game and that one ended even sooner.

This happen to anyone else?

Yep. Happened 2 times in a row while helping a friend getting some ribbons.


Yep I love defending during objectives. I'm always an Engineer during S&D defend on small games placing turrets and C4. Same with S&R.


commish said:
This isn't true at all. There's no reason why your K/D ratio should be lower as a tactician. It's not like you start with a knife. Spawn grenades last a couple of minutes; why are you dying so much more between those grenades?
Staying together with teammates all the time , placing bombs , killing enemies are not the priorities for Tac imo ...

When I play Tac , especially if its PR , at first I place spawn grenade & air turret , if it is possible , do it in 2 different areas ...

When mode comes close to end [ eg. 30secs to end ] , I leave the area , run & find myself a place in the middle of the map and keep myself ready for the next mode and I must not die while doing this [ which can cause a sudden defeat - S&D defend - ] ...

So these keep me out of action area but I dont care ...

I dont say my way is the best way , maybe not , maybe I'm wrong but this is how I play and I see that when I succeed my team does also ...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Dirtbag said:
To be really great as a tact, placing the spawn grenades (properly) should be your number 1 priority instead of going for kills. This often requires suicide runs while facing backwards.

But that's only one death. I still don't understand why a person's K/D ratio has to be so much less....
FFObsessed said:
Good job I've already got all my medals, looks like they're stepping up the moderation.

I hope this is as far as it goes. I would hate to get banned for something like this.

By the way, I never noticed this before but it seems as though turrets only last for about 5 minutes, is that true?


Leviathon007 said:
I hope this is as far as it goes. I would hate to get banned for something like this.

By the way, I never noticed this before but it seems as though turrets only last for about 5 minutes, is that true?

They do blow up by themselves after a while yeah. Same with C4 although that just disappears I think, and air drones fly away.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
JardeL said:
Staying together with teammates all the time , placing bombs , killing enemies are not the priorities for Tac imo ...

When I play Tac , especially if its PR , at first I place spawn grenade & air turret , if it is possible , do it in 2 different areas ...

When mode comes close to end [ eg. 30secs to end ] , I leave the area , run & find myself a place in the middle of the map and keep myself ready for the next mode and I must not die while doing this [ which can cause a sudden defeat - S&D defend - ] ...

So these keep me out of action area but I dont care ...

I dont say my way is the best way , maybe not , maybe I'm wrong but this is how I play and I see that when I succeed my team does also ...

So what do you do while the spawn grenade is up? I don't understand... you just avoid action? And on a lot of maps, that's simply not possible, as they are too small. Sure, you'd get less kills this way, but wouldn't you also have less deaths?


commish said:
But that's only one death. I still don't understand why a person's K/D ratio has to be so much less....
Coincidently, I'm usually one of the top killers on the team while also playing as a tactician.
I usually sit atop the list in most games I play, probably because I spend so much time trying to predict the next gamemode to get myself into position - that I'm usually scoring objectives right along with placing spawn grenades.

Those grenades also need to be replaced every minute and a half or so.


commish said:
So what do you do while the spawn grenade is up? I don't understand... you just avoid action? And on a lot of maps, that's simply not possible, as they are too small. Sure, you'd get less kills this way, but wouldn't you also have less deaths?
Try to place another one in a different place , one to the front one to the behind of enemy ... And I die several times while trying to do this ... Not only because of facing several enemies while infiltrating , but C4s and turrets also ...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
-viper- said:
So when do you want to help me cheat? D:

I still need to do this too, so I'm in whenever anyone else is in to get the airbot medal. can play any time today... was gonna do it yesterday but got caught up trying to get my sniper badge. Did get 2 sniper ribbons finally!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So today we will have new info about KZ2 ?
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