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CrushDance said:
SHOTS FIRED. Anyway I agree with Lince, the game is great but Guerilla really dropped the ball with being active in the community and a ton of little things, especially the website not working for over 3 weeks after release. They've been steadily losing players.

Agree 100%. This thread will be dead in a few months along with the online part of the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Rapping Granny said:
HyperBowl much?
He was being sarcastic.
Also : Glad to know that you took me out from your ignore list:D
*Hugs Rapping Granny*
I don't know what to do about the M4. Is it overpowered or not? Maybe it's just the drastic difference between itself and the standard pistol, the latter of which is the equivalent to throwing spit balls at people.

Also: omit the sprint ability on assault unless he's boosting. It'll encourage players to use the ability conservatively + aid in a much needed tone down to that fucking class.

side notes:

-I really want the bolt action rifle to be a weapon option for medic's and tacticians D:. I love the damn thing, but I can't stand using sabs.

-I'm trying to think of a way in which GG could implement the flamethrower and
Higg electro-energy grenade..thing
in a new class. Is it even possible to make the flamer work in MP? Maybe not.

-There should be a class dedicated to the two heavy machine guns. Two very capable weapons that are left in the dark because of their restricted ties to the standard class.
WretchedTruman said:
I don't know what to do about the M4. Is it overpowered or not?
It's okay, I think. Each bullet does a ton of damage, but most of the "weaker" guns make up for it with higher rates of fire. I've handled M4 wielders using the SMG or shotgun, and even the assault rifles. I think the StA-14 is less balanced since it fires faster and further, but very few people use it since it requires skill. (So does the M4, but it appears more often because folks love to use it with Assault when launchers are turned off.)

WretchedTruman said:
Also: omit the sprint ability on assault unless he's boosting. It'll encourage players to use the ability conservatively + aid in a much needed tone down to that fucking class.
Yeah, I've said this multiple times. Extra health + extra speed is too unbalanced for Search & Retrieve. Make it a choice: extra health with Assault, but Boost just gives you normal running speed, or normal health with other classes but extra speed when using Boost.

WretchedTruman said:
There should be a class dedicated to the two heavy machine guns. Two very capable weapons that are left in the dark because of their restricted ties to the standard class.
Though it's not as important as the Boost change, I think they should be made the default weapons of Assault. Giving the launchers to Riflemen makes that class more useful, and sticking Assault with LMGs reduces their ability to accentuate higher health by run-dodging while firing, since the bullet spread becomes so wide when running with those weapons.


I killed 7 in one go with a grenade launcher today :lol

32 player matches may be "unplayable" at times, but they can give you a good laugh if you're not interested in playing properly.
Liabe Brave said:
Though it's not as important as the Boost change, I think they should be made the default weapons of Assault. Giving the launchers to Riflemen makes that class more useful, and sticking Assault with LMGs reduces their ability to accentuate higher health by run-dodging while firing, since the bullet spread becomes so wide when running with those weapons.

wow, that's a great idea. It'd even convince me to use the class.


Facism said:
If Assaults get the LMGS, i'd play as assault exclusively. Godly weapons.

they should give it to assaults and increase recoil except when crouched. Only let soldiers use rocket launcher and grenade launcher. Sadly i've come to accept nothing will happen with the class stuffs, but at least i'm hopeful they'll be fixing bugs and the server browser.


I had some fun matches today, finally unlocked the advanced scope for the sniper. Way more fun sniping now :)

Rapping Granny said:
HyperBowl much?

Is that like the Superbowl but with lots of Sugar?


careful said:
The LMG's are already pretty deadly as is. Combined with the current Assault would be another nightmare I imagine.

if you increase standing recoil slightly, it would force assault to actually be more tank like and be the suppressive fire.


aka andydumi
icechai said:
if you increase standing recoil slightly, it would force assault to actually be more tank like and be the suppressive fire.

