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I'd be in the dick
commish said:
Kicking was a big problem on some CS servers back in the day. If a guy started lucky and got a few kills without dying, he would be kicked for "hacking". Lameeeee
I remember one time in CS I was last on the server and decided to just fuck around and use the TMP. By sheer luck I got 4 headshots in one spray and got kicked. :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tempy said:
Well, in this particular case one of the wall glitchers was the assassination target. The opposition was like wtf when they couldn't reach him and were getting killed by him through the wall. So yeah, it's not like only one or two people saw a wall glitcher, these guys racked up almost 200 kills, 0 deaths together.
And what kind of penalties could GG apply to these cheaters?


Fersis said:
And what kind of penalties could GG apply to these cheaters?

maybe they could hire them as in-house game testers since they seem more proficient finding flaws than the people they have over there.
Just beat the game on Elite over the weekend.

Between this game on Elite and CoD:WaW on Veteran, I think I may have raised my blood pressure level along with my trophy level, haha (Platinum incoming).

Unbelievable game though - loved the ending, and cannot wait for a sequel.

Back to the MP for me and a bit of Helghast Icon searching.



don't ask me for codes
Today, Patrickel18 had 601 kills, 14 deaths. 598 of those kills were headshots.

Godly sniper, or exploit abuser?


Lince said:
maybe they could hire them as in-house game testers since they seem more proficient finding flaws than the people they have over there.

You know comments like that don't exactly inspire developers to make the effort and fix the issues that are obviously bugging you so badly, don't you?

All it takes is one of the 700 thousand plus (or however many it is now) people who've played the online to find a glitch and post a vid online, and anyone can make use of it. Not even the most well-funded developers and publishers have THAT many in-house testers...


don't ask me for codes
AranhaHunter said:

Did you ask people about a no-respawn mode being added?

I'd first like them to think that wall glitches and unbalanced assault are an issue first, lol.

They kinda shrugged me off last time I mentioned issues people have with the assault and the tactician

Frankly, I don't think a no-respawn mode is an easy thing to put in, so I'd say it's extremely unlikely.


Tempy said:
I'd first like them to think that wall glitches and unbalanced assault are an issue first, lol.

They kinda shrugged me off last time I mentioned issues people have with the assault and the tactician

Frankly, I don't think a no-respawn mode is an easy thing to put in, so I'd say it's extremely unlikely.

aww so no changes to spawn invulnerability anymore or looking into assault class tweaks? boooo. Thanks for asking though! :)

I played a game with a wall glitcher back on April 3rd. This was during Bodycount on Blood Gracht, when he used wall invincibility to kill folks with impunity. I used the in-game Grief Report against him. When he was not banned after about five days I posted on the killzone.com forums asking if there was a web address to pursue grief reporting (I did not use the cheater's name). I was told that it can take up to a week to deal with these issues, so I didn't pursue it any further at the time.

It has now been ten days and the user has still not been banned; his most recent games are from today. I have a link to the battle replay which clearly shows him leaving the map boundaries. How can I proceed now to ensure this cheater gets banned, so he no longer ruins the play experience for others?


DarkUSS said:
I'm taking a break from RE5, thus I decided to return on Killzone's campaign mode and try to complete it at last.

The thing is, I noticed some weird flickering lines on certain surfaces while I was playing. I'm not sure if the problem lies on my set-up or the game itself but these lines are really visible from up-close.



I haven't seen anything similar with other PS3 games. Plus, I tried to fiddle with the Display Settings to no avail.

Quoting myself for the new page. Hopefully someone will see it.


DarkUSS said:
Quoting myself for the new page. Hopefully someone will see it.

haven't seen it like that, are you running 720p? Because I remember hearing an announcement before that 1080p was only for people who didn't have 720p and if you have 720p it would be a better.


The aspect of normal play that irritates me the most, sometimes to the point where I think I'm just gonna quit playing is the spawn invulnerability. Either get rid of it completely, or shorten it's time considerably, or stop them able to damage me while they can't be damaged. Hell, the shimmer they have doesn't even accurately represent when they're invulnerable and when it ends.

It's worse during S&D as we've all said already, so if you don't want to do anything with the invulnerability at least stop tacticians being able to throw a spawn right next to the objective. I'm begging you!

I've seen this...with RE5 and KZ2, actually, on separate television sets. I think it's just a PS3 thing. Is it really prevalent? I rarely notice it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
maybe they could hire them as in-house game testers since they seem more proficient finding flaws than the people they have over there.
GG QA + SCEE QA <= 100 people
The game is released and thousands and thousands of players play it...
Its not about bad QA,its about time and work force (Which are closely related)
That said, you mad ? :lol


WretchedTruman said:

I've seen this...with RE5 and KZ2, actually, on separate television sets. I think it's just a PS3 thing. Is it really prevalent? I rarely notice it.

It's not prevalent at all. I just want to make sure it's not a problem on my end (my PS3 or TV).


DarkUSS said:
Quoting myself for the new page. Hopefully someone will see it.

