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Where’s the advertisement at? We need commercials and more guys or else people who don’t surf the web won’t know about this awesome game
Jeff Rubenstein's Avatar
Jeff Rubenstein replied on February 16, 2009 at 2:28 pm

We’ll show it to you this week, deal?

Ad coming this week ! :)


Rapping Granny said:
Too fucking late, all the hype has been stollen by Fear2, RE5 and SF4, majority of gamers don't know what the fuck killzone 2 is.

I don't think so. A great ad that runs a lot on a lot of different stations could do wonders. Lets see how well they do it and how much air time it has first.
Rapping Granny said:
Too fucking late, all the hype has been stollen by Fear2, RE5 and SF4, majority of gamers don't know what the fuck killzone 2 is.
Calm down good sir or madam, for there are plenty of people starting to know what it is. People like myself have brought the PS3 demo to the hands of the gaming public at large and you know what? I need to videotape some of them. There eyes just go @_@



Ballistictiger said:
You guys care more about freaking ads then the game :lol

I wonder if I'm talking to gamers or ad enthusiasts.

It's really strange. A lot of GAFers are certainly very caring about how the big companies (who don't give a shit about individual customers) advertise their products, which essentially is taking even more money from you to buy their shit. Ironically, a lot of the same people despise paying for DLC, which in a way fits a similar purpose. :p


Ballistictiger said:
You guys care more about freaking ads then the game :lol

I wonder if I'm talking to gamers or ad enthusiasts.

When you've come to really like a game even from the small beta tests and demos you've played, you want it to do well. Most people understand that ads play a big part in that game doing well or not. And Gamers tend to want good games to do well right?
Well there is a point of taking it to far.
Hell I want to see an ad as well, but to want ads 3-4 weeks before the game comes out is beyond me and illogical.

For me it's game first and majority of the games I bought ever since I started gaming was not from commercials that enticed me. It was from gaming magazine scores.

Be glad it's showing about 1-2 weeks early or something.


BeeDog said:
It's really strange. A lot of GAFers are certainly very caring about how the big companies (who don't give a shit about individual customers) advertise their products, which essentially is taking even more money from you to buy their shit. Ironically, a lot of the same people despise paying for DLC, which in a way fits a similar purpose. :p

Except the people who care about the ads for this game aren't doing so because they care how much money Sony make, but how successful the game is. I sure as hell don't want my favorite online game to be a ghost town a few months after launch, or when the next CoD comes out.

And how is Sony advertising their game taking more money from me? How is advertising a game the same as DLC? What? *mind boggles*


FFObsessed said:
Except the people who care about the ads for this game aren't doing so because they care how much money Sony make, but how successful the game is. I sure as hell don't want my favorite online game to be a ghost town a few months after launch, or when the next CoD comes out.

And how is Sony advertising their game taking more money from me? How is advertising a game the same as DLC? What? *mind boggles*

I can understand the fear of a dead community, but with this game there's a minimal risk of that happening. And my comparison with DLC was a long-shot, but with "you" I essentially meant all gamers. Everything is directed at getting more money from all possible gamers, so I still don't get why "gamers" invest so much /care in how they market the game.
I think they've released the demo too soon, my hype is fading away, the demo made me want to replay R2, and then there has been the EPIC God of War 3 trailer. Now I've kinda lost interest. But that won't make me cancel my pre-order.


BeeDog said:
I can understand the fear of a dead community, but with this game there's a minimal risk of that happening. And my comparison with DLC was a long-shot, but with "you" I essentially meant all gamers. Everything is directed at getting more money from all possible gamers, so I still don't get why "gamers" invest so much /care in how they market the game.

I agree it's ridiculous to care about a company's profits who don't give a damn about you, other than to wish they continue to release the products you enjoy. But I don't think there's any shame in wanting a game you really like to be successful and be appreciated above lesser games. But you know what's strange, I don't really care that much when it comes to movies or music I like, maybe I just care more about games?