That said, increasing moving recoil would make the assault more of a supressive unit. Let them become the bullet sponge others hide behind and not a moving killing machine.
Dante said:
I had some fun matches today, finally unlocked the advanced scope for the sniper. Way more fun sniping now :)
What, precisely, does the advanced scope change? I feel the difference, but I don't see it.

I remember when I first got the spot and mark badge. After all those moments of me going "how the FUCK did he see me?", it was a revelation.:lol


WretchedTruman said:
What, precisely, does the advanced scope change? I feel the difference, but I don't see it.

I remember when I first got the spot and mark badge. After all those moments of me going "how the FUCK did he see me?", it was a revelation.:lol

advanced scope helps a lot in salamun and pyrrus :p
raYne said:
A better question is, what difference do you supposedly feel?
I know about the 5x sniper zoom. I could have sworn I was notified of achieving this "advanced sniper scope" days after getting that zoom. Guess not.
Goddamn, this game makes me feel stupid all too often.


test_account said:
Is it just me or are less and less people using the rocket launcher while playing now, compared to how it was several of weeks ago? To me it feels that there are less rocket spammers now than before at least.
More and more people are setting up the servers to block out the rocket launcher now.


I managed to play 3 minutes on Cornith tonight before turning this off it was spawn invincibility WITH extra lag..it was hideous...I think Im taking a week off and praying the patch does something good. Im so conflicted over wanting to give up on a game in 6 weeks that I coveted for a year prior to launch.

Cmon GG...patch me up good!

I put warhawk in for the first time since KZ launched and to be honest, that game should be the model for all other games sense of balance and objectives.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I started a match 30 kills, 1 death. On tharsis. 32 players. And the one death was a teamkill. Such luck!


First time I saw a wall glitcher today, on my side, none of the less. He was the target for assassination on radec, and in the same room where you you defend on ISA, he was somehow behind the wall. Damn crazies.


don't ask me for codes
I think my favorite configuration is Medic+Boost+M82+M4. Medic primarily because I want to use the M82, but getting points for reviving people helps too. Picking off people with the M82 from a distance without getting noticed is nice. And I really like the zoom on it. Boost because it's so damn useful when doing objectives, or when I need to get close to the action, or run away.

Another is Saboteur+C4+StA14+M4. The StA14 is a great weapon to pick off people at a distance with. Pop pop chirp.

On Visari Hammer I like to get the Repair Badge on the Helghast side and use the MG near the Radio delivery point. Gets me a lot of ISA kills.
I'm nowhere near as comfortable on the non beta maps as I am with the beta maps yet....add that to the fact that I was lagging like a motherfucker today and I had a couple of real bad games today


Tempy said:
I think my favorite configuration is Medic+Boost+M82+M4. Medic primarily because I want to use the M82, but getting points for reviving people helps too. Picking off people with the M82 from a distance without getting noticed is nice. And I really like the zoom on it. Boost because it's so damn useful when doing objectives, or when I need to get close to the action, or run away.

Another is Saboteur+C4+StA14+M4. The StA14 is a great weapon to pick off people at a distance with. Pop pop chirp.

On Visari Hammer I like to get the Repair Badge on the Helghast side and use the MG near the Radio delivery point. Gets me a lot of ISA kills.

those are my favs too!! Another one is assault + repair +m4, more hp to stay on turrets.

Also the standard Tactician + Boost is a life saver for many teams, i just get so bored of tactician now though :p

just finished a game with lyulf and kitton on salamun 32 players and its the first time i really noticed a lot of slowdown due to so many people choosing rockets/grenade launchers. My reticule for aiming on the M82 really felt like the M4 sometimes in terms of recoil return. Still fun though, also turrets were pretty important to contain crowds. The LMG was pretty useless due to slowdown and the recoil not returning to normal as fast as usual.


GG tonight, lots of trash-talking going on in that game with me and click on one team and a couple of crazies on the other team.


