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Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Firewire said:
So we are back to "Oh my god, the sky is falling" bullshit again. The game is awesome, who the fuck cares about how many people are playing it in any one week.

Exactly. Why people come here, make up numbers, and they say "omg it's falling tons", I'll never know. Especially since it's been covered about 10,000 times so far in this thread. Now, if someone had a novel take on the situation (rather, what they perceive to be a situation), then I'm all for it. Just posting incorrect numbers and putting on a helmet to protect from the falling sky isn't adding to the thread at all.

Anyway, Andronicus, I hear you about the tired thing. That last game for me was a blur. I think we lost 4-2, but all I remember is that idiot assassination target FREAKING OUT and running in circles, only to die, literally, 1 second after the timer started.


DMeisterJ said:
Im is perplexed
Why are you perplexed? This has been explained roughly 50 times in this thread and it isnt hard to figure out. Like socom, like warhawk, like teamfortress, this isnt a game you can generally just pick up and play and be good at. You cant just lob grenades around, bounce em off walls and get kills. Theres no sword to lunge across levels with. Theres no laser. There are no perks and theres no magnet like auto aim (well actually in warhawk there is but the game is still damn difficult which is my point).

I think people are jarred from the get go when they realize that yes, it IS extremely hard to hit a moving target. That alone is enough to turn people off.

The only noob aspects of this game would be the assault class and the shotgun and A LOT of people use both of these and Im sure youre well aware. This alone should show you whats going on with the 'numbers' in MP. It just shows that GG overestimated their audience a bit is all. Its unfortunate but its the truth. People wanna jump in a game and 'pwn' they dont wanna actually work at it. So the drop off in users isnt exactly surprising, it was damn near expected. Its gonna continue to drop. There really is no stopping it.

And in the end, all we'll be left with are a bunch of players who dont like the assault class and know that spawn grenades work in the opposite direction and honestly...

is that so bad?


.GqueB. said:
Why are you perplexed? This has been explained roughly 50 times in this thread and it isnt hard to figure out. Like socom, like warhawk, like teamfortress, this isnt a game you can generally just pick up and play and be good at. You cant just lob grenades around, bounce em off walls and get kills. Theres no sword to lunge across levels with. Theres no laser. There are no perks and theres no magnet like auto aim (well actually in warhawk there is but the game is still damn difficult which is my point).

I think people are jarred from the get go when they realize that yes, it IS extremely hard to hit a moving target. That alone is enough to turn people off.

The only noob aspects of this game would be the assault class and the shotgun and A LOT of people use both of these and Im sure youre well aware. This alone should show you whats going on with the 'numbers' in MP. It just shows that GG overestimated their audience a bit is all. Its unfortunate but its the truth. People wanna jump in a game and 'pwn' they dont wanna actually work at it. So the drop off in users isnt exactly surprising, it was damn near expected. Its gonna continue to drop. There really is no stopping it.

And in the end, all we'll be left with are a bunch of players who dont like the assault class and know that spawn grenades work in the opposite direction and honestly...

is that so bad?

All I know, its a wonderful thing, to be tact, barking out orders to everyone on your team and squad, and have everyone on the other team cuss you out because people are actually listen to you on your team and you get a comeback win because of it :), that is enough to stamp this one of my favorite mp's of all time.


I don't know if people are waiting for the patch or what but good games (no assault, tactician placing spawn points facing the right direction and squads doing team-work) are pretty rare to find, dead zone for me today. And whoever is trying to troll Warhawk, stop it, that game is multiplayer perfection in every way possible, you can't compete, just don't try.


Lince said:
I don't know if people are waiting for the patch or what but good games (no assault, tactician placing spawn points facing the right direction and squads doing team-work) are pretty rare to find, dead zone for me today. And whoever is trying to troll Warhawk, stop it, that game is multiplayer perfection in every way possible, you can't compete, just don't try.

Don't think he was trolling Warhawk, just pointing out there is a learning curve and (totally needed and justified) auto aim.

I love Warhawk. I've recently gone back to it and now split 50/50 between it and KZ.


