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Rolf NB

FFObsessed said:
Graphs now? Did I stumble into one of those creepy Media Create threads? Die in a fire plz. kthx
You clearly don't deserve rich, full-flavored bacon. I will be less delicious from now on. And maybe I'll melee you a couple of times too.
I'll try.

... except of course you know something I don't and were just confirming flamethrower DLC o_O
careful said:
bcn-ron, could you keep charting the data for the next few weeks? It's gonna be interesting to see the effects of the DLC on the userbase or say an E3 price drop announcement.
I'll keep collecting the data for a while. But maybe I'll wait until I can bring "good news" before I post results again, heh.

At least I was holding up the torch and playing last night, unlike certain other people. Lince was fooling around in a password-protected match, and Rick was there, but nobody else from the clan. To somehow conclude that I wish this game ill in any form just because I disclose the player stats is not entirely stupid, I did bear "bad news" after all, but wrong nonetheless.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheFatOne said:
I feel like I'm cheating now that I'm used to the shotgun. It's so damn easy to get kills with that thing. Man GAF games are much more intense than regular games. Especially with guys you play regularly with it just add an extra layer to the game. I really hope they add a party system and fix how to search for games. Games would be much easier to be organized. I also would love to see the Assault class nerfed and spawn invincibility gone.

I can't stand people who use the shotgun! hahah, it's just so cheap. All you need to do is get 1 lucky hit, so even the shitty players who couldn't hit the sky with an automatic weapon kill me (obv not talking about you :p). Drives me nuts. When I pick up a shotgun when my main gun runs out of ammo, I almost want to start apologizing the 10 people I kill before I die.

What I don't understand about shotgun whores is why on earth they'd use it on PR. They are free kills on that map 97% of the time, yet they still charge around the map with the noobgun. Oh wells.

And why is it only bad people who use the shotgun? I very rarely see a top player using the shotgun, and most of the time I die to someone with a negative ratio. Personally, while it is very easy to get kills one on one, I still prefer my smg for taking down 2 or 3 at a time. SG is too slow for me then. I realize that shotgun whores can't get kills with the assault rifle, but they should try the SMG. More forgiving.

Anyway, I bailed on that gafa game, as playing 6 on 2 wasn't doing it for me :p I woulda stayed if I knew you guys were going to join another game. I'm just really tired of unbalanced games at this point.


TheFatOne said:
Man when GAFA joins games that are down we can quickly comeback. Me Ice, Kitton and CJ joined a game we were under maned and down 3-1. We ended up making a comeback and winning easily. It shows that in this game if you are organized its easy to win. Fun couple of games. I'm sick of your teabagging antics CJ >.<

I wuz teh tactician in that one.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
icechai said:
revolver damage is fine if they only give you 3 rounds of ammo (like Desert Eagle in CS) :p

That gun is insane. The more I use it, the more I realize how ridiculous it can be in the hands of a skilled player. I'm not that good with it, but I've seen people who are and it's pretty funny.


bcn-ron said:
I'll keep collecting the data for a while. But maybe I'll wait until I can bring "good news" before I post results again, heh.

At least I was holding up the torch and playing last night, unlike certain other people. Lince was fooling around in a password-protected match, and Rick was there, but nobody else from the clan. To somehow conclude that I wish this game ill in any form just because I disclose the player stats is not entirely stupid, I did bear "bad news" after all, but wrong nonetheless.

Stop getting the weekly stats reset time wrong, Bacon! It is 00:00 Monday morning, not noon.

Anyway, I was on last night but only played one game with a friend, it was all I could stomach. I am incredibly tired of all the issues with the game that are seemingly never going to be resolved, bar the odd few GG deem worthy. That, along with the awful community make me incredibly bored and frustrated with the game and as most of you know, at least Euro GAF members, I was heavily into the game.

commish said:
That gun is insane. The more I use it, the more I realize how ridiculous it can be in the hands of a skilled player. I'm not that good with it, but I've seen people who are and it's pretty funny.