WretchedTruman said:
I know about the 5x sniper zoom. I could have sworn I was notified of achieving this "advanced sniper scope" days after getting that zoom. Guess not.
Goddamn, this game makes me feel stupid all too often.

It's bugged. I got the zoom before getting the medal


TTP said:
I think the whole bot debacle is a clear indication of how little thought went into the whole online thing. I mean, how can you not see that coming?

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The P2P infrastructure (I was honestly surprised when I discovered it's not server based - I was giving it for granted for such a big release), the lack of a party system, the stupid Tournament search system (or lack thereof), the abnormally high players cap (32 is too much on ANY map), the spawn grenade thing... lots of things that keep this game from achieving true awesomeness.

If they don't fix most of this crap quickly (like within a week or two) bad things will happen.
How much does it matter that Killzone 2 uses P2P? You said you were surprised when you found out, when did you find it out, before you played Killzone 2 or after you had played it for a while? I know that you played in the Killzone 2 beta for example and i havnt seen you have mentioned that the P2P stuff is a bad thing before now, but i probably havnt read all of your posts here though. But i am just wondering how much it matters that Killzone 2 uses P2P and if you have had much problems with it :)

TTP said:
The # of players problem affects the whole game perception to newcomers. They jump into 32 players matches expecting the game to be playable. Sadly, it isn't. Also, GG is stupid enough to create official 32 players tournaments on small maps. So there you see how naive they are about the whole online thing.
I guess it depends on how you define "unplayable". I agree that Killzone 2 sometimes can feel "unplayable" in 32 players matches, especially when you are trying to plant the bombs for example, since it then can feel almost impossible to complete the objective, and especially if there are enemy spawn points set up close to the objectives. But i cant say that i really agree that the game itself is unplayable with 32 players, even on the smaller maps. My mission points record in one round is 435 i think (something like 290 before it was multplied with 1.5 when my team won), and i think this was in a 32 player round. It is not really to brag that i mention this, but it was just to show that the game can still be playable, at least for me :)

I sometimes like the "cluster fucks" since then it sometimes feels like a Killzone, if you know what i mean? :) I also think 32 players works good on the larger maps as icechai mentioned earlier in this thread, like Pyrrhus Rise for example. I have no idea how newcomers think of the game when playing a 32 player map and if they experience many "cluster fucks" though.

But i also think that like 16-20 players matches are pretty cool too just to point that out, since then there might be alittle easier to do the objectives, because then there might be less "cluster fucks" :)

TTP said:
Lots of people like shitty stuff.
I guess that you said it with humor though, so it is all good :) But to answer serious, i am glad that Killzone 2 has the option to play 32 player matches, so i dont think it is shitty. But luckily you have the option to play 16 player matches as well as commish said earlier :)

EDIT: I added some text.


new glitches:

in Tharsis Depot, a clan was placing turrets UNDER THE FLOOR near the ISA S&D objective, only a tiny part of the turret was visible and the thing was getting head shots like crazy, amazing.

in Helghan Industries, during assassination attack the target went to Helghast base and went off boundaries, don't know how but it appeared as being on the top of the building somehow.


Lince said:
new glitches:

in Tharsis Depot, a clan was placing turrets UNDER THE FLOOR near the ISA S&D objective, only a tiny part of the turret was visible and the thing was getting head shots like crazy, amazing.

in Helghan Industries, during assassination attack the target went to Helghast base and went off boundaries, don't know how but it appeared as being on the top of the building somehow.
It sucks when people are taking advantage of the glitches to win the game (or are trying to win at least) :(

Do you have the opportunity to take a picture of the screen where these glitches happends? If yes, i would do this and send the pictures to Guerilla Games so they can take a look at where the glitches are and hopefully try to fix these glitches :) Maybe it can be abit hard to take pictures of this now if not many clans take advantages of these glitches though, but maybe it is enough to just explain where the glitches are in a level, and that pictures arent needed.

