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ilanna said:

God, those maps look amazing, can't wait!

Are you SERIOUSLY telling me you're not excited after seeing the maps? SERIOUSLY?!??!

I'm not. It's just new maps. With ripped assets/locals from singleplayer. Nothing major, nothing special, nothing worth money.


Nice detail on the cruiser map: the part where the hull is breached could very well be the hig spawn point... or the damage that can be done to the environment has been upped a bit!


Just saw the DLC video. What the hell were they thinking with in regards to the moving death-traps on the train level? Sounds like a clear recipe for annoyance and frustration.


Shameless plug time...

I'm working on a term paper for my writing class and I have chosen the Killzone franchise as a subject. As one of the requirements is that I include a survey into it I thought that I might as well put you guys to some use ;p I'm looking to get input from around 30 people so this thread should be perfect. The survey mostly concerns Killzone 2.


Place of Residence:


1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate Killzone 2 as a complete package? Justify your answer.

2. What do you like and dislike about the Singleplayer campaign?

3. What do you like and dislike about the Multiplayer mode?

4. Do you think that Killzone 2 was value for money?

5. Do you plan to support the game by buying DLC (Downloadable Content) that might be released for it? If your answer is "yes", please elaborate on what should be the content of the future DLC.

6. What is your view on the franchise's future? Should it be continued (sequels, prequels, spinoffs) or discontinued? Justify your answer.

End of shameless plug.

An and all input will be appreciated and I thank anyone who will participate in it in advance. I think it's best that the filled out Survey should be sent to me via Private Message so as to not cluter this thread.


Facism said:
I'm not. It's just new maps. With ripped assets/locals from singleplayer. Nothing major, nothing special, nothing worth money.
Pretty much. I'm more interested in the "upcoming features" (Isn't that always the way?).

I struggle to even call this a map pack when it's only 2 recycled SP maps. Only one of which seems interesting.. Doesn't even look like something they should charge for, to be honest.


Facism said:
I'm not. It's just new maps. With ripped assets/locals from singleplayer. Nothing major, nothing special, nothing worth money.

I don't buy new maps, but isn't that how most map packs are?

They're either representative of the single-player story locales, or they are representative of prequels' locales.

I can also see that train map being frustrating.


Dave1988 said:
Shameless plug time...

I'm working on a term paper for my writing class and I have chosen the Killzone franchise as a subject. As one of the requirements is that I include a survey into it I thought that I might as well put you guys to some use ;p I'm looking to get input from around 30 people so this thread should be perfect. The survey mostly concerns Killzone 2.


End of shameless plug.

An and all input will be appreciated and I thank anyone who will participate in it in advance. I think it's best that the filled out Survey should be sent to me via Private Message so as to not cluter this thread.

I PM'd you my answers.


womfalcs3 said:
I can also see that train map being frustrating.

All the maps besides Salamun Market are frustrating :D

And I agree, they 'can't possibly charge for this'...though they probably will...2 maps, that has to be free, right?


TTP said:
Why would that be a negative?

Fast-moving environmental hazards (especially those in key, high-traffic areas) with 1 hit kill capabilities are almost universally frustrating.
Did anyone else notice how fast and often those poles shot by between the trains? Jumping between the two looks like its going to be lots of fun :rollseyes.
And It looks like we are going to switch from a 1st person view to a 3rd person one to traverse back and forth, so that should be somewhat jarring as well.

I'd rather it had just been a double wide train, with no need to jump between.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dirtbag said:
Fast-moving environmental hazards (especially those in key, high-traffic areas) with 1 hit kill capabilities are almost universally frustrating.
Did anyone else notice how fast and often those poles shot by between the trains? Jumping between the two looks like its going to be lots of fun :rollseyes.
And It looks like we are going to switch from a 1st person view to a 3rd person one to traverse back and forth, so that should be somewhat jarring as well.

I'd rather it had just been a double wide train, with no need to jump between.

How do you know they don't come in rows of two or three? I see two soldiers jumping no problem one after the other. I assume those poles come in rows of three actually, allowing you to "get ready" to make your jump after the third one has passed. You count them - 1...2...3 - and then jump.

That's pretty fine for me.


TTP said:
How do you know they don't come in rows of two or three? I see two soldiers jumping no problem one after the other. I assume those poles come in rows of three actually, allowing you to "get ready" to make your jump after the third one has passed. You count them - 1...2...3 - and then jump.

That's pretty fine for me.
Sounds like a feature that Scouts are going to love. :lol


You can already see him salivating. MMmmm...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I like the train map (Steel), its nice to see a little change on level design for competitive multiplayer.
(Neither COD4 or R2 had moving levels,those are the only FPS ive played besides KZ2)


Just saw them. They look amazing graphically. Loved the Cruiser level in single player and it looks fairly large, not as big as Pyrrhus or Salmon unfortunately :(

The train is... interesting. :lol A bit of a novelty maybe, but looks like a lot of fun, a map to just tit around on maybe, would be fun with Gaffers. Won't be playing any serious clan games on it tho :p

Looks great. Will download.

