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FFObsessed said:
If it was a voice that sounded like someone had breathed Helium all their lives that was Live_Feed (Facism) :lol :lol

Made those games unplayable for me due to laughter, clearly he'd just found the voice changer settings. :lol

:lol Bloody teamkilling on Helghan Industries. Stealing speakers off each other.

FFO i use the voice changer to annoy people in clan games when they die.


Little is the new Big
Updated theme is go... (blogpost/miniwebsite) yay!



AltogetherAndrews said:
Evidently, they didn't pay as careful attention to their beta testers.

no they listened to the whining too much, hence the spawn point problems are more prevalent now than they were in beta :p


Remove Spawn invincibility, add relatively small radius of 'no dynamic spawn' around certain objectives...



aj2good4you2 said:
exactly i think most people complaining in the beta were whining about base spawn invincibility not spawn points in general.

It might be time fora another epic thread over at Killzone.com...

Seriously... I want to like the game, and I do enjoy it per say, but Guerilla needs to stop letting it bleed out for the gunshot wound they put in their foot.


aka andydumi
Schrade said:
Holy crap.. that's awesome. FFObsessed got a stalker!

Its not just him. I followed kitton around too to learn but he would pick up on it quite quickly and I would either kill him or him me.

I found that's the best way to learn to play well outside of joining as a spectator.

The best is to sit by the enemy base, disguised, and facing my base, so as they spawn and run by they think I am just sniping or something. Then the player I want to follow runs by and I start following.

And someone kept saying, "Pants, Pants, come here, where's my pants!!!" but I don't know which one of you it was.

But yeah, I kept hearing FF talking about bacon and laughing. My wife kept saying whats so funny. So I turned off the headset so she could hear him going on and on about bacon.


argh AJ that last control and defend a teammate who kept yelling at me about tactician took away my spawns and put them INSIDE the area instead of outside... we held it for so long too >_<
icechai said:
argh AJ that last control and defend a teammate who kept yelling at me about tactician took away my spawns and put them INSIDE the area instead of outside... we held it for so long too >_<

yea that was the guy that kept on talking about how much he sucked everytime i killed him:lol


aj and his turrets... being a saboteur 90% of time, i really hate enemy turrets... when aj is in the game, his turrets are EVERYWHERE!!!


Gold Member
Just got my Platinum trophy.

I swear, the Air Support medal must be the hardest thing in the game to complete. So many things are stacked against you when attempting to complete it.

- The fire power from the Drones are weak as hell.
- They constantly retarget enemies.
- Only a limited number of them can be up at one time, so you're competing with other tacticians for kills.
- Turrets for who knows what reason start firing rockets at them. (as if the defense wasn't pitiful to begin with)
- Your own teammates can kill off your Drones so they can call in their own.
- Players cannot influence the outcome with skill.

I think I averaged 1 ribbon for every 1.5-2 hours of play. Not as annoying as Resistance 2's kill 10,000 players requirement but still annoying as hell.

Rolf NB

Atrus said:
Just got my Platinum trophy.

I swear, the Air Support medal must be the hardest thing in the game to complete. So many things are stacked against you when attempting to complete it.

- The fire power from the Drones are weak as hell.
- They constantly retarget enemies.
- Only a limited number of them can be up at one time, so you're competing with other tacticians for kills.
- Turrets for who knows what reason start firing rockets at them. (as if the defense wasn't pitiful to begin with)
- Your own teammates can kill off your Drones so they can call in their own.
- Players cannot influence the outcome with skill.

I think I averaged 1 ribbon for every 1.5-2 hours of play. Not as annoying as Resistance 2's kill 10,000 players requirement but still annoying as hell.
I got them all legit relatively fast. I still miss ribbons for search&retrieve, assassination defend and melee, but air bot I've must have gotten after maybe 50 hours (over 80 now, yikes).

Usual advice: play smaller matches. Less engineers=less turret spam=longer air bot uptime. Less targets=air bot more effective.
Place them a little outside and facing a hotspot, not in the middle of it. Their turning speed is very slow, but if the target stays in front of them, they'll keep shooting usually.

You can get them on Phyrrus rise easily if you place them well. I've got several on Radec Academy, one or two on Visari Hammer and even one on Tharsis depot where it's theoretically impossible to earn one but what can you do. Helghan industries might work too (favourite spots are in front of the little houses with the mounted guns facing the "canal" in the middle).


AndyD said:
Its not just him. I followed kitton around too to learn but he would pick up on it quite quickly and I would either kill him or him me.

I found that's the best way to learn to play well outside of joining as a spectator.

The best is to sit by the enemy base, disguised, and facing my base, so as they spawn and run by they think I am just sniping or something. Then the player I want to follow runs by and I start following.

