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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
4 year development my ass. Insomniac released Resistance 1, R&C, R&C DLC and R2 with PARTY SYSTEM and DEDICATED SERVERS with full-fledged COOP MODE in the same period... what a joke, yeah graphics are pretty though :lol
But you forgot that Insomniac sucks ,and R2 is the worst game ever 1!1!!


TTP said:
I didn't know until I read it in an interview about the time the game was released. We had lag issues during beta and I assumed it was going to get fixed. Early KZ2 days everything was fine and I was like "ok, this P2P thing works after all". But soon the same issues we had during the beta popped up (mostly death delays). So it appears clear to me it's an unfixable issue related to the P2P set up.
Ok i understand. I was just wondering about it :)

TTP said:
Of course you get more kills in 32 players matches. There is hardly room for bullets to fly around without accidentally hitting somebody. But I don't think getting kills has anything to do with playability. It's how you get those kills: by tossing a grenade near an objective defended by 16 ppl or by actually engage an enemy and kill him with skill.
About the example i mentioned earlier, i did not get most of my kills throwing grenades into clusters of for example 16 players. I dont remember any exact weapons kills statistic from this round, but i didnt use the grenade or rocket launcher at least. I had maybe 20-30 (?) kills from using a mounted machine gun. I dont know how many grenade kills i had, but from what i can recall, i got most of my kills by using the ISA rifle, and i did aim. I didnt just shoot wildy into a crowd all the time hoping to get some kills. Maybe i did it sometimes, but far from all the time at least. The map i played on was Helghan Industries by the way.

I guess it depends on how you define "playable", but to me the game felt very playable and i enjoyed playing this round :)

TTP said:
Well, I have three friends who bought the game day one. One of them aborted rightaway cos it was too chaotic. Another one kept trying till general and then dropped off cos it got more and more chaotic. The third guy left cos the other two did. They are all experienced players with countless hours of online shooting under their belts. You can't call this a "proof" of what I'm saying of course, but it's clear cluster fucks are causing players drop outs rather than bringing them in.
Sure, i dont say anything against that some people will quit because they feel that Killzone 2 is too caotic with 32 players, but i wondered how it was with people in general. When you say that they aborted playing Killzone 2, was this by playing 32 player matches or Killzone 2 in general? If it is about general, why didnt they try to play on servers that had less people playing on them? Especially if they are players who have much experience with online shooters.

Come to think of it, since Killzone 2 is a relatively new game, it is actually not that long ago since we all were newcomers. The 32 players matches were pretty much the same when we were newcomers compared to how the 32 players matches are today, except today it seems to be less rocket spammers because several of servers arent allowing the Assault Class to be used, at least after my experience with the game.

TTP said:
You can't say 32 players works good on big maps due to the nature of the missions. Most of them have objectives that bring all those people in one tiny spot so it's chaos anyway.
That is true, but i would say it can depend on how which strategy you are using. Take Search & Destroy for example. Every 16 players on one team doesnt necessarily need to run to the same spot and try to plant the bomb at the same time. Some players can concentrate on keeping the enemy from gettin to the bomb site. I guess that this strategy arent used too much in public games though, but i think it could be possible :)

You have some modes that work pretty good with 32 players on the bigger maps, like Body Count and Capture & Hold works pretty good on Pyrrhus Rise, since then not all 32 players are trying to take over the same Capture & Hold stop at the same time, at least in my opinion.

TTP said:
It's not about being easier. It's about being fun. I don't see where the fun is when pure luck is what makes the difference rather than tactics or skill. As it is now, you just spawn and hope you don't get killed before even realizing what's going on. This is not Unreal or Halo where you can jump around and quickly pick up enemies. Those games can sustain cluster fucks easily as you move around like a superhero. Not so Killzone 2. Which is why the SP mode works until dozen of enemies start coming from every direction (see Radec fight).
What i ment by making the game easier wasnt that it is necessarily easier to get kills and much more easy to do the objective etc. As you say, "before even realizing what's going on", this sounds like you are talking about the big cluster fucks when there are alot of players at one spot, am i correct? If there are fewer players, there would be less (or at least smaller) cluster fucks, and wouldnt this make the game abit easier to play? :)

The same is it with Search & Retrieve for example, if there are 10-16 player guarding the Search & Retrieve delivery zone, wouldnt it then be harder to deliver the propaganda speaker compared to if there are maybe 4-6 people who are guarding the delivery zone?

