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bcn-ron said:
I actually think Blood Gracht is a fun map for smaller games, except for S&D, but most maps (all but Visari Hammer) fall apart on S&D so that's fair game in my book.

4 vs. 4 it's not really a bad map and your team lives and dies by it's tacticians, IMO. But at 16-32 players it falls apart. Search and destroy when trying to plant on the Helghast side is literally impossible. I don't know if I've ever seen that completed. That one station inside the stairwell is just impossible to do. I don't know that I've ever seen ISA destroy that.


Lince said:
been playing the new maps with FFO, Rick and some other guys... well, if you're expecting something remotely similar to Salamun Market goodness... don't buy them, just two more maps like Blood Gracht, 100% clusterfuck 0% tactical gameplay, C4 and shotguns paradise,
they're visually appealing though.

and yes, there was an option I used A LOT just to get in servers with Salamun Market in the rotation, last patch changed that option so it looks for servers that only have the specified map in the rotation, a shame. I don't know why they took this convenient filter out, boggles the mind.

Blood Gracht is not 100% clusterfuck, 0% tactical gameplay, the S&D locations are tight but ultimately one team CAN control them. The problem is spawns aren't done right and people aren't aggressive enough to exert dominance over the area.


Kuroyume said:
Blood Gracht is fine when it's not objective based gameplay, but that's all most of GAF plays...

It's fun when you're actually dominating the match, it really sucks only when neither side is winning or if you're on the receiving end of an asskicking.


Going to quote this again because it reflects exactly my feelings towards the game (both good and bad).

The game is so much fun when everything clicks, it's a shame that there are so many factors seemingly designed to get in the way of those things coming together.

Click said:
Now that my analysis and complaints with the classes are over with, I’ll move onto other game design decisions that irritates and annoys me.

I really don’t understand how GG can allow players to have so much control in the game. Why the fuck did GG give players the ability to create ranked rooms with no standard, uniform set of rules and a minimum amount of player count (let’s say 8) in order for a game to be counted towards your stats/ranking? This is the biggest gripe I have with KZ2. Because GG was ignorant enough to allow players run wild, the game’s stats, points, and leaderboards mean absolutely nothing; even though GG makes such a big deal out of stats, points, leaderboards, and rank. Exploiters and stat-boosters can create rooms where they can kill a friend or alt account with multiple PS3s over and over and over. Even without bots to exploit, there are just so many ways to stat-pad and point-boost. The way KZ2 is set up, it reminds me of the massive stat-padding/exploiting problems SOCOM II had back in the day, except GG actually makes it much easier for cheaters to exploit in KZ2.

Personally, I’m not a stat-whore, but I do care about stats in the online shooters I play. I mean, other than just having fun playing the game, there’s really nothing else to do except to improve your stats. But because KZ2 is so easily exploitable, with stat-padders/selfish K/D whores that either don’t care about objectives or play Bodycount-only, stats have become meaningless and is thus, another missing feature in the game to me and other like-minded players.

Letting the playerbase have so much control in creating rooms causes more problems other than stat-padding/cheating/exploiting and meaningless stats. You get people that create rooms with retarded set of rules or ridiculous time limits in game modes. For example, they can make a room that has a really short or long explosion timer in S&D, or an extremely long Assassination defend timer, or a crazy large amount of points required to win C&H. At some point, games where extreme changes are made to default settings, become boring and ridiculous. Combine that with the crappy game search filter and game details in KZ2 (which I’ll get into a bit more later on), finding a good room to play in becomes a frustrating test of patience and a big time-waster.

Having the freedom to create rooms in which the players can play the game however we want to play is a good thing. I know the reasons why GG decided to give players so much freedom and think it’s perfectly fine to allow such freedom in this game. However, they should have done what many, many other shooters before it has done: Create an UNRANKED, CUSTOM game section and a RANKED section that has a uniform set of rules and settings which GG decides is “just right” for everyone to play with. That way, people can still play the game the way they want to play in unranked, custom rooms while allowing players (like me) who actually care about stats, to compare and contrast ourselves via legitimate stats.

