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GG really needs to get rid of boosting and extra health. It's basically cheating. That shit totally gets unfair when that class picks up a rifle and starts owning everyone. :lol

BTW, does anyone else hate it when you're a playing a match and nobody on your team lays out spawn grenades? I end up having to do it and I REALLY hate the ISA rifle. It just freaking sucks.


I've just unlocked the Air support badge for the Tactician, how to I combine my Field Medic badge with that now? Apparantly it says I can use Field Medic with any class that has its secondary ability unlocked, but I don't see how to do it.......

Am I being dumb?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
kitch9 said:
I've just unlocked the Air support badge for the Tactician, how to I combine my Field Medic badge with that now? Apparantly it says I can use Field Medic with any class that has its secondary ability unlocked, but I don't see how to do it.......

Am I being dumb?

After you unlock a secondary ability, you have to unlock the possibility to swap it with another. You have to do 5 kills with the air drone per round x 8 times.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
GG really needs to get rid of boosting and extra health. It's basically cheating. That shit totally gets unfair when that class picks up a rifle and starts owning everyone. :lol

BTW, does anyone else hate it when you're a playing a match and nobody on your team lays out spawn grenades? I end up having to do it and I REALLY hate the ISA rifle. It just freaking sucks.

You can use the helghast rifle. The ISA rifle is a great medium to long range weapon though, you can basically pepper people from afar and take them out, even snipers.

It sucks that nobody else is playing tactician but the one good thing that comes out of that is you know you're the one throwing the spawns and you can make sure they're not bad spawns.

They should lower assault HP a bit, it's a bit too high, I'm not a big fan of boost but every class can use it.


Also Kitten try placing airbots where enemy snipers may be at. Airbots are the bane of snipers, where as snipers have no easy way of killing airbots.


Not pure anymore!
Finally bought map pack, even though I won't be playing this game much after inFamous. I like both maps, wish playing dlc maps were like LBP though.


10dollas said:
Also Kitten try placing airbots where enemy snipers may be at. Airbots are the bane of snipers, where as snipers have no easy way of killing airbots.

That's good advice thanks!
Kittonwy said:
You can use the helghast rifle. The ISA rifle is a great medium to long range weapon though, you can basically pepper people from afar and take them out, even snipers.

It sucks that nobody else is playing tactician but the one good thing that comes out of that is you know you're the one throwing the spawns and you can make sure they're not bad spawns.

They should lower assault HP a bit, it's a bit too high, I'm not a big fan of boost but every class can use it.

I think the Helgast rifle sucks too. My favorite class is saboteur, and the short range machine gun is just too awesome.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
BTW, does anyone else hate it when you're a playing a match and nobody on your team lays out spawn grenades? I end up having to do it and I REALLY hate the ISA rifle. It just freaking sucks.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I think the Helgast rifle sucks too. My favorite class is saboteur, and the short range machine gun is just too awesome.

They don't suck. In fact, people who can't use them are ones who suck.
Unlike the sub machine gun you love so much, the assault rifles aren't easy guns to use.
You can't just hold down the fire button and "spray & pray" your way to multiple easy and random headshots/kills.

The HGH assault rifle isn't as good as the ISA version because of its recoil and bullet spread but people that knows how to use it can own.
Hey. I never said I sucked with ISA rifle. I still finish first, even with one of the weapons I least like. I can still pick off a player from across the map while movie in ironsight.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Hey. I never said I sucked with ISA rifle. I still finish first, even with one of the weapons I least like. I can still pick off a player from across the map while movie in ironsight.

I never said you sucked. I never played with/against you.
I said people who can't use them sucked.

Again, the sub machine gun is a cheap and easy-to-use weapon.
The assault rifles, you need to actually aim, hold your aim well, and burst fire in order to get kills. Obviously you can get a few "lucky" kills and headshots with them too but they're much more rare compared to the sub machine gun.


The ISA assault rifle is boring. There's nothing wrong with it. I just don't like the default go-to noob weapon of any FPS game... That's why I avoid it and the shotty as much as possible. The Pew Pew rifle rules!!! The SMG is awesome! Even the Helghast AF is more interesting.


lunlunqq said:
The ISA assault rifle is boring. There's nothing wrong with it. I just don't like the default go-to noob weapon of any FPS game... That's why I avoid it and the shotty as much as possible. The Pew Pew rifle rules!!! The SMG is awesome! Even the Helghast AF is more interesting.