It isn't really over powered, besides having infinite ammo. It seems too good because it is such a step up from the original pistol which is utter shit. If it had limited ammo, maybe not 3 bullets as icechai suggested, I would say 6 it would balance it out a bit more and force people to be more accurate with it. It would also give another point to repairing ammo boxes which are currently only good for grenade rounds and barely get used for them anyway.


commish said:
That gun is insane. The more I use it, the more I realize how ridiculous it can be in the hands of a skilled player. I'm not that good with it, but I've seen people who are and it's pretty funny.
Yeah, it's quite often a one hit kill since you always have a good amount of guys running around at less than max health.

As for shotgun being cheap, I still think C4 is cheaper. :p
commish said:
That gun is insane. The more I use it, the more I realize how ridiculous it can be in the hands of a skilled player. I'm not that good with it, but I've seen people who are and it's pretty funny.

I only played a few games but i got pretty lethal with it, I would often favour the pistol over the assault rifle for medium range headshots.


commish said:
I can't stand people who use the shotgun! hahah, it's just so cheap. All you need to do is get 1 lucky hit, so even the shitty players who couldn't hit the sky with an automatic weapon kill me (obv not talking about you :p). Drives me nuts. When I pick up a shotgun when my main gun runs out of ammo, I almost want to start apologizing the 10 people I kill before I die.

What I don't understand about shotgun whores is why on earth they'd use it on PR. They are free kills on that map 97% of the time, yet they still charge around the map with the noobgun. Oh wells.

And why is it only bad people who use the shotgun? I very rarely see a top player using the shotgun, and most of the time I die to someone with a negative ratio. Personally, while it is very easy to get kills one on one, I still prefer my smg for taking down 2 or 3 at a time. SG is too slow for me then. I realize that shotgun whores can't get kills with the assault rifle, but they should try the SMG. More forgiving.

Anyway, I bailed on that gafa game, as playing 6 on 2 wasn't doing it for me :p I woulda stayed if I knew you guys were going to join another game. I'm just really tired of unbalanced games at this point.

DON'T call me bad
Shotgun needs some skill you know and when I own, I own really hard :p
Though I kinda got bored of playing with shotgun, only shooting from close.
So you see me playing with other guns :)

Rolf NB

Cagen said:
Stop getting the weekly stats reset time wrong, Bacon! It is 00:00 Monday morning, not noon.
But it really is noon. I have it totally narrowed down on March 30th. At 08:20am there were 28425 pages of stats, so that already disproves midnight. At 12:02 it had reset and was down to 730 pages. It's noon, noon, noon. Noon-na-nee-na-noon. Really.

And M4 > shotgun, at any range.


Having found myself just bored with the game...I decided to pick up a rocket launcher and go batshit crazy with it...and I'll tell you, being on the proper end of the rocket launcher is a freaking riot...I enjoyed being 'a rocket noob' immensely. :lol


What does it say when some of the most hardcore guys like Lince, Cagen, TTP, etc. have become fed up with the game imbalances/bugs? Even Tempy from GG seems to side with us on some of those issues. It tells me the guys in charge of MP are refusing to budge on their design decisions (or are realllly slow to realize).


bcn-ron said:
At least I was holding up the torch and playing last night, unlike certain other people. Lince was fooling around in a password-protected match, and Rick was there, but nobody else from the clan.

I was on for a few hours and saw you pop up in the game I was in. I was trying to get the last few ribbons for my sniping medal so hope you don't think I was being ignorant, but inviting you into a squad with me as leader while I hid in a corner trying to get sneaky kills probably wouldn't of been the best of ideas! Anyways hope to catch you on tonight as we seem to be the only ones of the hardcore left.:lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Negaiido said:
DON'T call me bad
Shotgun needs some skill you know and when I own, I own really hard :p
Though I kinda got bored of playing with shotgun, only shooting from close.
So you see me playing with other guns :)

Ha, I'm just saying that when the match ends, those people who use shotgun tend not to be at the top of the scoring charts and instead tend to have a negative ratio. The shotgun boosters are an exception, as that is just an OP setup :)
Lince said:
I was referring to tweaking the splash damage so you can only use rockets to take down turrets and air drones or the usual camper, not to enter a room and get 3 frags by basically aiming the thing to the floor...
Okay, just tweaking it is different. I agree about the problem, but I'd like a different solution: make friendly fire mandatory on ranked games (and change spawn grenades). Then room-clearing will also kill all the friendlies present, which would make floor rockets a bad idea for S&D (which is the main mode where this happens).