I mentioned KZ2’s crappy game search feature before. For a game that has no party system and no matchmaking system (it does have “quick search,” but doesn’t work too well), the game search function needs to be VERY detailed, but it’s not. There simply aren’t enough filters or details available when looking for rooms to play in. All players are left with is a very broad set of filters where the search results are filled with rooms that shows it’s not filled, but once you try to enter, it says it’s already packed. This happens more often than not, and is another time-wasting aspect in KZ2. The map filter doesn’t work as it should. It searches for rooms that have the map of your choice as the ONLY map available to play, not the one being played at the moment. The server filter is crap. It’s either “my region” or “worldwide,” even though US, AUS, JP, EU are server options. I’m not exactly in favor of region locking the servers, but KZ2 already has problems with lag and connection stability with players from the same region. These issues are exacerbated greatly when players from different regions play together.

Even if the room title (which is too short IMO) claims the room MIGHT be satisfactory, it may still turn out to be a crappy room. The only way to find out if it’s really an acceptable room, is to join, wait 30-60 seconds for everything to load and sync, then check to see if the basic options, timers, allow/banned classes and weapons are suitable. Even after all of that, the problem still exists in that players have no clue what the detailed game settings for each game mode are, until after they’ve played one complete game in that room. If the room turns out to be shit, repeat this lengthy and annoying process until you've finally found a good room to play in. If this game had a good, detailed room search function, I would actually create rooms all the time. But as of now, creating rooms is pointless because it takes 20+ minutes to never for rooms to fill up.

Another major issue is the “faction balancing” in the game. With it turned on, public games do become more competitive, but this restricts clans and friends from playing with each other, because there’s no party system. With it turned off, most games become lop-sided affairs, with one team dominating the other, resulting with the dominated team’s players quitting. To make matters worse, the game has no limit to the amount of players allowed on one side of the team, so new players that join the game tend to join the team that already has tons of players because they don’t want to be on an outnumbered, possibly losing team, getting spawn camped. It is beyond moronic for GG to not include a player count limit for each team, even if “faction balancing” is turned off. 18 vs. 2 sounds like a GREAT idea, GG! If you’re going to go with the custom games route, at least implement it like SOCOM Confrontation has. If it’s a 2v2 game, 2 max on each side. 4v4, 4 max on each side. 8v8, 8 max on each side, etc. It’s basic common sense in game design. But with GG, it’s just another game-breaking, amateur mistake / exclusion.

OK, so KZ2 has a crappy game search feature, unbalanced teams, no party system, no matchmaking, no uniform set of rules/settings for ranked games, and a majority of the playerbase having little skill and intelligence (I know, this game is still new and only 2 months old). What makes KZ2 fun and exciting? I’d have to say playing with and against other good players and clans (owning n00bies can be fun too but it gets boring after a while). But of course, there are major flaws in the whole clan world of KZ2.

First off, the tournament search function is clunky and takes forever to sort through. Finding a good tournament to join is just as frustrating and time-consuming as trying to find a good room to play in, maybe worse. You have to scroll through all the filled up tournaments one at a time, one page at a time… which is pointless because if you can’t sign up for them, then why the fuck do they show up first on the tournament search pages? OK, so you sort through all that crap and you get to games you think your clan might be interested in joining. God forbid you make a mistake and sign up for a game that you don’t want to play in, conflicts with other tournament / clan match times, or later want to retract because you found a better tournament game. Guess what? There's no option to cancel / retract games that your clan has signed up for. That means your clan is stuck having to play multiple tournament games at the same or at around the same time. Your clan is forced to take a loss for a no-show or play with an undermanned team. It would be great if clans can retract a sign up until the hour before the tournament begins, but of course, that’s not an option in KZ2.

