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dazed808 said:
Yep that's what I thought. The "fix" was that lots of people were not awarded it when they should of and after the patch it was awarded to all those who had earned it.
Ye, that is what i also thought :)

Blu_LED said:
I'm pretty sure the Wargod trophy is for getting all the medals in the game. The description is:

"Acquire all remaining medals"
Ye, that is true, i guess it could be understood in 2 ways. One way is that that you need to get all the medals to get this trophy as you say. The other way is that the medals are divided into 4 groups, and you get a trophy for getting all of the medals in 3 of the groups (badge, mission and combat specific medals).

Then there is one group remaining, which contains the 2 medals that you get for getting 10 kills in 8 rounds and for getting at least 20 points in 8 rounds. Since the Wargod trophy says "all remaining medal", is it the reffering to the remaining 4th group of medals that only contains those 2 medals?

I got the Wargod trophy before i had gotten all the medals in total, and i got it before the 1.24 patch was out. But if i remember correctly, i was alittle surprised when i got it, but that might have been because i wasnt paying too much attention or something. Or maybe it was a glitch before the 1.24 patch as well? I have gotten all medals in the game now, so i would have gotten the trophy anyway though, but i am just wondering :)
I'm pleasantly surprised by Killzone 2. The first Killzone was meh, didn't play the Killzone for PSP. All of the fanboy blather before the game came out was damn annoying. But the game is quite good. It provides a different spin on a tried and true formula. The weighty feel of the game is different from any other FPS I've played, and the hardcore focus of the multiplayer, which while at times is annoying (starting out with only two similar rifles to choose from, CoD had a lot better loadout to begin with in MP) is different and fun.

The single player campaign is a lot of fun. Well designed levels, eye busting graphics, etc. The dialog is stupid, and I find the heroes to be in no way endearing, but the Helghast at least are interesting. Overall I'm having a lot of fun with KZ2 and would recommend it to others.
test_account said:
Ye, that is true, i guess it could be understood in 2 ways. One way is that that you need to get all the medals to get this trophy as you say. The other way is that the medals are divided into 4 groups, and you get a trophy for getting all of the medals in 3 of the groups (badge, mission and combat specific medals).

Then there is one group remaining, which contains the 2 medals that you get for getting 10 kills in 8 rounds and for getting at least 20 points in 8 rounds. Since the Wargod trophy says "all remaining medal", is it the reffering to the remaining 4th group of medals that only contains those 2 medals?

I got the Wargod trophy before i had gotten all the medals in total, and i got it before the 1.24 patch was out. But if i remember correctly, i was alittle surprised when i got it, but that might have been because i wasnt paying too much attention or something. Or maybe it was a glitch before the 1.24 patch as well? I have gotten all medals in the game now, so i would have gotten the trophy anyway though, but i am just wondering :)
Oh yeah, I guess it could be that. That makes sense now. They could have made the description "Acquire all General medals" and that would have made more sense, but it seems like that's what they were going for. I don't feel dirty anymore. :D


Click said:
I can't believe implemented it the way they did.
Oh wait, I sure can because their amateur decisions are littered throughout the game.

I knew this would happen. Block out people who didn't buy the maps from those who did. Restrict clan members and friends from playing with each other if they don't have the map pack. Force-feed the DLC down our throats when this game only came with 8 maps, some of which are flawed and some that people dislike playing.

Divided playerbase, here we come!
Why is it an amateur decition to charge money for extra maps? Many game companies charges money for extra maps for their games.


Musashi Wins! said:
I hope we get more story content. That's probably not going to happen till a sequel though. In my lonely opinion, Killzone2 sp>>multi.

Absolutely. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I have grown to really not like the multiplayer at all. I even bought the new map packs today, played them for a bit (they are very nice graphically) but I don't like KZ 2 mp. Too blurry, too hard to aim, ... just not my style.


Bearillusion said:
Love KZ2. Well done GG.

Now why is MP so lacking in the basics? Why is there no information given about the MP games I can join? I don't know what classes or badges are available. I don't know which maps are in rotation. Nothing expect for 'Radec No Rockets ahoy!!!'.

The foundation is there for something very special but they dropped the ball. The good news is that it shouldn't take be hard to address this. The bad news is that they obviously don't see a need to. Warhawk gives you all the information you could ever want about the games you can join. Why doesn't KZ2? What possible reason could justify this?