The game becomes easier (or "easier") to play when there are less people playing because then it is easier to be more tactical as you say, and you have a bigger chance to avoid big cluster fucks in the game. I could have explained this alittle better earlier, i am sorry about that, but do you see what i mean with the game being easier to play? :)

TTP said:
Let's get real for a sec. The only reason we have a 32 players option in KZ2 is because that sounds better as a PR bulletpoint. Game clearly can't sustain that much, both technically (lag, frame drops) and gameplay wise (cluster fucks). Warhawk and Resistance could. Not KZ2.
I agree that this is a possibility about what you say about the PR bulletpoint, but i dont know if this is the only reason. I think that Killzone 2 handles 32 players pretty good. There might be some slight lag and small framedrops now and then, but this hasnt been something that have ruined the gameplay experience or made the game unplayable for me (as the game drops to 10 frames pr. second for example, this hasnt happend to me). I am glad that there at least is an option to play 32 players :)

TTP said:
Edit: I'm officially out of KZ2 MP until they patch in a no-respawn mode / fix the spawn grenade / eradicate lag. Just saying. I know no one cares. ;)
With no-respawn mode, do you mean that you wont spawn until the objective is finished, like in Counter Strike? If yes, a no-respawn mode might have been cool on the smaller maps, but i dont know how well it would have worked on the larger maps like Pyrrhus Rise. I recently bought SOCOM for the PS3, and i found it boring to wait for upto several of minutes after i got killed and waiting for the other players to die or do the objectives, epseically on the bigger maps :\

Are there any words on what the new Killzone 2 patch will fix by the way? :)


GuessWho said:
i got shit on when i said 32 players is a disaster, now everybody agrees. Now where's my cookie.

we love TTP but he does not = everybody :p take off your anti-32 goggles and there are quite a few ppl who like playing in them here and there (not all the time mind you, but good sometimes)


Fersis said:
But you forgot that Insomniac sucks ,and R2 is the worst game ever 1!1!!


R2? I only complained about spawn points (lol this is a plague) in DM modes, and the lack of story and surprises (weapon placement along a fixed path) in the sp campaign. The rest was fantastic, I gave it a 9,5 just for the legendary coop.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:

R2? I only complained about spawn points (lol this is a plague) in DM modes, and the lack of story and surprises (weapon placement along a fixed path) in the sp campaign. The rest was fantastic, I gave it a 9,5 just for the legendary coop.
R2 SP is average, R2 Online is amazingly fun.
We should play some Superhuman CoOp someday. (Its really hard)

Kittonwy said:
The sad part is you said it like it's a joke but it's not.
:lol Never change Kitton!


icechai said:
we love TTP but he does not = everybody :p take off your anti-32 goggles and there are quite a few ppl who like playing in them here and there (not all the time mind you, but good sometimes)
Because it deserves to be said again..

TTP said:
Lots of people like shitty stuff.

The more people on a map in this game, the worse everything gets. All it ends up doing is accentuating all the existing problems. "Clusterfucks with double the people you say!? Sounds awesome!"


Lince said:
4 year development my ass. Insomniac released Resistance 1, R&C, R&C DLC and R2 with PARTY SYSTEM and DEDICATED SERVERS with full-fledged COOP MODE in the same period... what a joke, yeah graphics are pretty though :lol
If i am not mistaken, all of these 4 games from Insomiac Games that you mention uses the same game engine (although the game engine have been improved over the years). Resistance 1 was also a launch game, which means that Insomniac probably worked something like 2 years on their game engine before the PS3 was released, but that is just a guess from me though. While the Killzone 2 development didnt start before in later 2005 or so?

