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Lince said:
new glitches:

in Tharsis Depot, a clan was placing turrets UNDER THE FLOOR near the ISA S&D objective, only a tiny part of the turret was visible and the thing was getting head shots like crazy, amazing.
This isn't an intentional glitch. I had it happen to one of my turrets once by accident. I don't think it leads to more headshots due to better aim, it's just that people don't see it at first because it's not as obvious as ground-level turrets, so it gets more shots in. You can still destroy it.

Two nights ago, though, I did see some intentional glitching on Tharsis. The ISA team had placed a couple turrets on top of the piping above the ISA spawn. The position wasn't really all that helpful to them, but they obviously had to glitch to get up there.
What about the issue where the "chat" volume is reset every time you enter a new game online? Seems like no one is addressing this, but its pretty annoying that I have to turn down the volume every time I join a new game.

am I the only one with this problem?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheFatOne said:
Actually I think it's time for GAFA to enter a ton of matches. We usually have 5 or 6 people playing nightly so it should not be that difficult. It would be great to play in some clan matches.

I'd LOVE it if this were the case. I don't care if it's 4 on 4, 3 on 3, or whatever. We just need someone to step up and be a leader and organize this shit.


Made it to the cruiser level last night, inching slowly towards that Elite Trophy. Feel like Solid Snake in his stroll down "microwave lane". Jesus...


Got network code error'd out of two potential 400+ point games tonight.

I think I'm officially done with long games, as fun as they can be, getting that error screen is goddam heartbreaking.


FFObsessed said:
I hope he stays properly hydrated!
Hehe, indeed :)

Core407 said:
My assumption is that it's a shared system. Probably in some dorm room where everyone plays.
Ah yes, i didnt think of that. Being a shared system might be a possibility indeed :)

tiddles said:
The Killionaire guy started a thread on the official forums... the responses to him were, er, "mixed" :D
What did people say to him?

icechai said:
wow so much hate there, let the guy be if thats how he likes to enjoy his life
People hated on K1LLIONARE just because he plays much Killzone 2? If yes, why do people do that? :( As you say, people should be allowed to enjoy their life like they want (as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else) :)

FFObsessed said:
My PS3 froze while leaving a game and my Save Data corrupted.

Thanks for only allowing us one save game ffs.
I am sorry to hear that this happend! :( But since the stats are on the Killzone 2 servers (also the single player stats if you have uploaded them), isnt it possible somehow to download them localy if the savefile gets corrupted? If it isnt, then i think this could be something that could be added as a feature in Killzone 2 in the next patch or so :)

Trevelyon said:
Got network code error'd out of two potential 400+ point games tonight.

I think I'm officially done with long games, as fun as they can be, getting that error screen is goddam heartbreaking.
It sucks indeed when things like this happends, i am sorry to hear that this happend! :( When things like this happends, then i wish it was possible to still receive the points that you had gotten before the disconnection(s) happend.


test_account said:
then i wish it was possible to still receive the points that you had gotten before the disconnection(s) happend.

Yeah, kinda wish you'd still receive at least the points you had the time the game was dropped, never mind the multiplier. Obviously it wouldn't apply to those intentionally opting out of games.


FFObsessed said:
My PS3 froze while leaving a game and my Save Data corrupted.

Thanks for only allowing us one save game ffs.

A freeze during an online game can cause the single player data to be corrupted? Not good. Network-related freezes are not uncommon.


Trevelyon said:
Yeah, kinda wish you'd still receive at least the points you had the time the game was dropped, never mind the multiplier. Obviously it wouldn't apply to those intentionally opting out of games.
Indeed :) Or else people might have quit more often in the midle of the game if they still got their points, but i dont know if that would have happend much or not, i am just guessing :)

womfalcs3 said:
A freeze during an online game can cause the single player data to be corrupted? Not good. Network-related freezes are not uncommon.
I think that the single player and multi player shares the same savegame, so if anything happends to the savegame, it then affects both the single player and the multi player parts :(

But i dont know how big of a chance it is for the savegame to get corrupted if the game freezes online. I think that my PS3 has freezed about 4-5 times while i played Killzone 2 online, but my save game is still working good as far as i can tell at least. It seems that FFObsessed was pretty unlucky when his savegame file got corrupted :(


don't ask me for codes
Got a 500+ pt game today. It sure was a rocket fest. And I actually saw someone get banned! No idea for what though. Friendly Fire was off.


Tempy said:
Got a 500+ pt game today. It sure was a rocket fest. And I actually saw someone get banned! No idea for what though. Friendly Fire was off.
Wow, i think that is the most points i have heard that someone have got in one round, nice! :) Congratulations on getting this much points in one round! :)

What does it say when people are banned by the way? I dont think i have seen that myself.


don't ask me for codes
test_account said:
Wow, i think that is the most points i have heard that someone have got in one round, nice! :) Congratulations on getting this much points in one round! :)

What does it say when people are banned by the way? I dont think i have seen that myself.