I'm still trying to get my head around this as well. It's supposed to be the premier online shooting experience on PS3 but falls so far short of the mark. The only thing I can think of is they blew their budget on the engine/art/tech as a priority.


test_account said:
Why is it an amateur decition to charge money for extra maps? Many games charges money for extra maps.

It's an amateur decision to completely block players from entering rooms with DLC maps in the rotation instead of booting them out if a DLC map is loading.
It's an amateur decision to charge people for 2 maps, 2 months after the game's release, when it only shipped with 8 maps.
It's an amateur decision to divide the ever-declining playerbase 2 months after the game came out.


Blu_LED said:
Oh yeah, I guess it could be that. That makes sense now. They could have made the description "Acquire all General medals" and that would have made more sense, but it seems like that's what they were going for. I don't feel dirty anymore. :D
Ye, that is true, they could have made the description for the Wargod trophy alittle better, i agree :)

In afterthough, doesnt the group of medals that only contain 2 medals also have a name for it? I am not at home now, so unfortunately i cant check it myself right now. If this group of medals also have a name, then i wonder why they didnt put this name in the Wargod trophy description. So i wonder what Guerilla Games mean with the Wargod ribbon. I guess it could be understood in different ways :)
test_account said:
Ye, that is true, they could have made the description for the Wargod trophy alittle better, i agree :)

In afterthough, doesnt the group of medals that only contain 2 medals also have a name for it? I am not at home now, so unfortunately i cant check it myself right now. If this group of medals also have a name, then i wonder why they didnt put this name in the Wargod trophy description. So i wonder what Guerilla Games mean with the Wargod ribbon. I guess it could be understood in different ways :)
Yeah the group is called "General".


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Click said:
It's an amateur decision to completely block players from entering rooms with DLC maps in the rotation instead of booting them out if a DLC map is loading. It's an amateur decision to charge people for 2 maps, 2 months after the game's release, when it only shipped with 8 maps. It's an amateur decision to divide the ever-declining playerbase 2 months after the game came out.
GG is not the one to blame about the pricing.
Once that they implement a way to see the match details before you join and some more search filters everything will be smoother :3


Click said:
It's an amateur decision to completely block players from entering rooms with DLC maps in the rotation instead of booting them out if a DLC map is loading. It's an amateur decision to charge people for 2 maps, 2 months after the game's release, when it only shipped with 8 maps. It's an amateur decision to divide the ever-declining playerbase 2 months after the game came out.
Ye, i agree that it could have been possible to be able to join servers that have the DLC maps in the map rotation even if you dont own the DLC maps yourself. How is it with other console games by the way? I dont think it is (or at least was) possible to join servers in for example Metal Gear Online that had DLC maps in the map rotation if i remember correctly. But other than Metal Gear Online, i dont think i have too much experience with how it works in other games.

The maps could have been free, i agree, but it is not like the maps are mega expencive, at least in my opinion. I dont know if this would really divide the playerbase that much. I mean, it will divide the playerbase, since there are probably several of people who wont buy the DLC maps, that is true, but i there are probably going to be several of servers running that doesnt have the DLC maps, so you can probably find servers that doesnt have the DLC map packs in rotation without much problems :) And if i should guess, i would then guess that most Killzone 2 players that plays active will probably buy the DLC maps, so people can still play together :)

EDIT: I added some text.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
JudgeN said:
How many maps do other FPS ship with? I thought 8 was normal.
8 maps are fine, maybe splitting the community two months after release with two maps its not what most gaffers wanted. I mean im not gonna ask Lince or FFObsessed to not use their maps so i can play with them.
*Hugs Facism*


Fersis said:
GG is not the one to blame about the pricing.
Once that they implement a way to see the match details before you join and some more search filters everything will be smoother :3

They might not have been the ones to decide how much to charge for it, but they were most likely in on the decision to charge for it in first place.

Even if they had no say in deciding whether to charge people or make it free, and it was all SCE's fault, they still should have included more than 8 fucking maps in a full-priced, 1st party, premier flagship title in development and testing for ~4 years.

I hate how developers always try to wash their hands of any wrongdoing when charging for DLC and try to put all the blame on the publishers... as well as fanboys trying to defend their "nickel and diming" bullshit by trying to downplay this greedy practice.

