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Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
bovo said:
That's (partly) because you were playing on a server with team balance switched off, and every time you started winning, everyone switched sides!

The last game i played was 12 versus 5, and the five only had two GAFe members, one of which was me and I can't shoot straight :lol

That happens ALL the time now, especially after a couple of ppl do well the previous round. Everyone jumps on their team the next map, and before you know it, it's 12-5. It's so annoying.


icechai said:
gonna take GAFe's tip and start entering free tournaments so no pressure to make it, pretty cool system (i just started getting into it).

Not sure how they would show it better but there is some awesome clan tools that probably get overlooked real fast

"Oh, new shiny!" effect. Once you'll have spent a couple of hours searching for tourneys, you'll see the flaws.

Let me make a recap:

- Tourneys that are full, or already started, are displayed. We don't really give a F about these ones since we can't join 'em. Except if they expected us to spectate random tournaments. At least make a filter for full/ongoing tourneys (and a search option would be gladly welcomed. Even a simple one, with basic infos such as map or player limit, would be extremely useful)

- Lack of settings infos in the tourney page. Mission settings, FF anyone? Having to join a tournament to see that it has 15min long C&H is extremely annoying

- No infos on the ladder. I mean, when you create a tournament, you set the times for all the rounds. So why is it not displayed in the ladder page? We don't need to know who are the qual'd clans to know what times have originally been set. Suscribing to multiple tournaments because of this is a pain, because you might end up with tourneys with overlapping rounds. So far we've managed to avoid it most of the time, but that's because we're awesome.

I think these are minor and easy things to implement, so I don't get why it hasn't been done yet.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
I've received hate mail :lol

The whole nation of Italy targets Cagen, every time he kills an Italian it's just "Cagen, sei un pezzo di merda, bastardo. Vaffanculo!"

I love hearing people's voices in game talking about me.... "Where's tigerheli?", "I think tigerheli's down there, I'm going around", or "Tigerheli and his fucking C4". I haven't received any hate mails, though, but I have received a couple clan invites/tryout invites.

As for the autobalance, I know we all want to play on the same time, for strategy's sake and to become a better team, but what people seem to not realize is that playing 11 on 5 just means that the opposing team gets camped in their spawn the entire match. Sure, GAF may all be on the same team, but what on earth are we learning, except out to shoot someone as they spawn?

This is why I want a freaking party system, along with autobalance. It's becoming maddening. I seriously can't believe GG said, "No, let's not have a party system. Our game is better without it." /boggle. Unless they didn't say that, and just didn't even consider it? I don't know what's worse. When's call of duty: MW 2 coming out again?

I know these complaints have been tossed around for 2 months now. But I just don't understand game developers... do they not play their own games? Making a gameplay choice like spawn grenade spam is one thing, but leaving out basic features that, if included, would make people's game experience better from the jump, is just silly. But hey, I'm a lawyer, not a game developer, what do I know.

WHY AREN'T WE ALLOWED TO SEE THE DETAILS OF A SERVER BEFORE WE JOIN. Why? I mean, that's a pretty basic feature. And it impacts the enjoyment of the game so much, e.g., no rocket spam.


bcn-ron said:
Yeah, that complete base clampdown on Helghan Industries was brutal. I've never switched classes so many times within a match but nothing ever worked against the incoming tides. Well, two or three acceptable long-range grenade throws, but that didn't change anything either.

I like autobalancing. I don't understand what's wrong about playing on opposing teams. As long as we're playing in the same game, we're still having fun together, right?

The reason is if we're trying to win tournaments/clan challenges, it's more than just winning bodycount (which we're already pretty good at), we have to be able to work together as a team, and that doesn't happen if people from the same clan are on opposing factions because for things like search and retrieve and capture and hold you need to have an idea of where your clanmates are going to be and what they're doing, tacticians need to practice getting the spawn points in the right spots and maintaining them, when you have more than one tactician they need to get used to playing with each other, it's fun to just dick around but we'll get crushed in a clan challenge if we're not organized, that's all. There's a huge difference when one team is well organized and the other isn't, because on some maps a couple of well-placed spawn points and a few organized squads can keep the opposing side completely contained. The problem with autobalancing is it makes it hard for all of us to practice working together because we're on separate factions.