I am not saying anything negative against Insomiac Games here just to underline that. I am just saying that what one of the reasons why Insomiac Games managed to release those games within the same time period. But even what the reasons are, i still think it is an amazing achievement to be able to release that many games within the time that Insomiac Games did! :)

GuessWho said:
i got shit on when i said 32 players is a disaster, now everybody agrees. Now where's my cookie.
I dont think that 32 payers in Killzone 2 is a disaster. It can be pretty hectic at times, i agree to that, but i dont think it is a disaster :)


Lince said:
human nature... friends want to play together and team up to get a better game play experience, you can only do that by setting off auto-balance.

so Guerrilla Games allegedly wanted people to put every class to good use and try to accomplish missions, but then again they don't allow a group of friends to go together and try, they just do for clan battles... which are a pain to set up (tournament list without filters or search feature) and 90% certain to become a lagfest or a glitching/cheating party... yeah!

TTP got it straight, the 1st day the game was officially out they had to patch it due to the bots exploit... then the shotgun autoaim, then another autoaim issue, then the clan challenges exploit, now the endless list of glitches.... 4 year development my ass. Insomniac released Resistance 1, R&C, R&C DLC and R2 with PARTY SYSTEM and DEDICATED SERVERS with full-fledged COOP MODE in the same period... what a joke, yeah graphics are pretty though :lol

I have never seen someone so upset before like he invested stock in GG, do yourself a favor and trade in your game and go on with your life. Its been about 20 pages of nothing but you flaming GG and Killzone 2 like there no tomorrow. The online sucks, we get it.


TTP noooooo! You should play more with us GAFe guys we just have a laugh when we play. Lince & I being all crazy, Cagen & I finding and annoying anyone who's Italia... uh oh.

I get delayed deaths when ever I play in US servers, EU is no problem so I usually stick to them. Unfortunately there's not many EU 16 players games at 5am :lol

Clan games are 50-50. Half the time they're fucking awesome, the most fun games you can have in KZ2. A small group of 4-6 working together with proper tactics. The other half they're just a lag fest and unplayable and just frustrating.

32 player games I only play when I'm sniping and they're a lot of fun then. You stay out of the mess and chaos and there's lots of ppl to take out. Got a 36 player kill streak the other today just casually sniping on SM. Could have gotten a lot more, the players in that game were really really bad. Only a couple came to flank me and I just M4'd em.

It can take me a while to find a game with settings and players to my liking, but that's gonna happen with such a team based game. If not I'll create a game and usually 6 or 7 gaffers will jump in pretty quick.

Overall tho when things go well, I find KZ2 to be more fun than any other shooter I've ever played. Just can't get enough of it. I started to get a bit burnt out around 90 hours after 125 hours in the Beta but I've gotten a second wind while playing regular clan games and then play public games in between just for some crazy fun with Lince, Cagen, Dezimator and the rest of GAFe/GAFA. I've played it til the small hours of the morning every day this week and it's the first game I load up when I turn my PS3 in the afternoon/evening. I've played the retail online for 190+ hours now and I don't see myself putting it down for a long while and I'm looking forward to more maps and and a lot more DLC hopefully.
TTP said:
I didn't know until I read it in an interview about the time the game was released. We had lag issues during beta and I assumed it was going to get fixed. Early KZ2 days everything was fine and I was like "ok, this P2P thing works after all". But soon the same issues we had during the beta popped up (mostly death delays). So it appears clear to me it's an unfixable issue related to the P2P set up.

This is basically it. I was very supportive of the game during and after the beta, but I was also expecting them to actually fix the more blatant issues. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when I saw the same issues crop up in the retail game, to the tune of making me drop the game (that, and I hadn't experienced explosives spamming quite like this for some time). The murder-suicide thing in particular got on my nerves real fast, because I could have sworn this was a promised fix.