What is the reasoning behind the decision to not allow clan members to rejoin a clan match if they were disconnected during the game? It just doesn’t make any sense. GAFA lost 4-3 during the match against those O P A shit-talking bitches (I actually never heard of their shitty forum before the night we played against them, lol) because 2 of our members got disconnected at around the same time during a crucial time in the middle of the match. They couldn’t get back in so we ended up losing to those retards. Then in a clan match a week or two ago, GAFA ended up tying Euro GAF because I disconnected and couldn’t get back in (no, I didn’t quit like a few of you fuckers claimed). We were already down a player or two to begin the match. With me being the only Tactician, when I D/C’d, our team was supposedly left without a Tactician for the rest of the match… even though immediately after I disconnected, I messaged Kittonwy, telling him I D/C’d and to switch to Tactician. Anyway, these are just 2 examples of well-played, close games where GG’s dumb decision to not allow players back into games in which they D/C’d, have resulted in bad outcomes for me and my team.

Exploiting clans are becoming more and more prevalent these days. I’m sure most people here already know what happens because it’s happened to both GAF clans already. But in case you haven’t personally experienced it, let me just tell you how utterly cheap and retarded this practice is... You think you’re having a good, competitive game against a clan, but then all of the sudden, they get the lead on your team in Bodycount, everything gets quiet, you and your team is left wondering… “where are they camping?” Then you look up at the score and quickly realize they have a slight lead on your team and have either committed suicide or simply didn’t respawn when they died. So you wait the few minutes it takes to lose BC. I won’t even describe S&R exploiting because it’s probably your team’s fault if you let them score first, get the speaker again, and run it back to their base to camp it out. Yeah, it’s still a cheap tactic and I consider it exploiting the game mechanics, but it’s not nearly as bad or easy to accomplish as the BC exploit. I guess if they want to be really cheesy in S&R, they can just take the speaker and draw out S&R in a close game where they’re already winning. It may be harder to exploit S&R, but not that much harder. With so many clans exploiting, I have given up playing in random clan tournaments or clan challenges. It is also one of the reasons why I quit GAFA (not the main reason though) and am clanless still.

I don’t really blame GG for not catching these game design exploits during their beta phases, but I do blame them for not fixing them ASAP and not having said anything about them planning to fix these problems ASAP. It would be relatively easy to fix these exploits. FOR CLAN MATCHES ONLY, simply force respawn in Bodycount after 10 seconds or so and also count a suicide in BC as a point for the other team or minus a point for your team. Sure, cheesy fuckers can still respawn in their base and camp in there with their turrets, but at least this way, there’s a CHANCE to come back and win BC. As of now, you have NO CHANCE to win if the opposing team gets even a 1 kill lead and decides to exploit BC. As for S&R, make it so that the speaker automatically respawns as soon as it reaches the carrier’s base. On a map like Radec Academy, where the speaker is underground and is so close to the base, tough shit. You don’t NEED to take it through your base. There is another route out of the tunnels.

Glitches and game freezes are more problems with the game. I’m glad GG is finally fixing some of the out-of-map glitches but they haven’t caught/fixed all of them yet. Game freezes have become less common since they fixed the Saboteur glitch that crashed entire rooms. But I’ve been noticing the game is freezing more often recently, after the latest patch…. specifically when trying to join certain rooms. The game completely freezes the PS3 when at around the “syncing clients” screen. I estimate that I’ve had 30+ freezes during the 2 months I’ve been playing KZ2. The sound glitches are also happening more frequently for some reason. Not sure if it’s just me and my PS3, but KZ2 occasionally has sound drop offs, static-filled sound, missing sound effects, or complete game silence. I know it’s also happened to some people on the official KZ.com forums. I do have to say, though, the sound effects in KZ2 is very good. But that’s kind of expected in such a high caliber game with such high production value.

Speaking of sound, the voice chat is decent at best. No HQ mode/function for the official PS3 headset (I hate having to listen to background noises), proximity chat isn’t really proximity-based like SOCOM Confrontation (where the volume of the voice fades or increases depending on your range to the players around you), no ability to mute everyone, and no multi-squad chat option (meaning you’re stuck with communicating with only your squad of ~4 teammates, not your whole team, making inter-squad / team-wide coordination impossible). At least GG allows for in-game muting, even if it’s on an individual basis.