Kittonwy- What do you think about doing a clan match against GAFE tonight? Maybe 11 PM EST? Or someone really? Someone just tell me when it is before I leave work today in 5 1/2 hours and I'll be there.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kittonwy said:
The reason is if we're trying to win tournaments/clan challenges, it's more than just winning bodycount (which we're already pretty good at), we have to be able to work together as a team, and that doesn't happen if people from the same clan are on opposing factions because for things like search and retrieve and capture and hold you need to have an idea of where your clanmates are going to be and what they're doing, tacticians need to practice getting the spawn points in the right spots and maintaining them, when you have more than one tactician they need to get used to playing with each other, it's fun to just dick around but we'll get crushed in a clan challenge if we're not organized, that's all. There's a huge difference when one team is well organized and the other isn't, because on some maps a couple of well-placed spawn points and a few organized squads can keep the opposing side completely contained. The problem with autobalancing is it makes it hard for all of us to practice working together because we're on separate factions.

But playing 11 on 5 DOES help gaf work as a team? There's no strategy involved whatsoever. I completely understand your point, and I 100% agree with you, but remaining unbalanced hardly simulates a competitive atmosphere. The best way to learn to work together is to play a ton of clan matches, learn from our losses, and then adapt. We can sprinkle in some practices (and/or scrimmage ourselves) and the like. It's pretty much impossible to get the right setup on public servers to do any good, at least until GG decides to implement a party system. COD4 did it pretty well. They can just copy that system.

Organization is the key, you are right. Let's get organized! We should list out the members of gafa and what class they prefer to play/are best at, so we have an idea. We should have regularly scheduled practices/scrimmages, so people know ahead of time that every wednesday at 10 pm, there will be a practice. Maybe we can have a gaf server up nightly with the settings we prefer... as it is now, when I go on at night, I'll see 10 GAFA on, but in 6 different games. We should all be together. Holding hands. Shooting people in the face.


Tempy said:
It's not the only patch planned. Some bugs and issues (...and features) have been split into multiple patches, rather than waiting ages for all of them to be done.

I think some of the patches will appease the hordes. Somewhat.
Good to know. But tell Seb to try to be a bit more specific with the list of stuff that's gonna be included in future patches rather than tease us with a long list of common complaints that you guys are "looking at" and "might" fix. :)




A lot of tech talk here



Have a fun! Enjoy!
New ranks and stuff

Hi guys,

here’s the patch notes being released now. Once this patch is live we will start on the next, even bigger patch. We’ve got some good stuff still coming for you guys. We’ll talk a little more about these changes next week on www.killzone.com .

Have a nice weekend.


On April 22nd at 8AM GMT, Guerrilla Games will release the next game update to their hit First Person Shooter Killzone 2, exclusive for the Playstation3.

The primary main aim of patch 1.24 is to enable the released versions of the game to play with Japanese release due on the 23rd of April 2009.

It also enables support for the first DLC pack – “Steel and Titanium” available on the Playstation®Store from the 30th of April 2009 and we have added three additional ranks to the top-end of the rankings known as ‘Hardcore ranks’.

There are also some minor improvements on finding and joining friends and clan member, but we will continue to improve on the system with the next update.

The patch is 57MB large and a full list of fixes and feature updates are below:

AI - Bots now skipping disabled/destroyed MGs in warzone when requesting mounted guns.

AI - Do not claim waypoints for the previous character when it’s dead.

AI - Fixes bots getting stuck trying to arm/disarm S&D object when mission is already over.

Campaign - Fix for potential progression bug in Salamun Bridge.