Lince said:
I'm not good at the game, but we should never have to die in such cheap ways, assault/boost/shotgun and 100% invisible snipers with the ability of scanning the map for enemies (even saboteurs) need tweaking.
I agree that saboteurs shouldn't be able to be spot & marked; you normally don't get reticle confirmation until way up close, so why do snipers violate that? Assault I'm more ambivalent on. I do think the class needs changes, but their performance in short-range firefights isn't the reason. Think tactically, stand off at distance, and their advantages attenuate.

Lince said:
that's why engineers should be able to pick the smg
I wouldn't like this at all. Then they could erect good area defense and chase down targets aggressively, instead of sticking to defense.

Lince said:
we're not getting game fixes and further patches due to "the game is perfect thanks Guerrilla I'd buy 3 more copies of whatever you'd sell tomorrow" comments.
I hear your frustration, and I certainly share it in some respects (I reported a glitching player weeks ago, and there have been no consequences for them). I didn't mean you should quit complaining, just that your list was so sweeping that it hurts its own chances to be heard. Start with two or three important changes that wouldn't utterly change the game, and Guerrilla is more likely to listen.

Anyway, hope your experience improves, or at least gives you some fun while it lasts.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
GodofWine said:
Having found myself just bored with the game...I decided to pick up a rocket launcher and go batshit crazy with it...and I'll tell you, being on the proper end of the rocket launcher is a freaking riot...I enjoyed being 'a rocket noob' immensely. :lol

It really is a lot of fun at times, and I won't deny that, for me, part of the fun was knowing that it is infuriating some people because it can be pretty lame. Doesn't get much better in KZ2 than rocketing 4 people at once.


bcn-ron said:
But it really is noon. I have it totally narrowed down on March 30th. At 08:20am there were 28425 pages of stats, so that already disproves midnight. At 12:02 it had reset and was down to 730 pages. It's noon, noon, noon. Noon-na-nee-na-noon. Really.

And M4 > shotgun, at any range.

Last weeks stats stopped being tracked at 00:00, by 00:30 they had been reset and started recording for that current week, by 03:00 honour ranks had been handed out, by 05:00 I was in bed :lol.

Next Sunday night/Monday morning I am going to take pictures and either prove I am right and being an incredibly arrogant cock I know I am or be made a complete fool (this happens a lot, I never learn).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Cagen said:
It would also give another point to repairing ammo boxes which are currently only good for grenade rounds and barely get used for them anyway.

I use ammo boxes all the time, for both ammo and nades!

Rolf NB

dazed808 said:
I was on for a few hours and saw you pop up in the game I was in. I was trying to get the last few ribbons for my sniping medal so hope you don't think I was being ignorant, but inviting you into a squad with me as leader while I hid in a corner trying to get sneaky kills probably wouldn't of been the best of ideas! Anyways hope to catch you on tonight as we seem to be the only ones of the hardcore left.:lol
No worries. I used the time to get my last four melee ribbons. It was surprisingly awesome. Now I only have mission ribbons left to earn (5x S&R, 2x assassination defend) and I hope to get them all in "proper" games. No more cheesing.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Liabe Brave said:
Assault I'm more ambivalent on. I do think the class needs changes, but their performance in short-range firefights isn't the reason. Think tactically, stand off at distance, and their advantages attenuate.

Stand off at a distance? How does that affect the assault class when they can boost right next to you in 1 second? Besides, they can also pick up a regular gun, so they are just like a normal class, except have twice the health and can lag boost you to death :p

Rolf NB

Cagen said:
Last weeks stats stopped being tracked at 00:00, by 00:30 they had been reset and started recording for that current week, by 03:00 honour ranks had been handed out, by 05:00 I was in bed :lol.

