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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So yesterday we played a S&D mission (I think its S&D when one team has to plant 2 bombs and the other has to stop them)... so whats the deal? both teams had 2 spawn points on the same small room. It was crazy, spawn->die->spawn->die.
(Notice that i didnt put spawn->kill->die :D )


Fersis said:
So yesterday we played a S&D mission (I think its S&D when one team has to plant 2 bombs and the other has to stop them)... so whats the deal? both teams had 2 spawn points on the same small room. It was crazy, spawn->die->spawn->die.

Welcome to Killzone 2!

Now add in Spawn Invincibility, Rockets/Assault and no friendly fire by default.

The way the game was meant to be played.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Welcome to Killzone 2!

Now add in Spawn Invincibility, Rockets/Assault and no friendly fire by default.

The way the game was meant to be played.
Yeah, i finally understand what that means :lol
Kind of silly when you have both teams in a small room spawning like crazy.


Fersis said:
Yeah, i finally understand what that means :lol
Kind of silly when you have both teams in a small room spawning like crazy.

Yep, I HATE Spawn Invincibility. It almost ruins games for me, I really dislike it.

I actually think invincible spawning on the squad leader is even more annoying on occasions. You're shooting a guy and about to kill him when some invincible man shield spawns right in front of him absorbs you're bullets and then the two of them kill you. Cheap crap.


What game title should I look for to jump in with Gaffers? I don't get to play on a regular schedule, but I'm sick of playing in the public games and finding one good group out of every 10 games.


lol @ new Lince

On the subject of team killing. I always seem to get a few team kills when I'm squad leader and people randomly spawn in front of me while I'm shooting at someone.
Fix this shit GG!! No but joking aside, would it be possible to have squadmates spawn behind the squad leader and not in front? It would also eliminate the complaints of squad leader 'meat shielding'.

FFObsessed said:
Yep, I HATE Spawn Invincibility. It almost ruins games for me, I really dislike it.

I actually think invincible spawning on the squad leader is even more annoying on occasions. You're shooting a guy and about to kill him when some invincible man shield spawns right in front of him absorbs you're bullets and then the two of them kill you. Cheap crap.
FFO right on cue :lol


Fersis said:
So yesterday we played a S&D mission (I think its S&D when one team has to plant 2 bombs and the other has to stop them)... so whats the deal? both teams had 2 spawn points on the same small room. It was crazy, spawn->die->spawn->die.
(Notice that i didnt put spawn->kill->die :D )
Now you can start to understand why people are asking GG to tweak the spawn grenades (don't allow them in objective areas, allow to disable them, etc). The situation you described happens quite often, and though the full chaos can be fun at first, it gets tiresome pretty quickly as all strategy goes out the window for mindless spawning and dying.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
careful said:
Now you can start to understand why people are asking GG to tweak the spawn grenades (don't allow them in objective areas, allow to disable them, etc). The situation you described happens quite often, and though the full chaos can be fun at first, it gets tiresome pretty quickly as all strategy goes out the window for mindless spawning and dying.
I think that you can shoot C4 isnt ? If you could shoot spawn points, people would use it more carefully i think. :3


FFObsessed said:
Yep, I HATE Spawn Invincibility. It almost ruins games for me, I really dislike it.

I actually think invincible spawning on the squad leader is even more annoying on occasions. You're shooting a guy and about to kill him when some invincible man shield spawns right in front of him absorbs you're bullets and then the two of them kill you. Cheap crap.

Spawn invincibility is kind of necessary when you're trying to flood S&D rooms when you're on the offensive, otherwise the other team would just camp it and camp the chokepoints leading into the rooms, unless they stipulate no spawns inside the room, it's a tough balance.


