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Facism said:
Both on equal ground, nowhere to go but left or right. Everytime i aimed at these guys, my crosshairs got pushed away and downward from their body-mass. Like 2 magnets pushing each other away.

I've never had this happen. What does happen to me with certain players is a messy crosshair, like it just doesn't lock.
By lock, I don't mean auto-aim, but it doesn't turn into the little red x shape. It does turn red, but stays large. And no matter how hard I try to change my aiming a bit, it stays like that and bullets just don't hit. Even if I actually aim right on them. Sometimes it can be fixed if if quickly release the trigger and shoot again, but sometimes not.


Cruzader said:
In elite last encounter, yes. In veteran and lower,no.
I think it's bad on veteran.

In fact, it sucks. It's horrible. The concept is cool, but it's just so hard compared to the rest of the game.


I love finding people to play with :), I had alot of fun when I teamed up with a squad, and we kept playing in the same group for games, love this game!


Good win against syk.

That search and retrieve round was disgraceful though.


commish said:
That's the problem! Non-gaffers on our team. Why can't they leave us alone and go to the other team?! We should create a server named "Non gaf go to other side"

maybe we need two new options for setting up a game

- clan players faction forcing ISA/HLG (lets you decide which faction a fellow clan member will be forced to join)

- non clan players balancing (if autobalance is on they will automatically even teams, if it's off the will always join the opposing faction)


aka andydumi
FFObsessed said:
Awesome games tonight :D

:lol Lince :lol

Yep, good games guys. I especially loved the 12 on 4 where it was all of GAF vs me and andycapps and we still nearly won.

And sorry kitton for team headshotting you twice in a row for no good reason.


Argh Visari Palace on Veteran is so frustrating.
I manage to get to phase 2, but when the Helghast start coming up to the second balcony they just overwhelm me.

What weapons are best for Phase 2? I run upstairs and knife the 2 flamethrower dudes, then just take cover and use the grenade launcher at the ground floor enemies.

I just want to finish the game now, and would like to finish it on Veteran since I've gotten this far, but I'm pretty close to putting the difficulty down a notch as it's so frustrating.

Rolf NB

Kweh said:
Argh Visari Palace on Veteran is so frustrating.
I manage to get to phase 2, but when the Helghast start coming up to the second balcony they just overwhelm me.

What weapons are best for Phase 2? I run upstairs and knife the 2 flamethrower dudes, then just take cover and use the grenade launcher at the ground floor enemies.

I just want to finish the game now, and would like to finish it on Veteran since I've gotten this far, but I'm pretty close to putting the difficulty down a notch as it's so frustrating.
If you can figure out when the SMG dudes spawn (the guys that will come upstairs and rush you), you can position yourself behind the furniture to the left and shower them with any explosives you have as the come running down the stairs.

There will be three or four dudes with rocket launchers. You have to kill those too before the next checkpoint. Never stay exposed for more than a couple of seconds at most. Pelt them with the pistol. Your assault rifle isn't accurate enough at range.

If only RL dudes are left you can try dashing around the right side and knife them. The debris there will be cleared at a certain point (there'll be a brief cut-scene).

That's what worked for me on Elite.

Another thing, if you have ignored the cover system so far, you're at a disadvantage. Try to figure out how to lean over cover in particular (attach, push forward on the left stick). It doesn't make any physical sense, but being attached to cover protects you from much more harm than just cowering behind it. Firing while attached to cover (even standing) also gives you the same accuracy bonus as crouching.

Good luck.


Kweh said:
Argh Visari Palace on Veteran is so frustrating.
I manage to get to phase 2, but when the Helghast start coming up to the second balcony they just overwhelm me.

What weapons are best for Phase 2? I run upstairs and knife the 2 flamethrower dudes, then just take cover and use the grenade launcher at the ground floor enemies.

I just want to finish the game now, and would like to finish it on Veteran since I've gotten this far, but I'm pretty close to putting the difficulty down a notch as it's so frustrating.

flame thrower against the SMG guys, also throw grenades and launch all your grenade launchers as they're coming out of the upstairs doors and you'll probably take a few others out


Kweh said:
Argh Visari Palace on Veteran is so frustrating.
I manage to get to phase 2, but when the Helghast start coming up to the second balcony they just overwhelm me.

What weapons are best for Phase 2? I run upstairs and knife the 2 flamethrower dudes, then just take cover and use the grenade launcher at the ground floor enemies.

I just want to finish the game now, and would like to finish it on Veteran since I've gotten this far, but I'm pretty close to putting the difficulty down a notch as it's so frustrating.
I did the whole thing with assault rifle and knife. Just stay in cover and take down the enemies downstairs with well placed bullets (and the occasional grenade), and knife anyone that gets close.