EDIT: I added some text.


Tempy said:
Another is Saboteur+C4+StA14+M4. The StA14 is a great weapon to pick off people at a distance with. Pop pop chirp.
Try Saboteur+Boost+StA14+M4, it's awesome for flanking or showing up unexpected at certain places.


FFObsessed said:
32 player matches may be "unplayable" at times, but they can give you a good laugh if you're not interested in playing properly.

yeah we had a good laugh together :lol
I was camping the ammo crate near the H. spawn and got more than 20 grenade kills in a row, insane shit... I just can't imagine getting in Killzone 2 mp for the first time and finding two assholes like FFO and I doing that crazy stuff, but 32 players - assault - boosting - grenade launchers - you know, "the way the game is meant to be played". No wonder they removed cover for mp, it's useless, you're being raped from everywhere.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
test_account said:
How much does it matter that Killzone 2 uses P2P? You said you were surprised when you found out, when did you find it out, before you played Killzone 2 or after you had played it for a while? I know that you played in the Killzone 2 beta for example and i havnt seen you have mentioned that the P2P stuff is a bad thing before now, but i probably havnt read all of your posts here though. But i am just wondering how much it matters that Killzone 2 uses P2P and if you have had much problems with it :)

I didn't know until I read it in an interview about the time the game was released. We had lag issues during beta and I assumed it was going to get fixed. Early KZ2 days everything was fine and I was like "ok, this P2P thing works after all". But soon the same issues we had during the beta popped up (mostly death delays). So it appears clear to me it's an unfixable issue related to the P2P set up.

I guess it depends on how you define "unplayable". I agree that Killzone 2 sometimes can feel "unplayable" in 32 players matches, especially when you are trying to plant the bombs for example, since it then can feel almost impossible to complete the objective, and especially if there are enemy spawn points set up close to the objectives. But i cant say that i really agree that the game itself is unplayable with 32 players, even on the smaller maps. My mission points record in one round is 435 i think (something like 290 before it was multplied with 1.5 when my team won), and i think this was in a 32 player round. It is not really to brag that i mention this, but it was just to show that the game can still be playable, at least for me :)

Of course you get more kills in 32 players matches. There is hardly room for bullets to fly around without accidentally hitting somebody. But I don't think getting kills has anything to do with playability. It's how you get those kills: by tossing a grenade near an objective defended by 16 ppl or by actually engage an enemy and kill him with skill.

I sometimes like the "cluster fucks" since then it sometimes feels like a Killzone, if you know what i mean? :) I also think 32 players works good on the larger maps as icechai mentioned earlier in this thread, like Pyrrhus Rise for example. I have no idea how newcomers think of the game when playing a 32 player map and if they experience many "cluster fucks" though.

Well, I have three friends who bought the game day one. One of them aborted rightaway cos it was too chaotic. Another one kept trying till general and then dropped off cos it got more and more chaotic. The third guy left cos the other two did. They are all experienced players with countless hours of online shooting under their belts. You can't call this a "proof" of what I'm saying of course, but it's clear cluster fucks are causing players drop outs rather than bringing them in.

You can't say 32 players works good on big maps due to the nature of the missions. Most of them have objectives that bring all those people in one tiny spot so it's chaos anyway.

But i also think that like 16-20 players matches are pretty cool too just to point that out, since then there might be alittle easier to do the objectives, because then there might be less "cluster fucks" :)

It's not about being easier. It's about being fun. I don't see where the fun is when pure luck is what makes the difference rather than tactics or skill. As it is now, you just spawn and hope you don't get killed before even realizing what's going on. This is not Unreal or Halo where you can jump around and quickly pick up enemies. Those games can sustain cluster fucks easily as you move around like a superhero. Not so Killzone 2. Which is why the SP mode works until dozen of enemies start coming from every direction (see Radec fight).

