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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Facism said:
He wasn't the only guy to misinterpret the news, and he probably wants the map pack to be free.

No need to attack or adjudge his personality based on a few messageboard posts, especially when his first langauge isn't English.
Ive been there my friend ... ;___;
GAF is pretty tolerant and respectful about people not being English native speakers.
Facism said:
He wasn't the only guy to misinterpret the news, and he probably wants the map pack to be free.

No need to attack or adjudge his personality based on a few messageboard posts, especially when his first langauge isn't English.

His english wasn't what I was referencing. Your right though maybe I overreacted.


Kittonwy said:
I have always thought the MP is actually what makes KZ2 so afw, it has its share of things that need to be fixed but it's far from broken and it's still more enjoyable than any other FPS on the PS3.
Okay, it's not exactly broken, there's just a couple of nagging issues that keeps me from enjoying it to the fullest. But yeah, I have to say that my former favourite PS3 multiplayer FPS has lost most of its shine since I started playing KZ2.


ninjavanish said:
man, read the primary sources. Rule #1 of bullshit detection.

stupid VG247 writer "Killzone 2 fastest moving title for Sony, has sold 500,000 units"


Actual quote: "Killzone 2 has been the fastest SCEA PS3 title to break the 500,000 unit mark and it's also the highest selling SCEA PS3 title for the first 30 days out of launch" -Steinberg

Meaning of quote: Killzone2 hit the 500,00 units sold mark faster than other other 1st party PS3 title. This does not mean that it's sold 500,00. This means that it sold it's 500,000th unit sooner after it's release than any other 1st party game. Also, notice the wording "break the 500,000 unit mark". This means it's already sold more than 500,000.

Grow some brains gaf.

So that means that Killzone is pretty much garanteed to sell at least 277k in next months NPD reporting period? I can't imagine an SCEA title within the first 30 days not shifting 500k within 30 days, during the PS2 says.


aka andydumi
New times of day for all maps? That would really change things up.

And I agree on the Warhawk comment, pricy DLC would divide the userbase. Its one thing to come out with a large expansion pack once, its another to churn out differetn small packs every few months frangmenting into many small subcommunities.


AndyD said:
New times of day for all maps? That would really change things up.

And I agree on the Warhawk comment, pricy DLC would divide the userbase. Its one thing to come out with a large expansion pack once, its another to churn out differetn small packs every few months frangmenting into many small subcommunities.
Blood Gracht or Salmun Market during the day would be amazing.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The DLC is probably a party system... $5.99:lol


was rain in any of the single player levels?
Hadn't seen any indication there was any actual rain in the game.. just stormy conditions.



PS3 did some weird glitch thing and just turned off for no reason as I was leaving a match, so my saved-data is gone. x_x. Now I have to beat the game again on normal/verteran, then on Elite.



DMeisterJ said:

PS3 did some weird glitch thing and just turned off for no reason as I was leaving a match, so my saved-data is gone. x_x. Now I have to beat the game again on normal/verteran, then on Elite.


copy-protected saves are a piece of shit.
DMeisterJ said:

PS3 did some weird glitch thing and just turned off for no reason as I was leaving a match, so my saved-data is gone. x_x. Now I have to beat the game again on normal/verteran, then on Elite.

Same but my whole HDD currupted and I had to format.
Noob question:

Alright, goddamn it, there occasionally appears to be a dramatic delay time between when I kill someone, and when they actually get K.O.'d. Is this a laggy delay on my part, or their part?


WretchedTruman said:
Noob question:

Alright, goddamn it, there occasionally appears to be a dramatic delay time between when I kill someone, and when they actually get K.O.'d. Is this a laggy delay on my part, or their part?
I have days where there are ridiculous pauses where I'll already be on the ground and then watch the guy I shot drop out of nowhere.
It seems like client-side hit detection, because there are definite times when I'm running for cover and on my end looks like I make it into cover and still am shot dead. I'm just not sure what causes it.. it's weird, but I mostly never notice it.


JardeL said:
Probably DLC wont be free , because this is SCE ...

500K for US after 30days is fail ... I wonder if "1.1 million pre-orders for EU" was true ... Probably it wasnt , because this is SCEE ...




vasari square level should of had rain. that would of set the mood completely. It has gushing winds, lightning, overcast....where is the rain?.