This is exactly why I dominate GAFA :D


Just had an exhaustingly epic game as tactician that seemed to go on forever. :lol

Me, Lince & Wowbaggr dominating the non GAF peasants. Good game guys!
I just had an awesome moment online. I was playing 2 vs 2 on Radec Academy. I was ISA and we had just finished search and destroy defending. I had placed C4 at the entrance to the S&D room prior to the end and was thinking "well now that's useless". Anyway the next mode was Search and Retrieve so I went down into the tunnels with my partner and he picked up the speaker, went up the ladder on our side and into the room with the stairs where he was killed. The other guy was waiting for me and so I ran, grabbed the speaker and bolted up the stairs while he gave chase. He caught up really fast and had almost killed me when I ran through the S&D room and through the door where the C4 was planted as he followed and ran right into the C4. Needless to say I was surprised as I had forgotten all about the C4. His surprise and subsequent reaction after dying was quite satisfying. As if it was all according to Keikaku.


Very good night tonight, me and joeinit were in this room where our team managed to pull out a 4-3 win in one match and was basically dominating the next one, afw.


bish gets all the credit :)
i played another game after that and it surprisingly had a capable tactician (well for randoms). Dominated it 6-1. Blood Gracht came up next in the rotation and that was it for me.


I was very busy this passing week and next week and will be next week... haven't played much recently... hopefully the week after next I can come back and join you guys for some fun.


fffffffuuuuuuuuucccccckk... I hate getting that stupid network disconnect at the very last round of all 30 minute missions. Ugghh.

They really need to rethink how they score stuff. Getting disconnected and losing everything sucks.


TTP said:
After you unlock a secondary ability, you have to unlock the possibility to swap it with another. You have to do 5 kills with the air drone per round x 8 times.

Ah, I've managed one kill with air support in the last 4 rounds.......

This, may, take, a, while........:lol


FFObsessed said:
Just had an exhaustingly epic game as tactician that seemed to go on forever. :lol

Me, Lince & Wowbaggr dominating the non GAF peasants. Good game guys!

yes but a bit too exhausting... it was 6 in the morning over here and I stopped using the headset out of sleepiness, just wandered about the map trying to follow your orders placing turrets and stuff, bodycount was awesome with the battle moving to either S&D defense or attack. All in all I think Helghan Industries is the only map playable in this fucking game along with Salmon. Hope the next maps are remotely similar to them (but that Cruiser bombing the map every 5 mins... ugh)

Vekta Cruiser/Wasteland Bullets have fallen into oblivion, I decided to get my missing trophies for them and couldn't find a game for more than 15 minutes, lucky enough I got all the trophies in one round, it's 100% again baby :D

and by the way FFO... we're just 1,800 points away from 100k rank !! we're Killzone kings!

Rolf NB

Visari Hammer is a fine map, too, not just Helghan Industries.

I still don't like Salamimomnom Market much. Too much useless open space to traverse, lots of little details that shouldn't be there (like the little waist-high walls covering the side doors of the building, near the S&D spots, the columns/couple of stairs in the back-alley, the railing around the left side of the S&D spot, anything between spawn point and S&D spots on both sides really). What's interesting is the large amount/placement of the turret encampments. You can practically lay siege to the other team if you play it aggressively. But that's really not enough for me to like the map.


I've completely neglected the KZ2 MP, mainly because I've had so much shit to do at the university, and couldn't be arsed getting into a MP game. After I complete my moving during the early summer, I believe I'm ready to bite into the MP (hopefully a lot of shit is patched by then). I hope most of you Yuro-guys will still play this game :D (at least occasionally).
Not long had Killzone 2, really enjoyed it though! The weight and animation in FPS has completely ruined all other FPS now I think. The Camera on a Greased Rollerskate setup for all others will be hard to stomach, if at all, ever again for me. I thought SP was a perfect mix of action, but some of the 'gimmicks' seemed completely underused in the game. I could have totally sprung for a longer Tank segment, another aerial mini-game area and a bit more mech action. But maybe thats a good thing.

Obviously you MP vets are getting tired of it, but I really enjoyed what I played of it at lower levels before I was ranked alongside people with Assault and Sniper unlocks, at which point the game has been less fun :lol Rocket Launcher has to be completely removed from the game I think, especially from a class that can move faster and with more health. Medics should be given the boost pills (would make sense, no?). Also I'd quite like Grenade's to be rendered unuseable when the game enters Search and Destroy objectives.

Rolf NB

I agree that the assault class should not be in the game at all. Fortunately almost all of the regular players seem to agree on this, and many rooms are set up to fix this shit for Guerilla.
Assault Class works when a game is set-up so that theyre only equipped with Pistols. That way, its a fun scavenge to boost across the map, find another weapon laying about and let rip. So I'm not up for the whole class being scrapped, because it does still have merit.

Grenade launchers and rocket launchers however need to just be hurled out of the game permanently. Splash damage is ridiculous, and for the smaller maps just completely breaks the game.

I'd like to see the ATAC drones beefed up considerably as well. They seem completely useless otherwise.

