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I PM'd Tempy and Tiddles but I think Seb Downie is the man to talk to as he's more involved with the online side and the updates. If you could do it Lince that would be great, as I can't log on to that POS site killzone.com to get the link for the battle replay and PM it to him. Wont let me sign in at all. urgh.


Lince said:
what a fucking joke of a game, I only log in for friends like you and the rest of GAF, they shipped a game where you could reach top rank and 1% honour just by playing one day with hordes of blind bots, then the shotgun autoaim exploit and later the zoom in/out autoaim exploit... ok they managed to get rid of these in 3 weeks... how many months till they decide to patch the glitches and exploits that ruin clan games? are we supposed not to join any clan game with body count or search and retrieve missions on it? fucking ridiculous, paging Tempy so we can email the battle replay and can get our valor points back, since these guys never showed they got any (valor).

it's just a game, I know, but a good time online with friends shouldn't be ruined this way.

All too true my friend.
This COULD be one of the best MP games around but to have to limit yourself to only playing with friends who aren't gonna fuck you over is just madness.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
I PM'd Tempy and Tiddles but I think Seb Downie is the man to talk to as he's more involved with the online side and the updates. If you could do it Lince that would be great, as I can't log on to that POS site killzone.com to get the link for the battle replay and PM it to him. Wont let me sign in at all. urgh.
Yeah Seb Downie is more on the competitive online side of things, i dont know exactly in which department Tempy works.


FFObsessed said:
I PM'd Tempy and Tiddles but I think Seb Downie is the man to talk to as he's more involved with the online side and the updates. If you could do it Lince that would be great, as I can't log on to that POS site killzone.com to get the link for the battle replay and PM it to him. Wont let me sign in at all. urgh.

clan page/battle replay tab says our most recent game was 4 weeks ago... lol, icing on the cake, good night.
No offense, but isn't there an online mp section to chat/complain about the online portion of KZ2?

I personally love KZ2's mp but I only play in random games with random people. I guess some of you may need to take it less serious to enjoy it.


It is a pity that some people are taking advantages of the faults that the game has :\

Why not bash the players who ruins the matches instead of bashing the game? :\ But i guess that how it works though. I mean, when something can be taken advantage of, there is probably always someone who will do it, unfortunately. So the best solution is probably to try and fix the problems so people cant take advantage of it anymore :)

Why does there have to be so much negative talk about Killzone 2 in this thread? I know that Killzone 2 has some issues that could be fixed, but why so much negative talk so often? (At least it feels often to me) :\

I would guess that Guerilla Games are aware of almost every issues in Killzone 2 that people in this thread wants to be fixed, and i am sure that they are trying to work things out. Maybe a new update patch for Killzone 2 comes at the same time when the new maps DLC comes out? :)

Is it possible to have alittle more positive things said about Killzone 2 until the next patch comes, and then we can see if any issues have been fixed? :)

And i mean no offense to anyone who are talking negative about Killzone 2 just to underline that. And what i wrote in this post is generally speaking, so what i said is not directed to any spesific persons in this thread. I think that everyone are entitled to say there opinions about the game, even if it is positive or negative things, so that is no problem for me :) I just wish that there were abit more positive talk and abit less negative talk :)

EDIT: I added some text.
test_account said:
It is a pity that some people are taking advantages of the faults that the game has :\

Why not bash the players who ruins the matches instead of bashing the game? :\ But i guess that how it works though. I mean, when something can be taken advantage of, there is probably always someone who will do it, unfortunately. So the best solution is probably to try and fix the problems so people cant take advantage of it anymore :)

Why does there have to be so much negative talk about Killzone 2 in this thread? I know that Killzone 2 has some issues that could be fixed, but why so much negative talk so often? (At least it feels often to me) :\

I would guess that Guerilla Games are aware of almost every issues in Killzone 2 that people in this thread wants to be fixed, and i am sure that they are trying to work things out. Maybe a new update patch for Killzone 2 comes at the same time when the new maps DLC comes out? :)

Is it possible to have alittle more positive things said about Killzone 2 until the next patch comes, and then we can see if any issues have been fixed? :)

And i mean no offense to anyone who are talking negative about Killzone 2 just to underline that. I think that everyone are entitled to say there opinions about the game, so that is no problem for me. I just wish that there were abit more positive talk and less negative talk :)

EDIT: I added some text.