Looks like shadow mapping problem to me. Nothing you can do anything about, it's the way the game renders shadows when the angle of the wall is almost in parallel to the sunlight.


FFObsessed said:
The aspect of normal play that irritates me the most, sometimes to the point where I think I'm just gonna quit playing is the spawn invulnerability. Either get rid of it completely, or shorten it's time considerably, or stop them able to damage me while they can't be damaged. Hell, the shimmer they have doesn't even accurately represent when they're invulnerable and when it ends.

It's worse during S&D as we've all said already, so if you don't want to do anything with the invulnerability at least stop tacticians being able to throw a spawn right next to the objective. I'm begging you!

If they're going to stop tacticians from throwing spawns right next to the objective it has to be both sides, the problem becomes how far away do you have to restrict that? It's also not a good idea to completely eliminate invulnerability as it promotes spawn camping with turrets.

Right now people counter a spawn point with a spawn point and it works to an extent. Ultimately it's not spawn invulnerability but the way people tend to play which is basically trying to brute force EVERYTHING with rockets and shotguns. It becomes frustrating when you play with a team who doesn't know any better than to just keep rushing out and getting killed which is what I see when I play with randoms, worse yet is tacticians not knowing how and where to place spawns, which lead to the whole team getting smoked. As a tactician I detest spawns that are too far back because those are useless, facing the wrong direction, or right in the middle of enemy fire UNLESS you're trying flood the area for a S&D defense where you HAVE to flood it.

I think part of the problem is while there are some smart teams out there, people tend not to play as a team. Even in our clan people tend to free-style quite a bit. We have a lot of skilled individual players, most of them better than me but we don't have enough people in the right jobs, and we don't really have a clear strategy for every single map.

When we played last night you guys had like eight turrets up and our team had trouble countering, and when your team had one guy behind the manual turret we had trouble taking it back, mostly because we just didn't practice together enough on the same team. I think we needed to play more on the same side as opposed to having people on opposite teams playing with randoms against each other with auto-balancing on. We as a clan needed to play together more in terms of working as a team, myself included. I think a tightly organized team can easily overwhelm one that is less organized and that's just the way things are.
Kittonwy said:
We as a clan needed to play together more in terms of working as a team, myself included. I think a tightly organized team can easily overwhelm one that is less organized and that's just the way things are.
Kittonwy, if there's space I'd like to move from GAFw to GAFA. I've just recently finally gotten a headset with a mic, so I'd love to be involved with development of tactics. Even though I still have plenty of other badges to unlock, I still almost always play as Tactician because I want my team to do well, not just me.


Liabe Brave said:
Kittonwy, if there's space I'd like to move from GAFw to GAFA. I've just recently finally gotten a headset with a mic, so I'd love to be involved with development of tactics. Even though I still have plenty of other badges to unlock, I still almost always play as Tactician because I want my team to do well, not just me.

I have to clear the list of pending invites first.


In regards to the spawn points at S&D, I don't want them too far back, just have a smallish area around the objective point where you can't place them. Like in radec, I wouldn't want them out out of the room but just so you can't literally put them right next to the charge placement. Because then you can simply spawn and then hold O to diffuse/plant and if you shoot them in the head they don't die. You have to wait like two seconds then shoot them, and by that time you've most likely died in the surrounding chaos. That's the point where the spawn invulnerability stops becoming a protection against camping and starts becoming an exploit. Sure you could argue that stop the tactician placing it in the first place should be the challenge but there's not much you can do with them just suicide boosting to the objective and lobbing one before they die.

And it's the same with spawning on the leader, I mentioned before that a clan used it (quite impressively I might add) to their advantage on an assassination. They had the squad leader boost up near to the target then they all spawned on him in unison and were all invincible. It didn't work as the time ran out before they manage to hit him but the rest of us got killed dammit! It's also really cheap when you're shooting a guy and someone just spawns in front of him and act like a bullet proof shield and then kills you. That's just so cheap and irritates the hell out of me.

I don't see what peoples problem is when it comes to "camping." If someone places a spawn grenade somewhere, why can't you counter it with a turret and an air drone? They're not insta kills by any means as you can destroy a turret one on one. Air drones go down easy. C4 can kill instantly but just have it so you don't trigger them as soon as you spawn rather than be invulnerable to the damage. And it's not like you can predict where someone spawns from at the spawn point unlike in the Beta. And if you do place turrets, that's one less turret you team can use, if you have someone camping there personally, that's one enemy who's out of the objective. Counter campers with you own turrets and air drones. I don't see the problem with it personally.

If Guerrilla are worried about it turning into a camping fest then just reduce the time they're invulnerable. Make so that you cant C4, Rocket or snipe someone the instant they spawn like in the Beta, but make it short enough so that if I'm a quicker aim than them and I pump a bunch of bullets into his head for a good second or 2, they should die and not able to get a cheap kill on me because they're invincible.


Kittonwy said:
We as a clan needed to play together more in terms of working as a team, myself included. I think a tightly organized team can easily overwhelm one that is less organized and that's just the way things are.