Well, I've seen people with over 600 pts.

I think it was something "xxx has been banned!" plus something else.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Trevelyon said:
Yeah, kinda wish you'd still receive at least the points you had the time the game was dropped, never mind the multiplier. Obviously it wouldn't apply to those intentionally opting out of games.

I'm pretty sure you DO get the points you earned before it crashed. When you try to rejoin the game, it says "you already have stats for this game" or something like that. If the game knows that, then I assume it can/did upload what it knows. Else, how else would i know I was just in the game?


Ah, yeah. Just logged back in to check my daily stats, it would appear I got those points at least sans the multiplier.

Urge to kill fading.....


You guys are crazy. My highest game was probably in the high hundreds like 180 or some shit. My mind was blown at the time, like almost 200!! HOLY SHIT! :lol


Trevelyon said:
Ah, yeah. Just logged back in to check my daily stats, it would appear I got those points at least sans the multiplier.

Urge to kill fading.....
I think it saves the kills/deaths stats, but not the point total..


Tempy said:
Well, I've seen people with over 600 pts.
Wow, over 600 points? o_O That is the highest that i have heard of. I have gotten like 435 points myself, but that is the most that i have gotten, at least from what i can remember.

Tempy said:
I think it was something "xxx has been banned!" plus something else.
Ah ok. Thanks for the info :)

commish said:
I'm pretty sure you DO get the points you earned before it crashed. When you try to rejoin the game, it says "you already have stats for this game" or something like that. If the game knows that, then I assume it can/did upload what it knows. Else, how else would i know I was just in the game?
Trevelyon said:
Ah, yeah. Just logged back in to check my daily stats, it would appear I got those points at least sans the multiplier.

Urge to kill fading.....
Oh, so you get the mission points added to your stats if you get disconnected, or is it just the kill/death stats that gets added that 'careful' mentioned?

careful said:
You guys are crazy. My highest game was probably in the high hundreds like 180 or some shit. My mind was blown at the time, like almost 200!! HOLY SHIT! :lol
I think that about 180 points is still a good score though :) It also depends on how long the game/round is running. It is a bigger chance to get a higher score in those games who lasts like something around 1 hour or so. When i got 435 points, that was in a round that lasted for something like 1 hour or so.
Tempy said:
I think it was something "xxx has been banned!" plus something else.
Speaking of which, I encountered a player some time back who glitched out of Blood Gracht during Bodycount. I filed a grief report in-game, but they have never been banned. I still have a link to the game replay showing them glitching. Tempy, who can I contact to pursue this matter? The total lack of consequences for cheating in this case is extremely poor form.
FFObsessed said:
My PS3 froze while leaving a game and my Save Data corrupted.

Thanks for only allowing us one save game ffs.

What does ffs mean? The one save was the main reason why I wanted to finish the game on Elite before going online, it's bullshit, I always like backing up my save just in case shit like this happens.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
AranhaHunter said:
What does ffs mean? The one save was the main reason why I wanted to finish the game on Elite before going online, it's bullshit, I always like backing up my save just in case shit like this happens.

for fucks sake


I was playing Killzone 2 last weekend with a friend and my ps3 froze towards the end of the online match. Sure that doesn't sound too bad but what fucking pissed me off was I was number 1 in the server with 75 points, the guy behind me had like 55!!! Sure 75 aint spectacular for some but that was the best I have or will ever do! And I didn't get the fucking points for it!!! What sucks is that is the ONLY time KZ2 froze for me. What a fuckin time to freeze. Never again has it frozen on me!!


600, that's it? Kinda low. I saw a guy with 750+ the other night, haha. I hate to loose those long games because people don't understand how to do things >;[, I had a 300+ game, but no bonus made me a sad panda. [ no rockets, mind you all ;P]


1 million sold worldwide ;
Killzone 2 Eclipses 1 Million Sold (PS3)

Sony is quite pleased with the game's success and believes it will drive further hardware adoption. SCEA also said it's seeing internal sales momentum for PS2 since the price cut.

Following the revelation that Killzone 2 became the fastest SCEA title on PS3 to reach 500K sold, Sony today revealed that the critically acclaimed first-person shooter from Guerilla Games has sold over one million copies worldwide. The company pointed to the game as another example of an "only on PlayStation experience," and noted that it will "continue to drive incentive for hardware sales throughout the year."

SCEA boasted that "approximately 1 in every 3 PS3 titles achieve Metacritic scores of 80 or higher, which affirms PlayStation's proven track record in delivering rich and relevant entertainment content."