GuessWho said:
i got shit on when i said 32 players is a disaster, now everybody agrees. Now where's my cookie.

Agreed, thought S. Market and Pyrus can handle them, and in games like capture and hold and Bodycount on those work decently since they naturally keep the masses scattered.


JudgeN said:
I have never seen someone so upset before like he invested stock in GG, do yourself a favor and trade in your game and go on with your life. Its been about 20 pages of nothing but you flaming GG and Killzone 2 like there no tomorrow. The online sucks, we get it.



I don't mind having the option to play 32p games, but it should definitely not be the default setting. You usually want to give a good first impression to people, not the opposite.


GuessWho said:
i got shit on when i said 32 players is a disaster, now everybody agrees. Now where's my cookie.

Get with the times! All the '32 players is awesome' guys have moved on to pimping MAG.


So what's everyone's online score looking like? The highest person on my friends list is Lince with around 50,600 points. I have 47,000 points. What about everyone else? Does anyone have higher than Lince? :D


Fersis said:
R2 SP is average, R2 Online is amazingly fun.
We should play some Superhuman CoOp someday. (Its really hard)

:lol Never change Kitton!

Do you even play Killzone 2? Your whole R2-pushing agenda is getting really old.


Lince said:
R2 with PARTY SYSTEM and DEDICATED SERVERS with full-fledged COOP MODE in the same period... what a joke, yeah graphics are pretty though :lol

Seriously, go play R2 co-op if you think it's so great, I'm sure you would LOVE R2 MP on chicago/SF/orick. I would love to read about your list of complaints on R2.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Kittonwy said:
Do you even play Killzone 2? Your whole R2-pushing agenda is getting really old.
I do play KZ2 several times a week.
Anyway , this is my cue to leave the thread.

Kittonwy said:
Seriously, go play R2 co-op if you think it's so great. I would love to read about your list of complaints on R2.
I play both R2 and KZ2, and i posted my list of 'complain' a long time ago.
(Tough none of the issues were changed :lol )
Bye man.


Lince you got some good points about party system etc but KZ2 is the better game. RS2 can have all the stuff kz2 doesnt and still suck ass. To me the gunplay is too arcadey and that is a no buy for me and the grafix..talk about ugly player models. (nver liked RS1 either)


FFObsessed said:
So what's everyone's online score looking like? The highest person on my friends list is Lince with around 50,600 points. I have 47,000 points. What about everyone else? Does anyone have higher than Lince? :D

what? u already broke into the 47's? I must play now! you're not going to overtake me!

/puts on Helghast assault clothes
/looks at the mirror, post-nuke war Santa would be jealous
/boost my way to the game


Not pure anymore!
icechai said:
we love TTP but he does not = everybody :p take off your anti-32 goggles and there are quite a few ppl who like playing in them here and there (not all the time mind you, but good sometimes)
Yep, I do like playing 32 player matches sometimes.


Great game last night. Got a score of 270 and made 2nd place. Just 5 points from first lol.
Anyway whats up Gaf East 2? No clan matches anymore? All me and ol painless play are 32player matches. She needs blood to lube her barrels.:lol

Wait a minute, Lince did I play with you lastnight?? did you beat me by 4 points in Radecs Academy?


Kittonwy said:
Seriously, go play R2 co-op if you think it's so great, I'm sure you would LOVE R2 MP on chicago/SF/orick. I would love to read about your list of complaints on R2.

the fact that I stopped playing R2 competitive when I got the 10k kills but I can't stop playing KZ2 even with all the whining should tell you something. R2 co-op is genius though, I don't understand the hate.


raYne said:
Because it deserves to be said again..