I wasn't too overwhelmed by the difficulty, considering everything I heard about it... I felt the entire veteran playthrough was fair, intense and lots of fun! Since you regen health quite fast while in cover (and won't get hit by anything but flanking enemies) it really wasn't that hard if you just stayed cool.


AndyD said:
Yep, good games guys. I especially loved the 12 on 4 where it was all of GAF vs me and andycapps and we still nearly won.

And sorry kitton for team headshotting you twice in a row for no good reason.

We weren't in your games :p


decent update.
my favorite is the 17-24 players search.

but still not addressing the party system, and my big gameplay balancing issues, or being able to see server settings b4 joining are all big problems and are ruining my interest in playing this game anymore (spend typically 30+ minutes just finding a game with good settings/balanced teams, rarely do the teams stay balanced). I've not yet decided if I'll be getting the DLC because the game is becoming more frustrating then fun.
I would be surprised if a party system wasn't addressed in the next update.

The chatter of the Helghast and Natko is some classic stuff.
I love when your pushing through their defences in the end and the Helghast start screaming
"They're taking the tower! Someone get to the tower!" followed immediately by "What! We have no reserves!......I can't raise HQ!!! HQ isn't responding were doomed!!!!!"

Then earlier this morning I was shooting this turret at the scenery for no particular reason and Natko says "Oh shit, Sev has lost it Garza there isn't anybody over there"


aka andydumi
FFObsessed said:
We weren't in your games :p

I was in your games... and you kept killing me. You are a great player, at one point I was following you around as a disguised sab watching and learning... You did not catch on for about 3 minutes and a dozen or so kills. Then I tried to melee you and you killed me too...:lol :lol


Sorry for the team kill last night guys, but I was a victim too sometimes :lol
Finally got the C4 badge, working on the sniper class and god, do I suck! I'm so bad it's not even funny, I have better result with the M4 seriously (on a side note, F&#K YOU to all people using the M4 and turret in gun only game!) -_- I hate this play style.
Can't wait to go back to my good old ISA rifle #love#


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Drac said:
Sorry for the team kill last night guys, but I was a victim too sometimes :lol
Finally got the C4 badge, working on the sniper class and god, do I suck! I'm so bad it's not even funny, I have better result with the M4 seriously (on a side note, F&#K YOU to all people using the M4 and turret in gun only game!) -_- I hate this play style.
Can't wait to go back to my good old ISA rifle #love#

Don't bother apologizing for a teamkill - we all do it, it's unavoidable sometimes. Now, if your score is -30, then that's a different story :p Worst kind of teamkill is when your teammate runs into your line of fire. Drives me crazy.


don't ask me for codes
Seen [B!!]Itachi1233 wallglitch in BG. Submitted a grief report, but I'm wondering if enough people do that or are content of being gunned down like sheep.
dwin45 said:
Were you in that game? Why was Click yelling at me to not place spawn points?

Because Click is one of the few Tacts who can handle a whole game all by himself as far as spawns go. He has a rotation down pat, so when someone else throws a spawn out it messes up his rotation.


AndyD said:
I was in your games... and you kept killing me. You are a great player, at one point I was following you around as a disguised sab watching and learning... You did not catch on for about 3 minutes and a dozen or so kills. Then I tried to melee you and you killed me too...:lol :lol

oh my god :lol No I didn't notice you following me at all, haha. That's just a little creepy :p Glad I got you tho! :lol


cjtiger300 said:
Because Click is one of the few Tacts who can handle a whole game all by himself as far as spawns go. He has a rotation down pat, so when someone else throws a spawn out it messes up his rotation.
Ah, I see. I'll have to remember that next time I play with him.


Tempy said:
Seen [B!!]Itachi1233 wallglitch in BG. Submitted a grief report, but I'm wondering if enough people do that or are content of being gunned down like sheep.

I do, then quit, then spend another 5 minutes searching for a 6-14p game with autobalance on, assault class banned and minor lag... man, I hope you guys include these filters sooner than later (including latency to the host). Thanks for the support anyway.


AndyD said:
I was in your games... and you kept killing me. You are a great player, at one point I was following you around as a disguised sab watching and learning... You did not catch on for about 3 minutes and a dozen or so kills. Then I tried to melee you and you killed me too...:lol :lol
Holy crap.. that's awesome. FFObsessed got a stalker!


dwin45 said:
Were you in that game? Why was Click yelling at me to not place spawn points?
Click was right, we had the one perfect spawn in the room we where defending, and then you dropped a spawn just outside the room. The result was one person would spawn into the sights of a group of enemies and easily die. When 2 spawns are so close together its hard to figure out the correct spawn point on the map. Sometimes less is better!

