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I think people that set up the matches should have the two new maps in rotation with the old maps more often. Both of them are damn fun. I've had many intense battles on Vekta Cruiser.


TheFatOne said:
We played two maps every night for 2 weeks. They were the only maps in the rotation so they got boring at least for me. I spent like 2-4 hours every night on just two maps. Sorry AJ I had to many disconnects and my PS3 froze so I just turned it off and will call it a night. Days like this make me question why I continue to play this game.



TeTr1C said:
I think people that set up the matches should have the two new maps in rotation with the old maps more often. Both of them are damn fun. I've had many intense battles on Vekta Cruiser.

Yea except that you know GG is fucking idiotic. Let's say I want to have the two maps in the rotation with all the other old maps. Whooops you can only have 8 maps total in the rotation. What a fantastic job GG. What happens when the other maps come out. Will I only e able to have 8 of them in the rotation.


I'd be in the dick
So now that I'm home and actually have a workable internet connection I've been playing a bit. I got that glitched Wargod Trophy. I can't use any primary weapons as Assault but I've got boost. :lol Still sticking with Medic but I'm enjoying Tactician a bit. Would love to get into a GAF game sometime, even though I'll get destroyed.
Quick question: weekly rankings reset sometime during sunday? or at midnight sunday/monday? The gf will be out of town so i think i may shoot for the 1% trophy this week, shouldnt be too hard i hope.
Eccocid said:
Is there a problem with servers?

Last night i decided to play Warzone and even in Worldwide servers i could only found like 5 games with max 5 players on each...Did i miss an update?

Maybe people are sick of not having ranked and custom games and are going back to COD4. R2 gameplay isn't as good as KZ2 but at least I know what sort of match I'm about to join. Stick to campaign GG.


Bearillusion said:
Maybe people are sick of not having ranked and custom games and are going back to COD4. R2 gameplay isn't as good as KZ2 but at least I know what sort of match I'm about to join. Stick to campaign GG.

You can't be serious :lol


tiddles said:

You haz beautiful smile

Flying a space ship in an epic space battle must be the priority! Also that's not something you see in other shooters, so that can be your "something you don't see in other games!" that'll make reviewers stfu. :p

I'd like to see more open environments. The desert level in KZ2 was great but it was still very restrictive. My favorite vehicle sections in a FPS are the ones from Half Life 2. They're long but interesting yet you're simply traversing the environment for the most part. Would be a nice break from the action as well.

Also I'd like the different levels to feel more "connected" in KZ3. For example before the desert level the screen just fades black then you appear in the desert. I want to at least see the decent down to the desert. Maybe those awesome Intruder scenes would have been used to much but they were awesome damnit! I always hate it when the screen fades and then you're just taken to another place. At least show me getting there. That's what HL2 does so well, you're journeying the whole way. You're in control at all times. That game is just one big level and you're in control the whole game. I don't want that for Killzone because the cutscenes are amazing and add a lot, but I just want to witness as much as possible to what my character in the game does. I don't want t feel like I'm missing anything... to be honest it was only the desert level that felt disconnected. The ones before that and after were fitted together very well. Just needed more of a "link" between the two halves of the game. Simply showing the ascent to the cruiser and the flight down into the desert would have done it.

Lastly, another thing I love about Killzone are the "special characters" like Metrac, Cobar, Radec. It reminds me of Warhammer 40k or Star Wars or even the Iliad where you have these "heroes" who stand out above the rest. KZ2 only had one in Radec, and he was awesome, but lets have more for KZ3. They give the Helghast personality and would stop people saying the Helghast are all exactly the same. Then you could have more boss fights built around their special abillities. The Heavies were fun to fight but they were just tough enemies not bosses.

Oh and an epic sniper battle is a must. You guys could surpass the MGS3 "The End" easily with the awesome Helghast snipers. In fact you guys probably already have surpassed it with the intense sniper duels I've had in an online match. More fun than The End boss fight :D


devilchicken said:
Quick question: weekly rankings reset sometime during sunday? or at midnight sunday/monday? The gf will be out of town so i think i may shoot for the 1% trophy this week, shouldnt be too hard i hope.

Sunday at midnight GMT.
I have a question. During clan matches, is it possible to have a draw, even if your clan had more points overall? Last night, my clan challenged another clan, 3v3. Well, during the last two minutes, we started kicking their asses thanks to me placing C4s and taking all three out at the same time, over and over again. At the end of the match, we even got the extra points, but my buddy said it was a draw. Now the timer did run out and nobody actually filled up the green bar, so maybe that was it?

Oh, and I finally started playing the other missions. Yes, they are FUN. During another clan match, it was 2v2 in Tharsis Depot. I was a saboteur, and the class is VERY useful when disgusing yourself and completing some of the objectives. :D


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I have a question. During clan matches, is it possible to have a draw, even if your clan had more points overall?

During clan challenge games, 3-3 = tie. Points don't matter.
During tournaments 3-3 is not a tie. Whichever team has more kills is the winner...