Lag and framerate issues have plagued KZ2 since it launched. Why in the world did GG/SCE not provide dedicated servers for KZ2… supposedly their flagship FPS title, in development for ~4 years? Peer to peer? Really GG/SCE? What kind of fucking drugs were they on when they made this genius decision? It’s inexcusable for them not to provide stable, dedicated servers for their premier 1st party games, specifically KZ2. Due to the lack of dedicated servers, this game is plagued with constant double kills, dying all the time behind cover/walls/solid objects, certain players taking more than normal damage to kill, and players skipping/warping all over the screen (although sometimes these are lag switch users).

The framerate drop is so bad; at times, KZ2 is barely playable. Sometimes (too often) it looks and feels like I’m playing a damn slideshow. It’s completely unacceptable for modern-day shooters to have such a crappy framerate. I understand that there is tons of shit going on and the crazy amount of data the PS3 has to compute, especially within a clusterfuck, but GG should have tested this game in worst-case scenarios to see if the game can run at a relatively smooth and stable framerate or if they had to make some concessions. But no… what we get is a player limit of 32 players for ALL maps, even if most maps in this game (minus Pyrrhus, Salamun, and maybe Helghan Industries) can hardly handle 24 players, let alone 32. I suppose GG knew that they couldn’t limit player count to each specific map mainly because of the flawed and ancient player-created game system they decided to implement with lack of matchmaking system, and also because this game shipped with such a low amount of maps.

For the most part, I really like most of the maps in this game… even though most maps have an advantage when playing on the ISA side, with Helghast side having only a few advantages on a few maps. I like the fact that there’s multiple entry and exit points on most maps, giving campers less of an unfair advantage than they would have in most other online shooters. Granted, I dislike the fact that shotgun users have such a big advantage on most maps and hate getting caught on various objects littered all over the place on shitty, cramped maps like Blood Gracht, but for the most part, maps are well-designed in this game. The main gripe I have regarding maps is that 8 maps isn’t enough (especially because Blood Gracht is such garbage).

In case you’re wondering, I probably won’t buy the DLC map packs due to principle, not the $6. GG/SCE should have made the first 2 map packs free, due to the low amount of maps available on the disc. I’d have no problem paying for an expansion or a map pack with 4+ maps if the game already came with a healthy amount of maps. But it didn’t, so I most likely won’t support GG/SCE’s “nickel and diming” ways. It’s going to be interesting to see how much the KZ2 community will suffer and how badly it will be divided as a result of this decision. A consistently declining playerbase being divided 2 months after the game’s release is a very stupid thing to allow to happen on GG/SCE’s part.

What’s the deal with the 3 new ranks? I know that GG threw them into the game to keep people playing (grinding) the game longer, so they don’t go back to playing CoD 4/5, R2, SOCOM, whatever game they were playing before. But what the fuck is the logic in skipping from 5,000 and 10,000 XP all the way up to 100,000 XP? Really GG? 90k XP jump from the 2nd highest rank to the highest rank? Man, those drugs in Amsterdam must be amazing, eh? 5k & 10k XP is NOT at all “hardcore.” 100k XP is most definitely a “hardcore” milestone most players will never reach and if they do reach it, it will take months and months of (Bodycount) grinding.

See, logical people would probably do something like 25k, 50k, and then maybe 100k. But it’s clear to me that GG is simply an illogical development team lacking basic common sense. Too bad they were too lazy / busy to program in new classes, weapons, ANYTHING to go along with these new, “hardcore” ranks. Maybe it’s a good thing there are no new classes and weapons to go along with the new ranks, given the fact that the existing classes and weapons need so much work. But character customization or something like that would have been nice. Thanks GG. 2 yellow bars next to my stars was exactly what we wanted to keep playing this extremely flawed game!

With so many flaws, game design mistakes, and exclusions in KZ2, what has kept me playing the game for so many hours? Why do I put up with so many glaring problems and still play? The obvious answer is the graphics, art style, and game engine/tech. But most importantly, even with all the shitty, amateur issues plaguing the game, online MP is still a very fun and adrenaline-filled gaming experience when playing in a good room and/or playing with/against good players. The game is very rewarding and intense when playing with and against other skilled players that know what they’re doing and how to actually play the game.