And someone kept saying, "Pants, Pants, come here, where's my pants!!!" but I don't know which one of you it was.

But yeah, I kept hearing FF talking about bacon and laughing. My wife kept saying whats so funny. So I turned off the headset so she could hear him going on and on about bacon.

Could it have been "Jizz Pants"?

That was a game myself, FFO and Bacon (Bcn-ron) were playing in. Some guy called Jazzy-Jiaz was warping all over the place and generally being a tit so we named him, in a very juvenile way, Jizz Pants and went off on a hunt for him the entire game. Needless to say after the game ended he raged at me, said something about my mother and quit.

That was also the night Lince found a beautiful señorita in one of our games and tried to profess his love for her, her clan mate was getting rather irate at us.


Zen said:
Remove Spawn invincibility, add relatively small radius of 'no dynamic spawn' around certain objectives...

Your kidding right? Players wouldn't have a chance if they had to protect a target. Guys would just make a perimeter and pick off everyone out of the smoke.

Playing online and its 50/50 at times. I have to tell players to form up squads and inform them you can shoot enemy spawn grenades. Some days its just perfect.


Gold Member
bcn-ron said:
I got them all legit relatively fast. I still miss ribbons for search&retrieve, assassination defend and melee, but air bot I've must have gotten after maybe 50 hours (over 80 now, yikes).

Usual advice: play smaller matches. Less engineers=less turret spam=longer air bot uptime. Less targets=air bot more effective.
Place them a little outside and facing a hotspot, not in the middle of it. Their turning speed is very slow, but if the target stays in front of them, they'll keep shooting usually.

You can get them on Phyrrus rise easily if you place them well. I've got several on Radec Academy, one or two on Visari Hammer and even one on Tharsis depot where it's theoretically impossible to earn one but what can you do. Helghan industries might work too (favourite spots are in front of the little houses with the mounted guns facing the "canal" in the middle).

Actually, I earned them all on Tharsis Depot (4), Blood Gracht (2) and Corinth Crossing (2). The caveat is that they were (with the exception of 1 game) 30 minute Warzone matches. I've tried smaller matches when I was going for the assassination defend medal but most people are smart enough to deal with these small nuisances. 5 minute warzones are just too short, and you can't really find many 8-15 minute ones.

Even in 30 minute Warzones where you place them slightly back from the front line, and taking advantage of the search and destroy objectives, the most I've had in a match was about 10-12 kills with them being up as often as possible (which means intentionally suiciding or dying to cast a second drone).

I'm just glad it's all over with.


RavenFox said:
Your kidding right? Players wouldn't have a chance if they had to protect a target. Guys would just make a perimeter and pick off everyone out of the smoke.

Playing online and its 50/50 at times. I have to tell players to form up squads and inform them you can shoot enemy spawn grenades. Some days its just perfect.

wasn't it disproven about shooting enemy spawn grenades by TTP and them?
lunlunqq said:
aj and his turrets... being a saboteur 90% of time, i really hate enemy turrets... when aj is in the game, his turrets are EVERYWHERE!!!

Hell yeah, I hate playing against aj! I can only hope people say the same thing about me!


RavenFox said:
Your kidding right? Players wouldn't have a chance if they had to protect a target. Guys would just make a perimeter and pick off everyone out of the smoke.

Playing online and its 50/50 at times. I have to tell players to form up squads and inform them you can shoot enemy spawn grenades. Some days its just perfect.

I said for some objectives, not all. :\


good games tonight. i've already given up on the air bot ribbons. i think i will take your advices and give it a try.

the other badge medal i haven't got is the assault one. i didn't even try because i don't like the assault class at all. i just realized that you can get the ribbon by simply using boost 10 times in a game, not killing 10 ppl while boosting. i think i can live with that.


AM I in the minority that absolutely Loves the campaign? It never gets old for me. I think the main reason why I keep coming back is the gratifying visceral feeling to the gunplay. the cinematic quality and the production values are through the roof and the atmosphere is so absorbing that I'm often left in awe.

It never ever gets Old killing a healghast and seeing him contort and spasm to a hail of bullets to the chest. The Ai is relentless, aggressive and downright smart. But man the battles!! THE BATTLES! are just insane!. smoke, bullets, dust, blood, tons of enemies and chaos!, its incredible!. Its the only game I can think of that totally nails the war atmosphere.

I have read so many impressions here on GAF and the majority of them find the campaign to be boring but Love the MP. I dont get it!


TEH-CJ said:
AM I in the minority that absolutely Loves the campaign? It never gets old for me. I think the main reason why I keep coming back is the gratifying visceral feeling to the gunplay. the cinematic quality and the production values are through the roof and the atmosphere is so absorbing that I'm often left in awe.