Next Sunday night/Monday morning I am going to take pictures and either prove I am right and being an incredibly arrogant cock I know I am or be made a complete fool (this happens a lot, I never learn).
Maybe they have a monkey that presses the button (PSN monkey's cousin?) and they can't get him to do it at the same time each week (decaffeinated bananas?).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Cagen said:
You need to aim better and pick up peoples weapons, assuming you kill them.

Or I don't die a lot? And I DO pick up people's weapons, but I'd rather use my SMG, which is the reason I pick the sab class. Also picking up a weapon is 3 seconds of vulnerability, which I hate. On some S&D maps, I will use the ammo boxes a shitload because you can nade the plant zone almost unimpeded.


Cagen said:
Last weeks stats stopped being tracked at 00:00, by 00:30 they had been reset and started recording for that current week, by 03:00 honour ranks had been handed out, by 05:00 I was in bed :lol.

I've been on every Sunday when they have reset and i'm sure you're right, think it just takes a few hours for the servers to start showing the new stats for the week.

or be made a complete fool (this happens a lot, I never learn).
This is the reason we renamed the "quote of the day" on the GAFe thread to "The dumbass shit that Cagen said last nite":lol
Never change mate it's fucking hilarious and hope you hop back on with us once in a while to share your comic genius
and your awesome skills, you incredibly arrogant cock.I kid, I kid:lol


commish said:
Or I don't die a lot? And I DO pick up people's weapons, but I'd rather use my SMG, which is the reason I pick the sab class. Also picking up a weapon is 3 seconds of vulnerability, which I hate. On some S&D maps, I will use the ammo boxes a shitload because you can nade the plant zone almost unimpeded.

I was just messing with you, man but still ammo boxes are rarely used by the general player base, at least what I have observed anyway. If the M4 had very limited ammo then I would use them as I rarely do myself other then for grenades if needed.

dazed808 said:
This is the reason we renamed the "quote of the day" on the GAFe thread to "The dumbass shit that Cagen said last nite":lol
Never change mate it's fucking hilarious and hope you hop back on with us once in a while to share your comic genius
and your awesome skills, you incredibly arrogant cock.I kid, I kid:lol

:lol It's true.

I'll still play just nothing like I have been.

In random games I played as tactician, mostly because the community is full of idiots who have no idea how to play the game (even if they have played enough to get to the general rank), however if someone else chooses to be a tactician as well it makes it pointless me being one as they fuck up the spawn points anyway. This coupled with rockets, friendly fire being off allowing everyone to spam explosives, players not bothering with objectives, sigh the list goes on.

Then we get to competitive play, people exploiting the rule set, people glitching out of the map (something GG actually deems a problem which is nice), huge amounts of lag and the host having an advantage make the whole system a joke.

The only saving grace at the moment is playing with you guys. I'll be in the clusterfuck on Corinth tomorrow to take my number 1 spot again :lol.


Not pure anymore!
GodofWine said:
Having found myself just bored with the game...I decided to pick up a rocket launcher and go batshit crazy with it...and I'll tell you, being on the proper end of the rocket launcher is a freaking riot...I enjoyed being 'a rocket noob' immensely. :lol
I'm the noobest noobie noob ever, but I can't get many kills with that shitty rocket launcher. :\

I'm kinda bored with the game, haven't played in... god, I dunno how long. But that's just how I am, I get bored easily. :p I shall wait for DLC, hopefully it's not too expensive.


commish said:
Ha, I'm just saying that when the match ends, those people who use shotgun tend not to be at the top of the scoring charts and instead tend to have a negative ratio. The shotgun boosters are an exception, as that is just an OP setup :)

Some people who use the shotgun are always at the top of the scoring board, it just depends on the individual, a lot of people don't know how to use each class correctly, you can rack up an impressive number of kills during search and destroy missions, especially when defending. I find that engineers can get a TON of kills just because of how much damage a shotgun can inflict as well as the turrets.


commish said:
That gun is insane. The more I use it, the more I realize how ridiculous it can be in the hands of a skilled player. I'm not that good with it, but I've seen people who are and it's pretty funny.



careful said:
What does it say when some of the most hardcore guys like Lince, Cagen, TTP, etc. have become fed up with the game imbalances/bugs? Even Tempy from GG seems to side with us on some of those issues. It tells me the guys in charge of MP are refusing to budge on their design decisions (or are realllly slow to realize).