The controls are great once I got used them. While other shooters may feel more precise and responsive, KZ2’s controls really fits the game and I love how for the first time in my console FPS gaming experience, I can actually feel the weight of the guns I’m shooting.

To sum everything up, I just wish that KZ2 didn’t have so many flaws (some game-breaking) and missing features. I wish GG didn’t make exploiting, cheating, stat-padding, etc. so easy to accomplish in KZ2. I wish that the game launched with A LOT more maps. This game had so much potential to become a true classic and one of the best online shooters ever, but because there are so many amateurs at GG making terrible game design decisions, it’s only an above average FPS that can be very fun and provides tons of eye candy. Thus far, KZ2 fails to be a truly amazing FPS and in the end, without quick, proper, and massive amounts of patches coming VERY soon, this game’s online community will be dead as soon as the next new FPS hits.

Thanks for reading my 3 month’s worth of KZ2 opinions, rants, review, etc. all in 1 (actually 2) post(s). :lol


Now i have played the 2 new maps for a while, and i like them :) And the Bullet Wasteland map, that looks really good i must say. Both maps looks really good though, but i especially like how the Bullet Wasteland map looks.

When i first played the Bullet Wasteland map, i was playing as the ISA, and when i first ran up the stairs (those who are in the base where you spawn) for the first time so i got outside, then i actually said something like "woah", since it looks so cool, at least in my opinion :)
andycapps said:
Search and destroy when trying to plant on the Helghast side is literally impossible. I don't know if I've ever seen that completed. That one station inside the stairwell is just impossible to do. I don't know that I've ever seen ISA destroy that.
I've been on ISA teams that have done it. And my experience has been that the one outside is harder, because Helghast can camp it from a distance. You can overwhelm defense nearby, and if they can't get explosives into the stairwell you can set that one. But setting up a wall to protect the outside guy is tough, especially with the elevated bridge from the Helghast spawn overlooking.

Of course, a coordinated team can always defend, because they have the advantage to begin with. (Once bombs are set, advantage switches to the attackers, but a good team will stop that from ever happening.)


Liabe Brave said:
I've been on ISA teams that have done it. And my experience has been that the one outside is harder, because Helghast can camp it from a distance. You can overwhelm defense nearby, and if they can't get explosives into the stairwell you can set that one. But setting up a wall to protect the outside guy is tough, especially with the elevated bridge from the Helghast spawn overlooking.

Of course, a coordinated team can always defend, because they have the advantage to begin with. (Once bombs are set, advantage switches to the attackers, but a good team will stop that from ever happening.)

Wow, if you've been on teams that have done that on the ISA side that's impressive. I would feel like I've accomplished a lot on that map if I were on a team that did that. :lol I actually do like the map for everything but that. I like the verticality of it, the chokepoints, etc.

Rolf NB

Yeah, I've beein involved in successful ISA attacks as well. If you can control the top of the stairwell and set up another spawn to flank the respawning hordes from their blind side, the rest is just the usual routine of kill-don't-die.
Click said:
Oh boy.
Not even going to bother... *sigh*

Hey man, don't be mad because I'm right, I like SOCOM and I know what you said about the patches and how the game is much better now, lots of other folks said the same thing, but the first impression is the one that stays and no doubt SOCOM Confrotation damaged the reputation of SOCOM. The franchise whoring as of late is not helping either.


Are there any info on what the Killzone 2 patch 1.25 fixed/added by the way? I would guess that this patch maybe added the "support" (or what i shall say) so the game would work with the 2 new maps, but are there anything else?


don't ask me for codes
Liabe Brave said:
I've been on ISA teams that have done it. And my experience has been that the one outside is harder, because Helghast can camp it from a distance. You can overwhelm defense nearby, and if they can't get explosives into the stairwell you can set that one. But setting up a wall to protect the outside guy is tough, especially with the elevated bridge from the Helghast spawn overlooking.

Of course, a coordinated team can always defend, because they have the advantage to begin with. (Once bombs are set, advantage switches to the attackers, but a good team will stop that from ever happening.)

I've seen the S&D targets on the Helghast side fall more often than the ISA side. On the Helghast side you can also send in ISA from the main canal, basically attacking the HGH from behind as they'll often be very focused on the targets.


