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tiddles said:
That was the original idea behind the cameras showing the area around the spawn grenade - you can get an idea if it is being spawn-camped (or in the middle of a firefight), and spawn somewhere else.
Yea, exactly. People are acting like there arent other options and they just HAVE to spawn at that 1 spawn point. If you spawn at that spawn point and get killed instantly then its your own fault.

Also, this brings back the "push-pull" effect on the "battlefield" that you guys had during the beta. Awesome :D

Now....just enable friendly fire by default and all will be well:D


FFObsessed said:
Being able to play with friends in a Auto Balanced game is awesome. Will it not stack the teams tho? Will it force others to go onto the other team? Playing with GAFe with balanced teams will be make things so much better. Takes ages to find a game where we don't stack the team and cause everyone else to quit. :p
Thats why there needs to be a party system + matchmaking for KZ2, just like in R2.


FFObsessed said:
mr_nothing you need to get in on this action foo'

Join GAFA and away we go...
I know!
No ps3 right now though. I'm sooo working on it. Might have to borrow my friend's PS3 along with his copy of inFamous. I'm missing out on way too much :(

Thrakier said:
Eh, what does that server info stuff mean...?
Give you info about the server before you join. You're able to see if FF is on/off , if auto-balancing is on/off, etc etc.


Great patch. Will definitely be getting back into this.

EazyB said:
Oh fuck me. I don't give a damn about trophies, give me the option to disable trophies I just want to be able to snipe like everyone else or use C4. The fact that relatively new players are at a severe disadvantage compared those that've simply played longer and suffered through pistol only matches is complete bullshit. It's probably a good reason KZ hasn't caught on like a CoD. Until GG realizes this fundamental design flaw they've never achieve anything more than mediocre numbers.

Fuck it, I'll still boot up the game tomorrow and see how long it takes before I get frustrated trying to unlock the rest of the badges so I can be on a level playing field.

That's not true at all. The game starts you off with basically one of the best weapons as default.


Lince said:

everything I wanted except for party system, dedicated servers, bodycount and S&R exploits and game info before joining... lol that's a lot of missing stuff.

anyway tomorrow I will be returning to the Kill Zone, time to die!

you know... now tacticians will be the real game-deciders, Cagen should be happy or extremely annoyed with these news :lol

I am pissed off that they are still fucking ignoring the BC/S&R exploits, they are in my opinion game breaking and when it happens I have absolutely no interest in playing the game. GAFe always entices me back though.

I can't make my mind up about spawn invincibility, I have always hated spawn invincibility and championed its removal though I obviously abused it to its full extent while it was in the game using the time to spawn invincible engineers to place turrets down, dropping spawn points right next to S&D objectives to use the invincibility to place explosives.

It will improve the game while playing with clan members and give a more tactical and thoughtful game for me to play however it is going to completely ruin the game for me when playing with anyone else who is a tactician and not a clan member on my team. I already have a hard time playing when anyone but myself is a tactician (or at least anyone not a clan member/competent friend/gaffer) but this is going to give the idiots even more choices to place incredibly bad spawn points. I can foresee my mic getting a thorough workout.

Control changes are not needed or wanted. Everything else is awesome and I am glad they are listening to people, though clearly ignoring me (I know I am just one voice amongst a sea of others).

See you guys tomorrow night after I've played some Infamous.


Cakefoo said:
Unlockables motivate people to practice specific abilities, just like the scoreboard motivates people to play their best.
But the unlockables shouldn't be game/balance altering. Sure, give players a new weapon skin if they really can't just play the game for fun.

You consider weapon-specific games neutered, I would consider them to be a welcome change of pace.
Weapon-specific games can be fun, I'll give you that. But if they are indeed fun, there will be rooms set up for those gametypes regardless. When a player is forced to play a certain game mode like pistols only, they aren't doing it because it's fun, they're doing be they have to if they hope to unlock the revolver or get the sentry bot ribbon.

The mismatches are an intentional dynamic to keep the gameplay interesting. If someone works harder than you, they deserve to be placed in a playing field where they'll have at least some advantage.
They will have an inherent advantage because they've played the fucking game more and should be better because of that additional experience, not because their sniper can zoom twice as far and mark targets... are you being serious or am I the butt of some sarcastic joke?

Awww... life's not fair. Maybe instead of mindlessly going up against someone you're no match for, you should a) use the Saboteur and take a less direct route, or b) go on Pyrrus Rise and start gunning for Spot and Mark and Cloak. Stop blaming the game, acting as if you can't do anything about it.
I do fine when I play. The thing is, whenever I get killed because someone has some perk I'm not able to have I feel cheated, regardless if I have a 3.0 K/D ratio or a .5 ratio.

