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commish said:
Since aiming in this game isn't as precise in other FPS, the normal disadvantages of a slow weapon like this aren't as bad as they should be. Maybe I'll just become another shotgun whore.
Lets see how you do against me with your shotgun. Seems to be the people I take down the easiest :D







Gafa were down 6v8 in the beginning but we finished like 7v8 and still lost. Might have been 6v7.

Good game but gafe with its turrets/bots/shotguns got the best of us on visari hammer. I hate that map and I hate helghan industries.

GG Gafe hopefully we can get another gafe vs gafa game soon.

Rolf NB

Facism said:

Seriously. I have no idea what that was about. We prepared a roster, assigned roles, passed along some strategies. We practiced/played together most of the week, and played some warmup matches today, and then in the match things simply went well for us. We did not cheat, cheese, glitch, lag or do anything unfair. It just is what it is.

If anyone felt particularly offended by me and my shotgun, sorry, I hate the shotgun myself, I'm not that great with it anyway -- I'm more of an M82 person myself --, but that (engineer) was my role today, so I did the best I could. Anyone would.

Rolf NB

oneHeero said:

Gafa were down 6v8 in the beginning but we finished like 7v8 and still lost. Might have been 6v7.
We were eight. I believe you started with 7 but one quit the game when the score was 4-0.

oneHeero said:
Good game but gafe with its turrets/bots/shotguns got the best of us on visari hammer. I hate that map and I hate helghan industries.

GG Gafe hopefully we can get another gafe vs gafa game soon.
Yes. I think we all would love to play you again.

edit: maybe we should play smaller teams again if it's hard to get so many commited to one match. We were lucky ourselves to have the eight spots full, last-minute arrangements and all.


bcn-ron said:

Seriously. I have no idea what that was about. We prepared a roster, assigned roles, passed along some strategies. We practiced/played together most of the week, and played some warmup matches today, and then in the match things simply went well for us. We did not cheat, cheese, glitch, lag or do anything unfair. It just is what it is.

If anyone felt particularly offended by me and my shotgun, sorry, I hate the shotgun myself, I'm not that great with it anyway -- I'm more of an M82 person myself --, but that (engineer) was my role today, so I did the best I could. Anyone would.

And that my friends is why GAFA will never beat a good team.


vicktormerv said:
Small games+bolt M14 rifle+Salami Market=All sorts of win.

Salami nom nom nom, you forgot to add +banned Assault

Cagen said:
GAFe 13 - 7 GAFA


it's a shame I couldn't play this GAFA match, but in the games we played warming up for the GAFA match we destroyed every team we faced, they were rage quitting most of the time except for the Spanish clan that kept playing against us in HI and VH, fantastic games, well done my boys.

so Click left for greener pastures?

edit: who played for GAFA then?



Battle Replay

Edit: Battle replays really are shit, it doesn't show me on the map half the time, even when I am killing people.


is there a way to tell if rockets have been disabled in a game?

Also what are people referring to when they talk about "boost" or "assault" cheesing?
This game has turned into complete shit ever since the patch. WTF did they do to the aiming?

Bring on MW2 or MAG, Guerilla fucked this game up its ass real hard.

Rolf NB

Jtrizzy said:
is there a way to tell if rockets have been disabled in a game?

Also what are people referring to when they talk about "boost" or "assault" cheesing?
Assault is the only class that has body armor so they take more hits to kill, they have the boost skill which gives them faster movement, and they have grenade and rocket launchers as primary weapons, so they can do a lot of damage even with relatively poor aiming. Many people feel the assault class messes up the balance of the game, that's probably the "cheesing" you've heard of, and it's also why the entire class is disabled on many servers.

I don't even know yet if the new patch implemented a serach filter for games without rocket launchers (I always just join Lince lolz). Probably not. "No rocket" is in the game's title quite frequently though.


Rapping Granny said:
This game has turned into complete shit ever since the patch. WTF did they do to the aiming?

Bring on MW2 or MAG, Guerilla fucked this game up its ass real hard.



Have a fun! Enjoy!
Rapping Granny said:
This game has turned into complete shit ever since the patch. WTF did they do to the aiming?

They didn't touch it at all.

Edit: Since I was beaten by Cagen I'll make my post more interesting by pointing out they are going to touch the controls again in the next patch.


Rapping Granny said:
This game has turned into complete shit ever since the patch. WTF did they do to the aiming?

Bring on MW2 or MAG, Guerilla fucked this game up its ass real hard.

I think what you feel might be the lag in the game. I've felt my aim change depending on game lag. This morning, I was killing left and right with the M18, no lag at all, small game. Right now I was playing a 28 man game, and my aiming just felt completely off on everything. Might be that?


Cagen said:

Battle Replay

Edit: Battle replays really are shit, it doesn't show me on the map half the time, even when I am killing people.