I haven't played in a few days now, the last time I played I turned off the ps3 pissed off. That's not why I play games.


Just finished SP, wow what a ride. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for the sequel. My only and I mean ONLY gripe about the game are the character face models. Some look good like SEV but others Rico etc... just seem off and creepy. But I am sure that can be corrected.

I played it on the 3rd highest difficulty and man was it a pain in the ass at times but it added to my desire to get them back the next time and it was awesome. :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kittonwy said:
Some people who use the shotgun are always at the top of the scoring board, it just depends on the individual, a lot of people don't know how to use each class correctly, you can rack up an impressive number of kills during search and destroy missions, especially when defending. I find that engineers can get a TON of kills just because of how much damage a shotgun can inflict as well as the turrets.

I don't mean to suggest that a shotgun user can't reach the top, because it's pretty easy to reach the top with a shotgun on most maps. I'm just saying that the top players tend NOT to use the shotgun, whether that's because they find it cheap and "dirty", because they are better with the assault/smg, or whatever reason.



God of Killzone 2 found? I mean, it can't be some kind of serious cheating two months after the game hit the street? or could it be? nah, it can't be, high-profile fps don't have these issues for 50 days... he must be Killzone 2 God indeed.

and I fucking love having 30 minutes of free time to play and wasting 10 trying to find some game with assault class banned, there are plenty of them but they're usually full, thank you Guerrilla, this is not frustrating at all, not to mention joining/exiting games rapidly get you a high chance of networr error - system freeze - game save corruption. No wonder players are quitting. And if you try to find such game with a friend to play in the same team... nightmare will ensue, I'm not supporting this shitty developer anymore, overreacting maybe but I really feel Guerrilla is laughing at me with all this stuff that they struggle to fix or even admit it needs fixing.

Cagen said:
In random games I played as tactician, mostly because the community is full of idiots who have no idea how to play the game (even if they have played enough to get to the general rank), however if someone else chooses to be a tactician as well it makes it pointless me being one as they fuck up the spawn points anyway. This coupled with rockets, friendly fire being off allowing everyone to spam explosives, players not bothering with objectives, sigh the list goes on.

I'm amazed Guerrilla are so naive they never saw this coming (as the bots exploit), that's why the game badly needs a party system with matchmaking so you can play with your friends in an ORGANISED squad and doing things the way they're meant to.

Cagen said:
Then we get to competitive play, people exploiting the rule set, people glitching out of the map (something GG actually deems a problem which is nice), huge amounts of lag and the host having an advantage make the whole system a joke.

the tourney list is amazing, have you tried it? /joking
and lag is not Guerrilla fault... just that they were so lame and cheap to ignore a dedicated servers setup for the so-called PS3 savior and best game ever. Reasons? none given, results? big fiasco. I bet my right hand if they ever make a Killzone 3 it will have party system and dedicated servers, even as naive as they are they can learn from mistakes.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Lince said:

God of Killzone 2 found? I mean, it can't be some kind of serious cheating two months after the game hit the street? or could it be? nah, it can't be, high-profile fps don't have these issues for 50 days... he must be Killzone 2 God indeed.

and I fucking love having 30 minutes of free time to play and wasting 10 trying to find some game with assault class banned, there are plenty of them but they're usually full, thank you Guerrilla, this is not frustrating at all, not to mention joining/exiting games rapidly get you a high chance of networr error - system freeze - game save corruption. No wonder players are quitting. And if you try to find such game with a friend to play in the same team... nightmare will ensue, I'm not supporting this shitty developer anymore, overreacting maybe but I really feel Guerrilla is laughing at me with all this stuff that they struggle to fix or even admit it needs fixing.