Anyways good game!
dwin45 said:
Ah, I see. I'll have to remember that next time I play with him.

Its all good! Click is crazy good at this game and is a blast to play with. You can pretty much count on all of the spawns being damn near perfect which leads to a lot of kills and wins.


yeah I understand Click's frustration with spawn points, I've stopped playing tactician in pub games since you always end up with another tactician wasting them in the most hilarious ways (ie, placing one inside your base).

Rolf NB

Btw, who was that weird voice commenting on my actions on Phyrrus Rise last night? I'd believe someone actively playing the game wouldn't have the time to watch the kill indicators scroll by and say "good shot" just the instant I'm capping someone. It must have been someone standing beside me and watching what I do, or spectating. But can you even do voice-chat while spectating?



Lince said:
yeah I understand Click's frustration with spawn points, I've stopped playing tactician in pub games since you always end up with another tactician wasting them in the most hilarious ways (ie, placing one inside your base).
Well, I don't think I'm that bad at placing spawn points.


bcn-ron said:
Btw, who was that weird voice commenting on my actions on Phyrrus Rise last night? I'd believe someone actively playing the game wouldn't have the time to watch the kill indicators scroll by and say "good shot" just the instant I'm capping someone. It must have been someone standing beside me and watching what I do, or spectating. But can you even do voice-chat while spectating?


If it was a voice that sounded like someone had breathed Helium all their lives that was Live_Feed (Facism) :lol :lol

Made those games unplayable for me due to laughter, clearly he'd just found the voice changer settings. :lol

Rolf NB

FFObsessed said:
If it was a voice that sounded like someone had breathed Helium all their lives that was Live_Feed (Facism) :lol :lol

Made those games unplayable for me due to laughter, clearly he'd just found the voice changer settings. :lol
No, it wasn't pitched up, just totally calm and weird. It might have been Lince, but he still played with us and I couldn't see him. Come to think of it, maybe he was a scout too and right there but cloaked.


Calm and weird certainly sounds like Lince :lol

"Woooomaaan.... Spanish wooomaaan!"

"Please talk to meeeee..."

"She said my naaaaaame, she said my naaaaaame!"

Playing through an elite run I am noticing more detail in the single player game this time.

I wonder how much more optimization can be done for the ps3 Killzone 2 engine? It certainly has industrial wasteland, battlefield, and desert terrain down beautiful. The only thing I can think of is they could optimize it to make it more smooth even though its pretty good already.

It will be interesting to see if they can handle swamp areas or garden like areas with flowers in a map and maintain the same level of detail.


FFObsessed said:
Calm and weird certainly sounds like Lince :lol

"Woooomaaan.... Spanish wooomaaan!"

"Please talk to meeeee..."

"She said my naaaaaame, she said my naaaaaame!"


I still haven't washed my headset :lol

but it wasn't me stalking bcn... I think that was you?


Was the voice saying "Bacon! nom nom nom!" all the time?

If it was then it was me :lol And I take offence at my voice being called "weird" :lol


dwin45 said:
Well, I don't think I'm that bad at placing spawn points.

You and click need to work out ahead of time where to put the spawns on the map.

On radec one spawn should always be in the room facing away from the base, when the other team is contained it might work to have another spawn outside to watch the outside entry point but you don't need it.

But when things get heavy you need everybody concentrating on keeping ANYBODY from placing a charge, killing the person placing the charge should be the number one priority over getting kills or turtling. There's really no room for error, if you put a spawn outside and the spawn inside runs out, all of a sudden you'll have the entire enemy team in the room controlling it for long enough to place both charges, you whole team will spawn outside the room and then it will be incredibly difficult to even gain control of the room long enough to defuse even one of the charges.

The tactician role is pretty important to the team so whoever the tacticians are, they really need to communicate.


Lince said:
yeah I understand Click's frustration with spawn points, I've stopped playing tactician in pub games since you always end up with another tactician wasting them in the most hilarious ways (ie, placing one inside your base).

Bad spawn points drive me to swear alot. I see more bad spawns facing the complete opposite direction of where I should be than anybody else completely fucking things up, the last pub game cj and I were in last night, some dofus was totally fucking up those spawn points, we were on visari hammer and we were supposed to be placing charges in two of the towers, the fucking idiot tactician put a spawn in one of the other towers and was trying to defend it, it was fucking bizarre.
fps fanatic said:
The support for this game that GG is showing has gotta be commended. They really are trying to be on point with player feedback and trying to take care of problems.

Evidently, they didn't pay as careful attention to their beta testers.


AndyD said:
Yep, good games guys. I especially loved the 12 on 4 where it was all of GAF vs me and andycapps and we still nearly won.

And sorry kitton for team headshotting you twice in a row for no good reason.

LOL I don't even remember.

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