Just quickly browsed through it and it's clear that GAFe was a lot more organized than GAFa. For example, during S&R I noticed they had one guy guard the drop off point the whole time. GAFa seemed to play a bit more scattered / solo, GAFe played more like a team.


bullshitting aside, it was a good game and i look forward to the next.

I didn't expect it to go our way so sweetly, considering how GAFA pretty much outplayed us in Salami Meerkat in the previous game.

Sort out roles, sort out strategies, including wtf to do if things go the other team's way.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheFatOne said:
And that my friends is why GAFA will never beat a good team.

Well we have no one stepping up to take a leadership position. It's as simple as that.

Rolf NB

careful said:
Just quickly browsed through it and it's clear that GAFe was a lot more organized than GAFa. For example, during S&R I noticed they had one guy guard the drop off point the whole time. GAFa seemed to play a bit more scattered / solo, GAFe played more like a team.
Three of us actually were assigned to guard and I think we all stuck to the plan. The battle replay is really fucked up.


A couple of spots are open, let me know if u wanna join only if ur serious. I think a lot of ppl join cuz they do play the game but they don't play w/ the clan.


Kittonwy said:
A couple of spots are open, let me know if u wanna join only if ur serious. I think a lot of ppl join cuz they do play the game but they don't play w/ the clan.

I DO!!!!! psn is my name ;P I end playing with some buddies I made a week ago all the time now, would love to play clan when I can ;P


Kittonwy said:
A couple of spots are open, let me know if u wanna join only if ur serious. I think a lot of ppl join cuz they do play the game but they don't play w/ the clan.

I've already asked to be in the clan but I'm afraid I would be a hindrance. I am more interested in playing with Gaffers in "good" games than stressing over a win/loss record. Maybe we could have another clan of Gaffers that is more casual. Would anyone be up for being a part of that?


Kittonwy said:
A couple of spots are open, let me know if u wanna join only if ur serious. I think a lot of ppl join cuz they do play the game but they don't play w/ the clan.
Is there a spot left for me? I'd love to be in a clan that isn't dead. My PSN id is Capt_Mhead.


Fuck. I was playing Bodycount earlier today and there were people still glitching. :( Matter of fact, this was the first time I've ever been in a game with glitchers.

It was on Blood Gracht. I was playing as Helghast, in which you spawn at the top. I played as a scout, and I used the tagging ability. I saw a couple of x's pop up, and as I started to aim to the left of the walkway, I saw the player was behind the wall. I shot in that direction, thinking I couldn't see him because of him being cloaked but nope. I shot at the wall...

A couple of other players were jumping around in all sorts of weird spots. I just finished the match then backed out and looked for another room. I also seem to get disconnected more often after the patch. Maybe I've never noticed due to the time of day/heavier amount of players on?

I usually play in the evening/night, but today I played in the afternoon. Could have been that. And damn, I'm still stuck at the final level before facing Radec. I get to the second floor, I hold off the first wave, but when that second wave comes... Damn. Bless you guys who got through this.

I'm so close, I can taste that Elite trophy. ;) But I think I'm gonna end up with high blood pressure after this. I use the knife, which helps a lot! But damn that second wave...


Kittonwy said:
A couple of spots are open, let me know if u wanna join only if ur serious. I think a lot of ppl join cuz they do play the game but they don't play w/ the clan.

Like I said pay attention to people who are in GAFA if they aren't active send them a message if they don't reply boot them.


TheFatOne said:
Like I said pay attention to people who are in GAFA if they aren't active send them a message if they don't reply boot them.

I've sent out a few messages, I think like so many other clans, people all try to sign up and then some of them just aren't really into the game enough to play regularly.

Dude if you're still playing with us regularly like you did tonight, you should just join back with us, we can use you in the clan games.


This game seems to disconnect from the psn or freeze my PS3 a lot when I play online. I don't remember remember other games being like this. Maybe this is a pretty common thing with online fps and I just don't realize it.

I'm also running into a lot of spawn camping. The last two games have consisted of my team just trying to fight our way out of our spawn.


OK now I see why everyone hates the shotgun. I just played against a team where that was basically the only weapon they were using.


Jtrizzy said:
OK now I see why everyone hates the shotgun. I just played against a team where that was basically the only weapon they were using.
Its sorta realistic but for gaming its just a bit too much. I always thought halo's shotgun was perfect. From a certain distance away it was more or less useless, but up close it was pure deadly. Thats how it should be.

I think the decent trade off is that you can typically seeing it coming from a mile away because of the character skin and their stance. So it isnt TOO bad.
ok, so i finally got to beating single player today on normal. Loved it all the way through.......but man, was the end level rushed or what? I dont know if i have ever been that frustrated with a game. It was ridiculously stupid, the whole game went with always making you push forward, because you need cover and need to aim straight. thats why the controls are the way they are, thers no quick lookin back and getting shots. Then the last level and boss wants you to be able to shoot quickly in front and from behind?? Not sure i can do this on the hardest setting.

about the clan practices...I really want to play wiht you guys, but everytime i see people on, i try to join a game and its full. I think everyone likes the smaller player counts, but I cant seem to get in ever! hopefully this week i can start getting some games in with ya since i havent played with the gaf clan since the game first cameout.


