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Zen said:
Bullet Wasteland is far and away the best map for Killzone 2 so far. THe battles have actual flow and it doesn't feel like a cluster fuck. I can't speak to how well it handles objectives, but in my opinion no Killzone 2 map so far handles Objectives very well, so eh.

I love the train. Turrets that are actually useful? Check.
Its a pretty awesome stage.. I might even say its my new favorite stage. Its a shame, I don't think allot of people are going to buy it :(
TheFatOne said:
Are the maps out in the U.S. yet?
Yeah go get it!


for those who have played the new maps:

Are the maps small enough for 4-8 players? or just too big? I am thinking about buying them if they are suitable for 4-8 players.



Musashi Wins! said:
I hope we get more story content. That's probably not going to happen till a sequel though. In my lonely opinion, Killzone2 sp>>multi.
I love the single player also (except I'm playing it on Elite right now, I just wanna get to Radec!!). The multiplayer's fun to me, but the single player campaign in games is just as important, if not more so, to me...


McLovin said:
Its a pretty awesome stage.. I might even say its my new favorite stage. Its a shame, I don't think allot of people are going to buy it :(
They will be peer pressure buys for me personally. If enough of GAFA gets em I'll probably buy em just because. But Ive been sorta against buying map packs that dont change the gameplay somehow. Little Big Planet and Warhawk have spoiled me.


A.R.K said:
for those who have played the new maps:

Are the maps small enough for 4-8 players? or just too big? I am thinking about buying them if they are suitable for 4-8 players.


Vetka Cruiser is, Wasteland Bullet is a medium size map. Then again in my opinion the game can't handle more then 14 players at a time no matter what.

I am quite surprised people like the new maps, neither are very good and I feel like I wasted £5 on them. Then again if I hadn't bought them I wouldn't have been able to join a single room with the maps in rotation. It seems Vetka Cruiser is yet another unbalanced map, giving ISA map advantage and definitely can't handle more then 14 players if even that with frame rate taking a big hit being stuck in small corridors. The Wasteland Bullet seemed like it would be a larger map but again you are funnelled into tight linear spaces and I am not a fan of environmental hazards in competitive FPS but allowing a player to spawn at the base in the path of said hazard is ridiculous, let alone having them in a game when players can place spawn points where ever they wish.

Now I know the need (or want) to charge for new maps and that is fine, though I don't agree with it because it splits up the community but with the way GG have implemented them people without the DLC can't play with anyone who is in a game with the DLC maps in rotation, even if they aren't being played on at the time. Not very smart.


Extremely annoyed with what is apparently a GG arm twist in regards to the DLC.

I couldn't join the GAFe clan in a game tonight, where they were plaing on Salamun Market, because they had the DLC maps in rotation, which locked us 2nd class KZ2 citizens out of game.

Why couldn't GG implement the DLC in a way that it would kick me when the map loaded in rotation? I've got to suffer as a peasant in KZ2 when the clan plays because they all have the DLC and i refuse to spend £5 on minimal content updates?

I'm very dissapointed as now I can't really play with the rest of GAFe without holding them hostage and asking them to remove the DLC from rotations. I won't do that, therefore expect the killzone.com clusterfuck tournament game this wednesday to be my last. Very bitter taste in my mouth.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Damn lag really got worse as someone said. At some point I counted 3 FULL SECONDS before one of my kills was registered. Jeez.


TTP said:
Damn lag really got worse as someone said. At some point I counted 3 FULL SECONDS before one of my kills was registered. Jeez.

It was nice to see you online again, TTP. I had to leave because

a)POS Rise

b)Spilt a pint of water all over the PC -_-

[edit]Musashi: I can only speculate it works like that so people who don't have the DLC are reminded of it often, and hopefully pushes a few more DLC sales when people want to play with their friends, but can't.
I just wanna say that I hate stupid people playing as medic just saving you for the hell of it just to get the medic badge, I died at least 5 times today because I got revived in the line of fire.


.GqueB. said:
They will be peer pressure buys for me personally. If enough of GAFA gets em I'll probably buy em just because. But Ive been sorta against buying map packs that dont change the gameplay somehow. Little Big Planet and Warhawk have spoiled me.
Well you can get hit if your on the top level, or while jumping.. you can also fall off the stage. Kinda changes gameplay a little. It makes the game more exciting since its really hard to predict when they are coming unless you look ahead.

Musashi Wins!

There's no need for speculation, I'm sure that's why they did it. Making up for some sales expectations, I guess.

McLovin said:
Aren't most games like that though? I know in COD 4 having someone in your party that doesn't have the dlc turns off the dlc for everyone. Usually prompting a get the maps or gtfo response from the other players.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, that's how it should be done. They've taken a different route.