Tournament tie game:




Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!

after 10 billion hours, I just got BACK TO BACK air support ribbons!!! Only 6 more to go!!


Jaroof said:
Why did they change the way the flamethrower shoots? It looked a lot better in the video here..
Edit: :lol wow, I just noticed you just said that about the flamethrower.

It put out a lot of smoke as well. Maybe they couldn't get it in the final game without some epic frame drops. Shame tho, that's the best flamethrower I've ever seen.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Now that's a proper flame thrower effect. I wonder why they changed it. Perhaps it did compromise the frame rate. I've noticed every time flames come into view, frames get dropped.


OT :

Challenge has been Sent.

From IGN: Helghast Serious Buisness

Map SM
No assault or rockets

Please accept so i can get it organized



jesus at the flamethrower effects. I mean it seems like they wanted to stand out more with the liquid napalm weapon, but all it did was make tons of reviewers dock off points for not being more like a flame thrower :p


For every day I play this game and think it's perfect there's another day where I think it's a complete POS.

Every single game I tried to play today was an absolute laggy mess. Lag pisses me off more than anything, and it's not because I lose or whatever. I joined Lince in a game after 2 rounds had already finished and I ended up top of the winning team with ease, but I still thought that game was an unacceptable mess.

Then we tried to find different games and all we could find were games that were unplayable due to lag, or the teams were stacked. Then we couldn't find a decent game for the next 30 mins and ended up just quitting. After the others left I ended up settling for some laggy game with boost enabled. Urgh.

Why the fuck Guerrilla games havn't given us more search options since launch as well I'll never know. In fact they've reduced the amount despite the fact the search options in this game are some of the worst I've ever seen. Let me search for games with auto balancing on/off. Let me see the settings before I fucking join the game. It's bad enough when Lince finds a game, tells me in the chat straight away and it's already full by the time I press join. But at least with no party system allow us to properly search for and see the settings of games ffs.

I'm surprised people even come back to this game at times.

It's a shame, because having played R2's competitive recently it made me appreciate just how much better KZ2 is than anything else out there... when everything works. Everything else is just so bland compared to KZ2.

I'm really hoping the next patch adds a lot more search options and allows us to the see the settings before we join. People have been demanding this since launch and search options have actually been taken away. Ones I used to find games with maps I enjoy the most. And for the love of god reduce spawn invincibility, randomness of headshots. Those coupled with lag and boost are just disgusting quite frankly. Shame you can't patch the crippling lag tho.

I don't really need more maps, I can play most of the current ones forever they're so good. Just fix the issues and hurry up with it. I and many others are growing impatient. Lots of people have left already and aren't coming back.

If not then when I get to 100,000 points I'm probably gonna finish with the game completely.


It goes without saying that Killzone 2 would probably have sold better if Guerilla had been smart about their backend for online Multiplayer. Very few friends are going to convince their friends to play with them when they can't reliably play together on the same team.


Zen said:
It goes without saying taht Killzone 2 would probably have sold better if Guerilla had been smart about their backend for online Multiplayer. Very few friends are going to convince their friends to play with them when they can't reliably play together on the same team.

I would rather if they disable autobalancing completely, I hate it, I hate having to kill GAFA clan members on the other team, I hate having their blood on my pawz.


Kittonwy said:
I would rather if they disable autobalancing completely, I hate it, I hate having to kill GAFA clan members on the other team, I hate having their blood on my pawz.

aww <3

Same here actually, I want to play with GAFe all the time. BUT if I'm the only one playing KZ2 then I want auto-balancing on so I don't get stuck 10 vs 6 at the start of the game and have to leave and spend ages searching.

Easiest solution is simply to allow us to search for games with auto-balancing on/off. Would be such a simple thing to add and I cannot physically understand why they havn't done it already.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
It's a shame, because having played R2's competitive recently it made me appreciate just how much better KZ2 is than anything else out there... when everything works. Everything else is just so bland compared to KZ2.

Its an unwritten rule that everytime that someone says how good is KZ2 they also have to state that its better than R2? :/
Leave R2 alooooneee !! :lol
Oh and you laugh all you want FFObsessed but i know that deep in your heart you are having fun playing R2 CoOp with us... :mad:


FFObsessed said:
aww <3

Same here actually, I want to play with GAFe all the time. BUT if I'm the only one playing KZ2 then I want auto-balancing on so I don't get stuck 10 vs 6 at the start of the game and have to leave and spend ages searching.

Easiest solution is simply to allow us to search for games with auto-balancing on/off. Would be such a simple thing to add and I cannot physically understand why they havn't done it already.
The solution is more obvious... PARTY SYSTEM.


-viper- said:
The solution is more obvious... PARTY SYSTEM.

And maybe some Clan organization tools for preparing challenges and tournys. You know like suggesting a challenge and see how many members are actually available/subscribing for it instead of just getting into it.
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