Dude, I hear ya. I fucking love this game. It's so satisfying getting a kill and I'm also pretty decent for someone who only plays FPSes casually and not often at all. I'd love to get one of those honor awards and I'm sure I could i just don't play often enough. 1-2 matches and I'm done and I don't play every day. My lack of play time has nothing to do with a lack of enjoyment. If I played as much as I have fun, I'd be a fat slob sitting on my couch with my finger blubber wrapped around my controller playing kz2 online until I'm blind and even then I'd still be playing just to hear the sweet and satisfying chirp.


FFObsessed said:
FUCK the Deadly Accurate Pandas clan, pathetic human beings.

I hate pandas.


Not pure anymore!
test_account said:
It is a pity that some people are taking advantages of the faults that the game has :\

Why not bash the players who ruins the matches instead of bashing the game? :\ But i guess that how it works though. I mean, when something can be taken advantage of, there is probably always someone who will do it, unfortunately. So the best solution is probably to try and fix the problems so people cant take advantage of it anymore :)

Why does there have to be so much negative talk about Killzone 2 in this thread? I know that Killzone 2 has some issues that could be fixed, but why so much negative talk so often? (At least it feels often to me) :\

I would guess that Guerilla Games are aware of almost every issues in Killzone 2 that people in this thread wants to be fixed, and i am sure that they are trying to work things out. Maybe a new update patch for Killzone 2 comes at the same time when the new maps DLC comes out? :)

Is it possible to have alittle more positive things said about Killzone 2 until the next patch comes, and then we can see if any issues have been fixed? :)

And i mean no offense to anyone who are talking negative about Killzone 2 just to underline that. And what i wrote in this post is generally speaking, so what i said is not directed to any spesific persons in this thread. I think that everyone are entitled to say there opinions about the game, even if it is positive or negative things, so that is no problem for me :) I just wish that there were abit more positive talk and abit less negative talk :)

EDIT: I added some text.
I know!

I'm not that good at this game, still I like playing it. I don't know how an FPS game should play because I've never been a fan before KZ2, but I think GG did a great job with this game. There isn't one game that's perfect though, none!


wow that Blood Gracht game was one of the most intense i've played there in recent memory, think FFObsessed joined in the middle, Jardel was my squadmate :) Crazy last second defuses and killing in search & retrieve.


Not sure I would play a no respawn mode. With sniper invisibility, it seems to me it would turn into a sniping camp fest rather than promote tactical play. And since I haven't unlocked spot and mark yet, I would be at a huge disadvantage against those snipers.

I think a mode with longer respawn waiting would do better for tactical play.

I'll get the map pack without a doubt, but I'm definitely anticipating the balance/glitch/party patch much more so than the map pack.


Has anyone experience the Tharsis glitch. I couldn't even get out of my base because someone was glitching and destroying our team. Had no idea what was happening. That shit was fucked up.
TheFatOne said:
Has anyone experience the Tharsis glitch. I couldn't even get out of my base because someone was glitching and destroying our team. Had no idea what was happening. That shit was fucked up.

was he just outta the map or was he unkillable?


TheFatOne said:
Has anyone experience the Tharsis glitch. I couldn't even get out of my base because someone was glitching and destroying our team. Had no idea what was happening. That shit was fucked up.

I was getting shotgunned out of nowhere, it was strange, I didn't anyone close by.


TheFatOne said:
Has anyone experience the Tharsis glitch. I couldn't even get out of my base because someone was glitching and destroying our team. Had no idea what was happening. That shit was fucked up.
Ya I saw that, hell I was in that game for a little bit just to be with fellow gaffers, but I wasnt able to leave our base, so I just felt it was pointless and left.


don't ask me for codes
I've forwarded some of the complaints to the responsible people; no guarantees they'll do anything with it though.

Regarding keeping the radio inside your base; that can be solved easily I think by resetting the radio once it enters a base.