AranhaHunter said:
I don't think sales were that bad, 600k in 2 months in the US, >200k in the UK, >40k in Japan, well over a million on a non Holiday release on a franchise that did not have a good first outing. Could the sales be better? Sure, but they're not that bad at this point, after this holiday we can say if it's bad or within reason.

I don't find that at all convincing given the hype here, on tv, etc. and I doubt Sony does either, but at the end of the day it's a good game that I've enjoyed so whatever.


Musashi Wins! said:
There's no need for speculation, I'm sure that's why they did it. Making up for some sales expectations, I guess.
Aren't most games like that though? I know in COD 4 having someone in your party that doesn't have the dlc turns off the dlc for everyone. Usually prompting a get the maps or gtfo response from the other players.
Musashi Wins! said:
There's no need for speculation, I'm sure that's why they did it. Making up for some sales expectations, I guess.

I don't think sales were that bad, 600k in 2 months in the US, >200k in the UK, >40k in Japan, well over a million on a non Holiday release on a franchise that did not have a good first outing. Could the sales be better? Sure, but they're not that bad at this point, after this holiday we can say if it's bad or within reason.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Musashi Wins! said:
That's an annoying implementation.

GG has taken a strange path with this game at times.

One day (long time ago) I was really pissed after a clusterfuck laggy match and I went like "well, at least they got one thing right: I can skip the whole start up sequence and jump quickly into Warzone". And guess what? They removed that with a patch (Sony asked I know). Now, whenever I get the slightest desire to play the game, it is immediately crushed but they prospect of having to wait for Visari to get to "...by crushing the ar...".


Facism said:
Extremely annoyed with what is apparently a GG arm twist in regards to the DLC.

I couldn't join the GAFe clan in a game tonight, where they were plaing on Salamun Market, because they had the DLC maps in rotation, which locked us 2nd class KZ2 citizens out of game.

Why couldn't GG implement the DLC in a way that it would kick me when the map loaded in rotation? I've got to suffer as a peasant in KZ2 when the clan plays because they all have the DLC and i refuse to spend £5 on minimal content updates?

I'm very dissapointed as now I can't really play with the rest of GAFe without holding them hostage and asking them to remove the DLC from rotations. I won't do that, therefore expect the killzone.com clusterfuck tournament game this wednesday to be my last. Very bitter taste in my mouth.

So when you get kicked, your clan and faction would be one person short, would that be more fair? Let's say there are 5 of you that don't have the DLC, so if that map comes up, would it be fair to your faction to play with 5 people short?

It's 5 pounds. You can buy it or get someone to share it with you, but if it bothers you so damn much just quit the game.


OK I just bought the maps I can't play for a while though. To Kittonwy or any GAFA officers/members should I set the next GAF game with the new maps in the rotation?


Musashi Wins! said:
There's no need for speculation, I'm sure that's why they did it. Making up for some sales expectations, I guess.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, that's how it should be done. They've taken a different route.

Seriously I don't want someone to join the game and turn off for everyone the fucking map which I want to play because I've paid good money for it.


Kittonwy said:
So when you get kicked, your clan and faction would be one person short, would that be more fair? Let's say there are 5 of you that don't have the DLC, so if that map comes up, would it be fair to your faction to play with 5 people short?

It's 5 pounds. You can buy it or get someone to share it with you, but if it bothers you so damn much just quit the game.

What would it matter to you faction or clan for that matter because the game would have finished and the next map would be loading, people leave when a map changes anyway so what difference would it make? How would it be unfair in anyway what so ever?

It is unfair to disallow friends to play together, even on the original maps just because the rooms have DLC maps in rotation.
TTP said:
One day (long time ago) I was really pissed after a clusterfuck laggy match and I went like "well, at least they got one thing right: I can skip the whole start up sequence and jump quickly into Warzone". And guess what? They removed that with a patch (Sony asked I know). Now, whenever I get the slightest desire to play the game, it is immediately crushed but they prospect of having to wait for Visari to get to "...by crushing the ar...".

So that's what happened.....stupid IMO, was that on 1.24 patch?

Musashi Wins! said:
I don't find that at all convincing given the hype here, on tv, etc. and I doubt Sony does either, but at the end of the day it's a good game that I've enjoyed so whatever.

When you say here, you mean here where? Certainly not in the US because I was very disappointed with the lack of commercials I saw for the game, though I did start seeing them a month after release, but not nearly as often as some other games. If you mean here as in GAF here, then remember that GAF != real world. I don't know whether or not it met expectations at this point, but I think the sales are okay, nothing spectacular, though not bad. But you're right, let's leave sales talk to the sales thread.