I guess that you said it with humor though, so it is all good :) But to answer serious, i am glad that Killzone 2 has the option to play 32 player matches, so i dont think it is shitty. But luckily you have the option to play 16 player matches as well as commish said earlier :)

Let's get real for a sec. The only reason we have a 32 players option in KZ2 is because that sounds better as a PR bulletpoint. Game clearly can't sustain that much, both technically (lag, frame drops) and gameplay wise (cluster fucks). Warhawk and Resistance could. Not KZ2.

Edit: I'm officially out of KZ2 MP until they patch in a no-respawn mode / fix the spawn grenade / eradicate lag. Just saying. I know no one cares. ;)

Rolf NB

Lince said:
new glitches:

in Tharsis Depot, a clan was placing turrets UNDER THE FLOOR near the ISA S&D objective, only a tiny part of the turret was visible and the thing was getting head shots like crazy, amazing.
Might have been an accident/not on purpose. I always crouch when I place a turret myself, and maybe stuff just happened without intent. The turret was still vulnerable anyway.

Was a good game ... even though they completely controlled our base start to finish :lol

No noticable lag, no assault, small teams. You hear that TTP?


TTP said:
Well, I have three friends who bought the game day one. One of them aborted rightaway cos it was too chaotic. Another one kept trying till general and then dropped off cos it got more and more chaotic. The third guy left cos the other two did. They are all experienced players with countless hours of online shooting under their belts. You can't call this a "proof" of what I'm saying of course, but it's clear cluster fucks are causing players drop outs rather than bringing them in.
Most of my friends ended up going back to other shooters for one reason or another. They'll only jump in to KZ once a week when I organize a game and they know everyone will be there.

TTP said:
Edit: I'm officially out of KZ2 MP until they patch in a no-respawn mode / fix the spawn grenade / eradicate lag. Just saying. I know no one cares. ;)
I'm borderline thinking about it myself.. Didn't touch MP yet this week.
The issues jump out more because other aspects of the game are so polished and well executed. I find it incredibly frustrating, because the game has so much potential.


bcn-ron said:
Was a good game ... even though they completely controlled our base start to finish :lol

the following game versus the same clan was even better, a shame that you left, we had a proper tactician and dominated the game 7-0. I know I should have picked tactician in the previous game so we could get some fresh air but I'm sick of random people wasting "my" spawn grenades so these days I'm just picking medic and going neew-noow-neew-noow killing noobs with the medic gun.

TTP said:
I'm officially out of KZ2 MP until they patch in a no-respawn mode / fix the spawn grenade / eradicate lag. Just saying. I know no one cares. ;)

I care and I feel your pain, the game has the biggest untapped potential ever. I'm sure multiplayer was designed just by picking "cool" ideas from here and there and putting them together hoping for the best, what actually happened is the worst. Boosting ? Rockets launcher ? double health ? uncanny shotguns ? two frag grenades per player upgradeable to three ? it sounds like Quake or Doom to me, except these games have controls suited to frantic run&gun action, KZ2 has slow-paced controls leaning towards tactic gameplay which, sadly, will never happen.


i'll probably be out when i get that 1% ribbon this week. KZ2 as an online game just keeps deteriorating. Only the clan games are any actual real fun, but i can hardly make half of them because of external responsibilities.

Rolf NB

Lince said:
the following game versus the same clan was even better, a shame that you left, we had a proper tactician and dominated the game 7-0. I know I should have picked tactician in the previous game so we could get some fresh air but I'm sick of random people wasting "my" spawn grenades so these days I'm just picking medic and going neew-noow-neew-noow killing noobs with the medic gun.
I felt sorry for leaving but I really had to go to bed. Stupidly hung out another half-hour at GAF though.