Tempy said:
I've seen the S&D targets on the Helghast side fall more often than the ISA side. On the Helghast side you can also send in ISA from the main canal, basically attacking the HGH from behind as they'll often be very focused on the targets.
Yes, this. One spawn to attack from the main flank (door) and the other one to attack from the back (either from canal stairs or from 2nd floor room above HGH C&H point).
If you can maintain both spawns for the length of the S&D, then it's a lot easier.
Don't throw out your spawns one after another as they'll both run out about the same time. You should give yourself a good buffer between spawn points thrown. This is pretty difficult to coordinate if you have multiple tacticians on the same team.


shooting blanks
YoungHav said:
How are the new maps so far?

Yeah can we get some pics?

If none of them have snow we need a snow map. I remember that first RFOM map pack had an awesome snow map.

I dont care if there's not snow on helghan. that one map with the sand in the air looks awesome.


You guys are making me wish we could get a GAF game going in Blood Gracht so I could actually see a good match in that map. GAF regulars don't seem to like Blood Gracht so it's never in the rotation, so I've only played it with randoms. Even if I get in a game with enough people with headsets, coordinating strategy doesn't seem to work too well. Coordinating with people you don't know usually ends up in them resenting you trying to "boss them around." :lol

Rolf NB

ChrisGoldstein said:
Yeah can we get some pics?

If none of them have snow we need a snow map. I remember that first RFOM map pack had an awesome snow map.

I dont care if there's not snow on helghan. that one map with the sand in the air looks awesome.
No snow.

You've seen the environments in the single-player campaign. The layouts and details are different, but the overall look is the same.

Vekta Cruiser is the ISA ship, where you start the game
and return to later
Wasteland Bullet is the train connecting Suljeva and Tharsis.


shooting blanks

Havnt even beaten anything past level 3 that shit is hard on veteran or whatever it's called.

Finally got a shotgun online and the game is much more fun now. Love saving people's ass from scouts.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
To buy or not to buy thats the question.


Fersis said:
To buy or not to buy thats the question.
Yeah, I'm thinking of holding out on principle (like Click explained) until they fix some of the things that really frustrate me. I suggest to wait for the next patch and decide then.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
bcn-ron said:
Trophies, Fersis, shiny new trophies.
Im not a 'trophy hunter' so its not a selling point to me

careful said:
Yeah, I'm thinking of holding out on principle (like Click explained) until they fix some of the things that really frustrate me. I suggest to wait for the next patch and decide then.
Yeah ,thats what im thinking right now.


andycapps said:
You guys are making me wish we could get a GAF game going in Blood Gracht so I could actually see a good match in that map. GAF regulars don't seem to like Blood Gracht so it's never in the rotation, so I've only played it with randoms. Even if I get in a game with enough people with headsets, coordinating strategy doesn't seem to work too well. Coordinating with people you don't know usually ends up in them resenting you trying to "boss them around." :lol

we've played blood gracht quite a bit, its actually really fun, had some VERY intense matches there when both teams know how to play. It's usually 3-3 with the deciding match being who does S&R better (which gets REALLY intense) :p


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
AranhaHunter said:
I thought you already had the Killzone 2?
I was talking about the map pack :D
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Search & Retrieve on Blood Gracht is usually very nail-biting because you have to track and kill the carrier very successfully. Folks who just barrel down the canal are easy, but most players now know to come from above, and putting down turrets/C4/small arms fire to take out an Assault rapidly enough takes lots of concentration.

Rolf NB

Fersis said:
Im not a 'trophy hunter' so its not a selling point to me
But what if they are shiny and new? And trophious?

edit: I need to play more. Atm I'm still put off by my own lack of understanding of where when what goes on why on these maps. New things are new.

I think Vekta Cruiser has a lot of potential for great matches. Just have to wrap my head around all those side corridors and levels and how they connect etc.


Facism said:
i assume i'm going to be the only one in GAFe who's not buying these maps?

Sorry guys.