Yeah no doubt. We need to start someplace. Perhaps one of the officers should announce a few practice dates and times. Lets get the ball rolling.


And also, I'm not saying that there is a perfect solution or even a perfect balance. Just that I don't like the current set up and I think things need to shift back towards the Beta end of the spectrum slightly. Even if it's simply reducing the invulnerability time a little I'd be happy with that, just currently it's a bit too much for me.


Tempy said:
I'd first like them to think that wall glitches and unbalanced assault are an issue first, lol.

Tempy said:
They kinda shrugged me off last time I mentioned issues people have with the assault and the tactician

If your voice alone is not enough to convince them of balance issues, then perhaps the sum of us (by us, I mean the KZ community at large) can help push that message across. Who should we be pressuring? Seb? Someone else? Do they browse the official forums? GAF (lol)?

Or we can also pretend you never gave us an email address. ;)


Tempy, Tiddles, we had another clan cheat on us today during a Free tournament final. Yes ppl will even cheat to earn themselves an extra 3 VP. *sigh* The ones just then were called CREATORS OF WAR with the tag [WAR'] I believe it was. They took the S&R package back to their base and they killed one of us as soon as the BC match started and just suicided so we had to wait for 5 minutes etc. I mean are 3 VP really that important that they'd rather sit on a menu for 5 minutes doing nothing than actually play the game and have fun? I actually don't physically understand it. They asked me after why do you care so much about it if it's only a few valor points? Erm because I don't care about the valor points I just wanna play a game with my friends, but instead of doing the same they'd rather just sit there and ruin it for everyone? Guess that's just standard assholish behavior really, don't know why I'm surprised.

I submitted grief reports against all 3 of them and so did Cagen, so hopefully they'll be looked at and not just sent straight to someones junk mail folder :p

UPDATE: One of the members msgd me and apologised. That was nice of him. I think he felt bad about it, said another team did it to them so they did it to us. Very good of him anyway. No hard feelings.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Poor Tempy, maybe he doesnt work in any department related to Online balance and we are giving all these complains to him...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
:lol Yeah, thanx for the help anyway Tempy. Appreciate it.
Dood im sellin' my KZ2 if GG doesnt find me a girlfriend ! :lol

But yeah, thanks Tempy for listening to us.
There's something wrong with this game...

I finally beat Visari Square and am now doing the shanty town part(So excited *roll eyes*) but I decided that I would try and play the game online for the 1% and finish elite as well since today is monday.

I went inot 1 online match and a saboteur no less was shooting me, in the HEAD all the way from across Pyrrus. I went up to him as assault to see what was going on and the guy tanked me like nobodies business with constant headshots.

Now I know there are good players out there, but there is no way that guy had such insane accuracy against moving targets. Every time I saw him kill someone it was with a headshot.

So I quit...This game is going to make me have a mental break down.


Fersis you need to get a mic for when we play KZ2. Im sick of singing "Oh oh go Fersis, oh oh go Fersis" by myself down the mic whenever we play. Should be a duet dammit! :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Fersis you need to get a mic for when we play KZ2. Im sick of singing "Oh oh go Fersis, oh oh go Fersis" by myself down the mic whenever we play. Should be a duet dammit! :lol
I do have a mic, just that my english sucks and its a little embarassing for me V__V


Don't be silly! Just coz you don't speak English very well isn't anything to be embarrassed about, I'm sure it's better than my Spanish :lol I'll shoot anyone who laughs!!

Use it next time you play with me ok?


So, with this:
CrushDance said:
There's something wrong with this game...

I finally beat Visari Square and am now doing the shanty town part(So excited *roll eyes*) but I decided that I would try and play the game online for the 1% and finish elite as well since today is monday.

I went inot 1 online match and a saboteur no less was shooting me, in the HEAD all the way from across Pyrrus. I went up to him as assault to see what was going on and the guy tanked me like nobodies business with constant headshots.

Now I know there are good players out there, but there is no way that guy had such insane accuracy against moving targets. Every time I saw him kill someone it was with a headshot.

So I quit...This game is going to make me have a mental break down.
and more importantly this:

Tempy said:
Today, Patrickel18 had 601 kills, 14 deaths. 598 of those kills were headshots.

Godly sniper, or exploit abuser?
It's safe to assume that there's an even "better" auto-aim glitch/exploit out there now, right? And one that's far better than either the spam zoom or the shotgun exploits at that.

raYne said:
So, with this:

and more importantly this:

It's safe to assume that there's an even "better" auto-aim glitch/exploit out there now, right? And one that's far better than either the spam zoom or the shotgun exploits at that.


How do people figure these exploits out? Just happen to find them?

I'd think you'd have to be trying intentionally to find some of this stuff.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Don't be silly! Just coz you don't speak English very well isn't anything to be embarrassed about, I'm sure it's better than my Spanish :lol I'll shoot anyone who laughs!!

Use it next time you play with me ok?
Ok, ill do. Probably tomorrow.
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