I still believe that the near-total absence of auto-aim in MP makes Killzone 2 unique. If they were just copying and following the leader, that would never have happened.
I also don't think the frag grenades pose any particular balancing problem, because of how long they take to throw (can't shoot your gun for two seconds) and how long they take to go off. You can always run away from a sloppily thrown grenade or kill the thrower before it even leaves his/her hand, and cooking a grenade makes the thrower even more vulnerable.

I get killed all the time while trying to throw grenades


bcn-ron said:
I felt sorry for leaving but I really had to go to bed. Stupidly hung out another half-hour at GAF though.

I still believe that the near-total absence of auto-aim in MP makes Killzone 2 unique. If they were just copying and following the leader, that would never have happened.
I also don't think the frag grenades pose any particular balancing problem, because of how long they take to throw (can't shoot your gun for two seconds) and how long they take to go off. You can always run away from a sloppily thrown grenade or kill the thrower before it even leaves his/her hand, and cooking a grenade makes the thrower even more vulnerable.

I get killed all the time while trying to throw grenades

yeah i don't really mind the grenades either, when i see them cock one i run at them guns blazing >:)


icechai said:
yeah i don't really mind the grenades either, when i see them cock one i run at them guns blazing >:)

yeah so when a team tries to organize some defense around the S&D objective and the other team just keeps spawning and spamming 1-2 grenades taking advantage of the invincibility frames that's not a problem... right, oh well.


I played a bit yesterday, but it took me (literally) an hour and a half before I found a server/game with settings I really liked. I was jumping around games people in the clan were playing and ones I searched on my own, but was really getting frustrated because of the typically and radically unbalanced teams, tactician badge being blocked? - spawn at home over and over, only team slayer modes, friendly fire in random servers with idiots, 32 players, Blood Gratch - (the worst map in the game for anything above 6vs6ish), and Corinth Crossing repeatedly (the worst map in the game in general, every game mode on this map plays terrible).


Lince said:
yeah so when a team tries to organize some defense around the S&D objective and the other team just keeps spawning and spamming 1-2 grenades taking advantage of the invincibility frames that's not a problem... right, oh well.

It's not a problem with the grenades though, Lince. It is, as we all know, the problem with having invincibility in the game. There is nothing wrong with grenades what so ever, they take time to use and give a huge visual and auditory warning.


Dirtbag said:
I searched on my own, but was really getting frustrated because of the typically and radically unbalanced teams

human nature... friends want to play together and team up to get a better game play experience, you can only do that by setting off auto-balance.

so Guerrilla Games allegedly wanted people to put every class to good use and try to accomplish missions, but then again they don't allow a group of friends to go together and try, they just do for clan battles... which are a pain to set up (tournament list without filters or search feature) and 90% certain to become a lagfest or a glitching/cheating party... yeah!

TTP got it straight, the 1st day the game was officially out they had to patch it due to the bots exploit... then the shotgun autoaim, then another autoaim issue, then the clan challenges exploit, now the endless list of glitches.... 4 year development my ass. Insomniac released Resistance 1, R&C, R&C DLC and R2 with PARTY SYSTEM and DEDICATED SERVERS with full-fledged COOP MODE in the same period... what a joke, yeah graphics are pretty though :lol


Cagen said:
It's not a problem with the grenades though, Lince. It is, as we all know, the problem with having invincibility in the game. There is nothing wrong with grenades what so ever, they take time to use and give a huge visual and auditory warning.

Madonna!!!! Cagen di merda I hope you die tonight!!! :lol

I was referring to situations like Radec Academy S&D ISA objective, when you're trying to keep control over this certain area and the other team throws a couple of nades it's really no big deal... but in a 4v4 8 nades coming your way will break your defense straight away. You are pushed back for a cheap reason, grenades should be limited to 1 per respawn, don't tell me to try and keep a guy preventing them to lob nades since invincible guys will get that hero killed in no time. Nice tactics you sent me yesterday btw, I hope we can find a clan game today to put them into practice.

edit: most assassination attack missions are won just by spammin grenades from the nearest spawn point.
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