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Leviathon007 said:
How about, the tactician has to stay alive for 10 or so seconds while the grenade arms?

That might not work because the tactician can move on to another location on the map and gets killed. The point is to stop people from just chucking a spawn into a crowd and have the whole team force-spawn and take over a location.


icechai said:
this is a better idea, force the tactician to "plant" the spawn grenade like we do in search & destroy

You mean like a turret. The problem is then they would have to change the animations, which would require more work, lengthening the spawn grenade vulnerability period is probably a smaller tweak and essentially does the same thing, and does not expose the tactician to additional risk of getting killed.
Actually a patch I would like to see would be a private chat channel shared between squad leaders.

Essentially, we can't really have coordinated movements between squads (dynamically changing) except for the tactician's grenade which is basically an uncoordinated "mass horde" attack.
I was trying to practice and learn how to use the sniper class in a game and was being killed off so quickly it was terrible by other team's well skilled snipers... camped on the opposite side of the map in the "obvious" sniper hole. There were 3 or 4 of them.

After realizing it was hopeless... I switched to assault and boosted my way over to the other side (zig zag) and lobbed grenades and ran up their position killing one or two snipers before getting killed by the enemy team.

*** I repeated this 3 times until their snipers gave up camping at that position and changed tactics.

Its the first time I felt good about using assault and being near unstoppable.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
UntoldDreams said:
Actually a patch I would like to see would be a private chat channel shared between squad leaders.

Essentially, we can't really have coordinated movements between squads (dynamically changing) except for the tactician's grenade which is basically an uncoordinated "mass horde" attack.

On this point, I still don't get why the don't allow comm with the whole team, but most of all I find the proximity chat absurd.

Sure, it's cool to hear/be heard by the enemy, but is it really realistic or even fair? In real life, a) you can whisper in the mic and b) you use gestures. Not so in KZ2 (and most online games). How can you freely arrange tactics near an objective when you know the enemy can hear you? You (developer) either avoid this by cutting the enemy out of friendly comm feed or allow me to use a "silent" communication system, like gestures activated via D-pad which translate into on screen icons (like "Hold fire", "Stop" or "Go here" a la Brothers in Arms).

COD4 did something like this by automatically telling the player (via pre-recorded messages) whenever a nearby ally is tossing a grenade or reloading his weapon. Heck it even tells you when a close mate has killed an enemy you where trying to kill yourself. How awesome is that? No wonder people "get it" as soon as they drop into a COD4 match. Now, expand on this and you have an online shooter where you communicate with your teammates (whatever the spoken language is) without even opening your mouth.


AranhaHunter said:
That's bullshit....but how do I do a whole system back up? Lol I'm on the section before Radec on Elite and it would suck if I got a save corruption file...
System backup does nothing.

I had to start KZ2 all over again thanks to the locked game save.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Each time i play this game with rockets, im 100% convinced the devs never actually played online before. It's just so dumb.


commish said:
Each time i play this game with rockets, im 100% convinced the devs never actually played online before. It's just so dumb.

My favorite is the "No Rockets" rooms in which people are still able to use rockets via the standard soldier class. If Rockets are enabled FF must be on as well.


SetUhatU said:
My favorite is the "No Rockets" rooms in which people are still able to use rockets via the standard soldier class. If Rockets are enabled FF must be on as well.
Better the standard class than the 2x speed 2x health assault class :\
TTP said:
On this point, I still don't get why the don't allow comm with the whole team, but most of all I find the proximity chat absurd.

Sure, it's cool to hear/be heard by the enemy, but is it really realistic or even fair? In real life, a) you can whisper in the mic and b) you use gestures. Not so in KZ2 (and most online games). How can you freely arrange tactics near an objective when you know the enemy can hear you? You (developer) either avoid this by cutting the enemy out of friendly comm feed or allow me to use a "silent" communication system, like gestures activated via D-pad which translate into on screen icons (like "Hold fire", "Stop" or "Go here" a la Brothers in Arms).

COD4 did something like this by automatically telling the player (via pre-recorded messages) whenever a nearby ally is tossing a grenade or reloading his weapon. Heck it even tells you when a close mate has killed an enemy you where trying to kill yourself. How awesome is that? No wonder people "get it" as soon as they drop into a COD4 match. Now, expand on this and you have an online shooter where you communicate with your teammates (whatever the spoken language is) without even opening your mouth.

Oh yeah I agree on this point! The proximity chat with the enemy is not a good mechanic and its not aiding the "fun" of the game or tactical gameplay. It might be preventing tactical gameplay actually...

I think full team wide chat/speak can be useful in clan games where everyone might have agreed "you are the platoon leader telling each squads what to do" or something like that. In public games though I think it would be quickly abused by singing and swearing which means muting people a lot.

I just want Squad leaders to have some communication ability for joint strike operations.


UntoldDreams said:
Actually a patch I would like to see would be a private chat channel shared between squad leaders.

Essentially, we can't really have coordinated movements between squads (dynamically changing) except for the tactician's grenade which is basically an uncoordinated "mass horde" attack.

I think maybe instead of squad-specific, chat should be shared among squad mates/friends/clan mates on the same team, that way you can coordinate strategy between teams much easier, and kind of leave the non-friends out in the dust.


I wonder if devs tested the boost badge in actual online games, it's so stupid and laggy that infuriates me to the point I had a fight with two GAFe friends last night because of that :'(
Kittonwy said:
I think maybe instead of squad-specific, chat should be shared among squad mates/friends/clan mates on the same team, that way you can coordinate strategy between teams much easier, and kind of leave the non-friends out in the dust.