Cagen said:
What would it matter to you faction or clan for that matter because the game would have finished and the next map would be loading, people leave when a map changes anyway so what difference would it make? How would it be unfair in anyway what so ever?

It is unfair to disallow friends to play together, even on the original maps just because the rooms have DLC maps in rotation.

If you want to play together with facism just don't add the new maps, problem solved. I'm still not sure why he's not getting a map pack that is basically 6 bucks.
Since people really seem to like the new maps I need to figure out where PSN cards are available. No more card since bank was stealing money from me >_<

I like playing with the clan!


Kittonwy said:
If you want to play together with facism just don't add the new maps, problem solved.

If Lince, FFO, Nega and I etc. are playing in a game together and we have the maps in rotation, Facism logs in and wants to play with us we have to leave our room, full of players and either try to find a new room without the maps in rotation which I will take a guess at being hard to do so right now or make a room ourselves without the maps in rotation and play in an empty game with just us 4 or so.

Quit trying to make this a non issue, it is a horrible practice, one GG has welcomed and should not be encouraged.


TheFatOne said:
OK I just bought the maps I can't play for a while though. To Kittonwy or any GAFA officers/members should I set the next GAF game with the new maps in the rotation?

I bought it, I want to play it later tonight but I guess we'll wait for other people to get it.
what is everyone complaining about??? jeebus, six bucks for two maps which im sure will be awesome. All the maps that came with the game are really good. I dont mind paying for two high quality maps versus getting some lame ones that nobody will play.


Cagen said:
If Lince, FFO, Nega etc. are playing in a game together and we have the maps in rotation, Facism logs in and wants to play with us we have to leave our room, full of players and either try to find a new room without the maps in rotation which I will take a guess at being hard to do so right now or make a room ourselves without the maps in rotation and play in an empty game with just us 4 or so.

Quit trying to make this a non issue, it is a horrible practice, one GG has welcomed and should not be encouraged.

It's not a non-issue, it is an annoyance, it's their way of trying to get people to get the map pack which is only $6.
Well, just finished playing a few rounds on the new maps. I like them a lot. Vekta looks amazing especially when you can see out the damaged hull and the train is what Tharsis should have been from the beginning. It will take some time to get to know the maps, but I have a feeling that they will be among my favourites.

With that said, DO NOT BUY THIS DLC! GG can't seem to get it through their heads that they need more information on their server lists. For some reason I can now filter searches by the "Original KZ2" maps, or any single map, or "Any" map. But I can't search by games that have the new maps in rotation, nor can I determine if the new maps are in rotation without first joining the server. This issue was an annoyance when I was just struggling to see if FF was enabled, or faction balancing, or weapons and badges. But now, having paid money for additional content, I am already frustrated at the prospect of having to jump in and out of games when all I wan't to do is play on a server and get to the DLC maps once in a while.

Speak with your wallet people. At least this is better than Resistance, but no where near as good as Warhawk. Why can't people learn from the success of others?

Now, obviously if my concerns are not your concerns then buy the DLC as you still have Bots and the maps are good.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Kittonwy said:
It's not a non-issue, it is an annoyance, it's their way of trying to get people to get the map pack which is only $6.

Bare in mind we europeans are paying 8 dollars for those two maps (6 euro = 8 dollars).
the_prime_mover, I believe server info is being addressed and will make it into the next patch or the one after. They have to rewrite the code on both ends for it to display properly for users. I agree that it should have already been there, though.


TTP said:
One day (long time ago) I was really pissed after a clusterfuck laggy match and I went like "well, at least they got one thing right: I can skip the whole start up sequence and jump quickly into Warzone". And guess what? They removed that with a patch (Sony asked I know). Now, whenever I get the slightest desire to play the game, it is immediately crushed but they prospect of having to wait for Visari to get to "...by crushing the ar...".

umm why would you quit the game and restart the game from XMB again? why not just quit the clusterfuck laggy match and join some other match? And come on its not that bad, just a 5-6 sec delay. Come on have some patience ;). I think its worse in bioshock where you have to sit through all the fucking 2K logos every time :/


Have a fun! Enjoy!
A.R.K said:
umm why would you quit the game and restart the game from XMB again? why not just quit the clusterfuck laggy match and join some other match?

Wait. Who said I did that?

And come on its not that big of a deal. I think its worse in bioshock where you have to sit through all the fucking 2K logos every time :/

Sure. But it's annoying. And it wasn't there before. Patches are supposed to improve things.


Full Recovery said:
I think I'm going to hold out on the maps until they have a second map pack, or maybe a 'bundle'

You still play KZ2?

