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Little is the new Big
I'm sorry ffo, will be back soon (finishing most of the big chunk of my work stuff and I'll be back for daily wars and what not)

awesome new avatar fersis :D

Have updates for the killzone theme coming up tomorrow hopefully, mini websites edits, icons fixes, new text chat icon and other goodies :)


alba said:
I'm sorry ffo, will be back soon (finishing most of the big chunk of my work stuff and I'll be back for daily wars and what not)

awesome new avatar fersis :D

Have updates for the killzone theme coming up tomorrow hopefully, mini websites edits, icons fixes, new text chat icon and other goodies :)



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
alba said:
I'm sorry ffo, will be back soon (finishing most of the big chunk of my work stuff and I'll be back for daily wars and what not)

awesome new avatar fersis :D

Have updates for the killzone theme coming up tomorrow hopefully, mini websites edits, icons fixes, new text chat icon and other goodies :)
Thanks alba.

Hey FFObsessed, which country are you from ?


FFObsessed said:
...lots of stuff about BC/S&R cheating

I posted this on the official forums, not that it will get anywhere and probably wont even be looked at by anyone with any capacity to do anything about it.

I am getting tired of clans exploiting the rules for Search and Retrieve and Body Count.

Now, I can understand the mindset of wanting to win at any cost for high valor tournaments and challenges, although I am not of it, but clans even do this in extremely low valor and free tournaments. This is ruining the fun of playing these objectives and playing in clan challenges and tournaments at all. It is not fun to have to wait for an objective timer to run out because you have no way to finish the objective or gain any points and I personally can't see how it is fun for the team using these exploits to sit and wait themselves, except that they have the knowledge that they are going to win that particular objective.

For those of you who do not know what I am talking about this is when players take the lead in Search and Retrieve or Body Count and then exploit the rule set for that objective to guarantee a win. In Search and Retrieve this is done by taking the propaganda speaker back to the base and hiding, often making it near impossible (more so in smaller games) for the other team to get possession of the speaker. In Body count this is done by taking the lead and then having the players suicide and never respawn, this actually makes it impossible for the other team to score any points.

There are some, in my albeit uneducated opinion, easy fixes for these exploits that should be implemented. In Search and Retrieve if the propaganda speaker stays in a spawn area (the faction base) for more then X seconds it should force a respawn of the speaker. As for Body Count a suicide should give an objective point to the opposition (as it would for a legitimate kill) and force a respawn of players after X seconds in the character select screen.

I wanted to bring this to Guerilla's attention, offer possible solutions and I hope that someone will take notice but I fully expect this to get buried and no one care, alas I can but try.

Rolf NB

Good going Cagen. Body count respawns are the bigger issue. Perhaps try to focus on that so that your thread doesn't get sidetracked by whiners who aren't sure how they feel about "legitimately defending" an S&R objective.

Calling it a night now. Will await the excellent news of GG contracting you into a consulting position for breakfast.


In Body count this is done by taking the lead and then having the players suicide and never respawn, this actually makes it impossible for the other team to score any points.

Tricky! :lol

People go to such silly lengths to win and I have to give kudos to that.


Aww the guy from the clan that cheated messaged me and apologised. That was nice at least. Faith in KZ2 community restored! Kind of feel bad about those grief reports, hopefully they do go straight into someone's junk mail :lol


Fersis said:
Thanks alba.

Hey FFObsessed, which country are you from ?


Tho I'm half Serbian.

I have an Englsh name but my middle name is Dragan.


icechai said:
zzz bodycount, why gaf whyyyy

I just followed Kitton in. I much prefer playing objectives mainly because I enjoy playing different roles during the different modes. It's weird actually because I hate it when there's no tactician and always hope we have one when I join a team, but when I do play as one it's a lot of fun. It feels like you're directing the whole battle, I think it was Dirtbag who said it was like a strategy game and yeah he's right. heh.
MvmntInGrn said:
How do people figure these exploits out? Just happen to find them?