Hey look, it's Lince complaining about KZ2! With all new, insightful complaints! :p
Lince said:

God of Killzone 2 found? I mean, it can't be some kind of serious cheating two months after the game hit the street? or could it be? nah, it can't be, high-profile fps don't have these issues for 50 days... he must be Killzone 2 God indeed.

and I fucking love having 30 minutes of free time to play and wasting 10 trying to find some game with assault class banned, there are plenty of them but they're usually full, thank you Guerrilla, this is not frustrating at all, not to mention joining/exiting games rapidly get you a high chance of networr error - system freeze - game save corruption. No wonder players are quitting. And if you try to find such game with a friend to play in the same team... nightmare will ensue, I'm not supporting this shitty developer anymore, overreacting maybe but I really feel Guerrilla is laughing at me with all this stuff that they struggle to fix or even admit it needs fixing.

it's a dutch guy. guerilla guy?


Yeah, they really need to expand the search parameters for finding games.
Being able to search 17-24 is at least a good start on finding games with a higher probability of good settings.

I also think Blood Gratch with anything more then 4 vs 4 is one of the worst experiences you can have in this game. I feel like I'm bumping into shit constantly when navigating this infuriating map. And it's game modes are all terrible, nothing works. The only one that seems halfway decent is search and retrieve on Blood Gratch, but c4 can quickly ruin that one.
Corinth Crossing comes in at a close second (for worst map in the game). The top area is at least at lot of fun to fight on. It's too bad they didn't place the search and destroy zones up there somewhere (on the long stretches one tier away from the absolute top).


Cagen said:
I was just messing with you, man but still ammo boxes are rarely used by the general player base, at least what I have observed anyway. If the M4 had very limited ammo then I would use them as I rarely do myself other then for grenades if needed.

:lol It's true.

I'll still play just nothing like I have been.

In random games I played as tactician, mostly because the community is full of idiots who have no idea how to play the game (even if they have played enough to get to the general rank), however if someone else chooses to be a tactician as well it makes it pointless me being one as they fuck up the spawn points anyway. This coupled with rockets, friendly fire being off allowing everyone to spam explosives, players not bothering with objectives, sigh the list goes on.

Then we get to competitive play, people exploiting the rule set, people glitching out of the map (something GG actually deems a problem which is nice), huge amounts of lag and the host having an advantage make the whole system a joke.

The only saving grace at the moment is playing with you guys. I'll be in the clusterfuck on Corinth tomorrow to take my number 1 spot again :lol.

The game tomorrow will probably be my only game this week. Bored to shit with KZ2 online. Spammy, unbalanced and filled with massive fucking idiots outside of clan-games (and even then you're looking at 40/60 chance against finding a decent, honest team).


I think you guys should join the dark side and become assault asses. I did it for a while and had a blast, no lie.:lol

I loved Radec,32players and trying to destroy ISA's objective near their base.


Cruzader said:
I think you guys should join the dark side and become assault asses. I did it for a while and had a blast, no lie.:lol

I loved Radec,32players and trying to destroy ISA's objective near their base.

I think for every 1 person playing the assault class, there are 2 people that never want to play the game again.
yes, I'm exaggerating. but know that you cut me, deep.


Lince said:

God of Killzone 2 found? I mean, it can't be some kind of serious cheating two months after the game hit the street? or could it be? nah, it can't be, high-profile fps don't have these issues for 50 days... he must be Killzone 2 God indeed.

and I fucking love having 30 minutes of free time to play and wasting 10 trying to find some game with assault class banned, there are plenty of them but they're usually full, thank you Guerrilla, this is not frustrating at all, not to mention joining/exiting games rapidly get you a high chance of networr error - system freeze - game save corruption. No wonder players are quitting. And if you try to find such game with a friend to play in the same team... nightmare will ensue, I'm not supporting this shitty developer anymore, overreacting maybe but I really feel Guerrilla is laughing at me with all this stuff that they struggle to fix or even admit it needs fixing.
You really do complain a lot. Theres a difference between "I love this game so much and want it to be better" and bitching on every single page in this thread without failure.