Mwhahaha now my GAFA brethren will have an advantage on GAFe BTW need more impressions on the maps. Are they worth 6$?
andycapps said:
4 vs. 4 it's not really a bad map and your team lives and dies by it's tacticians, IMO. But at 16-32 players it falls apart. Search and destroy when trying to plant on the Helghast side is literally impossible. I don't know if I've ever seen that completed. That one station inside the stairwell is just impossible to do. I don't know that I've ever seen ISA destroy that.

I've seen this once.

And new Maps were sold once announced. Just in time for a break from RE5. :D


andycapps said:
4 vs. 4 it's not really a bad map and your team lives and dies by it's tacticians, IMO. But at 16-32 players it falls apart. Search and destroy when trying to plant on the Helghast side is literally impossible. I don't know if I've ever seen that completed. That one station inside the stairwell is just impossible to do. I don't know that I've ever seen ISA destroy that.
I have won multiple S&D mission on the ISA side on that map. Its not that hard to do. You just have to have a decent team and spawn points placed in key specific spots.

What's even harder is defending the assassination target on the Helghast side. Rarely have I seen the Helghast side succeed.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
AranhaHunter said:
I don't think so, I remember the beta having 3 maps and being fairly small size file <500MB

Indeed. Most of the visual awesomeness comes from Cell magic rather than from Blu-Ray size.


That train stage is freakin awesome. Two trains side by side and they are pretty long. Played a few rounds and its allot of fun. It feels new probably since people are trying to figure out the stage and don't know the choke points. It also has like 3 levels.
Motherfucking glitcher was inside a wall right next to our spawn base. There was almost no way to get away before he killed you, right after we spawned. I subbmitted a report on him. Hopefully GG will do something about it.


I like the new maps...the Vekta Cruiser much more though. Both are very impressive visually, but I really like the brightness and colors on the Cruiser.


Tempy said:
I've seen the S&D targets on the Helghast side fall more often than the ISA side. On the Helghast side you can also send in ISA from the main canal, basically attacking the HGH from behind as they'll often be very focused on the targets.

You can set up turrets by approaching from behind, you can set up spawns by approaching from behind. It's not even necessary really if you can control that bridge. I think part of the problem is people get so scared of getting killed they literally turtle and forget that the guy setting up the explosive always takes priority, I see it happening all the time, you go into the stairwell, toss a spawn, it will be facing the ramp but people are too scared to spawn and they try to play it cute, the key is make a push, get both bombs set up, then just keep up the pressure, on tharsis it might be harder but blood gracht is a bigger problem than it really should be.

The problem is just because people turtle it doesn't mean they won't get killed by being shot or hit by grenades, they just get killed further back, and you can't set up the explosive, and you can't retaliate if you're too far back, you can't dominate that area without being aggressive, you can't even get the spawns in without being aggressive. Passive teams lose most of the time. The helghasts can't concentrate on the guy setting us up teh bomb if they're also being shot at, they won't be able toss both grenades if grenades are being toss at them, if the aggressiveness is not there, the team will lose.


andycapps said:
You guys are making me wish we could get a GAF game going in Blood Gracht so I could actually see a good match in that map. GAF regulars don't seem to like Blood Gracht so it's never in the rotation, so I've only played it with randoms. Even if I get in a game with enough people with headsets, coordinating strategy doesn't seem to work too well. Coordinating with people you don't know usually ends up in them resenting you trying to "boss them around." :lol

I don't see how liking the map is relevant to playing on it just so we're good at it and can win clan matches on it. I happen to like Blood Gracht when we win.


I'll say this, people can spend six bucks on the map, or they can skip the map based on some sort of "principle", but at the end of the day I care more about the clan being able to actually play on those maps and win on those maps, it's all about playing with the clan.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Facism said:
i assume i'm going to be the only one in GAFe who's not buying these maps?

Sorry guys.
You are not the only one....


Bullet Wasteland is far and away the best map for Killzone 2 so far. THe battles have actual flow and it doesn't feel like a cluster fuck. I can't speak to how well it handles objectives, but in my opinion no Killzone 2 map so far handles Objectives very well, so eh.

I love the train. Turrets that are actually useful? Check.
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