I played some 5v5 Dutch game and there were several classes banned, including tacticians. It was on Salamun market, we got destroyed by this clan because we random peasants were running around trying to find them while they accomplished every mission Metal Gear style, it was cool, I might try it for our next GAFe night, you can feel the tension when you're approaching the S&D objective as if you fail you might not get another chance to get there.


careful said:
Now you can start to understand why people are asking GG to tweak the spawn grenades (don't allow them in objective areas, allow to disable them, etc). The situation you described happens quite often, and though the full chaos can be fun at first, it gets tiresome pretty quickly as all strategy goes out the window for mindless spawning and dying.

There's nothing mindless about spawns when they're well-placed, and good tacticians have to keep maintaining them or else they run out and everybody spawn back at home and the mission is lost. And there aren't many good tacticians around. It only devolves into mindless dying when your team don't know what to do to suppress enemy spawns.


RavenFox said:
Hey Kittonwy I sent you a pm :)

I got your PM, clan is full right now, but I guess I'll have to purge some non-active members and free some space as I have some requests for clan invites. Keep playing and stay active because I would rather add someone who actually plays the game regularly then keep someone who has lost interest and won't come back to it.


Kittonwy said:
There's nothing mindless about spawns when they're well-placed, and good tacticians have to keep maintaining them or else they run out and everybody spawn back at home and the mission is lost. And there aren't many good tacticians around. It only devolves into mindless dying when your team don't know what to do to suppress enemy spawns.
Yes, agreed. You can usually counter a spawn point with a better placed spawn point.
I was just commenting on the situation Fersis described (all four spawns in one S&D room).


Kittonwy said:
There's nothing mindless about spawns when they're well-placed, and good tacticians have to keep maintaining them or else they run out and everybody spawn back at home and the mission is lost. And there aren't many good tacticians around. It only devolves into mindless dying when your team don't know what to do to suppress enemy spawns.


Spawn invicibility on spawn nades just encourages clusterfuck placement and tanking objectives with constant streams of periodically invincible, rocket-wielding, 2x health boosting cuntburgers.

Tell me, how do you supress that? How do you suppress a spawn nade directly infront of an S&D objective with a constant stream of assaults, rockets and no friendly fire? A tactician can spawn in and easily drop another spawn nade with the invicibilty period.

It's shocking how they've been allowed to function like this. I'm sure GG weighed the pros and cons of spawn invincibility vs no invincibility (things like camping a nade for easy kills).

Really, if they adjusted spawn nades to only provide invincibility outside of an objective scoring zone, maybe we'd see more fun strategies in play.


Lince said:
I played some 5v5 Dutch game and there were several classes banned, including tacticians. It was on Salamun market, we got destroyed by this clan because we random peasants were running around trying to find them while they accomplished every mission Metal Gear style, it was cool, I might try it for our next GAFe night, you can feel the tension when you're approaching the S&D objective as if you fail you might not get another chance to get there.

I think while some clans know how to take full advantage of squad spawning, many clans don't, it can make a huge difference depending on how smart the team plays, I think most clans focus so much on just getting the kills that they often screw themselves out of winning missions and the overall game which I often find frustrating. I think every team should have two tacticians max and the tacticians need to work with each other instead of trying to do their own thing, it's unacceptable that we lose S&D defense because 1) the spawn rotation gets fucked up, and 2) people are just fighting outside the bomb placement room because they're simply looking for kills or are just dicking around, I don't mind if the bullshit is done by non-clan members but when the clan plays together and I see that it's frustrating.


Facism said:

Spawn invicibility on spawn nades just encourages clusterfuck placement and tanking objectives with constant streams of periodically invincible, rocket-wielding, 2x health boosting cuntburgers.

Tell me, how do you supress that? How do you suppress a spawn nade directly infront of an S&D objective with a constant stream of assaults, rockets and no friendly fire? A tactician can spawn in and easily drop another spawn nade with the invicibilty period.

It's shocking how they've been allowed to function like this. I'm sure GG weighed the pros and cons of spawn invincibility vs no invincibility (things like camping a nade for easy kills).