I'd think you'd have to be trying intentionally to find some of this stuff.
you do. You also have to have a demented conception of what "fun" actually is.


FFObsessed said:
I just followed Kitton in. I much prefer playing objectives mainly because I enjoy playing different roles during the different modes. It's weird actually because I hate it when there's no tactician and always hope we have one when I join a team, but when I do play as one it's a lot of fun. It feels like you're directing the whole battle, I think it was Dirtbag who said it was like a strategy game and yeah he's right. heh.

me too, i find straight bodycount over and over really boring. I mean you just line up crosshairs and shoot all day, don't even need to move around much if your team is in good positions around their side of the map (like many games today). Although that first game I joined the non GAF team @ Salamun and we won buhahahah (those 2 SJE people weren't too bad), only fought kitton (bang bang!! :p) and randoms mainly, the rest of you were snipers or something on that map??
Fersis said:
I do have a mic, just that my english sucks and its a little embarassing for me V__V

If they say anything just call them a mama bicho or a hijo de la gran puta, I'm sure a couple others in the room will understand and join in and call the guy a cabron or a mamao


icechai said:
me too, i find straight bodycount over and over really boring. I mean you just line up crosshairs and shoot all day, don't even need to move around much if your team is in good positions around their side of the map (like many games today). Although that first game I joined the non GAF team @ Salamun and we won buhahahah (those 2 SJE people weren't too bad), only fought kitton (bang bang!! :p) and randoms mainly, the rest of you were snipers or something on that map??

ahhh... it was you!!! i was wondering why lost that round... TRAITOR!!!


anyways, i had a blast with GAF tonight. had 3 perfect games (double-digit kills and 0 death) and a couple of double-digit kills with only 1 death. i'm thinking of invest some time this week to get the 1% trophies.


lunlunqq said:
ahhh... it was you!!! i was wondering why lost that round... TRAITOR!!!

i tend to switch teams if another team is 3-4 ppl down, its just no fair sometimes with no balance of any kind in place.


lunlunqq said:
anyways, i had a blast with GAF tonight. had 3 perfect games (double-digit kills and 0 death) and a couple of double-digit kills with only 1 death. i'm thinking of invest some time this week to get the 1% trophies.

just remember deaths don't matter in 1% but kills/object points do :p

Jack: seems to me like 10p-12a ish EST on average. Longer/later weekend nights.


WretchedTruman said:
you do. You also have to have a demented conception of what "fun" actually is.
Seriously. I never understand how people have fun getting stuck in walls and shooting people. Its slightly retarded in a way. Especially in a game about objectives.

In this case its actually 3 times as retarded. Everyone is sitting there capturing territory, assassinating each other, playing search and retrieve football and you have some guy stuck in a wall somewhere shooting everyone.

Its like being picked for a football game and when the game starts you run to the sidelines and start shooting everyone with rubberbands.


yep games were enjoyable. Was pure pleasure dominating newbies in demeaning ways in those bodycount matches. No scope a few consecutive unsuspecting chumps and follow up with a teabag. oh its too fun

I've noticed some GAfers are attracted to games titled bras or kz2 girls. hmmmmmm


FFObsessed said:

Tho I'm half Serbian.

I have an Englsh name but my middle name is Dragan.


I just followed Kitton in. I much prefer playing objectives mainly because I enjoy playing different roles during the different modes. It's weird actually because I hate it when there's no tactician and always hope we have one when I join a team, but when I do play as one it's a lot of fun. It feels like you're directing the whole battle, I think it was Dirtbag who said it was like a strategy game and yeah he's right. heh.

I wuz teh tactician on Radec Academy.


icechai said:
i tend to switch teams if another team is 3-4 ppl down, its just no fair sometimes with no balance of any kind in place.