The more people on a map in this game, the worse everything gets. All it ends up doing is accentuating all the existing problems. "Clusterfucks with double the people you say!? Sounds awesome!"
It doesnt just sounds awesome, it is awesome! :D ;) Hehe. Seriously though, i dont mind that people dont like 32 players matches, and i understand why they dont like it, since it can be many cluster fucks in the game, which might result in that the game feels "unplayable", but personally i dont think that 32 players is shitty. Out of my 450 rounds (or something around there at least) of Killzone 2, i would guess that something around 80% - 90% of these rounds are 32 players matches. I still enjoy the game, and i still think it is pretty fun :)

FFObsessed said:
So what's everyone's online score looking like? The highest person on my friends list is Lince with around 50,600 points. I have 47,000 points. What about everyone else? Does anyone have higher than Lince? :D
I have over 200,000 points, my username is K1LLIONAIRE. Hehe just kidding, i have something like 21,000 points :) How is it possible to get that many points that K1LLIONAIRE (or how you spell his nick) has by the way? Playing alot of Body Count?


RavenFox said:
Great game last night. Got a score of 270 and made 2nd place. Just 5 points from first lol.
Anyway whats up Gaf East 2? No clan matches anymore? All me and ol painless play are 32player matches. She needs blood to lube her barrels.:lol
Hmm? I thought GAFW/E/E2 etc clans were scrapped long ago and consolidated into GAFA? That'd be the reason for having no clan matches..


raYne said:
Hmm? I thought GAFW/E/E2 etc clans were scrapped long ago and consolidated into GAFA? That'd be the reason for having no clan matches..
Wha? Damn someone could have posted a message online in clan messages. So did messages go out to sign up to that new clan?


test_account said:
It doesnt just sounds awesome, it is awesome! :D ;) Hehe. Seriously though, i dont mind that people dont like 32 players matches, and i understand why they dont like it, since it can be many cluster fucks in the game, which might result in that the game feels "unplayable", but personally i dont think that 32 players is shitty. Out of my 450 rounds (or something around there at least) of Killzone 2, i would guess that something around 80% - 90% of these rounds are 32 players matches. I still enjoy the game, and i still think it is pretty fun :)

I have over 200,000 points, my username is K1LLIONAIRE. Hehe just kidding, i have something like 21,000 points :) How is it possible to get that many points that K1LLIONAIRE (or how you spell his nick) has by the way? Playing alot of Body Count?

He has literally ONLY played Bodycount, it's really weird. Can't believe he's not bored. 400+ hours I think.


FFObsessed said:
So what's everyone's online score looking like? The highest person on my friends list is Lince with around 50,600 points. I have 47,000 points. What about everyone else? Does anyone have higher than Lince? :D

jeez, you guys are crazy :p I have 21,157.

About the cluster complaints on 32, yes it gets a bit crazy in s&d but doesn't it feel awesome when you defend it for the whole round? Or when you get that final plant with a few seconds left and your team keeps them away long enough for it to go boom? idk maybe i just like playing with more ppl (i never play the smaller maps in warhawk or CS unless its a match :p)


I really do not mind 32 player matches, as long as the rocket launcher/grenade launcher is disabled. Without the RL/GL its pretty comfortable on the larger maps, although I still would like spawn proximity limits to the goals.

Seldom do I ever get lag, but I guess I only play in my region.

I would imagine GG will continue to keep tweaking the game, and make things better as time goes on.

Rolf NB

JudgeN said:
I have never seen someone so upset before like he invested stock in GG, do yourself a favor and trade in your game and go on with your life. Its been about 20 pages of nothing but you flaming GG and Killzone 2 like there no tomorrow. The online sucks, we get it.
You shut the fuck up. I want to keep playing with Lince, he's awesome, and he's probably online playing more than your entire city combined.


RavenFox said:
Wha? Damn someone could have posted a message online in clan messages. So did messages go out to sign up to that new clan?
Not individual messages, no. It was just brought up in the thread many times and people simply asked to be invited into the new one.


bcn-ron said:
You shut the fuck up. I want to keep playing with Lince, he's awesome, and he's probably online playing more than your entire city combined.

He can play but we sure as fuck don't need another 20 pages of constant bitching, he's made his points and people agree LET THAT SHIT GO. Now its gotten to the point were he's insulting the developers, it just isn't necessary.