I think the team wide speak which TTP mentioned is what you are saying you want and I agree it would be great (maybe not in public games).

But I still think we could benefit from squad leader chat if you actually wanted separate squad units.

Squad A would be chatting about how to take out the Gun battery yelling things like:
"Contact! 3 Higs - 1 assault. Alex flank them while I draw their fire! Crap 2 more around the corner with shotgun."

See that's not something Squad B would find useful as they are in another part of the map.

However, if Squad A captain could tell Squad B captain "We are getting pounded here! I don't think we can hold the gun battery. Squad C can you drop sniping and come support us?"

That would be coordinated and very effective.


-viper- said:
So when do you want to help me cheat? D:

If there's no clan games tonight that I'm allowed to play in :lol then we can do some later this evening. I can probably do around 4 ribbons a time, before I get too bored. :p


FFObsessed said:
I'm expecting it to simply be a couple of maps which have vehicles playable. Will purchase tho.

Dude....I hope its free...its way to soon in a game thats struggling to find its feet to split the community...

I hope its a couple of maps and a new badge or weapon choice, and maybe some rebalancing of current class
and a major control tweak, the algorithm they are using is still AKFU...but getting better


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
I'm expecting it to simply be a couple of maps which have vehicles playable. Will purchase tho.

Simply? introducing vehicles is a pretty big change :p And a "couple of maps" would probably increase the total number by 25%, which is also pretty significant. I just hope whatever it is, it's out soon!


UntoldDreams said:
Oh yeah I agree on this point! The proximity chat with the enemy is not a good mechanic and its not aiding the "fun" of the game or tactical gameplay. It might be preventing tactical gameplay actually...

I think full team wide chat/speak can be useful in clan games where everyone might have agreed "you are the platoon leader telling each squads what to do" or something like that. In public games though I think it would be quickly abused by singing and swearing which means muting people a lot.

I just want Squad leaders to have some communication ability for joint strike operations.

That's basically why I quit out of our clan game before it started.
Click didnt want to work out 2 tacticians, and nobody seemed interested in budging from his squad so I quit. I think the game would have been more frustrating then fun for me.

At high level play, 2 coordinated tacticians is pretty useful. Because you can't be expected to survive at the lengths you do in non-clan play.


alr1ghtstart said:
Female Higs

Playable ISA/Helghast cats with helmets.


Dirtbag said:
That's basically why I quit out of our clan game before it started.
Click didnt want to work out 2 tacticians, and nobody seemed interested in budging from his squad so I quit. I think the game would have been more frustrating then fun for me.

At high level play, 2 coordinated tacticians is pretty useful. Because you can't be expected to survive at the lengths you do in non-clan play.

I don't mind having another tactician working with me as long as he knows what he's doing.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I'm keeping my expectations veeeeeery low.

Consider me excited if they announce an hardcore mode with no respawn. Otherwise, new maps and stuff wont do much to me.


Blu_LED said:
Vehicles? That the absolute last thing I want.

I just can't picture it, but I do remember the talk of getting the tanks into MP.
Not thrilled about the idea either. I hope it's something easily disabled, and the other issues addressed before throwing in another variable.

Will be interesting to see what happens next.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dirtbag said:
I just can't picture it, but I do remember the talk of getting the tanks into MP.
Not thrilled about the idea either. I hope it's something easily disabled, and the other issues addressed before throwing in another variable.

Will be interesting to see what happens next.

I'd totally love a 32p game with tanks in Tharsis.



Dever said:
Just saw a 32 player game in the lobby titled "Tharsis only".. Why would anyone want to do this? D:

May as well work in blood gratch, it seems to work great at 32 as well :lol

I love Tharsis for 10 vs 10 and under. On those terms, I actually look forward to playing it.


Jeff on the PSBlog says that the post on the blog is a hint, which I figure means the picture with the scout tip toeing around the corner. Aside from the shadow on the ground that seems to belong to a turret, what can you guys gather from that picture?


I was going to spend some money to buy Rag Doll Kung Fu, but with the promise of KZ2 DLC, I guess I'll save it at least until 12:31 EDT to see what this DLC is about...

Side-note, why does GTTV come on so late? I mean, who is up at 12:30 to watch a TV show about video-games? Urgh.
DMeisterJ said:
I was going to spend some money to buy Rag Doll Kung Fu, but with the promise of KZ2 DLC, I guess I'll save it at least until 12:31 EDT to see what this DLC is about...

Side-note, why does GTTV come on so late? I mean, who is up at 12:30 to watch a TV show about video-games? Urgh.
Gamerz yo. Just drink some World of Warcraft Mnt.Dew and you'll be fine until 12:30.


Baha said:
Jeff on the PSBlog says that the post on the blog is a hint, which I figure means the picture with the scout tip toeing around the corner. Aside from the shadow on the ground that seems to belong to a turret, what can you guys gather from that picture?

Baha said:
Jeff on the PSBlog says that the post on the blog is a hint, which I figure means the picture with the scout tip toeing around the corner. Aside from the shadow on the ground that seems to belong to a turret, what can you guys gather from that picture?

Looks like visari hammer level.


Blu_LED said:
Yeah thats pretty much how I read it. Its obviously going to be DLC, so maybe its just going to add a new map and new ranks.

I would hope that new ranks would be a patch, and the levels would be DLC. Can't imagine paying to level up higher.
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