Really, if they adjusted spawn nades to only provide invincibility outside of an objective scoring zone, maybe we'd see more fun strategies in play.

If your team actually have their shit together , the other team wouldn't be able to put a spawn that close to the bomb placement to begin with. If the other team has assaults, guess what? That means YOUR TEAM has assaults, if the other team has spawn invincibility, your team has spawn invincibility. The invincibility period is not long enough that a tactician can spawn, figure out which direction the spawn should face, TURN, then place a spawn, and tacticians can be easily distinguished from other classes. If your team isn't killing the tacticians first and the other team is, then it's not the game's problem. Killing tacticians isn't some fucking hypothetical thing either, I've seen people do it, I was doing that last night on Corinth River, it's very effective in terms of keeping the other team from establishing a spawn inside the target room.

Don't blame it on spawn invincibility if your team plays like shit, people are always blaming losses on various things but in reality they're just too obsessed with typical douchebaggery to focus on winning. I see people running after targets well outside of the target zone, I've seen people placing spawns because that's where THEY want to spawn instead of where it's best for the team, I've seen people fighting all the way on the other side of the map. The way the game is set up if your tacticians are competent and your team is skilled, you can literally contain the other team inside their base (unless the other team can give the tactician enough cover to spawn them outside) without ever getting your team into a spawn fest during S&D, I see that with good teams and I've played on both sides.

These are the things I've observed so far:

1) Tacticians don't know what they're doing and put the spawns at the wrong places or facing the wrong direction.
2) Tacticians don't communicate with each other and end up fucking up the spawns.
3) Even with people from the same clan, they don't know how to pick the right jobs to complement each other, and we get a whole bunch of sabs just because people like to play as sabs, so when they get into a situation that requires team fire power, they get creamed.
4) People are playing just for themselves and don't care about winning.
5) On S&D offense/defense, people don't have any sense of priority and chase after targets instead of actually dispatching the one arming/defusing the bomb.

So in general, the game requires teamplay to succeed and a lot of people just don't play as a team, they get into squads, they get into clans, but actual organization is lacking, a lot of the time there's a ton of casual play so there's a ton of clusterfuck, but if you're looking for team play, play with a team, a good team that is, it's a huge difference playing on a team that knows exactly how and when to place turrets and spawns.
Wow. This game is serious business to some. Luckily I just play and [gasp] have fun and all that end of the world spawn invincibilty, teams not spawning after going up a point, rocket launchers with no friendly fire on shit has no meaning because it doesn't exist as a problem outside of your so-called "upper-level clan play with people you know instead of the inferior randoms". Makes me sick and laugh at the same time.

And yes, I realize I'll get "but GG should have realized what would happen. I want to play clans that play just as fair as we do...". Guess clan play isn't all that better than randoms, huh?


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Wow. This game is serious business to some. Luckily I just play and [gasp] have fun and all that end of the world spawn invincibilty, teams not spawning after going up a point, rocket launchers with no friendly fire on shit has no meaning because it doesn't exist as a problem outside of your so-called "upper-level clan play with people you know instead of the inferior randoms". Makes me sick and laugh at the same time.

And yes, I realize I'll get "but GG should have realized what would happen. I want to play clans that play just as fair as we do...". Guess clan play isn't all that better than randoms, huh?

If you're not playing seriously and just going for kills then why even complain about these things so much? You can sit at a corner or somewhere on the map and get your kills, instead of rushing into a roomful of people and bullets/grenades to try to win the mission.
Oh God... I'm loving the "the game should be played THIS way and not THAT way" lmfao. "If you don't know what you're doing please stop or get better" hahahahsuisahdfiguhwuigfhwreaighawg. "If you're not playing to win you deserve to die in a fire for fucking up my stats". *Dies laughing*.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Facism said:

Spawn invicibility on spawn nades just encourages clusterfuck placement and tanking objectives with constant streams of periodically invincible, rocket-wielding, 2x health boosting cuntburgers.