I'll re-quote myself again for those that didn't bother to read my essay on page 501:

"In case you’re wondering, I probably won’t buy the DLC map packs due to principle, not the $6. GG/SCE should have made the first 2 map packs free, due to the low amount of maps available on the disc. I’d have no problem paying for an expansion or a map pack with 4+ maps if the game already came with a healthy amount of maps. But it didn’t, so I most likely won’t support GG/SCE’s “nickel and diming” ways. It’s going to be interesting to see how much the KZ2 community will suffer and how badly it will be divided as a result of this decision. A consistently declining playerbase being divided 2 months after the game’s release is a very stupid thing to allow to happen on GG/SCE’s part."


Christopher said:
DLC! Awesomeness!

Wow when did they add new ranks? Is there a trophy for getting the new one home slices?
The new ranks was added in the 1.24 patch. Nope, there are no trophies for reaching these ranks, but there are some new trophies that you can get if you have the DLC map pack :)

Blu_LED said:
Yeah the group is called "General".
Ah ok, so that is why you said "Get all General medals". I thought you first ment general as in "general medals", but i now see that you wrote General with a capital G :) Thanks for the info! :)

EDIT: The "Get all remaining medals" trophy is also listed under the 3 other medals trophy, so maybe this is ment that you were suppose to get the badge, mission and combat medals first, and then the last 2 remaining medals in the General group? I dont knows, it seems indeed abit unclear on what Guerilla Games mean with the Wargod ribbon. I hope that Guerilla Games can answer on this :)


Click: do you honestly think your opinion is weighed more heavily than the average forum poster? I don't think GG really gives a shit what you think. Certainly not enough to continually re-quote yourself in this thread.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Christopher said:
Hi I asked a question, can you answer it.
3 new ranks, just bragging rights no trophies for those ranks.
Tough there are new trophies for the DLC


JB1981 said:
Click: do you honestly think your opinion is weighed more heavily than the average forum poster? I don't think GG really gives a shit what you think. Certainly not enough to continually re-quote yourself in this thread.

Am I special? Not really. But I do see things in ways that many others don't due to ignorance, stupidity, or blind fanboyism. And I point these things out in a coherent, detailed, and blunt way, even if it angers the fanboys or those like you.

If I thought GG gave a shit in what I thought, I would have posted my crazy essay on the official KZ.com and PS forums. But I didn't.

Interesting you mentioned this because right after my post, someone came in here claiming to be a GG employee and said this:

"We (GG) always read stuff here and we know there are still things we want to iron out.
Constructive comments are always taken serious."

BTW, I re-quoted myself because that's my opinion on the DLC matter, which is being discussed at the moment. And because I don't feel like typing the same shit out when I already wrote it before.

If you dislike my (re)posts, simply put me on ignore. I couldn't care less.


oh well I feel like I wasted my money on the new maps, sure the train map looks awesome with the per-object blur and fantastic lighting, looks even better than the sp level to me... but the flow of the gameplay and the layout are simply atrocious, I prefer Blood Gracht to this nonsense.

VC on the other hand could had had a lot of potential... but S&D placement is once again laughable, and do Guerrilla Games test their maps before giving the OK? the framerate in some parts of this map is ridiculous even when playing a 2v2, it really ruins everything.

in a word, meh!

I'll keep playing with my GAFe/GAFa friends though, squad chat is funny.

I can't see myself playing when Uncharted 2/MAG hit though, I hoped KZ2 would be the game to end them all but it has failed in what I consider some of the dumbest design decisions ever... can't join a server where your friends are playing only because you don't have some map of the rotation? way to go ! kill the community already, don't wait for the next pack of maps.


Lince said:
and do Guerrilla Games test their maps before giving the OK? the framerate in some parts of this map is ridiculous even when playing a 2v2, it really ruins everything.
Where on the map is this? I played a 32 player match earlier and i tried to pay attention to the framerate, but even with 32 players, the framerate was still very acceptable/good, at least in my opinion :)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
What about this :
All players must download the DLC but only who pay can play with it.(Just like MGO)
So when you join a game with a DLC map on the rotation... you go to spectator mode
so that way you dont lose your 'player slot' on the match, and meanwhile you spectate a little message shows:'Youre poor lol'


I had a whopping 4 rooms to choose from as a non-DLC-map owner after work in the 9-16 person range...joined one...it was on Blood G...turned a corner...got hit by a rocket from 20ft away..woot :/

Fersis said:
'Youre poor lol'


Fersis said:
What about this :
All players must download the DLC but only who pay can play with it.(Just like MGO)
So when you join a game with a DLC map on the rotation...
I think that this sounds like a pretty cool idea :)

Fersis said:
you go to spectator mode
so that way you dont lose your 'player slot' on the match, and meanwhile youo spectate a little message :'Youre poor lol'
Lol @ the 'Youre poor lol' message :)

Musashi Wins!