Oh and the quotation marks really hurt you kno. :(



BeeDog said:
I can understand the fear of a dead community, but with this game there's a minimal risk of that happening. And my comparison with DLC was a long-shot, but with "you" I essentially meant all gamers. Everything is directed at getting more money from all possible gamers, so I still don't get why "gamers" invest so much /care in how they market the game.

you've never cared about a movie trailer or told people about something that they should all see? Or been angered at a bad commercial for some drink product or something else? I can't understand why you don't get ANYONE would care about how ANY COMPANY markets ANYTHING.


icechai said:
you've never cared about a movie trailer or told people about something that they should all see? Or been angered at a bad commercial for some drink product or something else? I can't understand why you don't get ANYONE would care about how ANY COMPANY markets ANYTHING.

At the very least I don't obsess about HOW MUCH a company markets something. If I'm telling someone about the "latest awesome movie trailer" I just saw, it's not because I believe the movie is awesome (before I've even seen it), and want the ticket sales to go through the roof, it's simply because I find the trailer to be fuck-awesome or whatever. Don't really see how you connect me caring about the sales/marketing with the examples you posted.


BeeDog said:
At the very least I don't obsess about HOW MUCH a company markets something. If I'm telling someone about the "latest awesome movie trailer" I just saw, it's not because I believe the movie is awesome (before I've even seen it), and want the ticket sales to go through the roof, it's simply because I find the trailer to be fuck-awesome or whatever. Don't really see how you connect me caring about the sales/marketing with the examples you posted.

sorry i'm biased, in creative for marketing :p maybe i'm the only one who thinks this way aside from some other kz2 fanboys.


Well, I haven't seen Halo Wars ads, or RE5 ads, or Street Fighter or Star Ocean Ads, and I watch enough TV to see tons of ads for games. I think the only gaming ad I've seen in the past week was for Skate 2 on MTV.

Anyway, why are we discussing ads to death, the release of the game is imminent, let's not focus on sales-age or things that have to do with sales-age. We'll have NPD February and March to discuss how well or not ads worked, and whether there are/were enough and such. Let's leave the sales-age, and all related in their respective threads, so we can focus on what a fuck-awesome game this will be.... mmmkay? :)
DMeisterJ said:
Well, I haven't seen Halo Wars ads, or RE5 ads, or Street Fighter or Star Ocean Ads, and I watch enough TV to see tons of ads for games.

They were airing SF4 ads during the UFC Fight Night event on February 7th. I haven't seen an ad for it since then though.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Truant said:
I think you're confusing my opinion about the story, and my bullshit theory as to why the story wasn't presented well enough within the game. You cannot say that my opinion is inacurate. That is a logical fallacy.

For clarification, you're absolutely right. It was your bullshit theory that was inaccurate - and that's what I addressed in my posts. Your opinion is your opinion dude, and if your opinion is that the story/dialog/whatever didn't do it for you, then it just didn't.

Truant said:
Back to the discussion, here are some simple points that I felt could have been done way better.

Characters - While I understand that these are just your basic Gears of War type grunts, they could have been introduced better, and for all intents and purposes; be even more stereotypical for the simple sake of getting more personality into the game. There is a lot of cursing in the game, and it feels incredibly forced.
I can't really speak intelligently of the character design, as I wasn't part of that process.

[QUOTE = Truant]Sev does have his moments of exposition towards the middle and end of the game, but it comes off as really abrupt. I think it would have been smarter to focus exclusively on one type of presentation. As a player, you get confused. One moment, you're Sev, you're in the action. The next moment, you're still Sev, but the game is controlling you. Suddenly, you see Sev being all emotional in front of the camera. I think the benefits of focusing excusively on one style would outweigh the negatives.[/QUOTE]
You might be right there, but then again - maybe that would strip Sev's humanity from him, leaving him literally nothing more than bald, angry Spacemarine.