Stop playing already.

Lord Phol

Is this game really THAT fun? :eek:
How's the online community, many people still playing?
Just making sure this doesen't turn into another Unreal 3, if I am to make an investment!


Lord Phol said:
Is this game really THAT fun? :eek:
How's the online community, many people still playing?
Just making sure this doesen't turn into another Unreal 3, if I am to make an investment!

No one can be told what the matrix is.....
love to hate it, or hate to love it, where will you fall??


Dirtbag said:
I think for every 1 person playing the assault class, there are 2 people that never want to play the game again.
yes, I'm exaggerating. but know that you cut me, deep.

I agree to a certain extent. When I was grinding for my badges, I would quit the game if Assault tards were in there. But when I wasnt doing that, just playing for fun, I didnt mind since I became one of them and gunned for them.


I'm not "extreme" like some of you but wanted to say just how much I love this game. I have put about 50 hours into MP so far and it has become my favorite FPS.

Rolf NB

Lord Phol said:
Is this game really THAT fun? :eek:
How's the online community, many people still playing?
Just making sure this doesen't turn into another Unreal 3, if I am to make an investment!
200k active players waiting to shoot you in the face.
bcn-ron said:
Now I only have mission ribbons left to earn (5x S&R, 2x assassination defend) and I hope to get them all in "proper" games. No more cheesing.
Play small (4v4) warzone matches. That way your skill actually matters to the outcome, and you're much more likely to get a chance to deliver the speaker or be the assassination target. That's how I got all my objective medals, actually.


bcn-ron said:
200k active players waiting to shoot you in the face.

with rockets, while spawn-invinsible, and boosting circles around you.

it's fun, it falls somewhere between COD and Counter-strike with a heavy dose of team fortress to ruin the balance


I sold the game for some of the reasons people seem to be complaining about. I got bored of the multiplayer however because it didn't satisfy me when I got a kill like some games do, there wasn't this skill factor needed. Games like counterstrike and Halo allow me to truly beat anyone who isn't as skilled as me, wheras in Killzone it was alot of just wild spraying.

One of the reasons I feel is that the crosshair isn't fixed or tight. I appreciate that accuracy changes depending on movement speed and whatnot but I would much prefer a tight fixed crosshair which shows me where my bullets will go under the peachiest of circumstances. For example in CS, I used to change my crosshair size to the smallest possible it could go on the ingame console, this allowed me to pull off plenty of audacious headshots.

A typical game for me on KZ would be to top the board but feel no great satisfaction. I would die through people spawn grenading behind me and shotgunning me in my arse, which fealt cheap and like I was wasting my time. Honestly I thought KZ2 was going to be the be all and end all shooter for me, however it just wasn't. Personally it isn't one of those things they can patch in, there was just something missing.

I did LOVE the singleplayer however and will gladly buy the sequel on day 1.


-ARNiE- said:
I sold the game for some of the reasons people seem to be complaining about. I got bored of the multiplayer however because it didn't satisfy me when I got a kill like some games do, there wasn't this skill factor needed. Games like counterstrike and Halo allow me to truly beat anyone who isn't as skilled as me, wheras in Killzone it was alot of just wild spraying.

One of the reasons I feel is that the crosshair isn't fixed or tight. I appreciate that accuracy changes depending on movement speed and whatnot but I would much prefer a tight fixed crosshair which shows me where my bullets will go under the peachiest of circumstances. For example in CS, I used to change my crosshair size to the smallest possible it could go on the ingame console, this allowed me to pull off plenty of audacious headshots.

A typical game for me on KZ would be to top the board but feel no great satisfaction. I would die through people spawn grenading behind me and shotgunning me in my arse, which fealt cheap and like I was wasting my time. Honestly I thought KZ2 was going to be the be all and end all shooter for me, however it just wasn't. Personally it isn't one of those things they can patch in, there was just something missing.

I did LOVE the singleplayer however and will gladly buy the sequel on day 1.
Happy trails Hans...
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