Call of Duty 4 has probably sold around 10 million copies by now. The only difference is that they have blended all the perks into your XP level, so you're just rewarded for playing however. In Killzone you're directly rewarded for a specific action, as if it's training, and you can unlock them in any order you want, rather than a predetermined one. Sure, the turret ribbons are too hard to get, and Guerrilla is balancing this, for instance by giving air turrets more armor and accuracy. But the rest of the ribbons are easy enough to get.
When the rewards for grinding through X amount of X-specific matches are so unbalanced that those that don't want to bother with them and just play the damn game are at a severe disadvantage; it's no good. CoD4 has related faults but at least you don't have to suffer through gametypes you don't want to play to get them. KZ2 utterly fails in this department and you don't have to take my word for it, just see how popular the game is a year from now.


JoJo13 said:
Great patch. Will definitely be getting back into this.

That's not true at all. The game starts you off with basically one of the best weapons as default.

It's funny seeing people complain about starting with the regular assault rifle. It is one of the best weapons in MP. You unlock the deadliest gun (shotgun) in Killzone 2 early on as well so I don't know why people complain.

EazyB said:
Bla blah bla Cry moar blah bla

Man I don't get this shit. The ISA assault rifle + health pack can dominate random matches, and once you get the shotgun its easy picking from then on. Both the engineer and tactician are early on and the engineer has the best weapon in the game IMO. As everyone who has played this game for any amount of time can tell you Scouts are worthless in most maps. Yea they are invisible so what that's what turrets are for, and you have a radar for a reason.


Cagen said:
It will improve the game while playing with clan members and give a more tactical and thoughtful game for me to play however it is going to completely ruin the game for me when playing with anyone else who is a tactician and not a clan member on my team. I already have a hard time playing when anyone but myself is a tactician (or at least anyone not a clan member/competent friend/gaffer) but this is going to give the idiots even more choices to place incredibly bad spawn points. I can foresee my mic getting a thorough workout.
Yeah... It's gonna be a brutal adaptation period for all the amateur tacticians out there...
I also get annoyed to no end having to share spawn grenades with other incompetent tacticians, I can see this getting ugly.

I propose GG make all loading screens as instructions about spawn directions and invincibility removal.

Rolf NB

M82, M4, shotgun and pew-pew (Sta-11?) are the best weapons in the game, in that order. Boost and health packs are the best secondary abilities if you want to play selfish, repair and health packs are the best when you want to help your team. Saboteurs are worthless. Snipers are worthless. Assaults are disabled anyway.

You can keep playing as a medic and never be at a disadvantage. The only thing you'll probably have to specifically work for is the M4. Everything else of relevance will come through XP points alone, no ribbons needed. It's trophy whoring that makes you get all the others, not a necessity within the game.


tiddles said:
Players do move a bit slower when carrying rocket launchers... compare your movement speed when carrying an M80 to when you're carrying a normal weapon, and you should notice a difference.

Yes I have noticed that recently. Was this patched later on?

tiddles said:
It's split about 50/50 between people who like it and people who can't actually spot the difference between High Precision and the original... :D

High Precision = noob aim assist? :lol (for me the controls were never an issue)

By the way Tiddles, any comments on the following would be appreciated

1. Any way you guys can allow to change options (like maps, weapons etc) within a game session instead of creating a new game? It's so annoying that you have to quit just to swtich to a different map. Hope you guys give this a consideration

2. Any new weapons or game modes planned? A smiley will do the job for an answer

3. Can the unlock everything feature of skirmish mode be also added to unranked games so you can practice in unranked games with friends with all the unlocks? Some of my friends are way behind in unlocking the stuff and complain about me using all the good stuff on them and owning them :D


bcn-ron said:
M82, M4, shotgun and pew-pew (Sta-11?) are the best weapons in the game, in that order. Boost and health packs are the best secondary abilities if you want to play selfish, repair and health packs are the best when you want to help your team. Saboteurs are worthless. Snipers are worthless. Assaults are disabled anyway.

You can keep playing as a medic and never be at a disadvantage. The only thing you'll probably have to specifically work for is the M4. Everything else of relevance will come through XP points alone, no ribbons needed. It's trophy whoring that makes you get all the others, not a necessity within the game.

I love pew-pew :lol thats my fav weapon of choice. But i do disagree that sabs are useless. They are the best for assasination. All you need is that 1 sec .


kitton where is my invite to GAFA >:|???
Can any one send me an invite since kittonwy is ignoring me even after I asked him twice :/. Would love to play with GAF after the new patch. Do you guys use new maps for GAF games as I dont have them :(.



Just read the patch details. Sounds like an excellent patch! But you fucks made me believe that the patch was already up! FUCK!


bish gets all the credit :)
So this "new"control option...is what we have now considered standard? They've already been changed from the launch code. What exactly does "high precision" mean?


