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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
shattyboombatty said:
hopefully the new patch fixes the fact that the game is unplayable on certain HDD's. I'm not holding my breath though. =/
Probably offtopic but the latest firmware fixed my sound issues with KZ2 during cutscenes.


EazyB said:
Oh fuck me. I don't give a damn about trophies, give me the option to disable trophies I just want to be able to snipe like everyone else or use C4. The fact that relatively new players are at a severe disadvantage compared those that've simply played longer and suffered through pistol only matches is complete bullshit. It's probably a good reason KZ hasn't caught on like a CoD. Until GG realizes this fundamental design flaw they've never achieve anything more than mediocre numbers.

Fuck it, I'll still boot up the game tomorrow and see how long it takes before I get frustrated trying to unlock the rest of the badges so I can be on a level playing field.

Yeah, god forbid they ask you to play the game to unlock anything. How dare they.

You use CoD as an example, but what I don't understand is why. CoD4 has a perks system that works exactly the same way this does... play, unlock and enjoy.

Stop whining and go play the game. Play in maps with people similar rank to you if you don't want to go up against people with everything unlocked.


KillJade said:
Yeah, god forbid they ask you to play the game to unlock anything. How dare they.

You use CoD as an example, but what I don't understand is why. CoD4 has a perks system that works exactly the same way this does... play, unlock and enjoy.

Stop whining and go play the game. Play in maps with people similar rank to you if you don't want to go up against people with everything unlocked.
Since when did having to play to unlock things become an expectation and anything else is crazy. I've never had to do anything like that in CS, UT, Halo, and Gears. I wish all games stuck with this instead of using player enhancements as some kind of carrot on a stick to make people play the game; as if the fun factor alone wasn't enough. I don't even like it in CoD4, it just does it better than KZ2.

CoD4 isn't a perfect example because there are some bullshit perks that give players a decent advantage but at least everyone has the M16 (the best weapon) at the very start and to unlock more weapons you don't have to complete ridiculous tasks like getting x amount of kills with a sentry bot. I don't have to go into neutered game modes like pistols only to unlock the weapons.

And I reached general (or whatever the pre-patch highest rank was) well before I even had a shot at unlocking everything other people of the highest rank had.

But yeah, the thing is, I'll probably play some Killzone tomorrow, get pissed because I'm being out-sniped by someone with a ridiculous perk that I don't have, then quick. The great thing is that I won't be the only one, newcomers will be continually pushed away, and people sick of this broken design will continue to quit until the game fads into obscurity. If GG wants to establish a solid franchise they'll address these flaws, if not, players will continue to ignore their games and flock to countless other shooters. I want them to succeed because they show a lot of potential but in such a competitive space there is no room for bone-headed things like this.


FFObsessed said:
Wait, where are the improved search features? :p

C'mon Guerrilla, can't be that hard, should have been in the first patch.

Server info is in, it just wasn't mentioned in the interview.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
tiddles said:
Server info is in, it just wasn't mentioned in the interview.
Wooooooooooooooooooowwww !!!
So the best thing after spawn was not listed?!! Crazy!
Hey im going back to KZ2 now ! :D


fps fanatic said:
This part right here intrigues me. They really seem to like the High Precision mode.

It's split about 50/50 between people who like it and people who can't actually spot the difference between High Precision and the original... :D


EagleEyes said:
I wonder if the High Precision mode is also coming to the single player campaign. That would be amazing if true.

It's in Campaign as well.

There's still slightly different acceleration in Warzone and Campaign, however.


EazyB said:
Since when did having to play to unlock things become an expectation and anything else is crazy. I've never had to do anything like that in CS, UT, Halo, and Gears. I wish all games stuck with this instead of using player enhancements as some kind of carrot on a stick to make people play the game; as if the fun factor alone wasn't enough. I don't even like it in CoD4, it just does it better than KZ2.

Unlockables motivate people to practice specific abilities, just like the scoreboard motivates people to play their best.

CoD4 isn't a perfect example because there are some bullshit perks that give players a decent advantage but at least everyone has the M16 (the best weapon) at the very start and to unlock more weapons you don't have to complete ridiculous tasks like getting x amount of kills with a sentry bot. I don't have to go into neutered game modes like pistols only to unlock the weapons.

You consider weapon-specific games neutered, I would consider them to be a welcome change of pace.

And I reached general (or whatever the pre-patch highest rank was) well before I even had a shot at unlocking everything other people of the highest rank had.