Ello said:
Any advice on how to beat the last stage on Elite? Will
Radek die if I use the sniper rifle and shot him from the balcony when he's on the other side? I mean before you meet him 1 on 1.
There's advice on that on pretty much every page of this thread. Basically, the blade is your friend.
VNZ said:
There's advice on that on pretty much every page of this thread. Basically, the blade is your friend.

And the flamethrower. Funny enough It ended being easier for me on Elite than it was the first time I went through it.


Lince said:
I don't know if people are waiting for the patch or what but good games (no assault, tactician placing spawn points facing the right direction and squads doing team-work) are pretty rare to find, dead zone for me today. And whoever is trying to troll Warhawk, stop it, that game is multiplayer perfection in every way possible, you can't compete, just don't try.
Yea as God of Wine said, I wasnt trolling. I was just saying the game is impossible...


to just pick up and play. I tried to get back into it fairly recently and I just died... and died... and died. Thats another thing to consider with these numbers. The longer its out, the better the people already playing are gonna get. This in effect presents a certain barrier for entry in peoples minds because they feel its too late to get into the game.

Its like trying to start watching lost now... whats the point?

I mean you and I know that you can play with people of your rank and do fine but some just dont know that and figure theyd just get their asses handed to them by vets. So you have people that just lost interest in the rather demanding aspects of this game, and at the same time you dont have many people willing to jump into this game in mass numbers. So of course we'll see a decline.


Lince said:
I don't know if people are waiting for the patch or what but good games (no assault, tactician placing spawn points facing the right direction and squads doing team-work) are pretty rare to find, dead zone for me today. And whoever is trying to troll Warhawk, stop it, that game is multiplayer perfection in every way possible, you can't compete, just don't try.

Personally, Natural Selection is my favourite MP ever, and that was a mod for Half-Life.


.GqueB. said:
Yea as God of Wine said, I wasnt trolling. I was just saying the game is impossible...


Oh its not that hard :D I picked it back up no problem...the zones mode is the best capture and hold ever..actually all of its modes are so much better playing than its FPS counterparts 'missions'.

Though, I never go in the air to fight, I get smashed in dog fights...flying is IMPOSSIBLE when there are crazy pilots in the room, but the ground battle is accessible and fun as shit!

/warhawk thread ;)


.GqueB. said:
Yea as God of Wine said, I wasnt trolling. I was just saying the game is impossible...


to just pick up and play. I tried to get back into it fairly recently and I just died... and died... and died. Thats another thing to consider with these numbers. The longer its out, the better the people already playing are gonna get. This in effect presents a certain barrier for entry in peoples minds because they feel its too late to get into the game.

Its like trying to start watching lost now... whats the point?

I mean you and I know that you can play with people of your rank and do fine but some just dont know that and figure theyd just get their asses handed to them by vets. So you have people that just lost interest in the rather demanding aspects of this game, and at the same time you dont have many people willing to jump into this game in mass numbers. So of course we'll see a decline.
I played 1 match for the first time in 6 weeks on Friday night. I was playing with a few gaffers (kitton, poly, BigE etc) and I won with 50 points over second place overall.

It is possible to jump in and play after a long period of time.


Full Recovery said:
I played 1 match for the first time in 6 weeks on Friday night. I was playing with a few gaffers (kitton, poly, BigE etc) and I won with 50 points over second place overall.

It is possible to jump in and play after a long period of time.
Yea but I was awful to begin with. :lol


.GqueB. said:
Yea as God of Wine said, I wasnt trolling. I was just saying the game is impossible...


to just pick up and play. I tried to get back into it fairly recently and I just died... and died... and died. Thats another thing to consider with these numbers. The longer its out, the better the people already playing are gonna get. This in effect presents a certain barrier for entry in peoples minds because they feel its too late to get into the game.

Its like trying to start watching lost now... whats the point?

I mean you and I know that you can play with people of your rank and do fine but some just dont know that and figure theyd just get their asses handed to them by vets. So you have people that just lost interest in the rather demanding aspects of this game, and at the same time you dont have many people willing to jump into this game in mass numbers. So of course we'll see a decline.

I've actually heard the opposite. I know a few people that have just started and think it's really easy to get into (eg. coming out on top the first time they play, K/D ratio they have etc.) I don't think they know they're playing within there rank, since that option is default, but handling their own hasn't been a problem.