It's probably not going to be fair when one side has a bunch of people from the same clan and the other one doesn't, but then people see all of us on one side, the randoms just kind of flock to our faction. I don't mind playing warzone as long as we all play on the same team, as much as we like fragging each other, we need to get beyond just getting the kills and actually have some form of viable strategy on each map, so we can get into some tournaments.


alr1ghtstart said:
yeaaaah, 32 players on Radec Academy is a slideshow.

You know, the first time it actually went into full slideshow for me [ for about 4 seconds mind you] was playing a 8or9v8or9 match, I was trying to turn as I shot, and it just slowwweddd waaaay down. I killed the guy, all while two other guys came at me. Was so odd seeing everything in super slow motion.
Just Picked it up today finally! Awesome game, I honestly have not got this much entertainment from a shooter since Halo 3 was released.
PSN: Darkie123
Anyone wants to add me, I'm down to play.

Edit: Not sure if it matters much but, my PSN is USA


In Body count this is done by taking the lead and then having the players suicide and never respawn, this actually makes it impossible for the other team to score any points.
Best solution for this problem would be counting suicides and teamkills towards the other faction.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
I have an Englsh name but my middle name is Dragan.
Thats a badass name my friend.
I have some balcan blood in my veins , my mom family comes from Yugoslavia, and my dad family comes from Italy.
But i dont have such a badass name.
The next game or prototype i make will have a character named Dragan



must read:

*The truth is finally revealed! | Gun Hit Results**

The results are in! Needless to say that the following statistics ARE accurate and have been tested/confirmed 3 times before i posted them here. I couldn’t have done this without the help and GREAT patience of reefmad, thank you very much for participating!

Although there were some very accurate hypotheses on some of the weapons, others surprised us as much so to try them out another 4/5 times! From my experiences as a top 75 player on killzone 2, this opened my eyes to different weapons as well as techniques i would have never guessed myself! Needless to say there are new things i will be doing right after this post.

The stats will be posted in brackets of 3 , one on 100 hp (soldier), 200hp (assault), and 200hp w/Boost. We have not tried the Boost on 100 hp varieties because we have come to the conclusion that the boost class exactly DOUBLES your rate of regeneration. These shot measurements were taken at 1/2 second intervals and at this slow pace, we could not find a difference between non boost and boost with one of the soldier varieties, hence the irrelevant information being omitted. These measurement were not taken in exact hitpoint damage rather than the amount of bullets it took to kill at the said rate of fire.

Example Weapon: 2 | 4 | 6 - this indicated that this weapon performed at a 2 hit kill on a soldier, 4 hit kill on assault, and 6 hit kill on assault boost.

And now, without further adieu...here they are! *Drumroll*

M82 Assault Rifle : 4 | 8 | 10

STA-52 Assault Rifle : 5 | 10 | 13

STA-11 SMG : 7 | 12 | 18

STA-18 Pistol : 5 | 10 | 14 [This exeeds the limit of bullets in the clip, but has been measured at 1/2 second intervals BEFORE reloading and AFTER reloading]

M4 Revolver : 2 | 3 | 3

M224-A1 LMG : 4 | 8 | 10

STA-3 LMG : 4 | 8 | 10

STA-14 Rifle : 2 | 4 | 5

VC32 Rifle : 1 | 2 | 3

C4 Explosive [Direct Sticky] : 2 | 2 | 3

C4 Explosive [Detonation Range] : 3 | 3+ | 3+

VC9 Rocket Launcher [Direct Hit] : 1 | 1 | 1

M80 Rocket Launcher [Direct Hit] : 1 | 1 | 1

M327 Grenade Launcher [Direct Hit] : 2 | 4 | 4

LS13 Shotgun [Point blank 1m] : 1 | 1 | 1

LS13 Shotgun [Short range -10m] : 1 | 2+ | 2+

LS13 Shotgun [Medium Range +10m] : Inconsistent, Based solely on bullet spread.