Suiciding and then not respawning after getting a lead in Body Count can be solved by having an auto-respawn timer, although I'm not sure if there are other issues involved with that.

If you see someone wall-glitching, make note of where he is and report on the official forums. If you don't know where he is, consider going into spectator mode and switch through the players.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Tempy said:
Regarding keeping the radio inside your base; that can be solved easily I think by resetting the radio once it enters a base.

Yeah, but consider adding a timer with it. You might want to run through your base while carrying the propaganda speaker (think Radec Academy, when it spawns in the tunnel leading to your base), and that should still be allowed.

Edit: Besides, can you tell us if GG is even considering a no-respawn mode?


don't ask me for codes
TTP said:
Edit: Besides, can you tell us if GG is even considering a no-respawn mode?

Not that I've heard. I mean, I could ask; but sometimes it's better not to know too much, or I'll end up revealing too much on NeoGAF. I don't even know how much the DLC will cost or if it's going to be free.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Tempy said:
Not that I've heard. I mean, I could ask; but sometimes it's better not to know too much, or I'll end up revealing too much on NeoGAF. I don't even know how much the DLC will cost or if it's going to be free.

The less you know the better. Someone might kidnap people you love and ask for info in exchange. :lol


Tempy: Without going into specifics you may or may not know about, would you say that the major issues talked about here are seen as such over at Guerilla?


Dante said:
Lince's whining is reaching epic proportions. Just move on and play a different game if it's such a joke of a game...

No fucking kidding... Some of you folks are ridiculous. You should be critical, but you also have to understand that these things take time and testing to fix.


Man fukkin great games tonight. I am finding that the more I play, the more comfortable I am playing specific classes on certain maps.


Visari Hammer

Corinth ( Everytime )

Rest is a toss up.

I think I'm undefeated as a tactician on Corinth, and I'm loving seeing more Long match, no Rocket games. That for me equals PERFECTION.


There's an awful "wall glitching" spot in Tharsis Depot, it's in the small room upstairs the center building, near the ISA base. People jump on computers or whatever that are there and are almost impossible to reach.

Some lame clan did that yesterday. Unfortunately for them, we destroyed them on C&H (15mins long, lolz) and they rage quit. :lol


Yo dudes. I'm playing as Tactician and trying to throw my spawn 'nades. Sometimes it says I have some then it disappears. But what is even more annoying is when it says I have some but then I go to throw them and it just throws a normal 'nade. Are there special rules for where and when you can throw them?


FabCam said:
Yo dudes. I'm playing as Tactician and trying to throw my spawn 'nades. Sometimes it says I have some then it disappears. But what is even more annoying is when it says I have some but then I go to throw them and it just throws a normal 'nade. Are there special rules for where and when you can throw them?

You can throw them anywhere. If it's really in an inappropriate spot it just won't set off.
Now if you throw a normal nade instead of a spawn one, I guess you're pressing down instead of left on the D-pad :p


FabCam said:
Yo dudes. I'm playing as Tactician and trying to throw my spawn 'nades. Sometimes it says I have some then it disappears. But what is even more annoying is when it says I have some but then I go to throw them and it just throws a normal 'nade. Are there special rules for where and when you can throw them?
There's another tactician or 2 running around throwing down spawn points and taking them away from you. Tacticians all share spawn points. Dunno about the nade throwing though...sounds funny though. I can imagine how frustrated you get :lol
Oh the memories

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Fersis said:
FPS games in particular? I would love to read what difference are between designing FPS enemies than 3rd person shooter enemies. Link us to the article when is done. :D

Thanks for identifying a point I should clarify. It'll be shooter games, not just FPS.

As the articles aren't enormous, I'm just concentrating on Protagonist design. I'll definitely link to it when it's published though.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Tom Penny said:
Sorry I don't conform to your views and the majority of the views around here on what are good games what's worth spending money on etc...2 maps should be free or like 3 bucks tops IMO. Simple as that.

Are you really dissing a company over the pricepoint (which hasn't been announced) of it's DLC (the full details of which haven't been announced)?

I know people need to be discerning of the slippery slope that is premium DLC, but if you don't know what you're getting then you can't know what it'll cost.