Don't know about the "Retro maps." I never played KZ1 online so don't really care about remaking of the maps and I would doubt they're are as well designed as the KZ2 maps. Will buy them tho :p


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Just saw them. They look amazing graphically. Loved the Cruiser level in single player and it looks fairly large, not as big as Pyrrhus or Salmon unfortunately :(

The train is... interesting. :lol A bit of a novelty maybe, but looks like a lot of fun, a map to just tit around on maybe, would be fun with Gaffers. Won't be playing any serious clan games on it tho :p

Looks great. Will download.

Don't know about the "Retro maps." I never played KZ1 online so don't really care about remaking of the maps and I would dubt they're are as well designed as the KZ2 maps. Will buy them tho :p
Pretty sure that Guerrilla designers are smart enough to change stuff on thosem aps to make it more KZ2.
By the way,i think that KZ2 has some of the best level design ive seen on a FPS.
(Love the verticality of some maps)


At the killzone forums, MotherH said he would talk about a 'long list' of 'fixes' and updates they are working on next week.

Im more excited for the fixes and updates than I am about the maps...all I want is random placement of targets in S&D, and a radius placed on targets and spawns that prevent mass clusters of dying to occur.

I had a few good games last night, and then the crap game comes along (4 v 9, was 4 v 4 until people got stupid...) and makes me turn it off. Happens every night.


Fersis said:
Pretty sure that Guerrilla designers are smart enough to change stuff on thosem aps to make it more KZ2.
By the way,i think that KZ2 has some of the best level design ive seen on a FPS.
(Love the verticality of some maps)

There's a difference between changing some stuff so they work and designing them from the ground up for the different modes and classes.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
GodofWine said:
At the killzone forums, MotherH said he would talk about a 'long list' of 'fixes' and updates they are working on next week.

Im more excited for the fixes and updates than I am about the maps...all I want is random placement of targets in S&D, and a radius placed on targets and spawns that prevent mass clusters of dying to occur.

I had a few good games last night, and then the crap game comes along (4 v 9, was 4 v 4 until people got stupid...) and makes me turn it off. Happens every night.

That's impossible without modifying the maps as objectives are not simple dots on a radar but actual 3D structures (antennas, canisters etc). Don't hold your breath for that.

The spawn point fix is pretty doable tho.


TTP said:
That's impossible without modifying the maps as objectives are not simple dots on a radar but actual 3D structures (antennas, canisters etc). Don't hold your breath for that.

The spawn point fix is pretty doable tho.

Yea...I kinda figured that on the first point.


GodofWine said:
At the killzone forums, MotherH said he would talk about a 'long list' of 'fixes' and updates they are working on next week.

Im more excited for the fixes and updates than I am about the maps...all I want is random placement of targets in S&D, and a radius placed on targets and spawns that prevent mass clusters of dying to occur.

I had a few good games last night, and then the crap game comes along (4 v 9, was 4 v 4 until people got stupid...) and makes me turn it off. Happens every night.
People would just place spawnpoints right outside the radius. It would prevent nothing I assure you :lol


I would like to see a new class:

The Mech-Class. You get the Mech from SP with unlimited ammo and health. This mech is also tied to my account. As soon as the game starts it'll spawn next to me, I'll sit in there and get rid of alle GAFE-Members - obviously, I don't need them any longer.

Do you rike it? :)


Thrakier said:
I would like to see a new class:

The Mech-Class. You get the Mech from SP with unlimited ammo and health. This mech is also tied to my account. As soon as the game starts it'll spawn next to me, I'll sit in there and get rid of alle GAFE-Members - obviously, I don't need them any longer.

Do you rike it? :)
A Mech-Class could acctuall work i think. Of course, not on the current maps, since then there would be unfair (unless the Mech is really easy to destroy), but on another map(s) where it is only possible to use the Mech (i think someone else mentioned this earlier in the thread as well) :) I think that this Mech-Class mode could be pretty cool :)

Tom Penny

the_prime_mover said:
Now that details for the mappack have been released and it is a safe assumption that this will be paid content, we need to determine who is going to get it and who is not. It would be nice if this didn't fragment the clans but I suppose that is unavoidable. Hopefully those people that play frequently will be getting this.

They are going to charge for a whopping 2 maps? You've got to be kidding me.
test_account said:
A Mech-Class could acctuall work i think. Of course, not on the current maps, since then there would be unfair (unless the Mech is really easy to destroy), but on another map(s) where it is only possible to use the Mech (i think someone else mentioned this earlier in the thread as well) :) I think that this Mech-Class mode could be pretty cool :)

A kill the mech mode would be nice.


Tom Penny said:
They are going to charge for a whopping 2 maps? You've got to be kidding me.
It is not too uncommon to charge for new skins etc. (relatively small addition stuff for games) when it comes to DLC, so why shouldnt they charge for 2 extra maps? :) No price is known yet, but i would guess that it wont cost more than $5, or perhaps $7 at the most.