The mismatches are an intentional dynamic to keep the gameplay interesting. If someone works harder than you, they deserve to be placed in a playing field where they'll have at least some advantage.

But yeah, the thing is, I'll probably play some Killzone tomorrow, get pissed because I'm being out-sniped by someone with a ridiculous perk that I don't have, then quick.

Awww... life's not fair. Maybe instead of mindlessly going up against someone you're no match for, you should a) use the Saboteur and take a less direct route, or b) go on Pyrrus Rise and start gunning for Spot and Mark and Cloak. Stop blaming the game, acting as if you can't do anything about it.

The great thing is that I won't be the only one, newcomers will be continually pushed away, and people sick of this broken design will continue to quit until the game fads into obscurity. If GG wants to establish a solid franchise they'll address these flaws, if not, players will continue to ignore their games and flock to countless other shooters. I want them to succeed because they show a lot of potential but in such a competitive space there is no room for bone-headed things like this.

Call of Duty 4 has probably sold around 10 million copies by now. The only difference is that they have blended all the perks into your XP level, so you're just rewarded for playing however. In Killzone you're directly rewarded for a specific action, as if it's training, and you can unlock them in any order you want, rather than a predetermined one. Sure, the turret ribbons are too hard to get, and Guerrilla is balancing this, for instance by giving air turrets more armor and accuracy. But the rest of the ribbons are easy enough to get.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
tiddles please pretty please : No Respawn option or Respawn limits for the next patch.:D


OMG time to get back in the game! Wow I pretty much given up on this game but now they've addressed just about everything for me (making it like the beta again but better)! GAFA be prepared to see me more than once a week lol (after my 1 week vacation next week that is... :D)
tiddles said:
Server info is in, it just wasn't mentioned in the interview.


You know what I would absolutely LOVE. The option to turn off who killed who. Sometimes the names are so long that it get's in the way of the reticule. It's never been a real issue for me and I don't think it affects me much but it would be nice to have the option to just turn that off and not the entire HUD.

It's pretty sweet playing with HUD and reticule off, it's so much more immersive that way.


tiddles said:
Server info is in, it just wasn't mentioned in the interview.

God bless you! What a great update. But I did say search features not server info :p Ability to search for games with FF on, Assault banned for example.

Now, make Guerrilla Games play us in a clan game dammit! :lol

tiddles said:
It's split about 50/50 between people who like it and people who can't actually spot the difference between High Precision and the original... :D

That's also good to hear. I'm hoping I don't notice much of a change. We'll see tomorrow!


Fersis said:
tiddles please pretty please : No Respawn option or Respawn limits for the next patch.:D
You didn't answer me Fersis.

How woulda no respawn option even work?

So you're playing search and destroy... and your whole team gets killed. You can't respawn back, giving the other team an automatic win for that roun


-viper- said:
You didn't answer me Fersis.

How woulda no respawn option even work?

So you're playing search and destroy... and your whole team gets killed. You can't respawn back, giving the other team an automatic win for that roun
Would also make the tactician badge, well, kinda useless.


-viper- said:
You didn't answer me Fersis.

How woulda no respawn option even work?

So you're playing search and destroy... and your whole team gets killed. You can't respawn back, giving the other team an automatic win for that roun

I think that's how it works in COD4 or at least that's how I understand it. Think that's the only mode with no respawn too but I could be wrong.


-viper- said:
How woulda no respawn option even work?

So you're playing search and destroy... and your whole team gets killed. You can't respawn back, giving the other team an automatic win for that roun

just make it like CS, you can EITHER complete the objective or kill the other team, either way gets you a win for the round (and make sure there's a timer so the attacking team doesn't just camp all day)... with that said, it would be extremely cheap because the defending team just needs 2 scouts to wipe out the other team...


server info?? God bless you Guerrilla Games, thank you a lot for the effort. What about the bodycount exploit (winning by no spawning) ?


icechai said:
just make it like CS, you can EITHER complete the objective or kill the other team, either way gets you a win for the round (and make sure there's a timer so the attacking team doesn't just camp all day)... with that said, it would be extremely cheap because the defending team just needs 2 scouts to wipe out the other team...
KZ2 isn't designed to be played that way.


A no respawn option would be really shit. But a respawn limit would be interesting. Say 3-5 deaths in a round and you can't respawn until it's finished. Would make people more cautious, make snipers more effective when it comes to objectives and create less spawn fests. That in some sort of "hardcore mode" with no hud/crosshair would be awesome.