And holy crap. Someone sure sounds bitter, feeling angry that not everyone is going to play follow the (clan) leader and give into GG/SCE's "nickel and diming" ways.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Blu_LED said:
I'm guessing that the 1.25 patch fixed the Wargod trophy glitch. Just a thought.

I feel really dirty having it too

Wasn't the 1.24 the one that did that?


TrAcEr_x90 said:
what is everyone complaining about??? jeebus, six bucks for two maps which im sure will be awesome. All the maps that came with the game are really good.
Really, all 8 of them? People are complaining because this game came with 1/2 the maps of other $60 games.


TTP said:
Wait. Who said I did that?

oops my bad..I mis-read that.. :)

TTP said:
Sure. But it's annoying. And it wasn't there before. Patches are supposed to improve things.

Yes it is annoying, but I guess its some policy enforced by Sony and I think other publishers do the same (like 2K in bioschock). They should only do it the very first time a game is played on that console and should be skippable after that.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Blu_LED said:
1.24 said it was going to fix it, but it actually made the problem worse. Anyone who booted up the game (online) and didn't have the trophy was awarded it.



Blu_LED said:
1.24 said it was going to fix it, but it actually made the problem worse. Anyone who booted up the game (online) and didn't have the trophy was awarded it.
Dont you get the Wargod trophy just for having 10 kills in 8 rounds and getting at least 20 points in 2 rounds, so you get those 2 badges? If so, those 2 badges are probably the 2 first badges that you get in the multiplayer, so if people have played the Killzone 2 multiplayer for a while, i would guess that almost everyone have gotten these 2 badges :)


test_account said:
Dont you get the Wargod trophy just for having 10 kills in 8 rounds and getting at least 20 points in 2 rounds, so you get those 2 badges? If so, those 2 badges are probably the 2 first badges that you get in the multiplayer, so if people have played the Killzone 2 multiplayer for a while, i would guess that almost everyone have gotten these 2 badges :)
Yep that's what I thought. The "fix" was that lots of people were not awarded it when they should of and after the patch it was awarded to all those who had earned it.


Cagen said:
If Lince, FFO, Nega and I etc. are playing in a game together and we have the maps in rotation, Facism logs in and wants to play with us we have to leave our room, full of players and either try to find a new room without the maps in rotation which I will take a guess at being hard to do so right now or make a room ourselves without the maps in rotation and play in an empty game with just us 4 or so.

Quit trying to make this a non issue, it is a horrible practice, one GG has welcomed and should not be encouraged.

He seems to have a problem with me going by his tone. (or maybe people who have any issue with KZ2 in general?)

Map content should be provided to keep a community lively and active, paid or not. Denying me and others the ability to join friends for a few rounds on the stock maps because the DLC is in rotation is just bad form.

"ohh it's only this much real money why don't you just buy them shill shill shill."

I don't see 2 maps for £5 as good value. simple as that.
test_account said:
Dont you get the Wargod trophy just for having 10 kills in 8 rounds and getting at least 20 points in 2 rounds, so you get those 2 badges? If so, those 2 badges are probably the 2 first badges that you get in the multiplayer, so if people have played the Killzone 2 multiplayer for a while, i would guess that almost everyone have gotten these 2 badges :)
I'm pretty sure the Wargod trophy is for getting all the medals in the game. The description is:

"Acquire all remaining medals"


Facism said:
Being able to play with friends such as yourself and the rest of the good people of GAF is what has kept me playing this game long after I would of put it down if I was just stuck playing with randoms.
I've bought the maps and i'm sure i'll play them a ton but if it comes down to playing with randoms on a new map in the rotation or with you guys on the original maps, I know for sure what i'll be doing. Helping the community grow this is not.
Alright, picked up a PSN card at 7-11. Rather convenient :lol

Hopefully these maps make me smile a bit. For whatever reason, the magic that is Killzone 2 has dulled on me a little. Perhaps I'm listening to the wrong music while shooting people in the face?


Facism said:
He seems to have a problem with me going by his tone. (or maybe people who have any issue with KZ2 in general?)

Map content should be provided to keep a community lively and active, paid or not. Denying me and others the ability to join friends for a few rounds on the stock maps because the DLC is in rotation is just bad form.

"ohh it's only this much real money why don't you just buy them shill shill shill."

I don't see 2 maps for £5 as good value. simple as that.

I can't believe implemented it the way they did.
Oh wait, I sure can because their amateur decisions are littered throughout the game.

I knew this would happen. Block out people who didn't buy the maps from those who did. Restrict clan members and friends from playing with each other if they don't have the map pack. Force-feed the DLC down our throats when this game only came with 8 maps, some of which are flawed and some that people dislike playing.

Divided playerbase, here we come!
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