PjotrStroganov said:
A kill the mech mode would be nice.
Wow, i havnt thought about this before. This sounds pretty nice indeed! :)
Tom Penny said:
They are going to charge for a whopping 2 maps? You've got to be kidding me.
Of course they are. COD gets way with charging 10 fucking dollars for 4 maps, Warhawk charged $8 for 1 map and a vehicle, so Killzone will defiantly charge for this. I'm guessing $4.99.


don't ask me for codes
Lince said:
The train map will be a sniper fest, lag + timed jumps = lolz, could be funny.

The best sniping positions are on the upper levels of the train.

However, hanging from the ceiling of the train tunnel are lights and other stuff. Whizzing by at high speed. Snipers will have to watch out for them.

3 or 4 pillars go by after each other, after which it's safe to jump. But yeah, I do hope they've tested the level in games with lots of lag.


Finally got to check out the DLC footage.

First of all I'm not going to pay for any DLC until GG fixes the countless problems with the game. Right now I just hop on every now and them to screw off and take advantage of everything broken in the game. Feels like my limited time with Gears 2.

That said, I really dug the aesthetics of that ISA ship in the campaign and think it's an awesome addition of the multiplayer. I hope it's really big though, the game needs more large maps.

That train level though... ugh. Aesthetically it's passable, I've played in enough dark, cloudy environments that I'd appreciate more variety but the concept of the entire level taking place on a high speed platform is awesome. Then they have to fuck it up by adding about of environmental hazards. Do they honestly think this adds anything to the map other than frustration and more randomness?

I think KZ2 would benefit immensely if GG threw in their game and played it once and a while.


don't ask me for codes
TTP said:
Edit: interesting to see a new jump animation when jumping between trains. Wonder if it's triggered by a context sensitive action. Like press X near the ledge to perform the "special jump".

I'm pretty confident that's the AI jumping. There's a pathobject entity which they mount and perform the jumping animation. Human players will have to jump the normal way.
kay, i'm pretty sure there's a mistake on the Medals & Ribbons section of Killzone.com. It says that the medal "Field Mechanic (8x Repair Specialist)" rewards you with Secondary Engineer ability, but that makes no sense because Repair is the secondary engineer ability. And it says "Defensive specialist (8 x turret specialist)" rewards you with "Combine Engineer secondary ability." They have that backwards, right?


I think its safe to assume that these maps will either be free or it will be somehow similar to LBP where everyone can play them but only the people that purchased them can create games that include the maps.

Think about it.

If they made this paid dlc then theyd have to make a separate playlist for it (like Halo). You think theyre gonna do that for TWO maps? They would be splintering the community (and even some larger clans) for a whopping TWO maps.

But I could be wrong.

Im thinking that the retro map pack will cost some money and there will be five or so maps included so it will be its own separate "retro" section or something.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Even KZ2 followers are harsh with Guerrilla:
'We want DLC!!'
'Just two levels?! Lame'
'Oh noes a moving level,this sucks because is not common on other FPS!!!! Lame'
'We have to pay for it!? GG sucks!So Lame'


.GqueB. said:
I think its safe to assume that these maps will either be free or it will be somehow similar to LBP where everyone can play them but only the people that purchased them can create games that include the maps.

Think about it.

If they made this paid dlc then theyd have to make a separate playlist for it (like Halo). You think theyre gonna do that for TWO maps? They would be splintering the community (and even some larger clans) for a whopping TWO maps.

But I could be wrong.

Im thinking that the retro map pack will cost some money and there will be five or so maps included so it will be its own separate "retro" section or something.
I dont think it would be necessary to make a separate playlist for the new maps in Killzone 2. In Metal Gear Online, the servers who runs the expansion packs has a transparent color (or something like that) if you dont have the expansion packs yourself (at least it was like this the last time i played Metal Gear Online some weeks ago). Maybe something similar could be down with Killzone 2.

Another way to do it could be to have an option/server filter that is something like "show only servers with extra maps" in the server filers. Resistance 2 have something like this when you play ranked matched in the Competetitve mode. Before you are doing the match making, you then have an options that says something like "Perfer the use of new maps", and here you can choose between yes and no. If you chose no, then i think that you only get to play on the old maps. If you chose yes, then i think the match making will do what it can so you get to play on the new maps if you have the Resistance 2 map expansion pack that is (or perhaps this "Perfer the use of new maps" option isnt avalible if you dont have the map expansion pack) :)
2 maps? I say $7.99 will be the price.

Fersis said:
Even KZ2 followers are harsh with Guerrilla:
'We want DLC!!'
'Just two levels?! Lame'
'Oh noes a moving level,this sucks because is not common on other FPS!!!! Lame'
'We have to pay for it!? GG sucks!So Lame'

The lesson? Don't be a follower, be a leader.
It might be because I just got done with a fantastic couple hours of online play where everyone was working together great and as such I am a little high on KZ love but...
That map pack looks pretty awesome to me.

Bought and bought.


I'll be buying, downlaoding and playing them quite happily Fersis.

Infact I shall be buying every bit of DLC they put out, for the first time this generation.
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