I really want to play with no HUD/crosshair. I might try it in some games and see what happens. :lol

Rolf NB

.GqueB. said:
I dont like that spawn thing too much. So while Im spawning and trying to get my bearings any asshole can shoot me down? Laaaaaaaaame.

Well hopefully this forces people to be a bit more careful with their spawns... but it wont.
Yeah, it's a step forward, but it's not what I wanted. There are good enough reasons to have spawn invulnerability in the game in some form.

GAF search is broken, so I can't link to my actual suggestion, but if the problem is how invulnerable players can lay siege to objectives, one solution would be to make the length of invulnerability a function of the distance from the objective. Kicking the whole thing out of the game seems a bit rash.

I also want to know if squad-leader spawning has been changed as well. That's even more annoying.

And I want a forced respawn at any spawn point, after 25 seconds, at most. Keeping yourself out of the game for as long as you want is exploitable in more than just one way. You can do a lot of bullshit particularly if you combine it with squad-leader spawning (+-invulnerability) in body count.

Musashi Wins!

KillJade said:
Yeah, god forbid they ask you to play the game to unlock anything. How dare they.

You use CoD as an example, but what I don't understand is why. CoD4 has a perks system that works exactly the same way this does... play, unlock and enjoy.

Stop whining and go play the game. Play in maps with people similar rank to you if you don't want to go up against people with everything unlocked.

COD's aren't like this. They are less game changing, and available at a steady pace to satisfy players at all levels. I really got turned off to the game after a bunch of play, but that system was far more satisfying and thought out than this is.

What is this control change?? Is this really necessary still? Is it just going to be instant movement for some people, etc? I still see people complaining but I'll never get what's so offputting about these controls.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-viper- said:
You didn't answer me Fersis.

How woulda no respawn option even work?

So you're playing search and destroy... and your whole team gets killed. You can't respawn back, giving the other team an automatic win for that roun
Exactly man.HARD.CORE. :lol
The no spawn invincibility sounds painful at first, but if it helps alleviate the S&D chaos with 32 players, I'm all for it. Also, the more powerful air bots sounds great since I mostly play tactician.

About the assault class, the only thing I've ever hated about it was that they had boost. The increased health makes sense since they are big and heavy, but they should not be running twice as fast as everyone else. If anything they should be moving slower while using heavy weaponry.


bcn-ron said:
Yeah, it's a step forward, but it's not what I wanted. There are good enough reasons to have spawn invulnerability in the game in some form.

it is in the game, at your base. The point is if your team wants to advance further, you should have a smart tactician with good spawn placement where you won't get shotgunned in the face, or ppl should be protecting it if need be


UntoldDreams said:
This game will play very differently due to removal of spawn invincibility.
(I know I am stating the obvious)
Trust me, the game will play much better like this. It should have always been like this in the 1st place. The spawn thing is just how i've been sayin it should have been since the beta. :D
Yes there will be spawn camping at the spawn grenades but now the opposing team can "disable" the spawn grenade now. Just spawn at another spawn point or on a squad member. Or just go back to base. Stop being so closed minded!


H_Prestige said:
About the assault class, the only thing I've ever hated about it was that they had boost. The increased health makes sense since they are big and heavy, but they should not be running twice as fast as everyone else. If anything they should be moving slower while using heavy weaponry.

Players do move a bit slower when carrying rocket launchers... compare your movement speed when carrying an M80 to when you're carrying a normal weapon, and you should notice a difference.


mr_nothin said:
Trust me, the game will play much better like this. It should have always been like this in the 1st place. The spawn thing is just how i've been sayin it should have been since the beta. :D
Yes there will be spawn camping at the spawn grenades but now the opposing team can "disable" the spawn grenade now. Just spawn at another spawn point or on a squad member. Or just go back to base. Stop being so closed minded!

That was the original idea behind the cameras showing the area around the spawn grenade - you can get an idea if it is being spawn-camped (or in the middle of a firefight), and spawn somewhere else.


tiddles said:
It's split about 50/50 between people who like it and people who can't actually spot the difference between High Precision and the original... :D
Ahhh, ok. It's kinda subtle, like the last tweak I'm guessing? Regardless, I'd like to try em. ;)


Being able to play with friends in a Auto Balanced game is awesome. Will it not stack the teams tho? Will it force others to go onto the other team? Playing with GAFe with balanced teams will be make things so much better. Takes ages to find a game where we don't stack the team and cause everyone else to quit. :p
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