FFObsessed said:
He has literally ONLY played Bodycount, it's really weird. Can't believe he's not bored. 400+ hours I think.
Ah ok. Ye, i wonder how some peole can play for so long. Killzone 2 has been out for about 51 days today i think? If he had played for 400 hours (or perhaps even more), that is an average playtime of about 7.8 hours every day for 51 days in a row. That is alot of playtime indeed :)

icechai said:
About the cluster complaints on 32, yes it gets a bit crazy in s&d but doesn't it feel awesome when you defend it for the whole round? Or when you get that final plant with a few seconds left and your team keeps them away long enough for it to go boom? idk maybe i just like playing with more ppl (i never play the smaller maps in warhawk or CS unless its a match :p)
Ye, i agree, i think those situations that you mention about S&D are pretty cool :) And about getting to plant the bomb when there is only a few seconds left, that can be so annyoing when it happends to your team hehe. If you have defended the area for like 20 minutes or so, and then the enemy manages to plant the bombs and blow up the target when there are only a few seconds left as you say, then i sometimes says something like "argh.. is it possible?" hehe :)

tfur said:
I really do not mind 32 player matches, as long as the rocket launcher/grenade launcher is disabled. Without the RL/GL its pretty comfortable on the larger maps, although I still would like spawn proximity limits to the goals.

Seldom do I ever get lag, but I guess I only play in my region.

I would imagine GG will continue to keep tweaking the game, and make things better as time goes on.
Ye, i also think that GG will contunie to keep tweaking the game indeed :) I am wondering what the new patch will fix.


FFObsessed said:
Just checked test_account and he's actually played for 367 hours. The guy with the most has 457 hours. o_O
Ah ok, thanks for checking :) Then it is about 7.1 hours of play time in average every day for 51 days in a row, which i think is still alot of hours :)

457 hours is about 8.9 hours of play time in average every day for 51 days in a row. Is it possible to play this much? This is more than a full time job (8 hours each day, but then u usually have free on Saturday and Sunday). Maybe this guy have hosted some games and just let his PS3 run for many days in a row or so without playing all the time himself. But it is still alot of hours, no doubt about that :)

I have about 120 hours of playtime by the way =)


test_account said:
Ah ok, thanks for checking :) Then it is about 7.1 hours of play time in average every day for 51 days in a row, which i think is still alot of hours :)

457 hours is about 8.9 hours of play time in average every day for 51 days in a row. Is it possible to play this much? This is more than a full time job (8 hours each day, but then u usually have free on Saturday and Sunday). Maybe this guy have hosted some games and just let his PS3 run for many days in a row or so without playing all the time himself. But it is still alot of hours, no doubt about that :)

I have about 120 hours of playtime by the way =)

My assumption is that it's a shared system. Probably in some dorm room where everyone plays.
I love Killzone 2. I was playing R2 last night, some competitive, but then I hopped onto co-op which is lot's of fun.

I went back to Killzone 2 online, and it's just a lot more fun for me. Don't get me wrong ,R2 is amazing, but mainly for the co-op which I still love playing.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
I think it's great that people play KZ2 so much.

My KZ2 love seems to be waning a bit. I tried to play last night, and I did have a good game or 2, but EVERY other game had ridiculously unbalanced teams. This problem seems to be increasing in frequency. Since I received my sanwa buttons, maybe it's time to return to SF4 for a bit.


commish said:
My KZ2 love seems to be waning a bit. I tried to play last night, and I did have a good game or 2, but EVERY other game had ridiculously unbalanced teams. This problem seems to be increasing in frequency. Since I received my sanwa buttons, maybe it's time to return to SF4 for a bit.

Actually I think it's time for GAFA to enter a ton of matches. We usually have 5 or 6 people playing nightly so it should not be that difficult. It would be great to play in some clan matches.


Yep, play clan games together. There are lots of 4 v 4's and such. Enter a few free ones to get going and work on some tactics. They're fun, when they're not unbearably laggy.
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