Rolf NB

SecretBonusPoint said:
Assault Class works when a game is set-up so that theyre only equipped with Pistols. That way, its a fun scavenge to boost across the map, find another weapon laying about and let rip. So I'm not up for the whole class being scrapped, because it does still have merit.
Once you have the M4 unlocked, there's almost no reason to even have the rocket launcher out. Rocket launchers aren't all that attractive once you've played the game a while. You have so little ammo and it takes so long to fire. If your aim is decent, you'll drop people much faster with the magnum, and you won't have to worry about running out in the odd event (hurrhurr) that you stay alive for more than 20 seconds.
The grenade launcher is much more useful (more ammo, good rate of fire), but a bit of a bitch to aim and actually less powerful per shot if you hit only one enemy (which is the norm). I'd still rather use the magnum. Two hits anywhere to the body=target down.

I use the magnum a whole lot, no matter what class I play, inside a certain range, there's no gun that beats it. Assault gets that, probably the best close/midrange weapon in the game plus body armor and lacks an adequate negative to balance it out.

The bigger problem is that leaving the assault class enabled (even when rockets and grenade launchers are off) lets everyone use boost as their secondary. Boost is a broken and terrible ability. I don't want it in my games ever, particularly not when there's already noticeable lag in a game.

SecretBonusPoint said:
I'd like to see the ATAC drones beefed up considerably as well. They seem completely useless otherwise.
They are more effective in smaller games since they tend to be up much longer and can focus on one target most of the time. In a 3vs3 a couple of well-placed airbots can completely ruin your day.


Gotta agree with Live. PR is the worst map ever.

BeeDog said:
I've completely neglected the KZ2 MP, mainly because I've had so much shit to do at the university, and couldn't be arsed getting into a MP game. After I complete my moving during the early summer, I believe I'm ready to bite into the MP (hopefully a lot of shit is patched by then). I hope most of you Yuro-guys will still play this game :D (at least occasionally).
You don't need to worry. GAFe has many players regularly playing KZ2.
ilanna said:
I dunno why you guys hate Pyrrhus Rise so much. I love that map.

You snipe right :p

As tactician it is the best one for just open field battles. Lines of sight and buildings opposed to open ground turn the tide of the fight very dynamically. Salmun Market is still my favorite but PR is up there.

One reason I see people don't like it is they play it like the three bridges are dividing line of the map for ISA/HGH but actually it is more of a diagonal line between the two territories.


Not pure anymore!
I do like sniping. :p I like Salmun but it's too dark. PR is definitely my most favorite map in the game. I remember when the game came out (before we started playing with GAFe) Dan and I played nothing but PR (and Radec). God, we had so much fun on that map! Playing with GAFe has one disadvantage, they never play on PR and I (and Dan as well) fucking love that map!!!!
bcn-ron said:
I agree that the assault class should not be in the game at all. Fortunately almost all of the regular players seem to agree on this, and many rooms are set up to fix this shit for Guerilla.

Assault class is fine, but ranked games should require friendly fire to be on. This would help settle the assault class down. They have the penalty for a team kill set up perfectly.
Cellbomber said:
Assault class is fine, but ranked games should require friendly fire to be on. This would help settle the assault class down. They have the penalty for a team kill set up perfectly.

FF on is awesome...That's how it was during the beta too. The first thing is that nades get pocketed instead of spammed at first light, also the mad spray is isn't used and people bring up the sights far more. The game slows a bit and rockets are used a bit less...Though the penalty being the teamkills the rocketeers don't wind up in first place.
BeeDog said:
I've completely neglected the KZ2 MP, mainly because I've had so much shit to do at the university, and couldn't be arsed getting into a MP game. After I complete my moving during the early summer, I believe I'm ready to bite into the MP (hopefully a lot of shit is patched by then). I hope most of you Yuro-guys will still play this game :D (at least occasionally).

I have been too busy during the last 45-60 days, but count me in for some more European summer action on the MP side.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Interrobanger said:
What the fuck is with people's names showing up as teammates, and then they turn out to be enemies?

Glitch? or some sort of perk that I don't have/know about yet?
Its a glitch.
Not really :) , its a badge


The Interrobanger said:
What the fuck is with people's names showing up as teammates, and then they turn out to be enemies?

Glitch? or some sort of perk that I don't have/know about yet?

Saboteur class, you can disguise yourself as an enemy soldier, but you don't glow so if someone pays attention he can spot you, the cross hair turns red on an enemy saboteur, but you can recognize the lack of lights from a mile away.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Interrobanger said:
It's so cheap and annoying. It's hard enough telling who your teammates are to begin with.
Yeah its hard,but if you point at them your crosshair will turn red.
Also they dont appear on the radar.(I think, im not 100% sure on that)
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