I think when i get my PS3 back from repair (been out for 3 weeks) i'll be able to get back into it rather quickly, it'll probably take a match to get back into my grove, but i don't see it being a problem. :p
In shootouts it's quite possible for new players to hold their own and have fun.

But to pursue objectives and win the game, experience really counts (though not as much as chat/coordination). I played a no-rank-lock warzone the other night against very new players, and I felt bad about it. They had few special weapons or abilities, and very little clue where the hotspots were. It felt unfair, even though they shot and killed me plenty of times.


Quick question.

I just got finished playing for some medals. I finally earned the Sniper medal and the Cloak medal, but while doing so...the Wargod Ribbon Trophy unlocked itself. I don't have all the medals yet.

Does it go away? Maybe with patch 1.24? (Or does 1.24 just prevent it from unlocking un-rightfully post-patch?)

I'm working on making Killzone 2 my first platinum, and I'd like to do it the fair way :lol
yeah i think ive just been waiting for this new patch and maps to come out. I think putting a level cap so early on after getting scout kind of ruined anymore progression. Now the new patch is upping the ranks so its all good. Ill be back on this week to play with you guys.

Rolf NB

commish said:
Exactly. Why people come here, make up numbers, and they say "omg it's falling tons", I'll never know. Especially since it's been covered about 10,000 times so far in this thread. Now, if someone had a novel take on the situation (rather, what they perceive to be a situation), then I'm all for it.

Last datum in the graph is only a few minutes old.

The first thing to take away from this is that the "this week" stat is not a rolling window. It resets each Monday, at noon GMT I believe. If someone feels a certain doom and gloom looking at the stats on a Monday afternoon, that's the reason why.
Actually I think it's a poor decision that the stat works this way. The allure of significance is important when your goal is to build a community, and the way the numbers are presented, even though accurate, doesn't help.

Looking past this, the bigger picture does show a decline. I think last week was held up by easter holidays in most of Europe and probably the US (?), but even discounting that, the semi-good news is that the drop rate is slowing down. It's not straight exponential decay but there seems to be a base level somewhere. The bad news is that this base level won't put Killzone 2 anywhere near the player base of certain other blockbuster shooters, and that it looks unlikely at this point that the player base will grow beyond what it is now, or has been very recently. Maybe a major event like a hardware price drop and/or bundling could do that. Who knows.

The game's still big fun. The ratio of default servers to those with disabled assault class or disabled assault weapons at least has only been improving as far as my experience goes. I haven't checked tonight yet. Will do any minute now. It makes some sense that people would hold of for the patch.
A few points:

- The graph would read cleaner if you only had one value for "last week"; it's unnecessary to sample it each time you sample "this week".
- It appears there's no appreciable bump for weekend play: the slope of accumulating players is pretty constant through each week.
- The Mon/Tues player count has been stable for three weeks (after declining the two previous weeks); though extrapolation is unsure, it looks to remain the same this week as well. Perhaps an indication of leveling off?
- Remember that all these numbers overestimate actual players by thousands. The number of alt accounts can't be determined but the effect must be there. In addition, the leaderboards themselves show thousands and thousands of zero-score players. For example, check the "last week" page and skip to the bottom. You'll be on page 2200 or so (indicating 220,000 accounts playing), but the ordinal position of the last account will only be 210,000 or so.

Rolf NB

Liabe Brave said:
A few points:
- The graph would read cleaner if you only had one value for "last week"; it's unnecessary to sample it each time you sample "this week".
I know. Putting in repetitions turned out to work for me in gnumeric and I was tired trying to find something better.
Liabe Brave said:
- It appears there's no appreciable bump for weekend play: the slope of accumulating players is pretty constant through each week.
- The Mon/Tues player count has been stable for three weeks (after declining the two previous weeks); though extrapolation is unsure, it looks to remain the same this week as well. Perhaps an indication of leveling off?
Keep in mind that the growth you see is only the players that log on for the first time in the week. With the most dedicated players there's a high likelihood they're already playing early in the week. Because they won't be tracked twice, their effect on weekend "growth" is nil. I think that the curve stays steep until the end shows that there's a healthy mix of very dedicated players and unwashed masses playing the game.

