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Unconfirmed Member
dskillzhtown said:
So because you haven't seen commercials and other people are buying other games, your are no longer interested in K2? Really? Because there aren't alot of pre-orders, you aren't excited about the game anymore?

GAF is a weird place. I play games for entertainment, not to be 'cool' or 'hip'. I couldn't care less if there were no commercials for a game or if it sold 10 copies worldwide. As long as I get enjoyment out of it, then that is all that matters.
If you read his post, or any of the follow-up posts he or I made, you'd see that we made, and justified, a much better reason for a lack of hype then "not seeing commercials" or "being cool and hip". Have another read, see if you catch em.
CrushDance said:
Way to miss the point. The whole point of my comment was to reiterate the age old story of SCE failing to market games properly.Man. Look at Halo 3 prior to release, yes there were a million people waiting to buy day 1 no matter what. But I saw ads 2 weeks in advance man, my freaking mom said: "Is that the game you guys always play?"(No, it wasn't). I'm not suggesting that we have KZ2 mountain dew or Burger King advertising. I just want SCE to hold back a bit for this game and future releases. They have a habit of not showing anything for a long time and then showing waaaay too much to the point where you're like: "Been there, done that. I'll just relive it."

I'm not saying I've lost interest in KZ2. I'll b getting ti day 1 and pre-ordered a long time ago, but you've got to strike while the irons hot while it's hot for maximum results. SCE has let way to much time pass from this big reveal to launch with no new media or information at all.

They've dropped the ball, plain and simple.

I feel the same way, I just don't understand Sony's Marketing this Gen. The Game should have released two weeks ago at the peak of the onslaught of reviews and attention it was getting. And two weeks before that we should have been seeing commercials on TV and in the Movie theaters. There has been way too much information released about the game without it have been officially released yet. It's ridiculous!


I'm not losing hype, I'm just getting annoyed. The game feels like it should be releasing this Friday if not last week. It's clearly ready. Too many people have the fucking game already. But we have to wait a week for what reason again? Because Sony has been slow with getting the marketing going?

alr1ghtstart said:


See this? All we Helghast wish for is to love... TO LOVE!!



Most overexposed game this generation.

First victim: Crushdance.

I'm still hyped because I went on a strict media blackout after the demo. :D


Definately agree with Sony needing to learn 1 or 2 marketing ways...

For the most part I don't think it's a Sony problem though...the internet has a way of super revealing a game and it kills excitement very quick.

If anything I think the other KZ2 thread all but killed my excitement fo the game...gif's, video's, screens, reviews and people who have review/preview/beta version of the game all posting their opinion...

The only thing that keeps me excited now is hearing my friends talking about MP and how much we might all enjoy it...


hide your water-based mammals
Haunted said:
Most overexposed game this generation.

First victim: Crushdance.

I'm still hyped because I went on a strict media blackout after the demo. :D
Same here. I've pretty much stayed away from this thread and have been enjoying other games. Time has been flying. I never thought next week would be here so fast. I took a vacation to absorb this and Star Ocean.


I've got Resistance 2 to play through and just got Dead Space today to tide me over til next Friday. Gonna play through and finish R2 first I think.

Doc Evils

xenorevlis said:
kittowny, cakefoo, crushdance, rez, fersis, doc evils, rikyfree, etc.

Do you all not want to help me in making a real Killzowned video? :(

My goal is to make a compilation of people reacting, much like this

:lol classic
CrushDance said:
This is stupid.

All my hype for the game has now died. I had and still do have a folder ready on my PS3 filled with songs I selected to listen to while in multiplayer. Now I'm sitting here, editing it. The wallpapers and themes are gone, replace with Flower walls and theme(s). The demo has gotten stale even and the great main theme played has no more affect on me,

I couldn't give a damn if KZ2 came out tomorrow right now. There is nothing left to cause that aura of excitement and "happiness" you get when a big title is about to launch and you're eager to play for yourself. We've had tons of trailers and videos from a variety of sites, review score hype and freak outs, a demo which was fun for the first week...and that's it.

There is nothing left for SCE to show us before the game comes out. The supposed commercial(s) haven't even begun airing yet on TV, nor have we seen it on the web prior to TV ala some other big games. This whole process sucked. And I feel that SCE has dropped the scorching hot ball that Guerrilla delivered to them. It almost feels as if KZ2 came out eons ago and everyone has now moved on. The game will come and go with little to no noise.

