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Facism said:
I could very well see how people got annoyed with me (outside of the verbal baiting after being called a "dumb motherfucker" :lol )


seems like the GAF match was serious business

Facism said:
I don't get easily frustrated without them :<

of course you don't, you're skilled, don't need a 1-hit weapon to win.


The only problem I have with the shotgun is getting head shot by it from half a mile away. If the shotgun couldn't get head shots at all (it can still kill anyone, bar assault, up close in 1 hit) that would fix half the complaints about its range.


Cagen said:
The only problem I have with the shotgun is getting head shot by it from half a mile away. If the shotgun couldn't get head shots at all (it can still kill anyone, bar assault, up close in 1 hit) that would fix half the complaints about its range.

exactly, just try using nothing but the shotgun/m4 combo for a couple of days, keep the aim high at all times no matter the map or situation and don't forget to place your turrets. Then come here and share your K/D ratio and head shots numbers, I tried when I was aiming for the 1% trophy and it's scary, no wonder every competent clan has 4 engineers with shotguns / m4 revolver and the inevitable tactician for 5v5 games.

Lord Phol

So after a weekend of playtime with this game I've been somewhat dissapointed about the weak framerate and smoothness. Seems a bit 'choppy' on my tv and the menu is acting really weird :x, though when looking at gameplay videos on youtube it looks alot better.
I've heard that the fps gets cut when playing on PAL PS3 on an SDTV, and I'm not really sure if i've set up my machine corretly, can't find the option for 60hz if there is such settings.

Anyone care to shed som light on this, really wish it was a smooth as everyone else seems to play it :x.


Jtrizzy said:
OK now I see why everyone hates the shotgun. I just played against a team where that was basically the only weapon they were using.

Yea...someone please tell me they did something to the shotty in this last patch, it feels like its got better range, and less 'spray'...and by feel, I mean that I've been on the receiving end of it :lol ...I popped into a game for 4 minutes last night, I couldn't hit shit with my ISA rifle, and people were just blowing me away from ranges that I was not used to. I would stand there, see the shotty, think I had time to aim and fire, while surviving one round of damage...and BOOM...dead...and back to MLB The Show, I go.

and did they end the week early this (past) week??


Lince said:
I was talking with FFObs and we really believe they have toned down auto-aim in some weapons like the ISA rifle, most people think this is only placebo, well, the truth is I couldn't kill shit for a couple of days after the patch and had to adjust my game. Who knows.

and... yes, shotguns are a nightmare, specially in the hands of skilled players who can switch to M4 revolver for long range kills and still dominate, they are the KZ2 equivalent of Sagat + Blanka, noobs would get easily frustrated and quit the game without them.

I haven't been playing much at all lately, but I jumped on yesterday for 2 rounds and I noticed something different about the ISA rifle. It actually feels like the bullets are weaker to me, and not that the auto-aim has changed. But it could also be a bad ping, who knows.


GodofWine said:
Yea...someone please tell me they did something to the shotty in this last patch, it feels like its got better range, and less 'spray'...and by feel, I mean that I've been on the receiving end of it :lol ...I popped into a game for 4 minutes last night, I couldn't hit shit with my ISA rifle, and people were just blowing me away from ranges that I was not used to. I would stand there, see the shotty, think I had time to aim and fire, while surviving one round of damage...and BOOM...dead...and back to MLB The Show, I go.

and did they end the week early this (past) week??

If someone is rushing you with a shotgun, you have a chance to wear him down, usually if he's from quite a distance away you can survive the first shot, but if he's closing in, you've got to take him down fast, I would say anywhere within 10 feet you might not survive the first shot.

Are you just spraying with the ISA rifle? Keep it to a short burst, take advantage of hip fire when the reticle flashes the red X. If someone is stationary, go into scope and take him out, kneeling down gives you even better accuracy.