I can't read anything out of the mon/tues samples. In fact I've tried, but it seems erratic and hardly correlated to final weekly stats. I'd feel more confident forecasting final weekly numbers on a thursday or so.

One issue is that this is just me checking the data whenever it's convenient. I'm not sampling at fixed times, which I'd have to for this type of analysis.
Liabe Brave said:
- Remember that all these numbers overestimate actual players by thousands. The number of alt accounts can't be determined but the effect must be there. In addition, the leaderboards themselves show thousands and thousands of zero-score players. For example, check the "last week" page and skip to the bottom. You'll be on page 2200 or so (indicating 220,000 accounts playing), but the ordinal position of the last account will only be 210,000 or so.
There really are 220k accounts playing, it's just that 10000 of them are tied for ranks because they ended up with the same scores. And it's not just the zero-scorers either.
bcn-ron said:
There really are 220k accounts playing, it's just that 10000 of them are tied for ranks because they ended up with the same scores. And it's not just the zero-scorers either.
Maybe not just the zero-score accounts, but I'd be willing to bet those make up the vast majority of the ties. I tried to page up through all of them once, and then quit because it was taking too long.

I do admit that unless someone gets the patience to do this, we can't be completely sure whether the no-scorers are a significant presence versus the actual players. My money says they are, though.
Sorry, Kittonwy, it's my sales-ager coming through! I'll tell you one player base who hasn't dropped off: me. I was on for five or six hours last night and had a blast. I was playing 32-player games for the first time in a long, long while. One of them was on Tharsis. And yes, it was a complete chaotic mess, but it was awesome. I'd probably play more like that if the framerate didn't get so janky. As it is, that was a nice little digestif to the small tactical stuff I played before, and an appetite-whetting aperitif to the C4 fun afterward. I like this game a lot.


Guerrilla, for the love of God, we beg you to

- get rid of assault class (including boosting), just pretend it never was in the game
- grenade launcher, seriously why is this weapon in multiplayer?
- rocket launcher, just two rockets with no splash damage and only available for rifleman
- shotgun range... really? I mean, really?
- limit the max number of players to 14, make it 18 for SM / PR
- tweak the hilarious spawning / turret placing / medic reviving invincibility bullshit
- option for turning off proximity chat, I'm tired of swearing and assorted insults
- fix p2p lag, if you're so cheap to go without dedicated servers at least fix this shit
- glitches, why they are more everyday? is there somewhere a glitch finder I missed?
- let us play with our friends, admit your failure and don't waste your time with DLC
- sniper completely invisible... why? too much Lord of the Rings capes or something? lame
- tournament system, it's a pain, let us search using filters (number of players, classes...)
- join game screen... another pain, include more info (classes, friendly fire, missions length)

it's now or never, don't waste more time in maps people will play for 2 weeks, FIX THE GAME
Lince said:
Guerrilla, for the love of God, we beg you to

- get rid of assault class (including boosting), just pretend it never was in the game
- grenade launcher, seriously why is this weapon in multiplayer?
- rocket launcher, just two rockets with no splash damage and only available for rifleman
- shotgun range... really? I mean, really?
- limit the max number of players to 14, make it 18 for SM / PR
- tweak the hilarious spawning / turret placing / medic reviving invincibility bullshit
- option for turning off proximity chat, I'm tired of swearing and assorted insults
- fix p2p lag, if you're so cheap to go without dedicated servers at least fix this shit
- glitches, why they are more everyday? is there somewhere a glitch finder I missed?
- let us play with our friends, admit your failure and don't waste your time with DLC
- sniper completely invisible... why? too much Lord of the Rings capes or something? lame
- tournament system, it's a pain, let us search using filters (number of players, classes...)
- join game screen... another pain, include more info (classes, friendly fire, missions length)

it's now or never, don't waste more time in maps people will play for 2 weeks, FIX THE GAME
I hope you never design a video game by yourself. Some of these ideas are great (party system, more server info, improved tournaments), and some are just preposterously bad. Rockets without splash damage?! What would be the point, since then the sniper rifle, M4, and StA-14 would all be far superior in every case?