Tell me, how do you supress that? How do you suppress a spawn nade directly infront of an S&D objective with a constant stream of assaults, rockets and no friendly fire? A tactician can spawn in and easily drop another spawn nade with the invicibilty period.

It's shocking how they've been allowed to function like this. I'm sure GG weighed the pros and cons of spawn invincibility vs no invincibility (things like camping a nade for easy kills).

Really, if they adjusted spawn nades to only provide invincibility outside of an objective scoring zone, maybe we'd see more fun strategies in play.

I personally favor the "You're invincible until you shoot" solution to this problem. Anything else I've ready as a suggestion just seems to be more of the same tail-chasing, crowd pleasing, stuff that caused the original spawn-invincibility situation in the first place.

Also, the game was intended to be played FF on.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Guess clan play isn't all that better than randoms, huh?

Clan play makes a difference because people in the same team went through the same attempts and develop their strategies over time. Playing with random party is more ad hoc and scattered.

As for surviving in KZ2, staying put in some protected corner and shoot people from mid- long- range is what I do. :) If the game is screwed by spawn grenades, it's not worth running into the mess and get yourself killed so quickly. Just wait for it to go away and regroup.
Kittonwy said:
If you're not playing seriously and just going for kills then why even complain about these things so much? You can sit at a corner or somewhere on the map and get your kills, instead of rushing into a roomful of people and bullets/grenades to try to win the mission.

I play the way I want to play. I perform mission duties. I try to help the team.

What I hate is being told by some guy on the internet what I should or should not be doing in a videogame. Because you might have a high and mighty position on where EVERYONE should place spawn grenades does not make them the official places that every goddamn tactician should throw one down. Not every game has the same circumstances. Not every game is against the same team with the same tactics. Sometimes it calls for a nade out of the way in a safe place somewhere. Please don't fucking talk like you're the only one who knows what's up. It's laughable. Tips are good. BUt they aren't always useful in every situation.

The last thing I want is some random guy on my earpiece swearing me out and taking the shit personally because the spawn point isn't in the right place....
I'm a proponent of them adding a 1 second penalty for every death prominently displayed on the respawn screen as "You died X times adding X seconds to spawn time".

That would prevent spawn wars simply due to the fact that people would naturally avoid being super suicidal. Those that are super suicidal end up spawning slower and slower thereby mitigating their madness.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Wow. This game is serious business to some. Luckily I just play and [gasp] have fun and all that end of the world spawn invincibilty, teams not spawning after going up a point, rocket launchers with no friendly fire on shit has no meaning because it doesn't exist as a problem outside of your so-called "upper-level clan play with people you know instead of the inferior randoms". Makes me sick and laugh at the same time.

And yes, I realize I'll get "but GG should have realized what would happen. I want to play clans that play just as fair as we do...". Guess clan play isn't all that better than randoms, huh?
This is the KZ2 thread. We're talking about the game and sharing strategies. I don't see what's wrong with that. I'm not sure what else you would like people to talk about in here.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I play the way I want to play. I perform mission duties. I try to help the team.

What I hate is being told by some guy on the internet what I should or should not be doing in a videogame. Because you might have a high and mighty position on where EVERYONE should place spawn grenades does not make them the official places that every goddamn tactician should throw one down. Not every game has the same circumstances. Not every game is against the same team with the same tactics. Sometimes it calls for a nade out of the way in a safe place somewhere. Please don't fucking talk like you're the only one who knows what's up. It's laughable. Tips are good. BUt they aren't always useful in every situation.

The last thing I want is some random guy on my earpiece swearing me out and taking the shit personally because the spawn point isn't in the right place....

Nobody here is telling you that you can't just join some random game and kill dudes and have fun.

If you're the one placing the spawns and your team is losing the missions because your spawns are ineffective or simply fucked up, then you're not helping your team, if that's what you're gonna to do, that's what you're gonna do.