Although Sony is confident in its PS3 lineup for 2009, the company also continues to support the PS2. Today, the company stated that since the PS2 price drop, it's seen "positive internal sales momentum" for the nine-year-old console.


commish said:
I'd LOVE it if this were the case. I don't care if it's 4 on 4, 3 on 3, or whatever. We just need someone to step up and be a leader and organize this shit.

I don't mind setting everything up. If Kittonwy lets me become an officer than I can set up some nightly clan games. I can usually play every night except for Friday nights.
That PR makes no sense since months ago they were claiming 1M pre-orders across Europe itself. Aside from the fact that sales in Europe should have at least matched North America's 600k. Oh well.


Cheers for the tip, i'll prolly stay away from MP till they fix this corrupt save shit. That is not good.

Also, earlier I tried searching for a 16p game in my region (uk) with my rank only (no idea what rank I am, haven't put that much time into it) but was shocked to see one room with a 4p game going... thats it one room? Is no one playing this online or something?

I've had sound completely drop out of a MP game momentarily as well a handful of times (never happened before on any other game) and other times where the audio gets really distorted/crackly.

Also having difficulty joining friends in games where the game refuses to detect that they're online (even though they are)

Overall i've enjoyed MP a fair bit but the experience has been a bit shaky... when it works it's fine but the above are some of things i've experienced with just casual play. Mostly posting this shit for Guerilla's sake.


Pallaris said:
Also, earlier I tried searching for a 16p game in my region (uk) with my rank only (no idea what rank I am, haven't put that much time into it) but was shocked to see one room with a 4p game going... thats it one room? Is no one playing this online or something?
You cant see a game on the list if it is full ... They only visible if they have open slots ...

1 million sold worldwide and GG still working on paid DLCs :/ ... GG needs to fix that litlle issues ASAP ...


over 1 million sold worldwide :p

Oh and Lince wanted me to mention that he and I went 21 rounds unbeaten tonight across 3 games and that we are kings :lol

Almost 52,000 points he has and I 48,500. No one else higher?

*crowns Lince GAF King of KZ2*


test_account said:
it seems that FFObsessed was pretty unlucky when his savegame file got corrupted :(

if you look a few pages back the same thing happened to me last week, network error -> corrupted save file. I've already got Platinum though so not big deal but still it should be fixed, and add an option for languages somewhere, you have to actually delete your save file if you want to experience the game in other language... how dumb is that?

FFObsessed said:
Oh and Lince wanted me to mention that he and I went 21 rounds unbeaten tonight across 3 games and that we are kings

such a glorious and fun night, bow to you King Dragan.


FFObsessed said:
over 1 million sold worldwide :p

Oh and Lince wanted me to mention that he and I went 21 rounds unbeaten tonight across 3 games and that we are kings :lol

Almost 52,000 points he has and I 48,500. No one else higher?

*crowns Lince GAF King of KZ2*

You guys'd better put that skills on good use in tourney matches >:[


FFObsessed said:
Oh and Lince wanted me to mention that he and I went 21 rounds unbeaten tonight across 3 games and that we are kings :lol

Almost 52,000 points he has and I 48,500. No one else higher?

*crowns Lince GAF King of KZ2*

I was there for a couple of round then my connec fucked up -_- Was fun getting my ass wiped by your shotgun and then kicking some asses at your side :lol My psn id was Doraku.


bish gets all the credit :)
I've been kicked off the network and have had the screen stall for ~30 seconds. Luckily it corrected itself.
I got slaughtered earlier today, was playing on a small map, about 15 or 16 people and at first it was even 7vs8 or 8vs8 and then all of a sudden I started dying a lot, I went to check and there was only me and another guy against 9 other players (I guess someone joined them), I should've just quit right there but I stupidly and stubbornly decided to stay, bad decision, ended up with 5K, 20D :/ Never again.


Drac said:
I was there for a couple of round then my connec fucked up -_- Was fun getting my ass wiped by your shotgun and then kicking some asses at your side :lol My psn id was Doraku.

Oh the Saboteur! You were pretty good! Hello!


TheFatOne said:
I don't mind setting everything up. If Kittonwy lets me become an officer than I can set up some nightly clan games. I can usually play every night except for Friday nights.

he can take my spot if there's limited officer amount, i like playing but hate setting things up :p Also I think I play the least out of all officers (every other day ish).

What is the maximum amount of officers in a clan?


I really need to get back on KZ. Whenever I hear about DLC I instinctively stop playing the game until it comes out. Its like a disease.


aka andydumi
I got a few more badges today. SPot and mark is awesome in conjunction with sniper. One of these days I will go to the single player too. I cant believe I have not touched it yet. And I just got Valkyria Chronicles and I got my LBP back from my friend and need to get that Platinum...

Man too many good games.


been having fun with GAFFers. but my sofa is so insanely uncomfortable that I have to take a short break... my neck is killing me...


.GqueB. said:
No sorry Im too busy having sex with my supermodel girlfriend.

It's a trap.
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