Dirtbag said:
I haven't been playing much at all lately, but I jumped on yesterday for 2 rounds and I noticed something different about the ISA rifle. It actually feels like the bullets are weaker to me, and not that the auto-aim has changed. But it could also be a bad ping, who knows.

I thought this at first too but it turned out to just be lag, as per usual. Nothing to do with accuracy, damage or movement was changed in the patch, it is all a placebo effect.


Cagen said:
The only problem I have with the shotgun is getting head shot by it from half a mile away. If the shotgun couldn't get head shots at all (it can still kill anyone, bar assault, up close in 1 hit) that would fix half the complaints about its range.

All weapons should get headshots, the shotgun range is still a tad long but if you cut it short too much you risk taking all the fun out of the engineer class, it can be very tricky getting the range right, unlike the other weapons which have pretty much infinite range.


Kittonwy said:
If someone is rushing you with a shotgun, you have a chance to wear him down, usually if he's from quite a distance away you can survive the first shot, but if he's closing in, you've got to take him down fast, I would say anywhere within 10 feet you might not survive the first shot.

Are you just spraying with the ISA rifle? Keep it to a short burst, take advantage of hip fire when the reticle flashes the red X. If someone is stationary, go into scope and take him out, kneeling down gives you even better accuracy.

Nah, I think Im a decent shooter in the game..maybe it just wasn't my night...I had 2 kills and 7 deaths, and my 2 kills were vs. turrets :)


Kittonwy said:
All weapons should get headshots, the shotgun range is still a tad long but if you cut it short too much you risk taking all the fun out of the engineer class, it can be very tricky getting the range right, unlike the other weapons which have pretty much infinite range.

The shotgun is far too easy to get a head shot with because of the spread of the bullets it fires. The gun can kill anyone in one hit no matter the distance (within reason obviously) and with little to no skill. If you remove the shotgun from being able to head shot people then it would solve all the problems with it. If you want to continue to allow it to head shot it should not 1 hit kill anyone from close range but then you remove the point of the shotgun being a close range weapon.


Got myself a free Wargod trophy yesterday.
Lince said:
I was talking with FFObs and we really believe they have toned down auto-aim in some weapons like the ISA rifle, most people think this is only placebo, well, the truth is I couldn't kill shit for a couple of days after the patch and had to adjust my game. Who knows.

YES YES YES OMG somebody else gets it. I thought I was going crazy, well...I did go crazy in that clan match, sorry about that.

Anyways, I really think they toned down the accuracy or the aim asssist on the ISA rifle, yesterday it was my first game since the patch came out, it felt really slow, I was very inaccurate with the gun and couldn't line up any shots to the head anymore.

I had to change the way I played as well, started using the HGH gun and the iron sights and played it like I was playing COD4.


cjtiger300 said:
I meant that you are sick with the shotgun b/c you were killing people like crazy on Visari Hammer! For real, you are a Machine with that thing. At one point you were in front of me and I was trying to kill people and 3 different times you blasted them right before me. It was a compliment, lol!
:lol ... But it seems that I'm a shotgun noob according to msgs here :lol ...

Btw , SMG is the antidote for shotgun complainers and also you can get as much headshots as shotgun with SMG ...

Rolf NB

Shurs said:
I've already asked to be in the clan but I'm afraid I would be a hindrance. I am more interested in playing with Gaffers in "good" games than stressing over a win/loss record. Maybe we could have another clan of Gaffers that is more casual. Would anyone be up for being a part of that?
I'd suggest you just keep your friends lists filled with people who play and "join friend". That way you wouldn't take people away from a more serious clan (can't be in multiple clans at the same time) while you can still play with them.

I'm not sure a casual clan can even sustain itself. There have been multiple American GAF clans, but they had to be folded due to low activity.

Rolf NB

Lord Phol said:
So after a weekend of playtime with this game I've been somewhat dissapointed about the weak framerate and smoothness. Seems a bit 'choppy' on my tv and the menu is acting really weird :x, though when looking at gameplay videos on youtube it looks alot better.
I've heard that the fps gets cut when playing on PAL PS3 on an SDTV, and I'm not really sure if i've set up my machine corretly, can't find the option for 60hz if there is such settings.