Just don't play with a clan then if you just want to do whatever you want, other people who play as a clan might be trying to win and if you fuck up their spawns by screwing up the rotation or putting it in an odd place and getting your team killed because the spawns putting people with their backs facing the enemies, it does get annoying, especially for fellow tacticians who are simply trying to make things work and you've used both of the spawn points.

Obviously since you're not part of GAFA, we wouldn't have to worry about having you doing whatever you want in one of our clan games, and you wouldn't have to worry about me or some other tactician from our clan swearing you out unless somehow you end up joining into one of our non-clan games.


careful said:
This is the KZ2 thread. We're talking about the game and sharing strategies. I don't see what's wrong with that. I'm not sure what else you would like people to talk about in here.

Its that legion here on GAF, don't talk about PS3 games (because to some they all suck), don't post pics and god forgive you if you post a .gif! :lol


Kittonwy said:
If your team actually have their shit together , the other team wouldn't be able to put a spawn that close to the bomb placement to begin with. If the other team has assaults, guess what? That means YOUR TEAM has assaults, if the other team has spawn invincibility, your team has spawn invincibility. The invincibility period is not long enough that a tactician can spawn, figure out which direction the spawn should face, TURN, then place a spawn, and tacticians can be easily distinguished from other classes. If your team isn't killing the tacticians first and the other team is, then it's not the game's problem. Killing tacticians isn't some fucking hypothetical thing either, I've seen people do it, I was doing that last night on Corinth River, it's very effective in terms of keeping the other team from establishing a spawn inside the target room.

Don't blame it on spawn invincibility if your team plays like shit, people are always blaming losses on various things but in reality they're just too obsessed with typical douchebaggery to focus on winning. I see people running after targets well outside of the target zone, I've seen people placing spawns because that's where THEY want to spawn instead of where it's best for the team, I've seen people fighting all the way on the other side of the map. The way the game is set up if your tacticians are competent and your team is skilled, you can literally contain the other team inside their base (unless the other team can give the tactician enough cover to spawn them outside) without ever getting your team into a spawn fest during S&D, I see that with good teams and I've played on both sides.

These are the things I've observed so far:

1) Tacticians don't know what they're doing and put the spawns at the wrong places or facing the wrong direction.
2) Tacticians don't communicate with each other and end up fucking up the spawns.
3) Even with people from the same clan, they don't know how to pick the right jobs to complement each other, and we get a whole bunch of sabs just because people like to play as sabs, so when they get into a situation that requires team fire power, they get creamed.
4) People are playing just for themselves and don't care about winning.
5) On S&D offense/defense, people don't have any sense of priority and chase after targets instead of actually dispatching the one arming/defusing the bomb.

So in general, the game requires teamplay to succeed and a lot of people just don't play as a team, they get into squads, they get into clans, but actual organization is lacking, a lot of the time there's a ton of casual play so there's a ton of clusterfuck, but if you're looking for team play, play with a team, a good team that is, it's a huge difference playing on a team that knows exactly how and when to place turrets and spawns.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yooooooooooooooooooooooou.

Only reason games become clusterfucks like that is because of two dumbshit tacticians. Plain and simple. When I see a spawn point that sucks, I spawn as a tactician, spawn back at the base and place one that doesnt suck. Simple as that. It doesnt make any sense to complain:

"Man I spawned into this room and there was this giant clusterfuck and I died, so I spawned there again thinking it wouldnt be a clusterfuck and I died AGAIN. ARG!!@!@!"

Does that sound sensible to you guys? Stop blaming GG for your absurdity. Its becoming more and more clear that they wanted the spawn points to be this way. Its called "tactician" for a reason. The name alone implies that it'll take some brains to succeed as one. If they made it so you couldnt place spawn point near objectives and such then the tactician would become the guy thats forced to place spawn points in certain key places because no one could figure out how not to be a fool.