.GqueB. said:
Its sorta realistic but for gaming its just a bit too much. I always thought halo's shotgun was perfect. From a certain distance away it was more or less useless, but up close it was pure deadly. Thats how it should be.

Oh gawd the shotgun is absolutely perfect in kz2. Really don't know what you guys are complaining about. In a situation where I am having a bad start and can't aim for shit atm, I just switch to the engineer and watch as my KDR goes up significantly. On the plus side it gives the noobs a fighting chance. Casual gamers are able to feel like the michael jordan of gamers just for a instance with the shotgun. All the more reason for them to stay in the game and remain "un-discouraged", thus continuing to be target practice for savvy gaf players.

What am I saying... What a shitty ass retard friendly weapon that is only overshadowed by the rocket launcher in ease of use--dumbed down for the intelligence-challenged.


10dollas said:
Oh gawd the shotgun is absolutely perfect in kz2. Really don't know what you guys are complaining about. In a situation where I am having a bad start and can't aim for shit atm, I just switch to the engineer and watch as my KDR goes up significantly. On the plus side it gives the noobs a fighting chance. Casual gamers are able to feel like the michael jordan of gamers just for a instance with the shotgun. All the more reason for them to stay in the game and remain "un-discouraged", thus continuing to be target practice for savvy gaf players.

What am I saying... What a shitty ass retard friendly weapon that is only overshadowed by the rocket launcher in ease of use--dumbed down for the intelligence-challenged.
Coincidentally I can never use the damn thing :lol . I lowered my sensitivity significantly so I could handle the automatic weapons and I never feel like going in and changing settings whenever I pick up a shotty so I move too slowly to track anyone.

My KD doesnt go up until I pick up a snipe. But then I feel like a douche for not helping out my teammates with objectives so I got back to being a medic.


So, erm, with regards to the clan posts, I think it's awesome that there are so many people organized and involved, but shouldn't that stuff go to the online forum?
Kittonwy said:
I've sent out a few messages, I think like so many other clans, people all try to sign up and then some of them just aren't really into the game enough to play regularly.
Yeah i haven't been on that much lately (gf takes away lots of gaming time, sigh) but that doesnt mean i dont play it at all, mostly on odd hours, had a couple games with cj tonight though. I'll be on tomorrow for sure.


Rapping Granny said:
This game has turned into complete shit ever since the patch. WTF did they do to the aiming?

I was talking with FFObs and we really believe they have toned down auto-aim in some weapons like the ISA rifle, most people think this is only placebo, well, the truth is I couldn't kill shit for a couple of days after the patch and had to adjust my game. Who knows.

and... yes, shotguns are a nightmare, specially in the hands of skilled players who can switch to M4 revolver for long range kills and still dominate, they are the KZ2 equivalent of Sagat + Blanka, noobs would get easily frustrated and quit the game without them.


GG tonite guys ; CJ , Lyulf , Capt_Mhead and .GqueB. ...

I was trying to figure out why CJ calling me a Sicko :lol but too much sizzles and weird noises prevent me from it ... I couldnt hear exactly what you're talking about ...

Btw , one of the guys had us listen to some weird speech , what was that ?.. A TV channel or something ?..


Lince said:
I was talking with FFObs and we really believe they have toned down auto-aim in some weapons like the ISA rifle, most people think this is only placebo, well, the truth is I couldn't kill shit for a couple of days after the patch and had to adjust my game. Who knows.

and... yes, shotguns are a nightmare, specially in the hands of skilled players who can switch to M4 revolver for long range kills and still dominate, they are the KZ2 equivalent of Sagat + Blanka, noobs would get easily frustrated and quit the game without them.

I don't get easily frustrated without them :<

It'd be nice if revolver dmg dialled down the further the bullet had to travel. I got a couple of M4 snipes in the clan match yesterday and it was disgusting. I could very well see how people got annoyed with me (outside of the verbal baiting after being called a "dumb motherfucker" :lol )
JardeL said:
GG tonite guys ; CJ , Lyulf , Capt_Mhead and .GqueB. ...

I was trying to figure out why CJ calling me a Sicko :lol but too much sizzles and weird noises prevent me from it ... I couldnt hear exactly what you're talking about ...

Btw , one of the guys had us listen to some weird speech , what was that ?.. A TV channel or something ?..

I meant that you are sick with the shotgun b/c you were killing people like crazy on Visari Hammer! For real, you are a Machine with that thing. At one point you were in front of me and I was trying to kill people and 3 different times you blasted them right before me. It was a compliment, lol!
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