Truant said:
Motivation - I never really got why the ISA decided to capture Visari instead of just killing him. To prevent Martyrdom? I have no idea. Visari isn't really present in the game as much as I would like. Half-Life 2 and Bioshock are brilliant examples of constantly reminding you of what and why you are after, be that the Citadel, Dr. Breen, or Andrew Ryan.
They had their orders - orders that didn't necessarily make sense to them. Why were they trying to capture Visari? Because those were the orders given by the Vektan council and passed on to them by their Commanding Officer, Colonel Templar. Why did the Council want him alive? Well - why did the US not put a bullet in Hussein in Iraq? A hung criminal inspires fewer jihad than a martyr shot during a battle.

Truant said:
I don't want to spoil anything here, but the biggest problem here is that the game never explains why stuff happens. It just does. Go here, find that, go here, rescue this. I acknowledge that some stuff are better explained than other, but I never got the feeling of natural progression that I get from similar games.
I'd really want to play the final game from end to end before I commented on this, as the Game story wasn't really part of my responsibility, either.

Truant said:
Can you bring some insight into this, and if I'm just plainly not paying attention to what's going on? Did you guys ever think this would be an issue to the average gamer? I mean, my guess would be 'no', but to see the care and love being put into other aspects of the game makes me a little bitter as I love a good narrative experience.
I'm sorry I'm not the font of knowledge on this, I'd really like to sit down and study the thing from end to end, experiencing it as a gamer before I commented in detail. It's safe to say that this was cared about, both by Sony and Guerrilla - certainly part of the reason I was given free rein to work on the Backstory for so long was because they wanted to show that the universe of Killzone had a lot of thought behind it.

Ploid 3.0

Oh wow, this offline bot gameplay looks so fun. I'll be able to mess around when I want and practice stuff. Can't wait for this game.
So how are people getting copies of the game right now? Are they all press release or are there retail stores that have broken the release date?

Ploid 3.0

Gully State said:
So how are people getting copies of the game right now? Are they all press release or are there retail stores that have broken the release date?

Retail stores letting people buy them.


icechai said:
When you've come to really like a game even from the small beta tests and demos you've played, you want it to do well. Most people understand that ads play a big part in that game doing well or not. And Gamers tend to want good games to do well right?
I really wish gamers would come to the rather obvious blatant understanding that in gaming ads truly mean shit. Its a completely different monster than movies and TGIFridays talking about what specials they have. I can name you plenty of games that sold well last year with barely any memorable advertising:


And plenty of games that sold like shite despite advertising:

Little big planet

Gamers are more in the know that most consumers are. We dont really make blind buys which is what advertising hopes to accomplish. Everyone who wants Killzone 2 already knows theyre getting it and everyone who doesnt want it isnt getting it and ads wont make them change their minds and everyone who doesnt know about the game (somehow) will be told by people like you and me. This is what happens with almost all next gen games which is why they are SO front loaded.

Advertising on g4 and the like is pointless because that audience already knows about the game and advertising on websites also mean shite beacuse if people are going to websites then they probably already know about the game. So whats left? Advertise during lost?

And where the HELL are you people buying this game??!!??!?


Just watched the videos and the visual quality of these maps is just unbelievable. Especially considering the size of them and the sheer amount of... content they contain. The textures are amazing and seem really consistent as well.

Corinth River, Pyrrhus Rise and Visari Hammer look gorgeous. Plus they have a completely different style to the Beta maps. Tharsis and Helghan Industries look far more standard, same with their design but I of course need to play them for many many hours to get a proper feel for them.

Ploid 3.0

PS3 download links.
> File > Save target

Search & Destroy On Helghan Industries Map
Search & Retrieve And Bodycount On Salamun Market Map
Search & Retrieve And Search & Destroy On Corinth Crossing
Search & Retrieve And Assassination On Salamun Market Map

I edited these links with the MP4 url. Testing to see if I can download on my ps3.
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