JardeL said:
Probably DLC wont be free , because this is SCE ...
Doesnt most additional content through DLC costs money though? Even if it is SCE, EA, Ubisoft etc. that releases some DLC for their games? Some DLC are free though, like the bikes for Burnout Paradise for example, but that seems to be more of an exception than what is common.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Come on gaffers... changing teams to unbalance them, just to be on the gaf-heavy side is lame. 9 v 4 sure does sound fun,but come on...that's just... lame. I'M LOOKING AT YOU 10DOLLAS


it better be some form of campaign content >_>

but my gut feeling tells me if has something to do with mp classes and home. my gut feeling is never wrong. but boy i wish it was sometimes....sigh


Does maths and stuff
Zen said:
So that means that Killzone is pretty much garanteed to sell at least 277k in next months NPD reporting period? I can't imagine an SCEA title within the first 30 days not shifting 500k within 30 days, during the PS2 says.

500 - 323 = 177 not 277. :lol


commish said:
Come on gaffers... changing teams to unbalance them, just to be on the gaf-heavy side is lame. 9 v 4 sure does sound fun,but come on...that's just... lame. I'M LOOKING AT YOU 10DOLLAS

Dirtbag did that yesterday so we were 5 vs 2 couldn't believe it haha. Tho they almost balanced out but we were left with the 2 biggest shit heads I've ever seen in the game. Fun game that one was...


I think I'm decent enough to hang with the gaf crew now.

Where and when can I find ya'll online.

Can I be down? Can I get in?

PSN ID: Creasybear


FFObsessed said:
Dirtbag did that yesterday so we were 5 vs 2 couldn't believe it haha. Tho they almost balanced out but we were left with the 2 biggest shit heads I've ever seen in the game. Fun game that one was...

Hey that was a total accident, I was heading over to the squad screen to accept a squad invite and hit the button too quickly.. then it has that 30 second delay on switching back.

I'm always shouting about auto-balancing the teams. Don't put me in that cowards camp, I played with a full team of bots yesterday.

JCreasy said:
PSN ID: Creasybear

Man on Fire reference? Interesting choice.
+1 for obscure reference.


commish said:
Come on gaffers... changing teams to unbalance them, just to be on the gaf-heavy side is lame. 9 v 4 sure does sound fun,but come on...that's just... lame. I'M LOOKING AT YOU 10DOLLAS

You have to be like me. I switch from the GAF heavy team to the team that had four people. I'm just gangsta like that :lol Actually it's great practice.

Dirtbag said:
Hey that was a total accident, I was heading over to the squad screen to accept a squad invite and hit the button too quickly.. then it has that 30 second delay on switching back.

I'm always shouting about auto-balancing the teams. Don't put me in that cowards camp, I played with a full team of bots yesterday.

Yea that Lyulf bot was awesome.
TheFatOne said:
You have to be like me. I switch from the GAF heavy team to the team that had four people. I'm just gangsta like that :lol Actually it's great practice.

Yea that Lyulf bot was awesome.

too bad he had worse aim than the other bots:lol


TheFatOne said:
Yea that Lyulf bot was awesome.
Yeah I couldn't get over the AI.
Was basically the reason we were even competitive. The computer knows whats up.

Him and that x-bot... something else really.


Dirtbag said:
Hey that was a total accident, I was heading over to the squad screen to accept a squad invite and hit the button too quickly.. then it has that 30 second delay on switching back.

I'm always shouting about auto-balancing the teams. Don't put me in that cowards camp, I played with a full team of bots yesterday.

I know, I know, was only messing. You said you were gonna change back and then the game started.

I think I shot you in the head enough for revenge tho. That and the game after we had these two guys playing who would just sit there and start shooting at each other, and then waste spawns by throwing them in random places and backwards.


Oh pls... Oh forgive me for wanting to playing with people I know. Oh and correction on your statement, GAF only team, not just Gaf heavy team. There wasn't any GAF on the one team i was originally on.


FFObsessed said:
I want a rain level.

And her replaced by a naked Helghast.... picture it.
Somebody is gonna make that gif sooner or later so...

we wait.


AranhaHunter said:
Who's that?
Briana Evigan I think. I dont even know. I couldnt make it through that awful awful movie. Step up 2 the streets if youre wondering.
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