Anyone care to shed som light on this, really wish it was a smooth as everyone else seems to play it :x.
Your PS3 should be connected to an HDTV either with component cables or HDMI cables. The ones that came in the box are composite and can only give you 576i at 50Hz. If you don't have a "HD ready" TV, component cables will give you 576p and better sharpness but still only 50Hz.

If you're on an HDTV and have the right cables all hooked up, go into your display settings in the XMB (settings column is second from the left). You'll be prompted for the type of cable you use and for the resolutions it supports. Make sure 720p is checked. 576p will always be checked on a PAL PS3. 1080i is irrelevant nonsense (might as well turn it off). 1080p if you have a 1080p TV. You can also just select "auto" if this seems too much.

edit: large games on small maps (such as 16vs16 on Tharsis) very commonly have framerate issues. Many of us feel the game really can't support that many players, not even on the largest maps, but it shipped with the option anyway just to fill out a checkbox.
If you want a smoother, more tactical experience you should go for servers with a lower player limit. 8vs8, 10vs10 still works decently IMO.
I am pretty new to this game as not seen in my previous ignored posts, it was the first online shooter I have ever played, honestly, I'm hooked.

I went out and got Resistance 2 and SOCOM because I want to check out more shooters.

I also got a Valor Medal for being in the top 10% of players for the week, what does that even mean.

I need PSN friends please. :D


Anerythristic said:
I am pretty new to this game as not seen in my previous ignored posts, it was the first online shooter I have ever played, honestly, I'm hooked.

I went out and got Resistance 2 and SOCOM because I want to check out more shooters.

I also got a Valor Medal for being in the top 10% of players for the week, what does that even mean.

I need PSN friends please. :D

add me: obaidr


Cagen said:
The only problem I have with the shotgun is getting head shot by it from half a mile away. If the shotgun couldn't get head shots at all (it can still kill anyone, bar assault, up close in 1 hit) that would fix half the complaints about its range.

I don't mind the shotgun being able to get headshots close up, just like you said tho headshots from miles away are ridiculous. It's also very random. I once shotgunned someone in the legs and it gave me a headshot witf. Maybe it's realistic but not in an online video game.

I also hate the fact it has sooo much sticky aim. Imo it shouldn't have any whatsoever, then it might require some skill to use. I play as an engineer a lot, especially in clan games as you know, I like to defend the objectives and make sure we win the round, but I use it for the turrets mostly. I really dislike using the shotgun, it feels cheap and I usually try and pick up an ISA rifle as soon as I can.


I shouldn't be whining again but since the new ranks were implemented there's an alarming increasing rate of players leaving games to avoid losing / people joining the winning team leading to uneven factions... and team play is a tabu within the community it seems, the lack of party system is hurting more than ever



JardeL said:
:lol ... But it seems that I'm a shotgun noob according to msgs here :lol ...

not a noob, but an expert m4/mounted gun/shotgun player. I think if the shotgun was to be nerfed you still would be dominating, we are talking about the hordes of peasants just happily camping with the shotgun around a corner getting cheap kills due to the ridiculous range and auto-aim.
They need to take 50 ingame feet away from the shotgun and the assault rifles are way underpowered, I have seen 9 shots to the chest and neck not drop somebody on a regular basis but when I shoot somebody from 3 feet away with a shotgun blast to even the chest, it needs to drop that player. If the weaken the shotguns overall power a bit could they speed up the racking animation?


Naughty Dog just announced being able to save multiplayer videos to HDD.

You're going to be able to save entire multiplayer matches to your hard drive and then edit them and view them in Cinema Mode. Rotating the camera at will and zooming in on specific fights will be just some of the commands you have for the ten cinema save slots at your fingertips.