Clan - User name, not users clan displayed in rankings

Clan - Winning 10 Clan Challenges causes the user to become stuck on the medal awards screen.

Controls - Lean & Peak - Zoom hold on and out of ammo it switches between regular/scope view rapidly.

Cosmetic - Blue screen tint which indicates scout cloak is occasionally enabled and will remain indefinitely.

Cosmetic - White squares on the grenade counter merge together when displayed in 1080p

Create Game - "Badge Combination" option does not work properly

Create Game - Online - "clan only" presets apply even after a player leaves a clan

DLC - DLC pack 1 - ’Steel & Titanium’ support DLC - New Loading screens advertising the first DLC pack.

Exploit - Helghan Industries - Player getting out of map fix.

Exploit - Radec Academy - User is able to gain access to the roof when revived in a specific location.

Exploit - Reviving player stuck in wall collision can result in him spawning outside level

Exploit - Salamun Market - One sided wall allows people to be seen and shot from outside where they cant see or fire out

Exploit - Tharsis Depot - Player can get out of the "normal" play area and can get into some sniper/camp spots

Feature - Invite player from friendslist Feature - Join Clan Member list added.

Feature - Join Game - 17-24 players filter.

Feature - MP - Moving while seeing scores after pressing SELECT

Feature - The radar/map now has a larger radius

Feature - Three additional ’Harcore’ Ranks added to the top limits.

Front-end - Add support to display more than 8 maps when creating a game /challenge/tournament

Front-end - Sorting ascending and decending ranks working better in ’Rankings’

Front-end - When in a squad, the Valor Trophy is visible in the Squad Tab, however the users rank is not being displayed on top of it.

Mods - Official tournament to be displayed first followed by custom created tournaments

Mods - Additional functionality made avalable to the in-game moderators.

Network - Server side fix for full games being displayed incorrectly.

Network - User is unable to use the ’Join Clan Member’ tab due to Network Error Code 20002.

Online - File-synching with the Japanese release of Killzone 2 on the 23rd of April.

Sound - Turret placing sound continues when killed.

Stability - Crash when synching gamestate after a full mapcycle

Stability - Hang on a screen with a blank message window just before a message appears.

Stability - Reducing the load on the server related to syncing the buddylist

Stats - If a clan wins 24 Clan Challenges and goes to the result screen, the medal acquisition screen, which normally displays when you win 25 games, will display.

Stats - Number of air-support grenades used by tacticians does not add to the stats of joined user correctly.

Stats - Number of spawn-grenades used by tacticians does not add to the stats of joined user correctly.

Stats - User sometimes does not receive 1000 valor award when winning 10 Clan Challenges.

Text - % character not displayed correctly on the creating game dialogue box after selecting to create game.

Text - If a client receives an invite from a clan which has a ’$’ character in the clan name, the recipient will get kicked

Text - Minor Italian localization fix.

Text - Minor Japanese localization fix.

Tournament - Game decides winner if one of the two teams doesn’t spawn in

Trophies - Fix for Wargod trophy unlocking pre-maturely

We are continuing to improve the game with updates to existing content and adding new features. Work on the next patch has begun and we will continue to support this game. If you have any questions regarding the patches or have problems with Killzone 2, please visit www.killzone.com for further help.


Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games


Wow 3 "Hardcore Ranks"?

Will I achieve those automatically tho? :p

I want a "GOD RANK" at 100,000 points plz ;D

edit: whole list is awesome and they're already working on next patch, god bless them.


Pretty good patch. Lot of good fixes in there. The main thing that I'm wanting is just to see more options for each room in the search results. And obviously a party system. But good update with some requested features in there.


Lots of fixes, but I was hoping to hear something about spawn points or assault balancing.. at least an acknowledgment that fixes are coming for them.

Invite player is nice, hopefully it also reserves the spots.


Fixing the map exploits was priority for me so it is nice to see they are half way there with them but other than that they haven't even acknowledged, let alone addressed the issues I have with the game.