GodofWine said:
I had a whopping 4 rooms to choose from as a non-DLC-map owner after work in the 9-16 person range...joined one...it was on Blood G...turned a corner...got hit by a rocket from 20ft away..woot :/

Sounds awesome. Hope MAG is cool.


test_account said:
Where on the map is this? I played a 32 player match earlier and i tried to pay attention to the framerate, but even with 32 players, the framerate was still very acceptable/good, at least in my opinion :)

God bless your eyes/brain, the engine bogs down terribly in the Helghast S&D side just with 4 players, this is fact not opinion but I'd love to be in your feet and just ignore it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
test_account said:
Hehe :\ By the way, can you spectate in MGO on the maps that you havnt bought?
I dont think so.
I said like MGO, because MGO 'forces' to every player to download the map pack in a big patch.


Lince said:
God bless your eyes/brain, the engine bogs down terribly in the Helghast S&D side just with 4 players, this is fact not opinion but I'd love to be in your feet and just ignore it.
When you use words like "ridiculous" and "terrible" i picture a framerate around 10 frames pr. second or so, but maybe that isnt what you mean?

The framerate can drop alittle, i dont disagree on that that, but i still find the framerate to be good enough without affecting my aim and so too much :)

EDIT: Thanks for the answer on where on the map the framerates drops by the way :)

Fersis said:
I dont think so.
I said like MGO, because MGO 'forces' to every player to download the map pack in a big patch.
Ah ok. Ye, i was just wondering if you got that 'youre poor' message because that it was possible somehow to see if a person have bought the MGO expansion paks or not :)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
test_account said:
When you use words like "ridiculous" and "terrible" i picture a framerate around 10 frames pr. second or so, but maybe that isnt what you mean?

The framerate can drop alittle, i dont disagree on that that, but i still find the framerate to be good enough without affecting my aim and so too much :)

Ah ok. Ye, i was just wondering if you got that 'youre poor' message because that it was possible somehow to see if a person have bought the MGO expansion paks or not :)
It was because i was lagging.


test_account said:
Thanks for the answer on where on the map the framerates drops by the way :)

you're welcome, and I meant 10 fps or less but then again it could have been lag... to me it's like the central zone in Tharsis Depot around the pillar, there's a framerate bug/lack of optimization right there that gets incredible annoying in the heat of the battle, seems like VC got one of these "sweet spots" as well.


Lince said:
you're welcome, and I meant 10 fps or less but then again it could have been lag... to me it's like the central zone in Tharsis Depot around the pillar, there's a framerate bug/lack of optimization right there that gets incredible annoying in the heat of the battle, seems like VC got one of these "sweet spots" as well.
Ah ok. Ye, lag can maybe be an issue as well as you mention.

Ye, the framerate can indeed drop in the area around the pillar in Tharsis Depot when alot of things are happening around there. I dont know if it is as bad as 10 fps though, i would guess it goes down to maybe 15 - 20 fps or so, but i dont know :) I havnt played the Vectar Cruizer map that much yet, but for me the framerate seemed to be acceptable/good when i played it earlier. You ment the S&D in the Bullet Wasteland map earlier by the way, and not in the Vectar Cruizer level?

By the way, do you play the game in 720p or in 1080p (upscaled)?


Fersis said:
What about this :
All players must download the DLC but only who pay can play with it.(Just like MGO)
So when you join a game with a DLC map on the rotation... you go to spectator mode
so that way you dont lose your 'player slot' on the match, and meanwhile you spectate a little message shows:'Youre poor lol'
This sounds like a pretty good idea, man. :lol at the "you're poor" part!

Rolf NB

test_account said:
Ah ok. Ye, lag can maybe be an issue as well as you mention.