TheFatOne said:
It's funny seeing people complain about starting with the regular assault rifle. It is one of the best weapons in MP. You unlock the deadliest gun (shotgun) in Killzone 2 early on as well so I don't know why people complain.

Man I don't get this shit. The ISA assault rifle + health pack can dominate random matches, and once you get the shotgun its easy picking from then on. Both the engineer and tactician are early on and the engineer has the best weapon in the game IMO. As everyone who has played this game for any amount of time can tell you Scouts are worthless in most maps. Yea they are invisible so what that's what turrets are for, and you have a radar for a reason.

I'm not even a good player and I can get 100 kills with the ISA riflez, it's a great weapon.


Awesome patch, all that's left for me to complain about is BOOST.

I hate it. With a passion. The Assault should move SLOWER with Boost activated. It already gives them armor and regenerating health... they essentially become a freaking tank.

That's more than enough. Giving them super speed on top of those benefits is ridiculous and instantly ruins any game the badge isn't banned in.


mr_nothin said:

I need a ps3 STAT.
Got dammit!
This sounds like a dream.
I wanna play. No more spawn invincibility except for at bases?! Assault and Tactician classes tweaked? Awesome!

I hope people are happy with the new patch, as much as people have a right to criticize the game it was getting pretty depressing to read this thread.


Kittonwy said:
I hope people are happy with the new patch, as much as people have a right to criticize the game it was getting pretty depressing to read this thread.

it seems like every popular shooter gets shit on about a month after release.

KZ2 has its issues...thankfully GG is addressing them, but I still contend that the core gameplay is unmatched this gen on console shooters. it's fucking amazing when you get the right competitive game going.


Kittonwy said:
I hope people are happy with the new patch, as much as people have a right to criticize the game it was getting pretty depressing to read this thread.

Maybe the patch wouldn't of featured as many fixes if people didn't complain as much about the problems? Anyways, we'll never know if that was the case and I'm just happy at the prospect of the MP being even better and the thread returning to the happy care-free place it once was ;)
Good, the controls were my big complaint.

As I've always said about Resident Evil, you never make it harder for the person to achieve their desired action. Poor controls as a means of forcing a style of play are bad design.

I tried to go download the patch but wasn't prompted for it. When does this sucker go live?


Tylahedras said:
Good, the controls were my big complaint.

As I've always said about Resident Evil, you never make it harder for the person to achieve their desired action. Poor controls as a means of forcing a style of play are bad design.

I tried to go download the patch but wasn't prompted for it. When does this sucker go live?

ah, RE5's controls are not on the same continent as KZ2's.


FFObsessed said:
At least it went out in style!


Now if my PS3 died after the comeback match we had it would have been epic. No match will ever be as epic as our comeback FFO. The comeback that we made shall live in my heart forever :lol
I don't know if it's been said or not, but I'm kinda confused, I will now be able to unlock the badges and stuff on skirmish mode? That is I can do 10 melee kills 8 times in skirmish mode and that will unlock the badge?


TheFatOne said:
Now if my PS3 died after the comeback match we had it would have been epic. No match will ever be as epic as our comeback FFO. The comeback that we made shall live in my heart forever :lol

That game was truly legendary! :lol One of my favorite moments in the game for sure. We pissed them off so much that they just started running around trying desperately to kill us and they completely fucked up the objectives. :lol Psychological warfare baby!


FFObsessed said:
That game was truly legendary! :lol One of my favorite moments in the game for sure. We pissed them off so much that they just started running around trying desperately to kill us and they completely fucked up the objectives. :lol Psychological warfare baby!

That is my greatest skill, and the best part is I don't resort to the lower tactics. I don't really talk about people lives or mothers for the most part. All I do is talk about how badly you are playing :lol and how great I am at killing you :lol
I will be back after inFAMOUS! Went out of town for Memorial Day weekend, so this is by far my longest stint without KZ2 MP. I miss you guys!

Can't wait to see how the new patch effects those 32 player clusterfucks! This should be fun to watch!


So now that the spawn cam is relevant again..
Anyone figure out why/when it becomes disabled? I think good tacticians will have to add this to their checklist. Make sure the spawn is thrown in a spot where you can have a good camera view.


careful said:
So now that the spawn cam is relevant again..
Anyone figure out why/when it becomes disabled? I think good tacticians will have to add this to their checklist. Make sure the spawn is thrown in a spot where you can have a good camera view.

yeah a lot of things must be taken into account with the new patch, a good strategy (only when playing with friends) would be tossing one spawn in the open as a bait to distract the enemy from the real one pointing to the objective, as long as the other team has random players on it I'm sure it will split in half their defense / turrets / C4 and so on, by the time they notice no one is actually spawning there it might be actually too late :lol
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