On many weapons there were obvious readings, and other so surprising it made us do a double or triple test. These Weapons do deserve an overview of the test and are as follows:

ISA Rifle stronger than Helghast Rifle : CONFIRMED

Finally settles the debate over which is more powerful, but not which is better. The HGH Variety has a 50% Boost in rate of fire making it more deadly than the ISA Rifle assuming Both hit all times needed with no misses at FULL AUTO.

STA-14 Rifle doing 50 damage EXACTLY : CONFIRMED

50 Damage is substantial for one hit, and the most deadly part of all is that you only see the effects of bullet damages [White screen, vibrations] after 25 health so you will only notice a bullet hit, just like any other.

LS13 Shotgun Range factor : INCONCLUSIVE

Well that was a no-brainer wasn’t it? Due to bullet spread and movements, positions and ranges, there would be no way to figure out for sure how this thing works. The only ting we can say for certain is that this weapon is 100% Effective if hit within 10m on a direct hit body shot assuming both people were standing still, REGARDLESS of circumstances regarding on health/class.


Both have a damage performance of 4 | 8 | 10, The HGH weapon fires 2 at a time but has a very wide spread on full auto and is unable to have an iron sight. The ISA LMG Shoots single shots at a much faster rate with substantial comparative accuracy. Choose your pick.

Pistol is a piece of crap : CONFIRMED

5 Shots on a regular soldier and 10 on assault, not to mention a FULL clip + reload then 4 MORE for a boost Assaulter... The only thing i see that this is good for is headshot performance with the superior fire rate and accuracy over the M4 Revolver.

Revolver is Overpowered : DEBATEABLE

With a 2 | 3 | 3 Performance, it ranks second highest among the conventional weapons, second only to the sniper rifle! What it lacks for in clip size and accuracy, it makes up for with raw stopping power and a limitless supply of ammunition. Its either/or on this debate.

New finds:

Some weapons or use of damage was very surprising indeed!

C4 : 3 C4 Stacked on top of each other will kill any soldier at its maximum detonation range. If that clump triggers, its a surefire kill. Assaults however at its maximum range, does not get such stats, and even less for a Booster. I guess the bigger they are....

M327 Grenade Launcher : The little brother of the RPG’s and main assault whore of the 6-shooter spam session, right? In the hands of a trained player, this gun can kill 6 people if on individual direct hits on soldiers! Not to mention the nades have as much splash damage ratio as the rocket counterparts.

There is also a very good observation made by reefmad about the aiming. When ZOOMED in, the nade will always direct hit on a stationary target when aligned with the vertical Line. When the weapon is zoomed OUT , its horizontal spread is measured by the Y Shaped tip, anything goes from there, so it explained why a lot of people dislike the M327. Also The gun works by lobbing grenades out like a ball pitch. We have tested and CONFIRMED 3 critical distances using each of the Weapon’s 3 horizontal lines at ZOOMED IN mode. Assuming the lines are exactly aligned on the target’s NECK, you have the exact measurement as follows.

_ -10m or less
_ - 20m
_ - 40m

These rating are guaranteed, if you are skeptical, please do not hesitate to try it out on a friend, you will be surprised how much potential the nade launcher has!

Medic Gun: What a fun one, eh? This is the most peculiar of all direct damage instruments as it does something different than conventional weapons at the assault stage, it gets MORE powerful.

Medic Gun [Torso] : 4 | 8 | 11

Not so impressive, but were we surprised to know this gun also does damage based off of HEADSHOTS as well!

Medic Gun [Head REIGON] : 2 | 2 | 3

.....What? This gun has better ratings than the LMG’s! You do not have to have a DIRECT headshot with this gun, only shoot it around the general area of the head. Simply amazing.

Misc Observations : The shotgun is still a very unpredictable weapon indeed. Oh well. Torso Shots do the same damage as limb shots. There is absolutely NO diminishing in damage over any range, under ANY circumstance, with ANY WEAPON; pretty realistic, right? The medic gun has dual performances depending on what region of the body it hits , it takes off a FULL health bar on an assault at a head region shot. The medic gun also has an EXACT maximum range of 20.9m. Any more and it fails, really. We tried 21.