Iain Howe said:
I personally favor the "You're invincible until you shoot" solution to this problem. Anything else I've ready as a suggestion just seems to be more of the same tail-chasing, crowd pleasing, stuff that caused the original spawn-invincibility situation in the first place.

Also, the game was intended to be played FF on.

yeah, FF on was on default in beta, but guess they were scared it would drive away too many mainstream players? That and auto balance...

So basically GG decided the game was intended to be played with FF off and Auto Balance off when it went retail.


UntoldDreams said:
I'm a proponent of them adding a 1 second penalty for every death prominently displayed on the respawn screen as "You died X times adding X seconds to spawn time".

That would prevent spawn wars simply due to the fact that people would naturally avoid being super suicidal. Those that are super suicidal end up spawning slower and slower thereby mitigating their madness.

It's like no respawn, yes people are much more careful because they don't want to die, but the wait time often kills more casual interest in the game, it obviously caters to a more hardcore crowd, on the other hand you'll have fewer people playing the game.


Some of the biggest clusterfucks in gaming history have taken place in this game.

Oh my God. :lol

Just got done with a match in which I couldn't stop laughing.
Kittonwy said:
The invincibility period is not long enough that a tactician can spawn, figure out which direction the spawn should face, TURN, then place a spawn...
I agree with your general point that good team play can overcome the frustrations people force on themselves vis-a-vis the game settings, but I don't agree with this. I personally have run out of a spawn and placed another--with correct facing--before dying. You're not invincible for quite the whole process, but it's long enough to provide time, if you're focused.

That said, during S&D clusterfuck-type spawns should be alternated with distant spawns. If you're on offense, once the bombs are set you don't want to be anywhere near them: stay back and kill. On defense, you only want to be near them if you're trying to defuse. Visari Hammer is pretty bad for S&D because, since there often isn't a clear shot to the objective, standing back isn't nearly as viable a tactic.

Kittonwy said:
5) On S&D offense/defense, people don't have any sense of priority and chase after targets instead of actually dispatching the one arming/defusing the bomb.
This drives me up the wall. I'll get killed trying to stop a guy, and then on the killcam I watch a teammate totally ignore him to get some meaningless kill. See that blinking red light in the top corner? That fucking means something, moron!


Liabe Brave said:
I agree with your general point that good team play can overcome the frustrations people force on themselves vis-a-vis the game settings, but I don't agree with this. I personally have run out of a spawn and placed another--with correct facing--before dying. You're not invincible for quite the whole process, but it's long enough to provide time, if you're focused.

Yeah you would have to be pretty focused, if the other team is controlling the area pretty hard, it's very difficult.

That said, during S&D clusterfuck-type spawns should be alternated with distant spawns. If you're on offense, once the bombs are set you don't want to be anywhere near them: stay back and kill. On defense, you only want to be near them if you're trying to defuse. Visari Hammer is pretty bad for S&D because, since there often isn't a clear shot to the objective, standing back isn't nearly as viable a tactic.

On offense you would still have to make sure nobody defuse the bombs though, either way it gets really tough if the other team is using boost, obviously I like the idea of extending the control of the area as long as the other team isn't spawning inside the room, you're taking a lot of risk though in terms of the inside spawn running out and having your team spawning further, giving the other team a chance to plant or defuse, I've been in games on visari hammer where we went as far as spawning outside the other team's base and basically keeping them from coming out, in which case we didn't even need to have spawns in the room because they never went far enough to even plant anything. It's risky though.

This drives me up the wall. I'll get killed trying to stop a guy, and then on the killcam I watch a teammate totally ignore him to get some meaningless kill. See that blinking red light in the top corner? That fucking means something, moron!

Some people don't give a rat's ass about winning the mission, they just want to get kills, which is fine but I really don't want to play with those people if I don't have to, sometimes I have no choice since I would have to play with randoms if I can't find people from the clan, I kind of expect people from the clan to place priority on anyone trying to plant/defuse though, maybe I'm expecting too much.
Kittonwy said:
Nobody here is telling you that you can't just join some random game and kill dudes and have fun.