Instead of addressing potentially game breaking issues they add more ranks and the ability to search for a different amount of people in warzone, at least they are giving the idiots on the official forums what they want - bar jet packs and lazers I guess, sigh.


was hoping for a new server browsing front end so we can see FRIENDLY FIRE + AUTO BALANCE GAMES!!! oh well i'm not complaining with what they're patching :p

Rolf NB

Random suggestion/wish/fix this shit Guerilla:

For S&D only, scale the length of spawn invincibility proportionally to distance between spawn point and (closest) target. Spawn 20m away? Maximum/default time. Spawn 10m away? Half. On top of it? No invicibility.

Advantage: addresses specific common complaint of horde (c.f. "clusterfuck") without changing fundamental game mechanic nor requiring asset work nor affecting any legitimate play-styles. Just take the lengths of the vectors between spawn point and the two S&D targets, select the shorter of the two, and modify the timer accordingly, done.

Also please make the shiny rim effect on respawn longer/long enough so that it reflects the actual time of invincibility.

That'd be all. Thanks for your cooperation.


bcn-ron said:
Random suggestion/wish/fix this shit Guerilla:

For S&D only, scale the length of spawn invincibility proportionally to distance between spawn point and (closest) target. Spawn 20m away? Maximum/default time. Spawn 10m away? Half. On top of it? No invicibility.

Advantage: addresses specific common complaint of horde (c.f. "clusterfuck") without changing fundamental game mechanic nor requiring asset work nor affecting any legitimate play-styles. Just take the lengths of the vectors between spawn point and the two S&D targets, select the shorter of the two, and modify the timer accordingly, done.

Also please make the shiny rim effect on respawn longer/long enough so that it reflects the actual time of invincibility.

That'd be all. Thanks for your cooperation.

That's a great idea, I like it.

And, if they added 1 second or so of "ghost" of someone about to spawn (allowing spawn campers to prepare), this would lend itself to more tactically placed tactician spawns.


The support for this game that GG is showing has gotta be commended. They really are trying to be on point with player feedback and trying to take care of problems.


Nice update! Are the new maps included in this patch for free? or thats separate?

Can't wait for the bigger patch. Hopefully they include some new game modes.

I want to compliment GG on their relentless efforts on supporting this game after release and listening to the community as much as possible. Bravo! Go buy this game if you have not yet to support them!


Facism said:
Sorry Tempy, no. I merely submitted Grief Reports on Cheating and Glitching. I'll keep an eye out if it happens again, submit reports and take names. I assume a post on the official forums would be the best course of action to report future issues?
I don't think what you experienced was an exploit, but a flaw in the aim-assist. What happens is, you'll be shooting someone as they're evading, and when they drop down to a lower level, there is a strong lock-on that stays on them, but undesirably tends to lock onto their legs or feet, even though you're resisting it and trying to stay pointed at their torso or head.


vicktormerv said:
600, that's it? Kinda low. I saw a guy with 750+ the other night, haha. I hate to loose those long games because people don't understand how to do things >;[, I had a 300+ game, but no bonus made me a sad panda. [ no rockets, mind you all ;P]
Wow, 750+ points? How is that possible? How long did that game/round lasted?

Lince said:
if you look a few pages back the same thing happened to me last week, network error -> corrupted save file. I've already got Platinum though so not big deal but still it should be fixed, and add an option for languages somewhere, you have to actually delete your save file if you want to experience the game in other language... how dumb is that?
Ah yes, now that you mention it, i think i remember that this happend to you too :( I am sorry to hear that it happend to you too! :( Maybe it is a more common problem that i think that the Killzone 2 save game can be corrupted?

About having to delete the save file to be able to change your language, i agree that this is wierd indeed. I tried to change the XMB/system language on my PS3 to see if that changed the language in Killzone 2 as well, but it didnt. The language in for example Resistance 2 is changed automaticly to the same language that the XMB/system language is in (maybe not every language works though, but i tested with a few and all of those worked :)).