Many of these seem to be "I'm good at the game, I should never have to die": no Assault or boost, nerf the shotgun, no invisible snipers.... I simply don't understand how someone like you, who plays a lot more than I do and is undoubtedly a lot better than me, can find them so irritating. The other guns have just as expanded a range as the shotgun; at 10m or more Engineers are at a serious disadvantage. The glow of Scouts shows up far, far away, and they can be headshotted using regular weapons even when you're at sniping distance; up close, they cast shadows. Assaults can be headshotted in one hit just like anybody else. Et cetera.

I know you come from a position of knowledge and skill, and I utterly agree with the complaints about glitching and grenade spawning. But even with my lesser familiarity with the game, I can tell you're over-reacting. And just on a practical note, "You made a broken game, please make it into a different game" is unlikely to get much of a hearing from the developer.


DMeisterJ said:
Ehm, my post was about the online players of the game falling, which like I said, should be fixed by the patch/DLC because lots of people (myself included) are not to keen on playing with glitchers, and people getting outside of the map and such. Which is what I said. It had nothing to do with sales of the game. You seem to be on the defensive of this game for no reason, when all I'm saying is that the MP problems may be turning people off from MP, and hopefully the patch will fix it, because MP is really fun when not playing with glitchers and the like. Please chillax.

yeah, i agree, haven't played in a really public MP game for ages, thank goodness for GAFA and GAFe buddies :)


Kittonwy said:
Holy shit @ all the "player base drop off" discussion, what the fuck happened to this thread.

In the immortal words of Akon, You can blame it on me, or in the mortal words of Jamie Foxx, blame it on the alcohol...

But really, it was my fault this started, so direct your indifference at me... lol


Seriously guys, why does the # of ppls playing affect you? Will that determine if you play today,tomorrow or next week? To me its like the 'invisible hand' in our economy. :D

Regardless of how many players are there, GG is going to keep supporting the fans. They have multiple patches coming, and thats all that the fans should really worry about.



I don't see anything wrong with the graph. Both those guys were having a pretty reasonable discussion.

bcn-ron, could you keep charting the data for the next few weeks? It's gonna be interesting to see the effects of the DLC on the userbase or say an E3 price drop announcement.

Cruzader said:
Seriously guys, why does the # of ppls playing affect you? Will that determine if you play today,tomorrow or next week? To me its like the 'invisible hand' in our economy. :D

Regardless of how many players are there, GG is going to keep supporting the fans. They have multiple patches coming, and thats all that the fans should really worry about.

People can keep saying it's not difficult to find games, but I think it's actually not that easy to find good games with decent settings (<20p, no rockets, auto balance off). Last Friday, there were only a few full Warzone 16p games vs. everything else Body Count. I spend on average 10-15 minutes to find a decent room to play with friends. This is partly due to the barebones search system, but if there were more people playing, it seems logical to assume there would be more Warzone rooms with my preferred settings.


FFObsessed said:
Graphs now? Did I stumble into one of those creepy Media Create threads? Die in a fire plz. kthx

Seriously. I keep thinking this thread keeps getting bumped because there's new screenshots of the DLC maps, or someone tried them ahead of time.

Useless fucking discussion.


Cruzader said:
Seriously guys, why does the # of ppls playing affect you? Will that determine if you play today,tomorrow or next week? To me its like the 'invisible hand' in our economy. :D

Regardless of how many players are there, GG is going to keep supporting the fans. They have multiple patches coming, and thats all that the fans should really worry about.

the only thing that is affected is the Weekly Ribbons as less people play = harder to get that 1%. Otherwise I think there will always be enough people playing this game in the world to find some good games :p


Man when GAFA joins games that are down we can quickly comeback. Me Ice, Kitton and CJ joined a game we were under maned and down 3-1. We ended up making a comeback and winning easily. It shows that in this game if you are organized its easy to win. Fun couple of games. I'm sick of your teabagging antics CJ >.<
TheFatOne said:
Man when GAFA joins games that are down we can quickly comeback. Me Ice, Kitton and CJ joined a game we were under maned and down 3-1. We ended up making a comeback and winning easily. It shows that in this game if you are organized its easy to win. Fun couple of games. I'm sick of your teabagging antics CJ >.<

You started it, lol!