I appreciate it may be impossible to add support for it in KZ2 but please add it for KZ3. It's a huge feature for me and I'm sure many others.


Rapping Granny said:
YES YES YES OMG somebody else gets it. I thought I was going crazy, well...I did go crazy in that clan match, sorry about that.

Anyways, I really think they toned down the accuracy or the aim asssist on the ISA rifle, yesterday it was my first game since the patch came out, it felt really slow, I was very inaccurate with the gun and couldn't line up any shots to the head anymore.

I had to change the way I played as well, started using the HGH gun and the iron sights and played it like I was playing COD4.

What happened in that clan match? What happened?


It does feel like the patch changed something. I've been having a more difficult time shooting people. I didn't think that the previous patch did anything unlike some of the other guys around here.


I need to break my medic addiction. Killing people with my heal beam, getting in firefight then running away to drink blood then finishing off the guy that chased me, continuously keeping chokepoints full of health packs to keep the line, it's heaven.

The other classes can't be this good, right? Cuz I haven't played them yet...


Brannon said:
I need to break my medic addiction. Killing people with my heal beam, getting in firefight then running away to drink blood then finishing off the guy that chased me, continuously keeping chokepoints full of health packs to keep the line, it's heaven.

The other classes can't be this good, right? Cuz I haven't played them yet...

Scout is most fun. But probably least effective when trying to work as a team. Except maybe on S&D on certain maps. Tho getting the assassination target as a scout is just beautiful.


Kuroyume said:
It does feel like the patch changed something. I've been having a more difficult time shooting people. I didn't think that the previous patch did anything unlike some of the other guys around here.
Are most of you guys playing at the default sensitivity? With the last tweak to the controls, it didn't seem different at the default setting. But since I play with x sensitivity up two spots, I noticed the acceleration was a bit quicker and tighter.

GG have said they didn't touch the controls at all. TTP already mentioned (as well as GG themselves) that their next patch would involve the controls again. I think a choice between having it play as is, and another letting you tweak it some more?

I noticed with the pistol, I had to play with x sensitivity only one notch up from default. Seems that gun is a little all over the place. Good news is I finally got the M4. :D


!?!?! just finished killzone
ok the ending once he saw visari dead and heard his final words he had to think it over.he sat down on the stairs becuase he knew he couldnt do anything and just was a small pawn in a big game? is it something like that?


tribal24 said:
!?!?! just finished killzone
ok the ending once he saw visari dead and heard his final words he had to think it over.he sat down on the stairs becuase he knew he couldnt do anything and just was a small pawn in a big game? is it something like that?
I think its a little less deep than that. It was more of a "we fucked up" moment.


FFObsessed said:
Scout is most fun. But probably least effective when trying to work as a team. Except maybe on S&D on certain maps. Tho getting the assassination target as a scout is just beautiful.

No, Saboteur is the most fun class for a single reason: the AFW Pew Pew rifle (Sta-14). Nothing beats it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Brannon said:
I need to break my medic addiction. Killing people with my heal beam, getting in firefight then running away to drink blood then finishing off the guy that chased me, continuously keeping chokepoints full of health packs to keep the line, it's heaven.

The other classes can't be this good, right? Cuz I haven't played them yet...

With the exception of using the medic gun (and there's no point in doing that), you can get that stuff with any class as long as you have their secondary unlocked and can use blood packs.


Lince said:
we are talking about the hordes of peasants just happily camping with the shotgun around a corner getting cheap kills due to the ridiculous range and auto-aim.
Hmm , I disagree with ' ridiculous range and auto-aim ' part ... Think about Radec's or Tharsis' main halls ... There is no way to get one shot kill with shotgun if you're not close enough ... If you come face to face , SMG has serious advantage too ... Because SMG does not shoot but vomits bullets which raises the chance of getting a headshot ...

And believe me aiming is not that easy with shotgun , thats why you see crabwalking engineers :lol ...
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