I dont know why Guerilla Games didnt include a language changer in the option menu in the game. Maybe it is just something that they didnt really think about. I cant imagine that it would be too hard to have such an option at least. But ye, it is abit wierd that you have to delete your save game to be able to change the language in Killzone 2. It is not exactly a smart way to have to delete the Killzone 2 savegame to be able to change the language in the game, even if Guerilla Games intented it to be this way or not, i agree :)


cakefoo said:
I don't think what you experienced was an exploit, but a flaw in the aim-assist. What happens is, you'll be shooting someone as they're evading, and when they drop down to a lower level, there is a strong lock-on that stays on them, but undesirably tends to lock onto their legs or feet, even though you're resisting it and trying to stay pointed at their torso or head.

Both on equal ground, nowhere to go but left or right. Everytime i aimed at these guys, my crosshairs got pushed away and downward from their body-mass. Like 2 magnets pushing each other away.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
test_account said:
Wow, 750+ points? How is that possible? How long did that game/round lasted?

I top 500 all the time now in games with 30 minute rounds on the Radec Academy map (or other small, cq map), and I'm definitely not the best player in the world. You can get a ton of points in S&D and C&H. With a headshot giving, assuming you win, 6 points (1 for headshot, 3 for kill within the zone area, 1.5 multiplier for the win), you can see how quickly it can add up. Against bad players, they'll just mosey through the doorways without much care, and you can just mowwwww them down.


commish said:
But playing 11 on 5 DOES help gaf work as a team? There's no strategy involved whatsoever. I completely understand your point, and I 100% agree with you, but remaining unbalanced hardly simulates a competitive atmosphere. The best way to learn to work together is to play a ton of clan matches, learn from our losses, and then adapt. We can sprinkle in some practices (and/or scrimmage ourselves) and the like. It's pretty much impossible to get the right setup on public servers to do any good, at least until GG decides to implement a party system. COD4 did it pretty well. They can just copy that system.

Organization is the key, you are right. Let's get organized! We should list out the members of gafa and what class they prefer to play/are best at, so we have an idea. We should have regularly scheduled practices/scrimmages, so people know ahead of time that every wednesday at 10 pm, there will be a practice. Maybe we can have a gaf server up nightly with the settings we prefer... as it is now, when I go on at night, I'll see 10 GAFA on, but in 6 different games. We should all be together. Holding hands. Shooting people in the face.

Most of the time it's not 11 on 5 though. With autobalancing off you can still even the team out if you choose to, if the factions are totally uneven, but with autobalancing on, there's no choice when you're in a crowded game to keep the clan together, so we often end up playing on opposite sides with stupid non-gaf motherfuckers on our teams, if we get enough people to have a couple of squads going on the same side, that's going to help us when we play in bigger games against other clans.
any word on beefing up the air sentry bots a bit? These fucking things are useless i've gotten like 12 kills with then in over 70 hours :lol also a turret can take them out in like 1 shot when they arrive if they aren't being shot at by players and moving around, they need to tune down the speed that those things shoot rockets.


Rapping Granny said:
Sweet new ranks, and the ability to invite a player is also good, this also means a party system in the next patch :D

Ya think? I'm kind of thinking it might be too. I would be super psyched if this happened.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kittonwy said:
Most of the time it's not 11 on 5 though. With autobalancing off you can still even the team out if you choose to, if the factions are totally uneven, but with autobalancing on, there's no choice when you're in a crowded game to keep the clan together, so we often end up playing on opposite sides with stupid non-gaf motherfuckers on our teams, if we get enough people to have a couple of squads going on the same side, that's going to help us when we play in bigger games against other clans.

That's the problem! Non-gaffers on our team. Why can't they leave us alone and go to the other team?! We should create a server named "Non gaf go to other side"
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