Yeah, that other clan left like we had the plague after that first game. That comeback was so easy too, lol! I could here them cussing asking how the heck they were losing and I was very entertained! Great games tonight!


I feel like I'm cheating now that I'm used to the shotgun. It's so damn easy to get kills with that thing. Man GAF games are much more intense than regular games. Especially with guys you play regularly with it just add an extra layer to the game. I really hope they add a party system and fix how to search for games. Games would be much easier to be organized. I also would love to see the Assault class nerfed and spawn invincibility gone.

We should try and get more GAFA members to play. It seems like every time we play games like that there are 4 or 5 people who aren't in the game but who are playing. If we could get the non regulars to play both teams would be even. BTW every time I killed you I could hear you complaining about your kill death ratio :lol

Rapping Granny said:
I also have not played since they revealed the new patch and waiting for that.

Don't lie to us we know its because you can't find a game anymore. Its hard to find games with so few people playing now. BTW can you actually play Fat Princess online now?
TheFatOne said:
I feel like I'm cheating now that I'm used to the shotgun. It's so damn easy to get kills with that thing. Man GAF games are much more intense than regular games. Especially with guys you play regularly with it just add an extra layer to the game. I really hope they add a party system and fix how to search for games. Games would be much easier to be organized. I also would love to see the Assault class nerfed and spawn invincibility gone.

We should try and get more GAFA members to play. It seems like every time we play games like that there are 4 or 5 people who aren't in the game but who are playing. If we could get the non regulars to play both teams would be even. BTW every time I killed you I could hear you complaining about your kill death ratio :lol

Playing in these GAF games is hell on the K/D ratio, lol! When I play randoms, I fair much, much better! Hell, I am just trying to get that bitch back to 1.0! Its been sitting at .94 forever, although the last few days I have been on the plus side pretty well.

Honestly I care more about the objectives and don't mind getting killed for the greater good. This game is about teamwork when it is played right. Hell, when it is played right no other game can match it. GAF games are almost always played right, so I don't mind getting killed more often.


S&R at Helghan Industries was awesome ... I left the game for 20 mins , and when I came back I was the only one at the server :] ... Why you guys left , its hard to find competitive games :\ ...


Liabe Brave said:
Rockets without splash damage?! What would be the point, since then the sniper rifle, M4, and StA-14 would all be far superior in every case?

I was referring to tweaking the splash damage so you can only use rockets to take down turrets and air drones or the usual camper, not to enter a room and get 3 frags by basically aiming the thing to the floor, ah and I forgot to add "tone down M4 revolver damage and don't make it infinite ammo"

Liabe Brave said:
Many of these seem to be "I'm good at the game, I should never have to die": no Assault or boost, nerf the shotgun, no invisible snipers....

I'm not good at the game, but we should never have to die in such cheap ways, assault/boost/shotgun and 100% invisible snipers with the ability of scanning the map for enemies (even saboteurs) need tweaking.

Liabe Brave said:
at 10m or more Engineers are at a serious disadvantage.

that's why engineers should be able to pick the smg

Liabe Brave said:
"You made a broken game, please make it into a different game" is unlikely to get much of a hearing from the developer.

we're not getting game fixes and further patches due to "the game is perfect thanks Guerrilla I'd buy 3 more copies of whatever you'd sell tomorrow" comments.



I just noticed that my trophy completion percentage was down from 100% to 80-something, due to a whole slew of new trophies related to the DLC maps. Nothing really interesting though, basically just "use that badge ability 5 times" for most of the secondary abilities.


VNZ said:
I just noticed that my trophy completion percentage was down from 100% to 80-something, due to a whole slew of new trophies related to the DLC maps. Nothing really interesting though, basically just "use that badge ability 5 times" for most of the secondary abilities.

Extra trophies? WAAH?

edit: Mine is still the same...


Lince said:
I was referring to tweaking the splash damage so you can only use rockets to take down turrets and air drones or the usual camper, not to enter a room and get 3 frags by basically aiming the thing to the floor, ah and I forgot to add "tone down M4 revolver damage and don't make it infinite ammo"

revolver damage is fine if they only give you 3 rounds of ammo (like Desert Eagle in CS) :p
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