Also, although I know NOTHING official, I'd be impressed if Coop made it so soon after release - if at all.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Iain Howe said:
Also, although I know NOTHING official, I'd be impressed if Coop made it so soon after release - if at all.

Well, Campaign co-op perhaps not, but it would be relatively easy to come up with some coop "challenges/missions" specifically created a la Horde or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 or GRAW2. They have everything in place already (bots, maps). Just add some script to it, trophies and there you go.

Let me rule GG for a month and u'll get it by end of May :p


Raist said:
There's an awful "wall glitching" spot in Tharsis Depot, it's in the small room upstairs the center building, near the ISA base. People jump on computers or whatever that are there and are almost impossible to reach.

Some lame clan did that yesterday. Unfortunately for them, we destroyed them on C&H (15mins long, lolz) and they rage quit. :lol

Yep. I ran into the room, shot at the guy, he wasn't actually there, then he RAN OUT OF THE WALL and away when his mates took care of me.

And omg, that clan game netted me my 3rd LEGITAMITE Air Support Specialist ribbon :D Engineer with flying sentries ftw.

The spawn nade spamming right onto a S@D objective is bollocks, though. Their should either be a radius where nades can't be placed, no spawn invincibility or a longer respawn time for players who choose to spawn on a nade.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Facism said:
The spawn nade spamming right onto a S@D objective is bollocks, though. Their should either be a radius where nades can't be placed, no spawn invincibility or a longer respawn time for players who choose to spawn on a nade.

radius where nades can't be placed - causes confusion to the player ("Smokes aint working wtf?")
no spawn invincibility - spawn campers
longer respawn time for players who choose to spawn on a nade - doesn't make much difference. You'd still have players spawning 1 sec after the other, no matter how much time they had to wait.

The only sensible solution is defusable spawn points.


Dante said:
Lince's whining is reaching epic proportions. Just move on and play a different game if it's such a joke of a game...


:lol :lol let's bash Lince for not cock-sucking Guerrilla, he is far too much negative, ban him!

seriously I'm ranked # 260 in the world with 4 consecutive 1% ranks, I have the right to whine since I've played the game enough (200 hours logged) to know its faults and shortcomings, and the way you can get wins in Clan games just by using simple noob-friendly exploits (yes in tournaments, not public games) it's a completely joke that needs to be addressed right now, I can't think of another high-profile competitive fps game that almost 2 months after launch had such huge exploits.

And don't get me started about the clan tournament system fiasco that got every clan and their mother exploiting the challenges to win huge amounts of VP... and Guerrilla just announced they will reset their score to that prior to when the exploits were found (a little too vague isn't it) all without further punishment for the cheaters, WHAT A JOKE.

Kuroyume said:
No fucking kidding... Some of you folks are ridiculous. You should be critical, but you also have to understand that these things take time and testing to fix.

4 years to develop, internal game testers? external beta testing? so no one noticed you could get a couple of frags in body count and then suicide and never respawn to win the game? that's RIDICULOUS to me.


Lince said:
4 years to develop, internal game testers? external beta testing? so no one noticed you could get a couple of frags in body count and then suicide and never respawn to win the game? that's RIDICULOUS to me.

Just because the game took 4 years to develop doesn't mean that they had a fairly representative build of the multplayer up and running during those 4 years. Even if they had something running it doesn't mean that they were going to have every single exploit ironed out before release. I was in the beta and I've played around 50-60 hours of the retail multiplayer so far and it had never once crossed my mind to not spawn in order to win a game. It takes a twisted kind of mind to look for ways to cheat and glitch in a competitive game. You're comparing a team of a few hundred people and a thousand or so beta testers (or less) to a million or so people who have gotten their hands on the game so far.
Doesn't this game support for player to be ban from a server? i haven't play in some time but it was not as bad as i hear,i only encounter a cheater once,wow so that bad the game has turn,is sad i think that people who are cough cheating should be strip of their badges and all and had to start over,and if they cheat again then ban from from the servers,players like this you can see them in all games,and if funny because almost always they are good player cheating apart i just don't know what move some one to cheat in games but is sad.


bish gets all the credit :)
I saw someone wall glitching the other day on Radec Academy. It was in the courtyard by the entrance to the ISA hallway. He was glitching through the wall and could probably see right into their base.