If you're the one placing the spawns and your team is losing the missions because your spawns are ineffective or simply fucked up, then you're not helping your team, if that's what you're gonna to do, that's what you're gonna do.

Just don't play with a clan then if you just want to do whatever you want, other people who play as a clan might be trying to win and if you fuck up their spawns by screwing up the rotation or putting it in an odd place and getting your team killed because the spawns putting people with their backs facing the enemies, it does get annoying, especially for fellow tacticians who are simply trying to make things work and you've used both of the spawn points.

Obviously since you're not part of GAFA, we wouldn't have to worry about having you doing whatever you want in one of our clan games, and you wouldn't have to worry about me or some other tactician from our clan swearing you out unless somehow you end up joining into one of our non-clan games.

I know how to throw a spawn grenade when I'm a tactician. I always make sure I turn. It just seems that you have specific spots that they should ALWAYS be whenever you play and I'm saying sometimes a sacrificial spawn nade throw is needed if your team is down.

I get that there is more communication and team work in clan play. And I guess if I did play and happened to be a tact it would be known why a spawn is in a certain spot if it was needed even if it isn't in a desired position so you're right. I have no reason to complain... especially since I don't play in clan games.


Kittonwy said:
Spawn invincibility is kind of necessary when you're trying to flood S&D rooms when you're on the offensive, otherwise the other team would just camp it and camp the chokepoints leading into the rooms, unless they stipulate no spawns inside the room, it's a tough balance.
It worked much better in the beta.
People will just have to learn how to be smarter.

I REALLY think that GG just needs to split the userbase. Have a "Hardcore Mode". Not in the sense of CoD4 but just a mode that has Friendly Fire on by DEFAULT + only base spawn invincibility and a few other small tweaks. I really want the "experience" that was in the beta, but with the fixes that were brought forth but WITHOUT being so drastic (example: We asked for a BASE CAMPING fix and we were given a spawn invincibility on ALL spawns...even back during the beta, most people were just saying have it at the base ONLY and no where else).

The clusterfucks during the beta were much more enjoyable because it was more of a push/pull effect...at least ALOT more than it is now.

Just split the userbase.


Not pure anymore!
Kittonwy said:
Some people don't give a rat's ass about winning the mission, they just want to get kills, which is fine but I really don't want to play with those people if I don't have to, sometimes I have no choice since I would have to play with randoms if I can't find people from the clan, I kind of expect people from the clan to place priority on anyone trying to plant/defuse though, maybe I'm expecting too much.
I find people that boast about gettin max kills per round the same as people boasting about getting 100+ points per match. I've seen so many people boasting how they are superior/better than everyone else bcause they always finish in the first 3 and get 100+ every round. It's all about either points or kills to people than it is about winning the mission, but of course winning would get you 1.5x, so people pretend to care about the mission, just so they'd get more points.


ilanna said:
I find people that boast about gettin max kills per round the same as people boasting about getting 100+ points per match. I've seen so many people boasting how they are superior/better than everyone else bcause they always finish in the first 3 and get 100+ every round. It's all about either points or kills to people than it is about winning the mission, but of course winning would get you 1.5x, so people pretend to care about the mission, just so they'd get more points.
If i'm not mistakened....bragging about points indicates that they were trying to win the missions. If they were getting tons of points then they were doing the objectives (for the most part).


So.. I just did the 1.24 upgrade.. and now every game I try to join fails during client sync phase.. the system just freezes on the sync screen.. anybody else had this?

edit: nm.. 4th time worked.. system froze 3 times in a row after the update.. damn


Blu_LED said:
Did anyone see the new trophies? Seems kind of dumb to me that they added SO MANY trophies, because now they can't add a few for each DLC pack.


They should let Killzone 2 have as many trophiez as GG wantz.
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