Ye, the framerate can indeed drop in the area around the pillar in Tharsis Depot when alot of things are happening around there. I dont know if it is as bad as 10 fps though, i would guess it goes down to maybe 15 - 20 fps or so, but i dont know :) I havnt played the Vectar Cruizer map that much yet, but for me the framerate seemed to be acceptable/good when i played it earlier.

By the way, do you play the game in 720p or in 1080p (upscaled)?
I play in 720p and I know the spot on Tharsis, Vekta Cruiser is worse. Try moving west out of the central zone (with the big glowing circle thing and the ISA S&D spots) through any of the corridors on the lower level. There seems to be an issue when the game renders multiple zones and there's too much detail between the two. There's a lot of random debris outside of the map, and if you look out that way, it seems to get a bit too much for the engine to deal with smoothly. For some reason, inside the room with the HGH S&D objectives, the framerate tends to dip as well.

There's also another neat optimization-not-bug where you can't look back into the ISA spawn area on the lower level, even if you stand only a few feet away from the doorway. It just fades to black.
The only other spot in the game where it does this AFAIK is right in the middle of Visari hammer, where the two stairwells meet at the central east-west tunnel. If you come around the corner on either side, the stairs on the other just aren't there. They fade in as you walk forward.


Lince said:
Vekta Cruiser, 720p.
Ok, so the S&D in Vekta Cruiser (not Vectar Cruizer as i first wrote, my mistake, sorry :))?

Ok, that is the same resolution i playe Killzone 2 in. I was just wondering if maybe playing the game in 1080p upscaled could affect the framerate more compared to playing the game in a 720p resolution.

EDIT: When i ask these questions, i dont mean to say that you (or anyone else that i ask) are wrong about what you are saying just to underline that. I dont know if my questions are understood like this though, but i hope that they arent, and i just wanted to mention this :) I am asking some questions sometimes because i am wondering what experiences other people have with Killzone 2 (or any other game for that matter), and i sometimes want more info about what i ask about :)


JB1981 said:
Calling developers amateurs doesn't sound like constructive criticism now, does it?

What is with the quote sniping. He's given a plethora of well thought out support to back his argument and all you can do is resort to sniping out bits and pieces. For fuck sakes give it a rest. This is what makes Neogaf better then other forums, this is what you are not contributing to. Click takes the time to back up his claim and on the other hand you come in and post pointless worthless posts without any real content.


bcn-ron said:
I play in 720p and I know the spot on Tharsis, Vekta Cruiser is worse. Try moving west out of the central zone (with the big glowing circle thing and the ISA S&D spots) through any of the corridors on the lower level. There seems to be an issue when the game renders multiple zones and there's too much detail between the two. There's a lot of random debris outside of the map, and if you look out that way, it seems to get a bit too much for the engine to deal with smoothly. For some reason, inside the room with the HGH S&D objectives, the framerate tends to dip as well.
Ok, i will try to look for it tomorrow, thanks for the tip :)

bcn-ron said:
There's also another neat optimization-not-bug where you can't look back into the ISA spawn area on the lower level, even if you stand only a few feet away from the doorway. It just fades to black.
The only other spot in the game where it does this AFAIK is right in the middle of Visari hammer, where the two stairwells meet at the central east-west tunnel. If you come around the corner on either side, the stairs on the other just aren't there. They fade in as you walk forward.
Hehe cool, i dont think i have seen this myself yet, but i will try to see if i can see these bugs when i play Killzone 2 tomorrow. Thanks for this tip as well :)
Click said:
Even if they had no say in deciding whether to charge people or make it free, and it was all SCE's fault, they still should have included more than 8 fucking maps in a full-priced, 1st party, premier flagship title in development and testing for ~4 years.

Those 8 maps are all great. Most FPS game have dozens of maps but only 4 or 5 that are actually played. You should be glad that you can enjoy the game no matter what maps someone chooses.


SuperSonic1305 said:
Those 8 maps are all great. Most FPS game have dozens of maps but only 4 or 5 that are actually played. You should be glad that you can enjoy the game no matter what maps someone chooses.

That's your opinion.
Here's mine:

I consider Salamun Market and Helghan Industries "great."
Radec Academy and Visari Hammer "really good."
Corinth Crossing "pretty good."
Tharsis Depot and Pyrrhus Rise "decent."
Blood Gracht "crap."

Yeah, I like most maps and can tolerate them, but 8 is just not enough maps in a 1st party, AAA, full retail title like KZ2; regardless of quality or fun factor of each map.
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