Everything just feels dead about this game. And it's a shame because it's not even out yet, there's nothing left to capitalize on for the last week to get people talking again . For a whole month and a half, SCE has the entire gaming world focusing on them and wanting more of this game. But we couldn't even get an extra BluRay with a making of as a CE.

I've lowered my expectations for this game in regards to sales. My local game store that I shop at has quited down now to, and as I was in there yesterday grabbing R&C:FTD along with Mirros Edge. All everyone was talking about was SF4 and only 3 new pre orders were placed for Killzone 2.

Man, it's always something with SCE and their big games. Can't market or maintain hype at all.


I haven't even see it in my TV so hype 110% on my part,i know there are tons of people who haven't play the demo,but i know what you mean it happen to me with other games.


Its interesting seeing the comments in this thread about people losing their hype for this game, because I have been feeling the same exact thing.

I agree that the game has poor marketing, its like it has been overexposed to hell, but for only the hardcore crowd, and has no exposure outside of that audience. That combined with the demo a full month before release along with the glut of media and reviews, I oddly feel like I already "experienced" the game and have moved on. And now that SF4 and a slew of other games are releasing, it seems like Sony tried to sustain too long of a hype-train with the hard core audience, while still missing the point of advertising to the broader market. I think I might still pick it up day 1, but im' honestly not sure right now. I can't quite explain it, but my desire for this game seems to be fading.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Same here. I've pretty much stayed away from this thread and have been enjoying other games. Time has been flying. I never thought next week would be here so fast. I took a vacation to absorb this and Star Ocean.
I initially wanted to skip out on the demo (had the game pre-ordered before then) but couldn't resist. :lol

It's all about moderation. Sony tries to reach lots of people with their marketing efforts - no one person is supposed to follow all of their different ads and the reviews, previes, videos, playthroughs, hands-on impressions etc. etc.

Still, overexposure is quite a dangerous beast, and there's a truth to lawblob's assertion above.


my posts are "MEH"




lawblob said:
Sony tried to sustain too long of a hype-train with the hard core audience

WE watched every video available, WE made all the animated gifs, WE played the beta to death and WE dissected every Killzone review.

Sony did almost nothing, a few trailers and a demo.

I've gone on a media black out since/around the demo, watched very few footage movies when the review code hit. I'm still pumped.


Who the fuck cares if the non hardcore crowd doesnt know about the game? I dont? In fact, the only ones that should care are GG.

I have seen the vids and read the reviews so my "hype" is exactly the same as it was a year ago....how on earth does the fact that there is no marketing, lessen the hype for someone already hyped for the game? You already know what to expect? You have seen the vids and played the fucking demo!?! If you played it and then stated you are no longer hyped, then ok, I get that. But cmon now, some of you guys are unbelievable..


Neo Member
Yah, not sure if some people in this thread realize how silly they sound. So because they have no self control and spent the past 2 months oooo-ing and ahhh-ing over gifs of helghast kicking in doors they're now upset that they've overexposed themselves? What sony does with their ad campaign shouldn't matter to 99% of the people in this thread since they're the ones that have been sold on the game for well over a year. This seems to happen with every big release, but no one ever seems to learn.

If we assume that avid gamers are like the family mutt in that they'll consume as much content as they can, thow it up, then repeat, then yes Sony blew it. For joe-gamer a couple ads in the days leading up to release will be suffice. It's no Gears/Halo ad campaign, but that's because Sony doesn't think they need to (which would be incorrect).


Can Someone Help Me with this Question:

if you watch this video, explaining the basics/ideas behind the MP of KZ2 @ 1:30 - 1:40 he mentions...

"it seems like you can have up to 4turrets at a time and if you die or CHANGE CLASSES your turrets still stay up"

16 x 4/per side = 128 Turrets (math per request by Agent_intellegent [face_tongue])... not sure how many turrets/what they do are in the game, regardless that's just way too many. I understand and agree if you are still the engineer class your turrets should still stand.