Dante said:
Lince's whining is reaching epic proportions. Just move on and play a different game if it's such a joke of a game...

That's just Spanish passion :p He still loves the game when things go well, plays it all day with me and the rest of GAFe, and he's awesome.


TTP said:
Well, Campaign co-op perhaps not, but it would be relatively easy to come up with some coop "challenges/missions" specifically created a la Horde or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 or GRAW2. They have everything in place already (bots, maps). Just add some script to it, trophies and there you go.

Let me rule GG for a month and u'll get it by end of May :p

That'd be fine with me, don't really care about SP c-op. Could do some challenges like in Killzone: Liberation with different difficulty levels and medals but as co-op. Maybe even separate boss fights etc.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Dude, I hear ya. I fucking love this game. It's so satisfying getting a kill and I'm also pretty decent for someone who only plays FPSes casually and not often at all. I'd love to get one of those honor awards and I'm sure I could i just don't play often enough. 1-2 matches and I'm done and I don't play every day. My lack of play time has nothing to do with a lack of enjoyment. If I played as much as I have fun, I'd be a fat slob sitting on my couch with my finger blubber wrapped around my controller playing kz2 online until I'm blind and even then I'd still be playing just to hear the sweet and satisfying chirp.
Ye, i agree, i llike that little sound that comes when you get a kill in the game :) I have played something like 400 matches in Killzone 2, and i am still enjoying the game as well :)

ilanna said:
I know!

I'm not that good at this game, still I like playing it. I don't know how an FPS game should play because I've never been a fan before KZ2, but I think GG did a great job with this game. There isn't one game that's perfect though, none!
Ye, that is true, i guess that every game has some kind of faults and/or bugs that can be pointed out in some way or another. I also think that GG did a great job with Killzone 2, and i am sure that they will try to fix the issues (like that you dont have to respawn in Body Count to win that round) as fast as they can :)

Lince said:
seriously I'm ranked # 260 in the world with 4 consecutive 1% ranks, I have the right to whine since I've played the game enough (200 hours logged) to know its faults and shortcomings, and the way you can get wins in Clan games just by using simple noob-friendly exploits (yes in tournaments, not public games) it's a completely joke that needs to be addressed right now, I can't think of another high-profile competitive fps game that almost 2 months after launch had such huge exploits.
I dont think anyone ment to say that you dont have the right to whine, at least i never ment to say it. I think that everyone have the right to say what they want about a game :) Killzone 2 does indeed have some issues that some people unfortunately are taking advantage of, and that sucks indeed :\ The user "xiked" posted this earlier in this thread:


To me it seems alittle that this update patch might be out on the 23rd of April, the same date as the Killzone 2 DLC comes out. Cant we wait alittle with the complaints until then and see if GG have fixed many (or perhaps all?) of the issues? :) GG have already released 2 update patches for Killzone 2 since the release (about 1.5 months ago), so i guess they are trying to fix the issues as fast as possible :)

Lince said:
And don't get me started about the clan tournament system fiasco that got every clan and their mother exploiting the challenges to win huge amounts of VP... and Guerrilla just announced they will reset their score to that prior to when the exploits were found (a little too vague isn't it) all without further punishment for the cheaters, WHAT A JOKE.
Is this about the score that you received in clan matches/tournaments, or is it about scores that you got in playing random matches that you selected from the server list as well?


Oh I forgot to mention there's another kind of "exploit" when it comes to spawn invincibility. It was during a clan match with these really laggy guys who wouldn't die when you shot them a bunch of times in the face. During assassination defend, we were defending Raist in the sniper nest with the MG on Saluman Market and what they did was send their squad leader up and when he was in our sights, the rest of his squad instantly spawned on him so they received the couple of seconds of invincibility. Didn't work as we won that round tho, but it could have. Good tactic actually!

They weren't talking via voice chat so they must have been communicating via Skype or some shit. Something dodgy about them anyway as they always knew what the next objective was going to be.
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