All in all this to my knowledge is the most comprehensive combat set of stats for weapons in KILLZONE 2, on a practical perspective. Looks like the [ooooo] Ratings bar on the FAQ has a few people misguided. If ANYONE has any discrepancies with the guide, please do not reply until you have TRIED the action under the SAME circumstance(s). If you would like to post more ACCURATE readings on the LS13 Shotgun, please do not hesitate to do so. We hope you have learned something here today, i sure as hell know that i did; And lastly, this could NOT have been done without the help and dedication of reefmad. My most appreciative "thank you" goes out to him.

Message Edited by SyllableslayeR on 04-14-2009 02:21 AM


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
must read:
Wow, some guys have lots of free time.
I just play the game and thats it V__V
(tough its like analyzing frame advantages and hit box on 2D fighting games..)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
mr_nothin said:
Which is almost...worse
I dont do that anymore
I think that im older and have less free time than before, so i cant do that kind of ''hardcore' gamer stuff ... im more casual i think, like i put R2 or KZ2 and play 30 minutes or so. When i was younger i played 3 or 4 hours straight... :(
Fersis is becoming casual, Fersis suck.

EDIT: Im even more insterested on game development that in playing them. I SUCK! ;__;


aww so LMG is basically just a faster firing ISA assault rifle :p One thing that they failed to mention is the HGH LMG might not have iron sights, but you can zoom in and you get the reticule still, which is better than iron sights in my opinion. Couple that with the fact it fires 2 at a time and its pretty much a quick burst and you kill someone in med - close range :)

This also explains why any decent magnum user will start rocking out with the 1shot rifle since its basically the same thing with more ammo, better accuracy and a lot less recoil.


Shouldn't LMG's do more damage than the rifle...yea, they shoot faster, but they shoot EVERYWHERE...those should be the assault class killers, that would make some balance, and inspire the use of the base soldier more often.


aj2good4you2 said:
i told u i only joined that game cause my cousin was playing in it!:lol :lol

yeah sure. its okay the allure of boobs can be too much to handle. Just come clean.

Kittonwy said:
I like girlz. I thought I'd hit teh jackpot. RAWR.

lol. Jackpot of Johnsons. Wouldn't surprise me if these type of games have less girls than the average killzone game :D.


Kittonwy said:
I like girlz. I thought I'd hit teh jackpot. RAWR.

It's a trap!

ChryZ said:


Fersis said:
Thats a badass name my friend.
I have some balcan blood in my veins , my mom family comes from Yugoslavia, and my dad family comes from Italy.
But i dont have such a badass name.
The next game or prototype i make will have a character named Dragan

So awesome. Don't make him effeminate dammit! :lol


icechai said:
This also explains why any decent magnum user will start rocking out with the 1shot rifle since its basically the same thing with more ammo, better accuracy and a lot less recoil.

I am not a fan of the STA-14 but as a lot of people know I love the M4. The STA-14 doesn't have the same weighty feel that the M4 does.

FFObsessed said:
So awesome. Don't make him effeminate dammit! :lol

If he didn't, it wouldn't be true to the source material.


GodofWine said:
Shouldn't LMG's do more damage than the rifle...yea, they shoot faster, but they shoot EVERYWHERE...those should be the assault class killers, that would make some balance, and inspire the use of the base soldier more often.

well if you burst the HGH one like ISA it kills faster, and it seems like the LMG's auto aim better as well when not zoomed in. They are definitely assault killers as they are, although improving it by 1 notch wouldn't hurt...


Cagen said:
I am not a fan of the STA-14 but as a lot of people know I love the M4. The STA-14 doesn't have the same weighty feel that the M4 does.

If he didn't, it wouldn't be true to the source material.


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