I also understand its very situational, but this will be patched practically within a week, I could see CTF game modes turning into Snipers being an Engineer long enough to build the turrets, then switch back to the Sniper, and camp it out rinse repeat if any turrets blow up. On that note, im actually really worried about customizing classes, it seems like a FOTM build would be to have everyone with a turret of some form, I fear KZ2 will turn into a Tower Defense game.

can anyone confirm if this has already been patched? is this an early build?

...if not I know what ill be doing to gain mad XP until its patched, thats just stupidly OP.

then again, id like to see if this game could handle 128 turrets, 32 players, the environment, projectiles and lighting.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
4 turrets PER TEAM at a time.
When you die, turrets stay up, but if there are 4 deployed turrets already, you can't deploy more.
beast786 said:
Can Someone Help Me with this Question:

if you watch this video, explaining the basics/ideas behind the MP of KZ2 @ 1:30 - 1:40 he mentions...

"it seems like you can have up to 4turrets at a time and if you die or CHANGE CLASSES your turrets still stay up"

16 x 4/per side = 128 Turrets (math per request by Agent_intellegent [face_tongue])... not sure how many turrets/what they do are in the game, regardless that's just way too many. I understand and agree if you are still the engineer class your turrets should still stand.

I also understand its very situational, but this will be patched practically within a week, I could see CTF game modes turning into Snipers being an Engineer long enough to build the turrets, then switch back to the Sniper, and camp it out rinse repeat if any turrets blow up. On that note, im actually really worried about customizing classes, it seems like a FOTM build would be to have everyone with a turret of some form, I fear KZ2 will turn into a Tower Defense game.

can anyone confirm if this has already been patched? is this an early build?

...if not I know what ill be doing to gain mad XP until its patched, thats just stupidly OP.

then again, id like to see if this game could handle 128 turrets, 32 players, the environment, projectiles and lighting.
Its 4 turrets for each team. Not for each engineer.
I haaaaaaad to go to a gamestop last night but the one i went too had some pretty nice employees. They told me they will be having a midnight launch for the game!!!! and its just down the street from me!


cameltoe said:
Who the fuck cares if the non hardcore crowd doesnt know about the game? I dont? In fact, the only ones that should care are GG. .

I don't care much either...I was playing COD WaW last night in a room filled with 10 yr olds talking about the most inane shit ever...I wan't them to stay in the COD room, forever.


Respect the rex.
Haunted said:
I'm still hyped because I went on a strict media blackout after the demo. :D

Same here. I've stayed away from a lot of the media anyway. I played the demo a couple times and now, I'm just waiting in anticipation. I'm trying to stay out of this thread. I get jealous of all the people who have the game due to broken street dates.
Too bad for those who are losing "the desire" for the game, all I know is that I will be playing a kick ass game next week, cant wait to see you guys in multi.


I kinda lost interest in KZ2 too, but that's mostly due to a huge-ass movingproject I'm gonna do next week. Won't be able to play it day 1 probably, and the first few weeks after is also a no-go due to renewalprojects that have to done in the new house.

Nevertheless, the hypetrain seems to have come to a crawl, Sony needs to step up their marketing. Some Hellghastsoldiers handing out roses on Valentine's Day in Munich WILL NOT CUT IT!


dreamer3kx said:
Too bad for those who are losing "the desire" for the game, all I know is that I will be playing a kick ass game next week, cant wait to see you guys in multi.
I'm excited cause most of my PS3 owner friends are getting the game, this will be the first game we all play together online, right now the 360 is were most of my friends and i get together and the PS3 is neglected in that respect but right now 10 of my friends are getting the game and are planning to play the shit out of it online and that's what i'm most exiced about :D
dreamer3kx said:
Too bad for those who are losing "the desire" for the game, all I know is that I will be playing a kick ass game next week, cant wait to see you guys in multi.
The hype is dying. They should've released the game earlier.
The hype is dying on gaf and that's about it. if you are oneof those ridiculous people that allows hype from forum thread dictate how you feel about a game then you're silly. And I also think you'll get the game anyway.

See what happens to the hype once the game arrives and people are giving their opinions, etc.

I think the majority of people get hyped on a game differently than those on gaf.

This said it probably would have made more sense to not allow reviews to come out until like a week before, but whatever. I'm still going to get it and my opinion of it will be completely unbiased toward gaf hype.
I'm trying to convince my friend to buy this and he wants to know:

Are the games hosted by one individual like COD, or is there a server somewhere? The thought of my PS3 trying to host a 32 player game while I'm trying to play scares me...