It never ever gets Old killing a healghast and seeing him contort and spasm to a hail of bullets to the chest. The Ai is relentless, aggressive and downright smart. But man the battles!! THE BATTLES! are just insane!. smoke, bullets, dust, blood, tons of enemies and chaos!, its incredible!. Its the only game I can think of that totally nails the war atmosphere.

I have read so many impressions here on GAF and the majority of them find the campaign to be boring but Love the MP. I dont get it!

a lot of ppl like the SP but there's no emotional connection in the story. If you can't connect with the characters you don't feel the need to really help them much. Also if AI players were more important (like if you don't revive them in time they die and you don't see them in future levels) would probably help a lot in the urgency department.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Just completed this game, took me a while I know but have such a back catalogue of games to get through, anyway I really enjoyed the campaign, I felt it was one that improved as the game progressed which helped keep me engaged, It did take me a while to get used to the controls but I got there in the end.

I know alot of people seem to give the impression that the best way to play this game is to pace yourself and take cover using your iron sights etc, but I actually found myself enjoying the game more 'dooming' it, you'll be surprised how effective it can be sometimes.

I think the most impressive thing about the game for me apart from the GFX was the enemy A.I , I love how their front line of troops advance and fall back depending on your position sometimes, in many FPS's I'm so used to being able to out flank the enemy, but that is alot harder to do in this game as they will often retreat to a safer position.

Anyway overall very nice game, it's not genre defining or anything, but it's very polished and does what it was set out to do very well, not that my ratings would carry any weight but if I did have to rate this game out of 10 I would probably give it a 9.


icechai said:
a lot of ppl like the SP but there's no emotional connection in the story. If you can't connect with the characters you don't feel the need to really help them much. Also if AI players were more important (like if you don't revive them in time they die and you don't see them in future levels) would probably help a lot in the urgency department.

You know, I have to agree with that. Thats the only thing I dislike about killzone 2.
Great, just great. I'm in a 30 minute mission game and we're 2 to 1. 'WarrantOfficer1' joins and I lose all my damn stats as the game freezes. So my question for GG is this: "What the hell is the point of long matches since they freeze so often!?"

Man I'm so pissed about losing 2 and 1/2 hrs of playtime.
TEH-CJ said:
AM I in the minority that absolutely Loves the campaign? It never gets old for me. I think the main reason why I keep coming back is the gratifying visceral feeling to the gunplay. the cinematic quality and the production values are through the roof and the atmosphere is so absorbing that I'm often left in awe.

It never ever gets Old killing a healghast and seeing him contort and spasm to a hail of bullets to the chest. The Ai is relentless, aggressive and downright smart. But man the battles!! THE BATTLES! are just insane!. smoke, bullets, dust, blood, tons of enemies and chaos!, its incredible!. Its the only game I can think of that totally nails the war atmosphere.

I have read so many impressions here on GAF and the majority of them find the campaign to be boring but Love the MP. I dont get it!

I don't know about "never getting old" but I thought it was a pretty solid effort on GG's part. '''what i enjoyed most about it was the pacing, I thought the game moved well and was just long enough for me so it never felt like a "chore" to complete. The environments were varied, the difficulty level seemed mostly managable except for Radec (I still can't beat him on elite), there were a fair amount of solid battles and the enemy AI was pretty good. The story turned out to be pretty forgettable in my opinion but it worked for what time of game it was. And of course, it looks and sounds fantastic!

But Rico's dialogue is just down right stupid most of the time. I wanted to put a bullet in his god damn head!
Just had my personnel best score! 328 points on Blood Gract and the games weren't really that long. I had 110 kills and 109 mission points! I was in the damn zone!


CrushDance said:
Great, just great. I'm in a 30 minute mission game and we're 2 to 1. 'WarrantOfficer1' joins and I lose all my damn stats as the game freezes. So my question for GG is this: "What the hell is the point of long matches since they freeze so often!?"

Man I'm so pissed about losing 2 and 1/2 hrs of playtime.

I have long matches all the time and they never freeze....No offense, but you flip flop so often it's REALLY hard to take you seriously.


AndyD said:
Its not just him. I followed kitton around too to learn but he would pick up on it quite quickly and I would either kill him or him me.

I found that's the best way to learn to play well outside of joining as a spectator.

The best is to sit by the enemy base, disguised, and facing my base, so as they spawn and run by they think I am just sniping or something. Then the player I want to follow runs by and I start following.

And someone kept saying, "Pants, Pants, come here, where's my pants!!!" but I don't know which one of you it was.

But yeah, I kept hearing FF talking about bacon and laughing. My wife kept saying whats so funny. So I turned off the headset so she could hear him going on and on about bacon.

:lol That was when I'd kill bacon (bcn-ron) I'd talk about how delicious he is and how I eat him regularly. :p


Cagen said:
Could it have been "Jizz Pants"?