Can anyone answer this for me?


They honestly should have bumped up the release date. I'm really tempted to go out and get Street Fighter.. but theirs no way in hell I'm buying two games in the same month :(
notjackbauer said:
I'm trying to convince my friend to buy this and he wants to know:

Are the games hosted by one individual like COD, or is there a server somewhere? The thought of my PS3 trying to host a 32 player game while I'm trying to play scares me...

Can anyone answer this for me?

It's on dedicated servers, not P2P.


Gold Member
I think the hype dying is a good thing. Hype is moronic, and often has nothing to do with the actual game but the job the marketing departments did.

I think its stupid Sony allowed reviews a full fucking month ahead of time but maybe there was some genius in it, people will be going in expecting a damn good FPS not the second coming.
diffusionx said:
I think the hype dying is a good thing. Hype is moronic, and often has nothing to do with the actual game but the job the marketing departments did.
Hype from PR? Weird...
I thought the hype in here mainly came from media + beta + demo.

Sorta with you on the hype dying down being a good thing tho. For my own enjoyment of the final product.


Comics, serious business!
It really is strange tho, perhaps the weirdest pre-release campaign for a huge game I`ve seen.

1) Fuck awesome reviews come in WAY before release.
2) No other promotions with game sites leading up to release (blanketed ads, paid for advertorials, multiplayer strategy previews, map unveils, etc.).
2) Despite promises of a proper marketing campaign there`s nothing (I`ve seen 3 or 4 FEAR 2 ads on television, nothing for K2).
3) A vacuum of information about 1-2 weeks before release.


FFObsessed said:
I've got Resistance 2 to play through and just got Dead Space today to tide me over til next Friday. Gonna play through and finish R2 first I think.
Ohh man, you're in for a treat! Personally, my game of 08 right there. Dead Space is one of the first games where I've considered getting every trophy for. :D

CrushDance said:
This is stupid.

All my hype for the game has now died. I had and still do have a folder ready on my PS3 filled with songs I selected to listen to while in multiplayer. Now I'm sitting here, editing it. The wallpapers and themes are gone, replace with Flower walls and theme(s). The demo has gotten stale even and the great main theme played has no more affect on me,

C'mon man, never enough HYPE!

When you finally have that shrinkwrapped copy in your hands, ohh the joy! Time to celebrate!

After your first couple of matches with the multiplayer...

It's all good...


Tom Penny said:
GG will not miss the .005 percent of sales lost due to GAF people who are now not hyped. Your not that important. Get over it.

Seriously people. Just because you sat here and watched every last single video about this game and cooked your brains into virtual unhypedom doesnt mean a thing. You guys were sitting there watching the damn end credits for christs sake.

Fact of the matter is, people want this game. They made their pre-orders, they made their decision and now theyre just waiting for the game to come out. You think people sit around all day wondering about the hype of their games? Puh lease.

Stop using the gaf as some representation of how a game is gonna do. We did it with LBP... and look how that played out.

You know all this crap will mean nothing once the game comes out. Dehyped or not youre still gonna buy and enjoy it.


.GqueB. said:

Seriously people. Just because you sat here and watched every last single video about this game and cooked your brains into virtual unhypedom doesnt mean a thing. You guys were sitting there watching the damn end credits for christs sake.

Fact of the matter is, people want this game. They made their pre-orders, they made their decision and now theyre just waiting for the game to come out. You think people sit around all day wondering about the hype of their games? Puh lease.

Stop using the gaf as some representation of how a game is gonna do. We did it with LBP... and look how that played out.

You know all this crap will mean nothing once the game comes out. Dehyped or not youre still gonna buy and enjoy it.


Musashi Wins!

It's only been overhyped on GAF. I'm still looking forward to it. Co-op would make me want the game 100x more.

This is still just a holdover till MLB09 :lol


Comics, serious business!
.GqueB. said:
Fact of the matter is, people want this game. They made their pre-orders, they made their decision and now theyre just waiting for the game to come out. You think people sit around all day wondering about the hype of their games? Puh lease.

It`s not a question of LOSING sales. It`s about GAINING sales. It`s just frustrating to see Sony make so many mistakes when it comes to building excitement around its games.
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