That was a game myself, FFO and Bacon (Bcn-ron) were playing in. Some guy called Jazzy-Jiaz was warping all over the place and generally being a tit so we named him, in a very juvenile way, Jizz Pants and went off on a hunt for him the entire game. Needless to say after the game ended he raged at me, said something about my mother and quit.

God yeah we're juvenile but those games were funny as hell. :lol

That was also the night Lince found a beautiful señorita in one of our games and tried to profess his love for her, her clan mate was getting rather irate at us.

I think that might have been her husband that's why :lol

Lince <3


Cagen said:
Could it have been "Jizz Pants"?

That was a game myself, FFO and Bacon (Bcn-ron) were playing in. Some guy called Jazzy-Jiaz was warping all over the place and generally being a tit so we named him, in a very juvenile way, Jizz Pants and went off on a hunt for him the entire game. Needless to say after the game ended he raged at me, said something about my mother and quit.

That was also the night Lince found a beautiful señorita in one of our games and tried to profess his love for her, her clan mate was getting rather irate at us.

I know Jazzy-Jiaz. Massive prick, always lagging. I just called him Jizz

Rolf NB

lunlunqq said:
good games tonight. i've already given up on the air bot ribbons. i think i will take your advices and give it a try.

the other badge medal i haven't got is the assault one. i didn't even try because i don't like the assault class at all. i just realized that you can get the ribbon by simply using boost 10 times in a game, not killing 10 ppl while boosting. i think i can live with that.
Boost is a great secondary skill for a tactician or scout or engineer or sab or ...
I understand not liking assault, I always feel dirty when I play one (which isn't often). And yeah, you probably shouldn't purposely grind out boost ribbons, but you don't have to. Just experiment with adding boost onto another class. The ribbons will come naturally just from playing the game.

Unlike the #&@*%$ melee ribbons


Some late replies here, i am sorry :\

TTP said:
New ranks and stuff
Thanks for the patch update list! :)

By the way, TTP, i hope what i asked about earlier wasnt understood as me being rude, when i asked if 3 of your friends tried to play 16 players matches in Killzone before they quit playing it, after they had tried to play 32 player matches. I dont know if what i said looked rude though, but i read my post again, and in my opinion it might have looked like i was being abit rude in the way i wrote it, but i wasnt trying to be rude or anything at all. I just wondering about if they tried to play in 16 players matches since these can be abit less caotic compared to 32 player matches, and maybe they enjoyed Killzone 2 alittle better in the 16 player matches instead :) I just wanted to mention this :)

commish said:
I top 500 all the time now in games with 30 minute rounds on the Radec Academy map (or other small, cq map), and I'm definitely not the best player in the world. You can get a ton of points in S&D and C&H. With a headshot giving, assuming you win, 6 points (1 for headshot, 3 for kill within the zone area, 1.5 multiplier for the win), you can see how quickly it can add up. Against bad players, they'll just mosey through the doorways without much care, and you can just mowwwww them down.
Ye, that is true, if you get like 10 headshots in a relatively short period of time, then that is 60 points. So the points can definitly rack up in these long matches. But i still think that 750+ points is alot, i dont think that i can manage to get this many points in one round :)

blue999new said:
Feature - Invite player from friendslist Feature - Join Clan Member list added.

:lol :lol :lol
What is funny about this? :)

Tournament - Game decides winner if one of the two teams doesn’t spawn in
Does this fix means that there isnt possible to not spawn in Body Count and win like this?


FFObsessed said:
I think that might have been her husband that's why :lol

Lince <3

she accepted my friend request though... let's see how things turn out <3

I missed the fun yesterday, I went to a couple of pubs with my college mates and I think I had too many... I passed out the very instant I got home. KZ2 + orange juice ftw.


Lince said:
she accepted my friend request though... let's see how things turn out <3

I missed the fun yesterday, I went to a couple of pubs with my college mates and I think I had too many... I passed out the very instant I got home. KZ2 + orange juice ftw.

Yeah I didn't play yesterday either, gonna take a break from KZ2 for a few days, been playing far too much.

Rick said Raist & Cagen lost 9K VP yesterday, we can't leave them alone for one day can we? :lol

Rolf NB

FFObsessed said:
Yeah I didn't play yesterday either, gonna take a break from KZ2 for a few days, been playing far too much.

Rick said Raist & Cagen lost 9K VP yesterday, we can't leave them alone for one day can we? :lol
I think the story was that Cagen signed up for a 4vs4 tourney but didn't ask anyone to play with him and ended up alone in the game. Then he talked about some sort of plan b that would earn the clan 111k VP. Raist had the RAAAAAAAAAGEEE again, text-chat meltdowns and all. It was WEIRD.
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